Money Mastery


A step-by-step master blueprint to attract sales, standout as a brand and hit six figures by design

Are you a freedom-seeking entrepreneur who is ready to sell offers that aligned clients cannot wait to jump into?


  • Getting DMs saying “I just joined, and I can’t wait to start your program” 

  • New Stripe notifications coming in as you make your morning coffee 

  • Freedom to spend another hour with friends, sleep in,  and watch another episode as new leads comes in

As an entrepreneur, you started your business to create more time and financial freedom and you deserve to make that happen. You have something special that creates impacts. Your ability to make sales and hit your revenues goals is simply about systems.

The Money Mastery Academy gives you the blueprint to:

  • Attract new leads and clients with a proven social to sales roadmap

  • Create a standout, money-making offer suite that has sales waiting for launch day

  • Activate your magnetic brand for a consistent monthly cash flow

You CAN make more money spending less time running down leads.

I’m Jamie Ratermann, a Holistic Business Coach, Gemini Sun, and your marketing CMO. For 14 years, I’ve helped 100+ businesses create potent marketing to stand out, sell and scale with more ease. Creating consistent 5-figure months does not have to feel like race and we can create it together.

I’ve built the process for you, love! 

All you need is a connection system and I have it ready for you. 

How to Get More Sales
Without Hustling


Proven Social to Sales Roadmap

Learn how to get attention from the right people and set a clear path to your offers


Magnetic Offer Suite Framework

Create and optimize your offers to attract new clients and to keep a steady flow of income. 


Sell, Rinse & Repeat

Allow new sales to come more often and frequently by repeatable and attraction marketing and magnetic messaging

Helping you see how damn powerful you and your business is and selling them through your story. I combine proven marketing strategies, set a done-for-you selling process, and give you mindset practices to help you rise to the revenue you deserve.

Selling is not icky… not the way we do it. In Money Mastery Academy, I give digestible, step-by-step guides to take action and hit new highs each month. Let’s celebrate by skipping ahead to where your business soars!


Is this you?

  • Ready to create more financial and time freedom

  • Ready to own your skills and boldly differentiate your brand and offer suite

  • Ready to have an easy blueprint to follow for more sales

How do you sell to a warm audience of interested clients?

How do you create consistent monthly cash flow?

Introducing Money Mastery Academy

A step-by-step master plan to attract sales, standout as a brand and hit six figures by design

Inside You’ll Learn:

How to create a standout brand:
YOU are the secret sauce and your understanding of your ideal client. I share exactly how to standout, own who you are and speak to your best clients. We create a brand identity that is uniquely yours 

How to set a path for new leads:
No more running down leads. Together, we build a connect first approach to attract the people looking for exactly what you give and cannot wait for your next launch  

How to use your unique story to attract aligned clients:
No cookie cutter content here. I share the best types of content for your brand and even give post blueprints so you can plug and play. 

Create an offer suite that your clients love as much as you do:
Your expertise was meant for more than ONE offer. Together we create a roadmap for clients at every stage and create more profitability in your business

What’s Inside the Academy?

This isn’t another information course. We are building wealth and confidence through action. This program is built so you can rinse and repeat, sell with ease and relax more.

Using my most successful clients and brand as example, I’ve create an impactful course to make sure you reach high cash flow by design.

Here is what you get.

  • By the end of this module, you will know how to speak directly to your ideal clients, exactly what your brand represents, and the mindset to boldly creating new cashflow

    • Topics:

      • Mindset to attract more money and freedom

      • Ideal Client Attraction + Market Research

      • Develop Your Core Magnetic Brand Stories

  • In this module, you finish knowing what to do to generate an list of interest leads, how to create a path from follow to sale, and do it on autopilot

    • Topics

    • A rinse and repeat, pre-launch social plan

    • How to create attractive AF lead magnets

    • The exact email sequence to go from new face to fan

  • By the end of this module, you’ve set up your path to easier cash flow by mapping out your offers and dynamic messaging to attract aligned clients.

    • Topics

      • Map a transformational journey through your offers

      • How to Price and Pitch your Programs

      • Magnetic Sales Messaging with my OMM Method

  • In this module, we are taking the ick out of selling by releasing any doubts, laying out a plan you are energized by, and creating hype around your offer.

    • Topics:

      • Grounded Selling Routine

      • A Masterclass Step-by-Step Guide

      • Set A Nurturing Launch Timeline

  • By the end of this module, you will be a selling royal showing up often and with ease for the clients who are ready to jump into your offers.

    • Topics

      • A Plug-In, 30-day Social Media Launch Plan

      • IG Story Selling Guide

      • A Connection first, DM Strategy

  • In this module, you set your sights for higher cash months by exploring new opportunities online, standing in your influence and setting an automatic sales routine.

    • Topics:

      • Expanding to new channels

      • Attracting key partnerships

      • Consistent, weekly sales

And there’s more…

  • Mindset growth plan in EVERY module

  • 30-day social media plan

  • Storytelling templates

  • Sales Page Templates

  • Done for you email sequences

  • Ready to Post: 4- or 6-week launch content plan

  • DM scripts for warm connection

  • IG Story Selling Plan

The prep work is done so you can do stand up, standout and sell with ease!!

How Does It Work?


Join the Academy

It’s about time you create more freedom and easier growth in your business! Jump in and let’s dance to your future of financial and time freedom! Next? Building your dream business & life.


Set Aside ONE Hour Per Week

How can you get the best results in MMA? Devote time each week on your google calendar to your money hours to complete lessons and start to build your systems.


6 months of Coaching & Community

We rise faster together! Stay on track and hit your goals by leaning on a community and biweekly coaching sessions to make it happen with support. Celebrate, share progress, ask questions together!

  • You are ready to have more time outside of your business

  • You are ready to have consistent cash flow

  • You want to reach higher cash months 

  • You are ready to have a meaningful and easy selling process

This is FOR YOU if:

  • You don’t want to devote time to building your business 

  • You aren’t open to new methods asked of you in this course 

  • You aren’t coachable

  • You want a quick fix

This is NOT FOR YOU if:

Regular Price= $2,999

Course Value = $10,000+

Pre-Launch Price


Pre-Launch Price ~~

Limited Time Only

Here is what my clients are saying so far!

Ready to Attract New Leads Now?

Let’s start with your Instagram Bio!

Instagram bios can either block or speed up your process of turning a content engagement into sales. In this free lesson, I share exactly what to include inside your instagram bio for your best conversion.

The Ultimate Guide to A Converting Instagram Bio

Get Discovered – Turn Views to Follows – Attract New Clients

Sign up for a free 10-min training and
a Bio Workbook to Optimize Your Sales from Instagram!


  • Once you sign up, you have access to the course, all its guides, templates and resources FOREVER! You can watch, review, and press pause and play from wherever you are - whether at your desk, waiting for your next flight or relaxing in nature.

    The twice monthly coaching calls and community support though lasts 6 months from the day you sign-up (unless noted differently elsewhere)

  • I’ve built this program from my clients who’ve gotten the past results from 7 years and 14 years of work in marketing. This system is increase yourrevenue using social media. After supporting 100+ brands sell products and services, I know what works and doesn’t work.

    If you follow the step-by-step roadmap set out in course, you will get results!

  • Once you join the Money Mastery Academy, no refunds are offered. The brands who get the best results are 100% committed. Make sure you’re ready to take action before you join.

  • YES! We have a Circle community that supports the program where you can ask me and other students questions as you build rinse and repeat selling system.

    You can ask each other questions, celebrate wins, and share insights as you grow! I will also be in the community providing feedback.

  • Money Mastery Academy is an ACTIVE course program. You get support no matter where you’re at in the program with Q&A coaching calls every other week and support inside the Circle Community.

    The course is designed to answer ALL things you may need as you build your selling system. You can take it at the pace you desire, but new modules will be opened each month.

  • Once you are inside the course, there will be opportunity to get higher level support.

  • I’ve designed the program to be completed within 6 months so that you have a sustainable and supportive pace to creating your selling and wealth foundation.

    This course is meant to give you the tools to build a long-term sustainable business while running your business, enjoying your life with family and friends, and taking some time for yourself.

    Each month if you complete one module. You will reach the results you deserve.

Ready to Join 
Money Mastery

Need more time before you commit?

Listen to my episode
about the 6 Ways to
Avoid Burnout when Selling: