42. 10 Video Marketing Trends to Watch for in 2023

Limitless Podcast —Episode 42 — Video Trends 2023 

TikTok continues to dominate online platforms, it has revolutionized the way that people consume social media. In fact, the short-form video app has sparked all new shifts in the interactive landscape in the past two years, and other big-time players like YouTube and Instagram are finding ways to catch up. Today, on the Limitless Podcast, Jamie Ratermann chats with Nicholette Hilbrich to discuss video marketing trends predictions for 2023. In order to guide business owners to understand how consumers’ wants and needs will change in the upcoming year and what that will mean for their content strategies.

Episode’s Highlights: 

  •  Nicholette & Jamie’s 2023 predictions

  • Search-Optimized Videos

  • Finding sustainable ways to create and repurpose your content  

  • Entering the age of the creator CEO and what that means 

About Nicholette Hilbrich 

A Video Content Producer and Coach, and I empower entrepreneurs to embody your true self in video content and feel confident in front of and behind the camera. I'm passionate about instilling more joy, creativity, and balance into content creation—because we're allowed to have FUN with it! I'm OBSESSED with video storytelling, creating dynamic, short-form content that expresses the true essence of a brand.


Self-Paced Video Mastery Course: https://nicholettehilbrich.com/keepin-it-reel

Video Shoots & Done-For-You Content: https://nicholettehilbrich.com/video-shoots

Follow Nicholette on social media: 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicholettehilbrich/

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nicholettehilbrich

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@nicholettehilbrich

Are you looking to build a thriving business built on a strong brand message, money-making offers, and a resilient, growth mindset? Join the Marketing Mastery waitlist: https://www.jamieratermann.com/marketing-mastery

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Nicholette Hilbrich  0:00  

One thing that I love about TikTok that I feel like it provides to me as a creator is. like Jamie said, it's like a playground where we can play. But also it's like where you can test things out or see how you feel about the content you're creating. Being

Jamie Ratermann  0:15  

limitless is knowing your success and your growth are built on a radical belief in yourself. Limitless is honoring your purpose, your health and impact above all else. Limitless is never playing small because the more alive you feel in your life, the more growth and success you attract. Hi, my name is Jamie Ratterman. And I am a Holistic business coach, meaning I am just as invested in growing your health as I am and growing your wealth. With 11 plus years and brand social media marketing, I help rebellious entrepreneurs master marketing and body leadership and say fuck it to the hustle. This show is here to encourage you to become more radically aware of your self imposed limits to break free of your shoulds and to expand your brand into a movement led by you. Hello lovelies, welcome to episode 42 of the limitless podcast. I am overjoyed today because I get to geek out on everything that's coming with content planning with one of my favorite people in the world. Nicolette Hillbrook is here with me today. Let me fully introduce you to who Nicolette is or at least who she is to me and she'll let you let you know all about how amazing she is as well. Nicolette is a client of mine. She's also another sprint leader. I've been a client of hers. So in general, I've gotten to see everything and how passionate she is in her business. But what I love most about Nicolette is that she is somebody who wants to help people feel more of themselves when they are sharing on social media that she wants to help people get more creative enjoy video content, which you all know why by now that I've been talking about how video content can be fantastic and how it can be really helpful. She is somebody who has built her Instagram following doing. Can I say zany? Let's call it zany videos where she's showing different different ways in which you can double triple yourself that talks. Oh, yeah, but also being able to kind of inject the fun that content planning can be and we're gonna get into that today. But I'm asking Nicolette today to share with all of my limitless listeners, our content predictions for 2023. But first, most importantly, Nicolette, welcome to the podcast.

Nicholette Hilbrich  2:33  

Oh my goodness. Jamie. Jamie, I call Jamie Jamie, Jim. Just so you know, if you hear me saying that I'm so excited to be here. Hello, everyone. I'm Nicolette Hill brick. I'm a video content producer and coach. And also, as Jamie said, a sprint leader. And I empower you to show up as your true self in video content. And, you know, both in front of and behind the camera. And I'm really passionate about instilling more joy and creativity and balance within your content creation process. And in general acceptance on social media burning down that concept of Instagram versus reality and just inviting more love and encouragement and positivity and support across the board into this world that we are arriving in.

Jamie Ratermann  3:36  

Oh my gosh, I love it. So I think what I what I think is always important to talk about and why I love what Nicolette does is that when people wonder why somebody's videos are just like there's something about them that makes it just magnetic or makes it go viral or in general feels like it's a vibe. It's usually because that's who they are the people who are putting on these masks and don't get me wrong. It's like putting on a mask because like you feel uncomfortable doing something on camera and doing those things. That stuff is true. It's hard. And sometimes it can be easier to be an alter ego, which, again, all these are steps. But what I love with Nicolette is that being able to have not only a coach who can like walk you through when you're doing it for yourself. She's also helping people do that through video shoots, and allowing them to really see what the experience can be, which is amazing. But I think there's something to be said about you got here through your own journey of figuring out how you want it to be online. So can you give us this a bit of a background of what brought you to entrepreneurship? And what brought you to the love of video content?

Nicholette Hilbrich  4:43  

Well, I chose entrepreneurship because I have always kind of chosen the road less traveled. I'm the youngest of six kids and I was known many times for who they were not for who I was And so that led me to making pretty big life decisions that were

Jamie Ratermann  5:06  

out of the norm, I guess it's a mold breaking.

Nicholette Hilbrich  5:10  

Exactly. And that, you know, one of those decisions was bringing me to university in Switzerland and that is where I started experimenting with video actually, at the time. Like the there were a whole bunch of YouTube videos out of like, you know, they're like, montage II normally like a woman is this subject and they're like, in a tropical place with the tropical song and they were like so hype and cool. And I was like, I can do that I want to do that. So I started filming and creating and, and telling the story of my travels and my experiences through video and sharing that with friends and family like I did it solely for myself, this was not a part of any class assignment. And that is, that's where I fell in love with creating video content. And you know, upon being an entrepreneur and being on social media, I, you know, found my way to reels and short form video content. And, you know, my journey throughout that led me to falling in love with short form video content and exploring the different ways to share who I am and share my story through that.

Nicholette Hilbrich  6:26  

I love that it was fun as during COVID Nicolette decided to recall the campervan or what else it was. 

Nicholette Hilbrich  6:35  

it's a trailer it's a travel trailer is the term but sometimes when I say trailer, people are like, Oh, you were like living in a trailer. And I'm like so I say camper because that's what most people would understand. But yeah, I traveled across the Southwest living in that with my two dogs and who I love so so so so much. One is that my feet right now. And I you know was able to do a similar thing that I did in Switzerland was capturing my experiences and sharing them and getting creative in ways like Jamie mentioned miss seeing triple you know, tripling myself on the camera.

Jamie Ratermann  7:15  

And I gotta say the dance moves. The dance moves in this one are very good.

Nicholette Hilbrich  7:20  

I mean, I know how to get down what can I say?

Jamie Ratermann  7:25  

I just love it because I think it's important for me whenever I really got to know Nicola was was realizing that she was creating this really high quality video really dynamic video while she was traveling. So go figure, she's somebody that I have loved as a client, because I know she can help so many of you, but also being able to have her as a sprint leader, because she's she's pretty, she's pretty freakin amazing. So, of course, these conversations that all this conversation comes down to, we know a lot about content, we know a lot about what's happening, I definitely get into the science, the algorithms like how to make content planning easier. Nicola is gonna geek out on telling us about how video is going to change and also talk about how to brand yourself. So today's episode is all about our 2023 predictions, what we think is going to allow you if you decide to be an early adopter to jump on, and really refocus the way you create for your business. Or, you know, if you're deciding to be a creator online, how you can do that to grow, to build a community to of course, make money off of the content you create, and having fun while you're doing it. So we're gonna get into our predictions. And we have we both have been talking about all this for a little while, but I want to let Nicolette kick us off. Nicolette, what's one of your first predictions for 2023? When it comes to content planning?

Nicholette Hilbrich  8:47  

No, it's my favorite thing in the whole wide world is crispy videos, high quality really upping the sharpness of the content that you're sharing. And when I say high quality, yes, I mean visually, but also both are also strategically also within the kind of value that you're sharing and how you're showing up the energy that you're sharing. Um, so in general, yeah, using using your back who's your back camera guys, use your back camera.

Jamie Ratermann  9:24  

So this is what I love about this. It's so crispy video, meaning like, you're really able to have a focal point like people can see it. It's not just something that someone threw together. And I think what's important about this, is that we've gotten to a point where many of you or all of the all of the people that are on Instagram wanting to use it even on the other platforms tick tock YouTube, we'll get into that in just a moment. They were using video content, but how do you stand out from everybody else who's doing that? It's having a good understanding of your camera, like a good understanding of what happens in there. And you know, I am absolutely an apple person and I buy the new camera and my own fiance will be like, did you know you could bring down the brightness before you take that photo? Did you know that you can do these things that I'm sitting here, you know, dropping cash for these really amazing camera features and then I don't fully use them so, like Nicolette was saying, being crispy means being able to like play with lighting, being crispy means being able to know how you can have the highest quality video so what are some what like you already said, use your back camera? What's what's like some couple of things that can help people who are right now using their selfie video using their front facing video and in general, creating content, how can they make some small shifts, so they can get a little crispier with their video content?

Nicholette Hilbrich  10:45  

Yeah, so first and foremost, when you're in your phone's camera, and I'm speaking to the iPhone, because I too am an apple person, though I'm sure there's ways to do it on the other phones out there is at the top right of your screen, there's an option to click on 4k and 60 frames per second. It like has it might say HD or 30 Like just like tap on those and change it to 4k and 60 frames per second. And that captures a lot more detail within the videos you're taking and frames per second. You know a video is made up of a bunch of photos all put together essentially. So by upping that number, you're upping the amount of images within the video, which makes it more fluid it's easier to slow down incorporate that slow mo which people love. And you know, within that there's some some exporting things that I can talk about too, because Instagram doesn't want you to upload a 4k video nor does Tik Tok. So there's some there's some more things I can share in regards to that, too.

Jamie Ratermann  11:53  

So why do you think that Instagram doesn't want you to put up the 4k video just out of curiosity?

Nicholette Hilbrich  12:00  

Well, the speed, the speed of the platform of a 4k video does capture more detail. But because of that it's a larger file size. And it's harder to load on phones and they want you know, being on Instagram, nobody wants to sit around waiting for a video to load that kind of thing. So they like it in the in the nine by 16 1080 by 1920. Ratio. Same with same a tick tock

Jamie Ratermann  12:26  

oh my gosh, I love this. So in general, these are this, this tip here is something about just how like, what you use camera settings, like basic camera settings, what's what's another way to create crispy video, because I know for me, something that I've been learning and I'm trying my best is to get rid of my arms and, and and being able to like, like, I'll take a deep breath at the beginning of my videos and being able to think about what, what does like me as the subject, what can I do to get it a little bit? I just want to keep saying it crispier? How can I be a crispier subject when it comes to like delivering the content when I turn on record?

Nicholette Hilbrich  13:03  

Yeah, I mean, I feel like there's two routes to this. And it depends where you're at with and how comfortable you are, you know, talking to the camera, you can either like write out a whole kind of script to read from or to have as referenced on the side, where you can my personal favorite just outline bullet points. So you know, you know what your hook is going to be, you know, your main topics, you know, your call to action, and then you can just speak more fluid, fluidly.

Jamie Ratermann  13:34  

Is that perfect? Oh, I like exactly, I

Nicholette Hilbrich  13:37  

speak more fluidly. And then editing. I mean, I personally like this is and this is the thing, right? Whatever path you take, and how you create this kind of content is different for everyone. So what I'm saying is what works for me. But personally, I enjoy writing that outline and speaking in flow, not necessarily worrying about how I'm saying things I'm just speaking like, authentically, and then you can always go in and edit chop out those repetitive phrases. Like Jamie mentioned, cut out that that pause you take at the beginning any pauses you take throughout, you know keep your audience engaged by eliminating that waiting time for them.

Jamie Ratermann  14:21  

So that Yeah, absolutely, this is Oh, this is why it's worth your time is that usually when we have the arms, oz pauses that type of those type of pieces and we end up like, like wanting to leave the video. So one of my own predictions is that we're going to hear this term for engagement a lot more watch time. So how can you not get the key people around not only for the first three seconds because that's when you have that hook you're bringing people in, but keeping them around for the 30 seconds for the 45 seconds for the three minutes depending on if you're using tick tock or not. But being able to consider how how can you have the longest watch time because it's going to allow you to go viral more often. It's gonna allow you to get More reach. But also, you want to be this dynamic brand. So, within this like this is where like my prediction within why video quality is going to be a big deal is that like being more of a brand vibe and your video is going to be important. So what does that for me? What does that mean? Less trends. I know that sounds insane, like less like lip syncing. Last just like all, the only kind of video you do is trending sounds, being able to have a variety that shows like what your vibe or your brand is. So for, for me, that might look like sharing a little more inspirational Day in the Life type of video looks especially over on the gram, being able to really know how you can be identifiable in the feed. So I was sharing this during my recent real challenge that I that I hosted in my Facebook group, and it was talk and I was just talking about like, you don't have to go all over the world to try to create a really dynamic video, you can create a corner of your apartment, or an area where you always work out that just shows that like, Oh, this is a person who's got a brand got a business. And that can be by having the right colors. My most of my apartment is blue Go figure. But like being able to just have key elements for when somebody's swiping through the reels feed that goes, I've seen this face before, or oh, I've seen this this thing before. Oh, I love the way they put these videos together because they're soothing or they're activating or they're energizing. So taking this all to this next level, is being able to really understand how to represent your brand visually, in addition to like what you're saying as well.

Nicholette Hilbrich  16:40  

Yeah, honing your visual, sorry, honing your video style, and having it be recognizable. And I think where you know where that comes into play is figuring out what your routine is in order for it to be sustainable. And so you can batch those things when you set up your little zone on your couch or whatever it may be. And being able to play and have fun with that as you do it.

Jamie Ratermann  17:06  

Oh my gosh, yeah. So this brings us we're we're fully in agreement on this next on this next prediction is that more now than ever being having a sustainable content creation routine is going to be important, so sustainable, meaning you're not worrying about it every day sustainable, meaning you're not overcomplicating it sustainable meaning, how in the hell can I have the most fun with this so that being visible is something that's just a part of my day, not something I'm forcing myself to do. So, you know, clearly, Nicolette and I run this brands, we love a good batch. We love it even even to be honest, when when I asked when I asked Nicolette, if she wanted to join me with this brand, she was like, I don't batch too much. And then then after a little while she was batching is really great. So drew one way I'm looking at sustainability when it comes to this is is choosing a day that is your video filming day, like I'm already looking at my schedule and getting can I give myself like Monday, four hours to like have just the time to do long short form video what that can look like What's one way that you think that we can create a more of a sustainable video creation routine, or even like content creation as a whole?

Nicholette Hilbrich  18:21  

Yeah, I mean, playing off of what you said within that time block there of your filming day is breaking it up into three different pieces, which is something I teach in my keeping a real program is breaking up your creation process into three sections, like the first one, your it's your ideation phase, you're maybe scrolling for inspiration, but maybe you're just like not scrolling for inspiration, and you're sourcing those ideas from within your beautiful value glorious brain. And you know, that's like the ideation batching phase. And then the second phase is filming, getting all of that content actually filmed and, and done. And the third phase being those those final touches, editing, adding text, maybe writing out your caption. And doing all of those phases at optimal times for you. Like you're not forcing yourself to film when you haven't showered. And you just got in a fight with your mom or your sibling, and you're just like not feeling great and you're anxious or whatever it looks like like, maybe that's the day that you don't do any of those phases or that's the day that you just do the final touches like listening to your body and your mind space and optimizing when those you know sessions are for yourself so that you're able to have fun with it and begin to associate more of a positive relationship with content creation, as you're doing.

Jamie Ratermann  19:56  

Yes, absolutely. So I what I love about what you're saying is in general Our relationship to social media, we have the ability to make it positive we do we have the ability to realize it if we create, and we share. And in general, there's a lot of studies that say if you, if you share more often on social, you have a more positive experience versus if you're scrolling. So that's one side of this. But also what Nicolette is explaining here is creating an absolutely sacred space for your creativity. Like it's a ritual, it's absolutely ritual. So being able to know that, like, if you want to try something a little funky and do and just like you've been really wanting to try different things, like how can you decide, okay, you know, what, Wednesdays are my days or Thursdays are my days to do that, and then you know, Do Not Disturb is on, and you have your three ideas that you want to accomplish and not feeling like it is this this chore was chore of, Oh, I gotta get it up today, I gotta get, I gotta get this post up today, being able to have some type of really kind ritual routine that allows you to do these things. And then there might still be a day where you're like feeling in flow, and he just want to share off the cuff and that's totally fine. But having batching is going to allow you to really inject your creativity a lot more. And for all my business owners who you know, we're we're doing multiple things, allowing allowing that to be a time that nobody can book calls, that you that it's app that you know, the the reasons why you're doing this is going to only help you build awareness and more visibility in your business. So being able to one break it up into pieces, get grounded and love that space, as well as like really doing a favor for your future self. Because anytime I have a week's worth of content just a week, I'm just like, Oh, I'm a fucking badass bitch, I got my stuff figured out. Versus if I go like, do I have time today to fix fit, like to fit in a time to post and do this thing. It absolutely just it's two different feelings. And especially with video content, it's not as easy as just throw it up, you want to have an opportunity to kind of build and create with this, like the vibe that we're going for. I think the second thing within this too, though, is I want people to simplify the way they create content, like simplify it so much more. I think for many of us, we get into the weeds me included, any of you who have listened to my longer pause, you know, that I think think deeply about all of these subjects, and I want to tell share all of that online, but being able to simplify it in two ways. One, I want to remind everyone of the shits and giggles posts, the shits and giggles post is what I'm going to coin when you just want to show something fun that you did. So no matter what brand or business you're in, you can do a multi cut of the weekend that you had and share about how you enjoy your weekends. Because that's only going to create visibility and people are going to kind of know who you are who what your background is. If you decide to do that weird trend that doesn't you don't know if it's going to relate to your business but you just want to do it allow that to be a part of it. So What's lovely about how the algorithms are changing is that this whole crap about niching down all of that stuff no like if you have the right keywords and SEO a part of it. And in general you're building community within that you can have everyone smile that off the cuff that doesn't perfectly fit into the content strategy that you have. Other than I just want to be visible. I want to feel good. I want to share this. So for shits and giggles this thing is inspiring me. Let me post it up. I'm gonna get into SEO but let me know Nicolette, what would be a shits and giggles posts for you.

Nicholette Hilbrich  23:40  

I have a lot of shits and giggles post a lot on my day. A recent one is a fun little Halloween transition. And you know from being in like regular clothing into your Halloween outfit. Or like a funny relatable voice dove about drinking too much coffee like it's, it's just fun and playful. And one thing I wanted to share as you were talking Jamie was I know, I've heard many of my clients say this to me in regards to this kind of content or more lifestyle content. And the shits and giggles ones is like well, like, is anybody really going to care? Like, is anybody really going to care? Like, do people care about what I did on the weekend that I went to the beach and you know, played in the sand? And the answer is it's not about

Nicholette Hilbrich  24:34  

well guess what? Yes, yeah.

Nicholette Hilbrich  24:37  

It's like, that's like a rat. Like what? No, that's not even a question to ask yourself because you're sharing who you are. You're sharing more of your life. And that's what social media is there for. That's what social media is there for originally is connecting on that level and being a human being and that's, you know, people buy from people we know This

Jamie Ratermann  25:00  

people buy from people, people connect with humans. I mean, that's, that's a reason why all this is there. But I think what I love most about specifically, if we're talking about video, even photography in this in this realm, if we're sharing these parts of us in some way, is that we're showing instead of telling, so the the people who are only doing tips and tricks, there's nothing wrong with that it's education, its value. But what if you could show how to take a break? What if you could show how to enjoy and get away from your desk? If that's something that's on you? What do you if you can show your meal prepping routine? Or what if you can just, in general, show what it looks like to just have this balance? And like, also, why you like, why when you are working, what you're working for, to enjoy your life to build wealth around those things like all of this is showing, and it's kind of like, what what are you more likely to do most people love to watch a TV show a movie, more than reading books, I love books, I'm just not, I'm not saying anything about it. But I'm just, but in general, we like to see and get inspired by others. And that's exactly what social media can be. It can be a form of escapism, inspiration, and education. So being able to know that you don't always have to take this expert role, but you could just show how you live or, you know, like practice what you preach, preach what you practice, being able to do those things. I think that's a big part of it.

Nicholette Hilbrich  26:24  

Yeah, can I add something quickly tonight, of course, I think many times, you know, and I also speak for myself that we forget to practice what we preach. So in this sense, it's also like reminding you and encouraging you to do that. And then somewhat on like the flip side of things, maybe that practicing what you preach, let's say it's like meditation in the morning, for example, maybe that's something that's very sacred to you. And you don't necessarily want to without your phone and record you doing that, and like in your Instagram story, and then have to post it right away. Well, you don't have to do that you can take out your phone's camera and just record it on the side you forget about it, you do your thing. Who cares how long the video is? Right? You can always go back and edit that and post it later. And I think that's a big part of creating more sustainability and balance within your routine is finding ways to capture those moments and take away exactly document document those moments and not have it take away from them.

Jamie Ratermann  27:31  

Absolutely like that. Even recently, I was just thinking about how what if I just turn my camera on while I'm like tying my shoes to go to the gym and I can post post why that's important and like really just reducing the this like, again, it's this over complication, but realizing that like your life is shareable whatever, you decided that you get to decide that like what what areas of your life, but something as simple as exactly what she's saying, like being able being able to just to document your life and a lot of ways can be so supportive. The other piece of this is, is SEO. So last week, last week from this recording I did an SEO masterclass because I think this is gonna be a big old skill. It's gonna be talked about all damn all damn year next year I because every single platform has now if not, if they didn't already is shifting over to sel. Thank you Tiktok Thank you Google. I can run through the reasons which I will in a moment but the key reason why this this relates to sustainability is that SEO encourages you to not overcomplicate so i Seo is about how can your ideal client search and find you basics? How can you think of keywords? How can you think of content subjects that people are likely looking for based off of the service or product you provide? So examples here if I'm somebody who wants to get fit, and I don't want to spend so much money on takeout, how can myself as a meal prep coach be like what's the simplest way that I can encourage people? Okay, three chicken recipes that help that take 30 minutes or less like yeah, for somebody who's been meal prepping forever that might seem like oh, okay, that's that's basic. Yes, go back to basics because that's what people are gonna search for. Or if I'm a product based business and and someone who makes his own like very beautiful paper flowers, and she was thinking about how that related I'm like, How can you beautify someone's desk How can you beautiful help someone like love their space, and based off of their color palette I already set her mood boards are just going to create like a flower for me, which I'm really excited about. But in general, like thinking about how you can help people in like, like, what are they searching for? And how can you think about your content a little bit differently? I'll put that in the show notes because the replay is available for anybody but the but it was really fun to just see people go like Oh wow, that's just makes it easier. I don't think I have to come up with something brand new, quick, quick, like, you know, notes here. This is because of tick tock tick tock beat beat Google in 2021. And they shook in their boots. What I mean by beat them tick tock was the top domain for a month and 2021. I think there's they're still there. They're battling it out every single month. And Google's like, what, wait, hold on, we've always been the king of where people go to first. So this is why Instagram, Instagram saying, Oh, wait, there's potential for us to beat Google Beat search engine optimization for people for people to use our platform that way. So two important things happened, Google opened their search results to bring up social media posts. So if you put anything you're posting on Instagram, and Tiktok, now can come up in a Google search feed. It didn't wasn't able to do that before. But also, all the SEO practices that people use on Google, they're bringing into Tik Tok people, Gen Z and Gen 40% of them are saying they use tick tock first, before they use Google when they're trying to figure out how to do something. So imagine the discoverability that you have for your business, just by ticking on just by going okay, how can I use SEO and the way that I create content? And I swear, it's easy. People make it sound like it's a demon or devil. It's just it's absolute. Just how can you simplify it and think about what people are searching to help them find you. See, I went on a tangent, I was wrong. So yeah, sustainability within your content is really important. Is there anything else around that because we could go for ages. But of course, we have the Sprint's every Wednesday that help you create that sacred space, which is which is a big piece of why I love this, and be able to think about those things specifically, but is it is there anything else around that? When it comes to sustainability?

Nicholette Hilbrich  31:55  

I think in general just playing I literally wrote down one of my notes here was like, something that I think is going to change for I hope will change for many business owners in 2023 is instead of social media feeling like a chore kind of thing. It more so feels like a playground in a very literal sense. Like think about what happens on a playground we play we try new things. We take risks, we make new friends, we build relationships, like social media can be a playground, just like a playground was when we were kids, and just lighting that relationship into your atmosphere.

Jamie Ratermann  32:35  

Yes, I was I was a I was someone who sprinted for the swings whenever I was when I was a kid. So it relates to how I'm ready to dive into all of this stuff, too. I feel. I feel like I love the analogy of a playground. If we use it as a playground, we don't need to take it so seriously. We can, the more that we show up, the better we're gonna get at it. But also, like this is supposed to be fun. This is absolutely supposed to be fun. So what is another prediction? What is another prediction you have for 2023?

Nicholette Hilbrich  33:09  

We already talked about crispy content. I mean we touched a little bit on the the whole trend scenario and how that's definitely you know, not just hopping on trends is a prediction for 2023 and incorporating more of your your world into your content. And I think within that a prediction for 2023 is montage he inspirational content on Instagram. Talk to camera like across the board kind of content on Tik Tok by across the board I mean like on Tik Tok, Instagram, YouTube. And saveable content within that talk to camera or just tip driven content. Eight saveable Save, save things we want.

Jamie Ratermann  34:09  

You're working on so many things. So let's first focus on savable content. And then we'll come back to what I'm going to call the War of the video platforms. But in general, what makes it what makes something saveable? What like so we've, this is us talking about engagement here. So engagement can look like, you know, likes, comments, saves shares. Each has its own benefits, the like being the least least helpful and trying to understand who's engaging with you, but in general, there's nothing wrong with it. But what makes what makes a piece of content more saveable than anything else.

Nicholette Hilbrich  34:48  

The digestibility me and my words today how I'm like, I'm happy I'm pronouncing them right now.

Jamie Ratermann  34:54  

Probably digestible, absolutely

Nicholette Hilbrich  34:55  

easily digestible. Yeah, succinct, like straightforward. Not overcomplicating. And this kind of goes back to one of the tips I shared earlier with crispy content in general is like not repeating yourself. And it's natural to and sometimes we don't realize that we're doing it, but cutting out any repetitive phrases, so that whatever this piece of content is that you're sharing whatever the value is that you're sharing, I get it. And I don't need to overcomplicate it in my brain because you said it two different ways.

Jamie Ratermann  35:30  

Totally. Totally. So I feel for me like that when I when we're talking about easily digestible. Think about the simplest tip you can give, like, many I think there's one thing for experts or people who've been doing what they've been doing for a long time, they end up feeling like oh, people know how to do like, for instance, people know they need to use their back camera. Nah, no, people don't know that that or even like for me, like I like people don't realize that you can do saved replies and personalize them and your Instagram, Instagram, DMS, and I'm like, oh, okay, there's, there's something I can screen record to make it simple. Even to I think this is an easy way of seeing this online already is how, quote unquote social media gurus I hate when people call himself guru. Sorry, I couldn't not say it. But the social media gurus who do the trend reports like, the trends are a simple thing. As far as them showing their expertise. No, they're providing an actionable resource, which makes it digestible, which makes it saveable. So being able to think about when you are with a goal is saveable content, how can someone watch it or read it and immediately use it or want to come back and re reference it later. So think about action oriented, create places, inspiration is always going to be helpful, and it can and people can save that content. But something that someone's like, Oh, I've been wanting to create better video, or oh, I've been wanting to try this recipe, they're going to be more likely to save that and saveable content has a lot of lives. So for instance, when somebody gets when somebody clicks, save on any of the platforms, it tells a lot to the algorithm that they love that they love that type of content. But also, it means that they're deciding that they're going to engage with that content more than once. So they see it in the feed, I want to like I want to come back to it. That type of data only helps the algorithm know what what kind of things you want to see in your feed. So making it saveable bite sized, easy to to apply, I think is a big deal.

Nicholette Hilbrich  37:37  

And I think this even what I'm about to share relates back to making things more sustainable. And itself is, for example, what I mentioned earlier about the camera, the little tip I shared about camera, changing the settings to be 4k, like and then I mentioned there's export settings, like there's a whole next step, I guess you could say I could smush that all into one piece of content and share all of that value in one long reel. But instead, if I break up what those tips are, that's more posts, more sustainable, showing up more consistently. And it's not overwhelming my audience, you know, I'm giving them bit by bit so they can take that first step of filming in 4k Get used to that get used to changing the settings, and then be able to take the next step when I share the next tip. And even this is relating to another prediction within itself is series in that sense of saveable content, like it makes people want to come back to get whatever that next step is and encourages them to take the first step preparing for the next one. I love series I'm like about them.

Jamie Ratermann  38:49  

Yeah, I take Tiktok is has a better like user ability with series which I heavily recommend as a growth strategy for anyone who has lots of like, they want to give a couple of tips be making a series like here's part one of you know how to update your dating profile and we're gonna we're gonna go step by step here and that I've seen that work over and over again and I am encouraged to stick around to so I think that especially for tic tac because it's a little bit harder to get people as invested because the for you page gives you the kind of content you want. How can you encourage them to stick along with you series is big deal. Instagram is starting to come over. But the difference between Tiktok and Instagram in this realm is that tick tock at one at some point you're able to create a playlist for any series that you create Instagram it's not there yet so that's the little bit of the the difference in there but I think this is like alluding to something I want to predict. So I'm gonna

Nicholette Hilbrich  39:50  

I have series on Instagram.

Jamie Ratermann  39:53  

I have series on like IG TVs you have it for a real specific on

Nicholette Hilbrich  39:57  

my rails tab.

Jamie Ratermann  39:59  

Ah Oh, okay, listen to that. Okay.

Nicholette Hilbrich  40:03  

They're working again. They're, they're, they're,

Jamie Ratermann  40:06  

they're making their way they're like, Okay, tic TOCs doing it, let me do it two story of their life. The other piece I want to I want to jump into is that we're gonna hear a lot about YouTube shorts, Tiktok and Instagram. So I want I so deeply want to put Pinterest in there, but they just got rid of their Creator fund. I don't know what's I'm not 100% sure what they're thinking about over there. But hopefully, I know that links are coming and stuff, but we're gonna have, as far as the platforms that I think we're going to hear a lot about is going to be those three, YouTube Tiktok and Instagram. So out from a creators perspective, YouTube has the best creator fund. Hands down, they get they and now they're including YouTube short. So YouTube shorts is their one minute reels tick tock like video, and it's getting more plays than any of their longer form content. So knowing that it's funny I was when I first was looking at YouTube shorts, there's a lot of movie clips and different people's podcasts. And now it's I'm seeing all the creators, like Usher their way over there. So just to give you a for instance, this is the viral type of content, like tick tock was that still has that capability. I'm not saying that it's not. But in general, they're giving a lot of use for very low follower count. So I have I believe that for subscribers for mighty subscribers over here on YouTube, but I'm getting at least 100 to 200 views on any of my YouTube shorts. So knowing that that can be a really strong place, and it's so SEO forward that those the shelf life of those, oh, my podcasts are there's, like 1000 views in general, I'm getting 1000 views on my YouTube shorts. So just reiterating that. But what it is, is that the shelf life of a YouTube short or any kind of YouTube video is as long as people are interested in that kind of content, it comes up in Google results it comes it's fantastic. But when we're talking about how these all play together, I see tick tock as the most informal, most personable talk to camera is still a big deal over there. Where I think that Instagram is starting to pull into their curation again, that I'm seeing a lot more inspirational, like vibey type of video. And I there's nothing wrong with that. But knowing that the as the trends aren't as important as they were before, being able to show more like, like what they're behind the scenes of your businesses and being able to do multicart video, that's going to be really helpful over on the gram. And it's still, again, all of this can be repurposed. But the big difference is like on on YouTube, you're going to you're not going to have the audios to choose from. So they give music but it cuts off after about what is it 15 seconds. Because of copyright. They're very strict strict about their copyright over there. And then four. So what that means is that you're talking to cameras, your tips driven stuff is going to do really great because you're talking to camera, it's going to be your voice, you own that Tiktok mixture, but being able to know that you don't have to, like be off the cuff and have a tick tock is just so fun. I like it. I like it a lot. But within that Instagram, Instagram gets to be a place that you can do a little bit of both, but I've just been noticing least for me in the past three months, talk to camera just doesn't have as much virality as some of these other inspirational, very quick, quick shot type of posts.

Nicholette Hilbrich  43:42  

Yeah, and I kind of want to share in regards to like using Instagram and Tik Tok and how to use them both. There's many things I could say about this. But one one thing that I love about tic toc that I feel like it provides to me as a creator is, like Jamie said, it's like a playground where we can play. But also it's like where you can test things out or see how you feel about the content you're creating. For example, I just shared a little video of a cute bee that I filmed like months ago that I found the footage recently. I shared it on Tik Tok and I like didn't really know what message to put with it. And it was a high quality video. So I was like, I like this. I'm going to share it. And I didn't put any text on it and I just wrote up like a random little caption like here's this cute little bee. And now after sharing that I'm like, okay, it didn't perform wildly well. When I share it on Instagram. Maybe I should like find a cute quote or something to put on top of it when I share it on Instagram so you can even take from your playing on Tik Tok to improve the content that you share on Instagram. Not necessarily Babe like strictly based on how they're performing, but like how you feel about the piece of content in itself? Totally.

Jamie Ratermann  45:07  

Absolutely. Absolutely. I have one more prediction. And I think we have to, we'll have to do a part two to this.

Nicholette Hilbrich  45:16  

At the time, and I'm like, she has so much more

Jamie Ratermann  45:19  

to talk about. So I feel there's a part to covering. But we'll have to ask everyone who listened to this episode, if you want a part to DM me and Nicola will, will continue to share this because I think the last thing and I think really, I want to make sure we finish it off with with this prediction is that for entrepreneurs, specifically, building a business using your content online, this is definitely going to be the age where you do not want to be the over seller. If you are selling right now on every single post, I am happy to inform you. Or I'm so sorry to let you know that the way in which you've been using social media is not the way in which the platforms are going to give you more reach, it's not the way in which we engage with it. So I always find this to be, let's talk about simplifying content, social media is meant to be social first. So right now, every single post is pushing people to link in bio pushing people to buy. I want you to realize that that is not getting trust, it's like it's like a car salesman. On on social, we don't we've naturally don't trust car salesman. Like we just, there's just there's a thing to it. So when someone's only selling, here's kind of going like, they seem like they're really hungry for money or whatever it might be. But also, the algorithm has taken note of it so Tik Tok in general, people don't use the words Lincoln bio, because that usually will be a sign to tick tock to not give them as much reach. But the reason why these are changing is that across the board, anytime that somebody mentions the word Lincoln bio or buy here, they the reach is lower, the people engage much less. So the opportunity here is instead how can you build trust through getting people to comment on your posts? How can you build trust through in general, getting people to love your vibe by showing up and being more visible. So if you decide to do that, let's say three or four posts, that that fourth or fifth post can be a direct sell, building off of what you did before, but thinking about it a different way. Like DM me if you're interested in the program can be a different way to say or comment below if this is something you're looking for, and your business or something you're looking for and your self care routine. And the people who are interested have a very low bar that they're like, Yeah, I'm interested and you can start that conversation in the DMS. What happens aside from asking for it is that the more you can really hit on these other points, we've been talking about visibility being a vibe, people will naturally go to your LinkedIn bio, but also, at least on the gram, your highlights in your stories are going to be your top place to be able to direct sell and share a lot of those things.

Nicholette Hilbrich  48:05  

Yeah, I mean, I think Well, one thing I love that Instagram has come out with in relation to this, which I don't know if they rolled it out to everyone. But the little send, you know, when you post something you can toggle on the like Send Message button posts, yeah, which I will love like I love it. And I think it can be used in a you know, in a in a way to talk to people about your programs, for example, but also just in a way to start conversations like it doesn't you don't need to only add that button if you're promoting something like add that button to just start conversations about whatever value you shared in that post and be able to build those relationships.

Jamie Ratermann  48:51  

This is what it is relationships based selling. We've talked I've I've shared this in a previous episode before but connection first connection is always going to come first. Nicolette, thank you so much for sharing your predictions with us today. Again, I think that one thing to know is that Nicola and I geek out on this on our themes every sprint so if you are looking for like even when she was sharing about crispy video, she did a whole 10 minutes theme training before we jumped into the sprint that people were raving about. So if you are in interested in getting that kind of support, drop in the show notes because that community is on fire. I love it so much.

Nicholette Hilbrich  49:31  

And today I want to just throw in there perfect way to start incorporating more of a sustainable routine. Maybe the Sprint's or like your dedicated time to ideate is that a verb? Here I am with my English words.

Jamie Ratermann  49:44  

I their English words. I know you're gonna give us something

Nicholette Hilbrich  49:49  

I need a dictionary. I think

Jamie Ratermann  49:52  

Id eight is absolutely a word way to go like this or it's out we're gonna source out. Last question for you You're What does limitless mean to you?

Nicholette Hilbrich  50:04  

Whoo I love this question. Limitless means to me saying bucket and carving your own path getting outside of the bounds living and thriving outside of the box that you feel like you need to be in.

Jamie Ratermann  50:20  

I love it never feeling caged by the box or what people tell you you got to be i that that in general hits Nicolette to a tee Nicolette, how can we stay in touch with you?

Nicholette Hilbrich  50:31  

All of the gram hit me up on the ground Nicolette Hill brick at let's reversed

Jamie Ratermann  50:42  

I'm here in there. We also mentioned the spreads of course but but Nicola does have a keeping it real, which is her video creation course which I took when it was live and I've also gotten to see what happens inside that can inside the self paced and it is fire so we'll make sure to include all these things in the show notes. Nicolette, here's to a fantastic 2023 I should wish I had wine. I know right? Where's the champagne, but this is going to be such a fun year for creators. Thank you so much for coming in today. Thank you for having me, Jamie Jamie, my much love


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