31. Alchemizing Pain to Happiness, Love & Power with Natalie Alderson

Limitless Podcast —Episode 31— Alchemizing Pain

Moving past the limitations of anxiety and embodying your own magic can seem hard at times. Throughout our lives, we often feel stuck in different situations that can appear to be an endless cycle. Persistent fears about our careers, relationships, financial situation, and family dynamics can sometimes leave us feeling that there's light at the end of the tunnel. Today, Jamie Ratermann talks with Natalie Alderson, a psychotherapist, and somatic coach who explains how we can feel more at home in their bodies and empowered by the tools they use for healing.

Episode’s Highlights: 

  • Natalie’s journey of how she overcame addiction and found power in her story

  • Your body holds the keys to managing anxiety

  • How to build powerful self-healing practices that can support your mind, body, and spirit.

  • Be the hero of your own story

About Natalie Alderson

I am a psychotherapist, somatic coach, and essential oil witch helping people feel more at home in their bodies and empowered by the tools they use for healing. I am passionate about creating safe spaces where people can take their armor off in a nourishing way. I am a bridge builder between the mystical and evidence-based, which means I work well with mystics who are ready to lead themselves confidently through life and healing. I bring my clients closer to themselves and nature as a potent way to heal and ground.


Learn more about Natalie: www.wholewitchwellness.com/emotionalalchemy


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