17. How to Create a Healthy Relationship with Social Media Part II

Limitless Podcast —Episode 17— Social Media Break Part II

The truth is that social media will most likely continue to have a significant role in our life far into the future. Online social platforms have caused a profound transformation in the way we communicate, interact, build our business, and in the way we construct relationships. This means it is up to us (the consumer) to build a positive relationship with social. Today, on the Limitless Podcast, host Jamie Ratermann talks about your value is not defined by likes or an algorithm and how you can use social media to your advantage.

Episode’s Highlights: 

  • The 5 pillars of developing a good relationship with social media.

  • Why we are so compelled to mindlessly scroll.

  • Ways that social media can help you build a community.

  • Tricks to keep a healthy schedule for being online. 

  • The pressure of comparing yourself to others online and how to avoid it.


Listen to Part I: Is it Time for a Social Media Break? 4 Tips to Come Back Stronger


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Read transcript below: 

Jamie Ratermann  0:00  

So know that when we play with any of these social media platforms, your engagement numbers will be affected by the algorithm. Your engagement numbers will fluctuate. But your value won't want to say it again, because I want you to really hone this in your engagement numbers will fluctuate, but your value will not. You're listening to the limitless podcast, where we dig into all of the possibilities that exist when you lean into the big vision for your life and your business. Hi, my name is Jamie Ratterman. And I am a Holistic business coach, meaning I am just as invested in growing your health as I am and growing your wealth. With 11 plus years and Brandon social media marketing, I help rebellious entrepreneurs master marketing and body leadership and say fuck it to the hustle. This show is here to encourage you to become radically aware of your self-imposed limits, to break free of your should, and to expand your brand into a movement led by you. The way I see it, marketing is a way of spreading your mission. Social media is a gift for connection, and sales are where you build your strongest relationships. Let's dig in. Hello lovelies, welcome to episode 17 of the limitless podcast. I am excited because this is part two of this series that we can start to be creating a better relationship with social and ultimately how we can use it to create more wealth within our lives. So the first episode, I want to remind you, that we were looking at our habits, how we're actually using social what can cause some negativity, and what that might look like. And then creating that healthy routine around it, what it what that can look like. So if you haven't listened to Episode 16, make sure to go back to that because that is step one. Today we're going to talk about how we can create a positive relationship with it. So especially as business owners, the more positively we can look at these platforms, the better because these are the most beautiful and amazing ways to organically grow your business. That has never been an opportunity and in previous time, so I'm so excited to kind of dive in with you today. But before I do, like I said, this is a two part series, this is me and wanting to encourage you to have this healthy, beautiful relationship with social so that you can grow your business but also be able to find how it can be a really inspiring and empowering place for you. So in doing that, let me know how you feel about what I shared today. Go ahead and review and the podcast below DM me, or of course screenshot and tag me on your Instagram Stories tweet me I'm all over all the socials because I'm obsessed. But also to I'd love to hear what you're going to take away from this today. So I want to ask this again at the end of the episode. But what is one activating step you can take from the tips that I've been giving as a part of this two-part series. So let's dive in. The important thing to know is that while we might be able to talk about how the algorithms, definitely keep it can keep us addicted. If we want to well, we can talk about, oh, what's that silly documentary, the social dilemma. All of the things that we know that there's a light and dark side to social, there's something that is, you know, the truth, social media is here to stay. Ever since Facebook entered the sphere, we have decided that we love to connect with people online. Now you get to choose the way in which you see it right you get to choose the way in which you use it as a part of how you share your message, you share your lifestyle and you inspire others. So we interact with others every single day. And know that in this world. There has never been anything like social there. In the past, we've had to put an ad in a newspaper. I love bringing this up during coaching calls where I go, remember, be thankful we have some gratitude here for the fact that the years ago, you had to compete with the other, the other black and white ads of small business owners and the paper where now you get to be able to add your personality, your style, your color, your what you love your words, your voice into this organic growth, these organic growth tools for you. So there has never been a time when you as an individual person, have as much opportunity as you do now to grow your influence to grow your wealth. And of course, you use these platforms to grow your knowledge and community. So while I would if you're telling me that you're like I don't care Jame I just want to live out in the woods and never interact on social media ever again. All power to you would love to come and go and for staying with you from time to time.

Jamie Ratermann  5:00  

But the fact remains is that part of being in the modern world is using these tools. I want to empower you to know that if you can embrace it, you can decide how you want to use it. These get to be really nurturing places that you can, this can be empowering tools for you. So today, we're talking about launching into a new way of creating not only wealth in your business, W E, L, th, but a meaningful ritual for you to be that leader behind the content. So let's just kind of talk about what it is specifically here. Now, whenever we talk about relationships, usually people go oh, relationships are with people relation, like like we're talking about, you know, your intimate relationships, your friendships, your relationship with your managers, your boss says whatever that might be, you have a relationship with many things within your world, you have a relationship with your computers, never relationship with your food you like to eat, do you have a relationship with the city you live in? Clearly, me and New York have been having a very, very fiery, lovely relationship for 11 years, right. But also to you have a relationship with social. So when it comes to how we're making these shifts, I want to be talking about how you literally are interacting with it, and how, by up-leveling your energy around it, it's going to be really important. But the goal of this entire episode is going to be specific to how you are the CEO, creative visionary, change-maker leader behind your business, and these tools are going to be a really important place for you. So what's what's one important thing I want you to take home today is that if we are going to be the leaders of our business, we're going to be the CEOs of our business CEOs use social media as a tool for growth and community, not as a recreational activity. So that means what we want to put when we're putting something in to these platforms, we want it to be about the movement we're creating with our business, the movement we're creating with what we're passionate about the purpose we have how, in general, we get to showcase our lives on these platforms. But it's we have a desire in mind, not just on their spending time as much as we do in other places. So that statement goes a little bit back to the last episode going, how are you using it right now? Is it controlling you? Are you controlling it? Coming back to that? So a couple of things. One, we're looking at our relationship to social if right now you you see yourself in a bit of a lopsided relationship where you put up a post and you are expecting each and every post to turn into a client, your relationship might need to might need to revisit this, right? If you feel just like down and out, when the reel that you've been working on for an hour doesn't get 100 or 100,000 views, we might need to relook at your relationship. Again, if you're literally waking up each morning going to post it kind of post today, we're going to post about today, like you're just feeling that like IQ, like it's a chore might be an important time to revisit your relationship with social. In general, if you are broadcasting out to others, where you're just sharing a message, left and right, talking about what everyone should be passionate about what's most important to them, but not engaging with others. Not actually having it be a two way form of communication, it might be a good idea to take a look at how you use social media. And then finally, if you have uttered in the past week, month, year that the algorithm hates you. It might be another opportunity to be able to take a look at your relationship to social. So really important notes here is that I want to empower you to know that you have the choice. You have the choice. And I want to give you a few tools to start to shift that mindset shift that energy around your social media use so that not only are you enjoying it, but you're going to be more likely to grow your accountants are going to be more likely to convert clients you're going to be more likely to get higher engagement.

Jamie Ratermann  10:00  

But the goal of this episode, the goal of all of this is for you to be able to be the light side of social, the positive side of social create what you want to see in the world through your feeds. And that is going to be what we're talking about today. So, first and foremost, let's talk about how you might want to view the way in which you create content for social media. So the first one I want to talk about is really what it means to create a ritual. So we'll talk a lot about batching, and content, pillars and all the things right when it comes to using social media. But here's where you want to consider what inspires you to create? Or how can you make it a part of creativity simply a part of your routine each and every day, if you use social as a way to share your message and be able to instigate and invigorate the way in which you are creative. You not only will show up more often, you not only will likely grow. But consistency will be easy, but you're going to enjoy this. So just like when someone tells me that they're like, oh, I want to be more creative. Let me go to a pottery class, go to that pottery class, do it get into it. But what if you could start to see social as your way of sharing your creative voice, sharing your creativity and being able to know that the passions that you have, and the purpose you have within yourself is a wonderful ability to connect with others. So we're going to look at social media as a way to create a creative ritual for yourself. So a couple of ways of looking at this. During this episode, I'm wearing some of my favorite like earrings. Like, I'm in general, feeling really comfortable with myself, I made myself feel good today coming into this coming into this episode, I'm bringing my style, right, I'm bringing how doing something that makes me feel good. Now, what if your social media could be an extension of your personal style. Whenever we're looking at different accounts, whenever we're looking at what they look like, when you click on someone's, and you're like, Oh, this is a vibe, she's got a vibe, she's got an energy. Of course, that's a little bit of branding, but also, that's about who you are, you are showcasing who you are, through the visuals that you use to the voice that you have. And just in general, when somebody sees your vibe, right, you're like the vibration you have within your social, you're creating an extension of your style. I talked a little bit about this when we're talking about how we can be the most boldest versions of ourselves, so that we can showcase that, as a part of our business be able to have that be a wonderful way to connect with you. This is that part. So it just so happens that my brand colors are blue and green. It also just so happens that the majority of my wardrobe is blue and green. Like if I'm in a store, I actually had a friend with me the other day trying to find a dress for a wedding I'm going to and I was like I found this dress I'm not sure she was let me let me go see if I can find something for you. And she came back with a green dress she goes well this is your color palette. So might as well. They she knows me she knows me and even to most of you know that if you see something that's my see green and blue in my feed, you're gonna be like this Jame? Oh, there she is. That's my vibe. That's my style. Other people have this style that they're like really punchy, orange, and yellows. And even to aside from aside from color, we can even talk about how people will showcase like a really dramatic video saturation if they wanted to. Some people love to be funky and funny with filters, other people you're gonna see in a more natural state on a regular basis. All of these are ways of showcasing your own personal style on social. So whenever people talk about sharing your story, I also want you to think about sharing your personal style. So what if your feed was just a part of your wardrobe? What if your feed was your way of kind of what you want to put out in the world? And like kind of if you were going to walk down the street of Instagram, social feed or have Tiktok social feed? How would you be able to showcase who you are through your visuals? What you're about, right?

Jamie Ratermann  14:42  

Second piece within this is that what do you want to change in the world? What do you want to see more of in the world? So I love using this not only for selling, but also whenever we're starting to talk about when we're creating content, but this question that I like to ask it A everyone bought from you, everyone in the entire world purchase your service your product, what would the world look like? What kind of influence would simply using your services create in the world. So for some of my candle brands out there that they would be, they would find ritual and calm and their day, right? For me, that would be that you see social media as a gift to express yourself that there's going to be more nurturing conversations, there's going to be more heart centered sales, and that they're in general, we're going to enjoy the outdoors are going to enjoy our lives. While we work, that's my message, right? So if you were to ask yourself this question, if everyone bought my product or service, what kind of change would I see in the world? What would it look like? Take that moment to visualize what that is, your creative ritual gets to show pieces of that world, pieces of that lifestyle pieces of what you are creating with your mission, your message with each piece of your content. So if you create this creativity ritual, it's like you are putting like, a few dollars in the bank, towards your purpose. You are deciding that if I'm going to put out content, I am literally deciding I'm literally working my way up to my goal of creating this big beautiful world through my services. So how can you think about your creative ritual each day, as that way of putting that money in the bank toward your purpose. And the last thing I want to bring up when it comes to ritual is literally thinking about how you can download your life, how you can document how you're feeling. So sometimes I will I love to encourage good batching in general, you're going to be able to free up your time. But I also love batching for the fact that you don't have to feel pressed to to post each and every day. But sometimes really, what's important here is that you free yourself up for whenever you are feeling really inspired one day that you can shift things around and drop what you have going on. So sometimes I have things on the tip of my tongue because I had the amazing coaching session, because I listened to a fantastic podcast because I had like the one of the most honest and nurturing conversations with just a friend over coffee. And I want to share that I want to download and document some of these things that really shifted my mindset or shifted the way I see the world and know that I can. My creative ritual can be that simply downloading what I learned each and every day of my life. I feel like there's always the mantra the saying that like you're not promised every day, right? But why don't we savor each and every day by simply going? What did I learn today? Do I am I deciding that I want people to know about what I learned today. So first and foremost of creating that healthy, strong positive relationship with social is to see it as a way of creating a creativity ritual for yourself. And thinking through it, one showcasing your style to what that what kind of change you're creating in the world through your purpose. And three really downloading what happens for you each and every day. And knowing that it's going to help others when you share it. The second thing around creating a healthy relationship is to to is to detach from the numbers. So there is that side of social that we were like if it doesn't get likes, we're not worthy. If it doesn't get likes, we're not as popular as the next person. There's absolutely that side of social that comes up. I want you to make it your mission to ignore the numbers. Ignore the numbers as you're posting throughout the month.

Jamie Ratermann  19:22  

Because what you should know is that the numbers you see right, the numbers you see on social media, they're not really pupils. There's not really people telling you that you're worthy or you're not worthy not at all. It's it's you deciding how like how you get to gamify you how you get to play with the algorithm to see if you can push out your message to new people. So for anyone who's coming to this brand, I always love to use the example of the fact that if you get low engagement on one post and it is full of value, I want you to try it again. Try again the next month, being able to maybe make some slight shifts, maybe the hook needs to change, maybe the visual could be a little bit brighter. But or maybe you decide that this is your, your chance to share these tips in a real, all of that can be a part of it, right. But when you try it again, you're likely going to probably get higher numbers exposed, again, if it's filled with value. But knowing that each and every time you post something that you're passionate about, you are getting an opportunity to get a new audience and to get a new engagement. So people who have 5 million followers, right, they have these crazy large followings, they can post things that have very little value and get really low engagement. But they're going to look like they got high engagement compared to maybe your 3000 followers. Know that all we're doing is playing with these algorithms. That's all we're doing. I love to use the example I worked for a while with an Olympian. And we were creating content for her her social channel. And I did just that whenever we were starting to create, like this new topic underneath what she was doing. We posted it one time, and it got shipped for views. And no one got no one saw it. And she absolutely had that feeling of not feeling validated by his sharing that post, she was like, oh, we can't post it. Again, it's not getting any engagement, we can't do it. I was like, let's try it again, a promise the algorithm does it wasn't ready for this bomb ass information. So we're going to do it again, we're going to try it again. Try it again in the next month, a little more engagement, but still pretty low. And then we tried it again the third month. And it went viral for her it went viral for her it hit a number that was higher than her followers at the time. So people loved it all, the only difference between that post each and every month is that we made some slight adjustments may try to different time try to try to different hook decided to make the graphic a little brighter. But ultimately, the value the absolute information that she was trying to get across stay the same. So the only difference is how the algorithm decided to receive it, and how the audience was prepared for that type of content. So no one it's important to note here is when we're creating this healthy relationship, you thinking that those numbers mean something about you means anything we're like you're worthy of something by the level of engagement you get is crap. It's not true, you're always worthy. You always deserving, if you especially when you come into wanting to help others in this, in this world in this life, the algorithm is the one that we are playing with that we are that we are working with. So we can get our message out to more people. So a couple of things are important here. Right now, Instagram is absolutely an algorithm shift. So things that work for you before meaning got hanging before aren't getting them now does not mean that anything and everything changes about the content you put out. So know that when we play with any of these social media platforms, your engagement numbers will be affected by the algorithm, your engagement numbers will fluctuate. But your value won't want to say it again, because I want you to really hone this in you, your engagement numbers will fluctuate. But your value will not.

Jamie Ratermann  23:43  

When these things come up when you are thinking about what you want to wait like if you're feeling that, oh crap, that's not getting the engagement that I want to I want you to come back to those content pillars that we talked about. And in previous episodes, be able to look at those pillars and go like okay, what is my goal was sharing these types of information out there. Why like, like, I'm I know, I'm helping my audience in this way. And I'm passionate about these topics. So come back and look at those five pillars that I like to recommend and go, Wow, if I hit on these on a regular basis, even if I affect one person, even if those 30 people who always are in my DMs or hanging out with me, if I show up for just those, that small group, I'm going to do well. So usually a client will say exactly these things to me. I got I'm getting such low engagement. I don't know what I'm going to do. I'm so frustrated. And then she's like but you know, and then I'm like okay, so knowing engage with it like no, I mean the normal 30 people, like oh, are all those all those people your clients? No, no, no, none of them are and there's like one if you could fill your program with that 30 People would you be living on like living happy living, we're living with ease like you Usually it's like a Yep. Yeah. So refocus on the fact that when you post something, when you put something out there, especially as a business owner, because you are creating a community that gets to potentially come into your offers your services, your goal when you post is to affect, inspire, influence, entertain, educate one, one person. I'd like to talk about this, because if that's your focus, you don't need to look at the numbers, you'll focus on the fact that you know that you can change somebody's day, sometimes somebody's life, with what you're sharing. And there are people just like them on that platform, that the more consistently you show up, you're going to more likely be shown to them, because they know the algorithm is trying to learn about how people engage with you. And they'll they know, okay, well she she share self care tips. This person who doesn't follow her always loves this other person's self care tips, I want to put her in this person's discover feed. But all your responsibility is, is to continue showing up is to continue to be there. And be able to allow someone to have that warm invite to what you are, so that you can create that community first around your content. And then everything comes next right. So usually, my recommendation, especially if you are feeling a little bit hard on yourself around the numbers is to take a step back, and don't worry about them all month. Focus more on how you want to put out content, put out what use passionate for you first. And then maybe at the end of the month, take a quick look like how did I do? What content did really well for me? What content did it do I want to try? What do I want to like let's say for instance, you talked about confidence on camera, and that one that one really well for you this month, you can take a look at that and go Alright, well, maybe I'll create two or three more posts around that next month, since I seems like my audience really loves that. And then if something around, you know, creating a growth mindset didn't do so well be like I know people need I know people want to get out of victimhood and be in a growth mindset. What can I adjust about this and post it again. So really important thing about creating this healthy relationship is do detach from those numbers, you're going to find it's going to be so much more meaningful to you, if you do thing is really about changing your psychology and the way in which you use social. So I want you to create a new language around how you talk about social media. So if you currently are saying, I don't get any clients from social, no one engages with me, the algorithm hates me.

Jamie Ratermann  28:04  

I've got a post today, I have to show my face today. I need to get more followers. All of these put you at a disadvantage. All these make it sound like social media is a chore. All of these are absolutely telling your brain that you don't like it. You don't want to do it. And it's going to it's going to be like Okay, listen, listen to how she thinks about this. I'm going to like let's let's discourage her from continuing. Right. Let's discourage the way it lets discourage the things she doesn't like. Just like if I say, I don't, I don't like black licorice. My mom makes me eat black licorice. I don't know why black licorice came to mind. But either way, my mom like all that like it. Like if I've just like, if I feel the way I'm talking about something, I will not do it. Same way if I like if I'm talking about like the black licorice example. But even like, if I don't like broccoli, I don't like broccoli. Broccoli, I won't do it. It is the way in which the words you use in your day-to-day absolutely not only create an energy around you, it creates energy around who you are talking to. So the more we can talk in a more positive way, the more we can see potential versus the lack. When you're going to create positive energy around yourself, you're going to be more likely to want to pursue things and then also to people are going to feel that for you. And I could talk about this a lot even more within like selling when you're selling your product. Oh there's there's the bro marketing, where you talk about pain points. This is what you lack and I'm the thing that's going to fix it for you and We don't like that shit. We don't enjoy that. We don't want people to tell us what we lack. We want for people to tell us where we're going, where we want, like what, what kinds of things that we need, or where we went ahead, right? What's our destination when we invest in ourselves. So flip it to how much of a frickin pleasure social media is, flip this concept of being able to use this platform, flip it, flip it to how much of a damn pleasure it is that you now have a gift to reach people in New York City, and Australia, and Canada, wherever you are because of these tools that the modern world has given you. So a couple of things, couple immediate swap flips that you can create for yourself, is if you knit if you regularly say, I've got a post, I got a post today. What if you flip that too. And I'm, I'm looking forward to sharing my message today. Or, I cannot wait to share about this thing I learned today. Right? So slipping the gotta post to I'm excited to share my message. How about when we're saying, I've got to get more followers. We flip that too. I'm inviting a community around me. Or another way of saying it, I'm ready to serve my audience. Use the language that's going to allow you to get really excited, right. If you're having a little bit of trouble showing up showing your face, show and sharing your story, whatever it might be, if you're if you're saying these words, I have to like share this story, I have to share my face today. Switch it to, I can't wait to inspire people through my story. This is absolutely not just me telling you like lip service here, the more you can use these words more that you can find yourself on the positive end of this, you will change your psychology in the way in which you use it. The words you use about anything will absolutely affect you. But for social media, if we're creating this better environment for it, use words that will encourage you to keep going. Everything I said on the positive end of this is true. You inspire people by sharing your message, you are serving an audience in the community by showing up.

Jamie Ratermann  32:51  

You are in general, educating others by embodying your story. All of this is true. So why not say it in that way. The half twos, the shoulds of the world, you're creating a chore, get the get twos. Those are where you realize that you are creating new light, you're sharing your light this radiant light with others. So know that that's there for you make sure you start to create a new language around how you talk about social. Allow social media. Number four here, right? Allow social media to be an extension of the change you want to see in the world. So what's really important with this one, and I want to just I want to tap on this a little bit for a moment here is that if you see people showing highlight reels, and you're sick of it, if you see people always having filters on and you're like what's that about? You get to change that you get to change the way the world sees that. So if you wish women showed up with makeup on without makeup on being zany and quirky and silly showing the hard days the light days the big wins, don't wait for someone else to do it. That's for you. That absolutely for you. So I was watching it actually a TikTok the other day of this woman going I'm so sick of everyone's showing how their morning routines are this wonderful, comfortable one hour each and every day. I go and I literally drop in the comments like so show us what yours is like it was like don't complain about it show us you we all have the same potential of influence each other because we all get an account. We all get to have an account. So if you want to see something different in the world, do that be the thing that creates the ripple for everyone else to do it. If more people showed up a little more unfiltered. Other people will show up unfiltered if more people were nice and kind and excited for each other. Other people will do it, we create energy by the way in which we show up. So for me, I took this as a manifesto, you all see me when I am after a workout, you all see me when I rolled out of bed, you also all see me when I'm going out on a date or going out on the town, you're like, Oh, you got the red lip on today, where are you going, I want you to be able to be invited into however I am, I also don't want to have to put on a makeup every single time I get on my feed. I also don't want to feel like I have to put this pressure on being somebody else or pedestal myself when I'm on social because I would like to encourage that in all of you. So whenever you are thinking about social media, it is an extension of what you want to see in the world. This is also the other side of how people talk about documenting your life, or embodying your message. So if you are giving tips and tricks left and right, that's absolutely great. I'm not discouraging that at all. But we like to be mentored. We like to see how people play it out in their own lives so that we can go okay, she does it that way. I want to try her way. And then I want to make it my own. So whenever someone talks about documenting and embodying your brand, it means that you walk the walk, that you do the damn thing that you are good at giving tips and tricks on and you show us that. I even like talking about this more, showing less telling. Don't tell us how to do things, show us how you do those things. There are a couple of reasons that I'm gonna love to bring this up over and over again, your story's always going to remember more remembered than facts, your story is remembered 22 times more than facts alone. So if you can talk about and show us your morning routine, I'm going to see that as a story that I can decide what I liked from it versus here's the five things you have to do on your morning routine, there's room for both, I want to be very clear, but show us document and embody the tips and tricks you've been giving. So forth piece here, social media is an extension of the change you want to make in the world. So be the thing be the vibe, the energy that you hope can influence in and fill NB A you hope can be rippled out to others. The last piece is that social media is well, social. So if you have

Jamie Ratermann  37:39  

been using social media to be a one-way, talking directly at everybody type of place. It's time to get social, to be social, and to engage with others. So let's use this, let's let me use this as an example. Let's go back to a first date, the first date with somebody if you want on a first date. And the entire time you were sitting on that date, this guy, or this woman, depending on who you're with, was just talking about how great she is what she's passionate about what her day was like, what his what, like, how amazing he is, and all the achievements he's ever had. And then you just sat there and you walked away from that date. And you were like, sorry, speak once. Did he hear me? At all? Does she know anything about what I like, who I am? To him? He didn't ask me one. One fucking question. I don't know, that like, that just felt like I was sitting out on a TED Talk and had no they're like he didn't care about me doesn't he doesn't think about me. Crappy date, right? I don't want a second date, right? Now come back to the idea that you have numerous ways to have a two-way conversation on social so that you're flirting you're having, you're able to have a full-on relationship building simply through the comments, simply through cheering somebody on simply through sharing your perspective with others. So I love to talk about commenting more than you're like one, your feed will look beautiful, it will be full of the people that you comment on, and you will get to know them more intimately. And it's gonna be fantastic. But the second thing is, is that it's going to be less of just about broadcasting your message and you're inviting people to engage and be able to interact with you. And it's going to be more fulfilling. This is what community building means. It doesn't mean just standing on a pedestal shouting it means how do you feel about that? What's going on for you? Oh, I love that perspective on this. Oh, you don't like what I had to say? Why not? and knowing that all of that can that community is going to be a way in which you attract others. So you want to communicate with others, you want to communicate. So simple ways of doing this is when you happen to that Fein be able to decide, alright, want to comment on a few people's posts before I get into what I want to do today, or tap on hashtag woman entrepreneurs hashtag and go in there and be like, Okay, what is inviting to me, let me go see if it's a good post to go comment on, create that community around you. It's a lot of fun. It's so much fun. My DMS are full of people who are interested in programs. And talking about how that salad looked really fun the other day, or they're giving me recommendations for the next trip I'm going on or being able to, like give me like, oh, actually, you should try this instead, did you know about this brand, it is a full-blown community that I get to rise with and that they're coming along with me. So share, and comment on social that's going to build that community. That's it. So whenever we're looking at our five ways to start to create a more positive relationship, a wealthy relationship with social W, E, Ll, T, hy, well, the relationship with social, you want to consider these five things, create that creativity, ritual, detach from the numbers. Create that new language of how you speak about social. See social media as an extension of the change you want to see in the world. And finally, social media is social. So think about how you have so many opportunities to create community, but by making those adjustments by talking with others. So these are, these steps are truly a way for you to start to see that social media is an absolute gift, not only for how you feel about the content you're putting out but for building your business. So it's important for you to know that if you can create more of a positive experience about how you use it, you also put that energy out to the people that follow you.

Jamie Ratermann  42:22  

There is so much to be said about energetics when it comes to social. So the more you can express who you really are, the more you can begin to love showing up. It is going to pay off for you, it is going to attract new followers, new clients, and new partnerships. But what's important is that it's not going to be a chore, it's going to be less of a chore and more of an uplifting experience for you. So this is a two-part series, you got to see episode 16 How to start to think about the role that social is playing in your life. And this is you taking your power back. This is you taking the steps to allow you to see the potential and love social media for yourself. What is one step you plan to take to use social media as a tool towards your limitlessness I want to hear I want you to share, share in a review for me DM me I want to be I want to help you get accountable to making the shift for you? So send, send it on over let me hear what are what is the activating stuff we plan to take. All right. Thank lovelies, have a wonderful rest of your day toodaloo


18. Changing Relationship to Social and Coach with Michelle Mouhtis


16. Is it Time for a Social Media Break? 4 Tips to Come Back Stronger