29. What Every Entrepreneur Should Know Before a Launch

Limitless Podcast —Episode 29— Product Launch  

Have an idea for a new product or service that you want to launch? Bringing a product or new service to market can be a daunting experience. A product launch takes time and careful planning, in fact, One of the reasons so many products fail is that entrepreneurs rush to market without taking the necessary steps to plan and prepare. Jamie Ratermann discusses all the essential keys every entrepreneur should know before taking the leap. 

Episode’s Highlights: 

  • A Launch is only as good as the person launching it. 

  • Understanding that it's more than just a product or service you are providing. 

  • Your “Why” matters. 

  • Showcase the outcome of your offer. 

  • Gaining TRUST is hard-won, but it comes from sharing honesty and vulnerability often.


Are you looking to build a thriving business built on a strong brand message, money-making offers, and a resilient, growth mindset? Join the Marketing Mastery waitlist!: https://www.jamieratermann.com/marketing-mastery

Launch with certainty and excitement with this new free training! This mini-course includes 15 minutes of coaching, my 7-point launch planning guide, and a workbook to start planning your next launch: https://jamieratermann.com/how-to-launch-a-new-offer-social-media

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Read transcript below

Jamie Ratermann  0:00  

Being limitless is knowing your success and growth are built on your radical belief in yourself. Limitless is honoring your purpose, your health, and your impact above all else. Limitless is never playing small because the more alive you feel in your life, the more growth and success you attract. Hi, my name is Jamie Ratterman. And I'm a Holistic business coach. Meaning I am just as invested in growing your health as I am and growing your wealth. With 11 plus years of brand and social media marketing, I help rebellious entrepreneurs master marketing and body leadership and say fuck it to the hassle. This show is here to encourage you to become more radically aware of your self imposed limits, to break free of your shoulds and to expand your brand into a movement led by you. Hello lovelies, welcome to episode 29 of the limitless Podcast. Today we're going to talk all about what it means to launch an offer. launch an offer on the Internet, what that feels like what we can think about when you're doing it all of the above. Now I know that a lot of you are new entrepreneurs are or entrepreneurs who have been around for a while and you're like I want a better community, I want to build more dynamic content that represents me I want to in general feel ease and energy around my launches. This is something that this episode is of course going to be diving into. But I wanted to be able to share a little bit about what I'm excited about what I'm about to be in the middle of the launch of so my program Marketing Mastery is about to begin. And it is my signature program is 10 weeks long around you building a strong brand online around you loving your launches around you feeling really good about your offers. So it's built on three important keys. So it's it's all about building a money making offer. So those launches get to be easy. It's also about really understanding who you are and how we can help you stand out no matter what platform you're on. So it's all about that messaging and how you get to own that part of it. And then of course, mindset, how many times we talk in limiting beliefs on here, because it is something that whenever you decide to be a leader in your business, there are things that come up. And mindset and energy aren't as important as any strategy, anything that you put out there because your belief in yourself is so important. So that is my 10 week program, we get into money mindset, we get into video content creation, we get into just in general your launch essentials. So all of that is coming up. So if you're interested, I'm dropping in the show notes I would love to have you in. But in the process of you're just like, I just want to know what I want to get started. Now, I am dropping a free training today is seven keys to an energizing and easy launch. So it is going to be a free training for you to not only get coached by me for a few minutes, right, I'm gonna give you some context. But also I have a workbook in there. So you can start to build the keys so that whenever you are ready to launch, you will feel really grounded, really confident and ready to go. So I'll drop all of that in here. But today, we're going to drop right on in, we're going to know what it feels like to get into a launch, I'm going to give you three big essentials like the absolute essentials of what makes a good launch. And also to I want to give you just kind of some context about what it feels like and how you can overcome maybe some of those blocks that come along the way. So for many of you, my listeners here if you know me, you know I've done a number of launches at this point. So I just was mentioned in marketing mastery of course I have the Thrive mastermind I have one on one, I've done short bursts programs, most recently wealth portal, social expansion, I had a had a storytelling program called natural born storyteller, which maybe I'll bring back because that sounds like a lot of fun. So if there's something that I can say is that I have been through the ups and downs of the launch, I have absolutely been someone who has gone at the beginning of my of this entrepreneur journey feeling like I had to prove to everybody that this was the best offer. I've also been somebody who has been able to relax and literally just like be on a trip while I'm launching. And that's been except successful for me. So I want to really kind of be able to share with you what we're always a part of every single one of the launches that allows it to just get easier, but also to to, to kind of be able to share my own context and also what I see with my clients when they're launching a product. So that is what we're that is actually what we're getting into today. So before we dive into the essentials today, I want to be really clear that a launch is really only as good as the person who's launching it. Now I'm not saying that you have to be amazing, this, this this like big

Jamie Ratermann  4:53  

badass bigger than life person. That's not what I'm saying about this. I'm actually saying that the way you feel about a launch How clear you feel about a launch how focused you are in your launch is going to absolutely affect it. So for a lot of my thrivers Thrive mastermind, clients, they hear me say this all the time, whenever you're in a launch, you need to whole ask that launch. You ever heard of half assing? Launch? No, we're talking about whole assing it meaning you're in it, you love the offer, you're you absolutely know how to talk about it. So whenever a launch comes up, there's really important to know that your energy is important. So the first thing that happens when someone goes on a lot, or starts to launch a new offer a new business, whatever it might be, is that they decided that work is the only thing that is important in their day. So it's so one, don't do that. To them, it's more important than ever before, that you incorporate the things that make you feel whole that makes that make you feel most powerful. So don't forget to eat. Don't forget to have breakfast in the morning. I'm serious. Like I was like, there was a launch, right? Run to my computer. And then I'd be like, so it's like, oh, scarcity, middle, middle of the day going, Oh, what's wrong? Oh, I haven't eaten today. So your energy is really important. So keep those health routines, make sure that they are mandatory. Don't forget them. The second piece here is your clarity and explaining it is important. So if you're not clear about what your offer gives, you're not going to be able to clearly share it. So really, an important key here is that if you're like, Oh, my offer does this, this, this and this and this and this, like Yeah, your offers can be really expansive, can do so many things. But if you aren't clear, it's not going to be clear to the audience or to the potential lead or client that's coming in to you. So making sure you take the time to reflect and get into the intentionality behind your offers really important. Your WHY is essential more than ever before more than ever before. If you are launching an offer, tell us like why the heck you're putting yourself through this? Why the heck are you deciding that your business is getting started. So in general, it's really important that whenever you're launching an offer, if it's just for money, and we'll get into in just a moment, that's not a good enough reason. So being able to really put put some thought behind, this is the time for this offer. This is the this is why it's important for you to launch it now can be really effective. The last piece here is your confidence. And the offer itself is essential. So whenever you're building an offer, it's really important to know that like there's a lot of common sense pieces, there's a lot of like, oh, this is this makes sense, because it's how I've done it. But whenever you are putting it out in the world, you want to believe wholeheartedly that if I launch this product, I absolutely can create these results, I can replicate those results for the ideal client that comes in my door. So there is a side of this where like, you know, I think we've all been in a wishy washy sales call, we've been in a wishy washy, even watched a wishy washy Instagram story where someone's like, you know, you can, like we do this, we do this and they offer we can do this, like your certainty around the incompetence around the offer is going to absolutely be that energy push that people go, Oh, I trust, if she trusts in it, then I'm intrigued by it. So being able to know that all of these things are all pre work, pre grounding pre reflection pre strategy before you launch the the offer itself. So your energy, your clarity, your why, and your overall confidence in the results is an essential part of a launch. So these are just a couple of keys before we even dive into the specifics here. So a big reason why you may see entrepreneurs in general talking about why launching a program is you know, a portal is a bring up old wounds is that essentially you're putting yourself out there, you're you're absolutely taking a risk to share like this is what I'm passionate about, I have officially decided to bring you into this offer. So what's important here is to be able to understand that any of those wounds or those limits that have come up before that is absolutely going to still be there, it's not going to be gone. So be able to know that whenever we're taking a big risk, our inner critic gets really freaking loud. And this is again, where we come back to those health practices. We come back to those things that absolutely give us the ability to get re grounded, realize how powerful we are and move through it. So I'm going to say that yes, I've definitely had Are you enough to launch this offer before? I've definitely had that creeping thought of you better do more for this. If you want to get the results that you're looking for you better you better and I absolutely have felt that and I can tell you strategy doesn't fix it. It will lot to do with how I take care of myself and how much trust I have in myself. So at the end of the day, a launch is the best growth edge you can actually put yourself through. You're absolutely deciding to challenge how much trust you have yourself, you're actually deciding to challenge how much purpose you feel behind your business. So at the end of the day, it's worth it. It's always worth it. You all this is essentially why you hear people always talk about business growth turns into personal growth. Yeah, because we are definitely deciding that we are living in the purpose that we have behind our business.

Jamie Ratermann  10:38  

But understand that this is where you get to jump right on it. So for all while you guys have all heard me talk about an episode, I want to say two or three talks about niche and episode talking about your story. We're going to culminate these into the three main essentials. But again, I want to give you as many examples as you can. So if you are currently or you want to launch an offer, this is my encouragement, drop me a review on this podcast, I will look at those, the me on the gram, tell me what you are working through, I would love to hear about it. Because again, I am, I feel like I'm like a little cheer like little cheerleader, I'm a biggest cheerleader around, if you're ready to be an entrepreneur, and let's fucking launch, it's so much fun. It is absolutely so much fun. So here are my three big essentials when it comes to launching an offer. So let's say you're ready to launch your offer, you've decided to build it up, you know exactly what you want to do. So you are ready to put it out in the world. Now, if you're putting it out in the world to an absolutely cold audience, this is where this essential one comes in. Your best launches happen between launches. So I want to be really clear is that your ability to show up to create community to in general, be able to showcase your expertise through regular content creation, through regular leadership through built in general getting to know the people in your community. This is what is actually essential for launches. So what I can totally share. And I do share in that in that free training, the content strategy behind a launch. But if that is the first time people are seeing you understand that that's going to be really hard. So the first essential here, your best launches happen between launches. So how can you make sure that those between launches moments are absolutely fantastic. So one thing to incorporate is that you're cultivating community. So community happens through two important keys, consistency and conversation. Yes, consistency and conversation so that that ever elusive how to post consistently online is absolutely why and how important it can be to be able to create community. So this is where you look at your habits, you figure out how you can create a marketing habit in your business. But set some goals, set some goals like alright, I'm going to show up two to three times a week, whatever feels right for you, the biggest thing is choose a good number week over week that you can hit on a regular basis. The second piece here is conversation. So whenever you are creating content, the goal is that you are becoming social. So I think this is such a weird thing is that social media is social, your social media is absolutely social. So if you aren't in engaging with others, if you aren't being able to know who's connecting with you and the art and your audience, then you're missing the point. This is also a big cue around the fact that if you like I like to kind of use the example of say I'm on a date, and I'm on a date, and the guy I'm on a date with is just talking my ear off about how amazing his life is how he thinks about the world, all of the above. And then the bill comes. And I realized that he never asked me a question. Like, I just got to watch him like speak to me. And I didn't actually engage with that person. I'm going to move on because I didn't. I didn't show up for a TED talk. And most people on social media are not showing up for a TED Talk. They want to be able to be seen be heard amongst the people they choose to follow. So whenever you are thinking about how you want to cultivate community, consistency and being there that they see you you're visible, and the conversation that comes after it, being able to engage not only with the people who engage with you, but people within your industry can be really important. So

Jamie Ratermann  14:58  

when I say that those two things are are important, I think the first thing that's going to come into your head, oh, I have to have a certain amount of followers before I'm ever able to launch a product. That's not accurate. So I think I'm currently at the time of this podcast in a 1500 range, I've been able to sell a successful product when I was at 800, I have had clients who are in the millions of followers, and I've had clients who are in the hundreds of followers. The idea of it is, is that if you have a really strong community that you know, you can sell, you can absolutely showcase your expertise. So follower numbers, while can be helpful for visibility, does not mean that you have to wait until you have this gargantuan number next to your Instagram name or your tick tock name or whatever platform you're on before you can start sharing. What I would encourage you though, is that you know who is following you, and that you can realize the better you get to know them, the better this happens. The next one within this is that whenever you are building up in between your lunch, you want to share your leadership. So there's a lot of talk around the market being saturated, like starting a new business or starting a new profile saturated, I want you to see that as a bullshit limit. That in general, social media is a version of the real world. So by somebody saying that there's too many businesses, on social media, there's too many entrepreneurs or there's too many people in my niche, you're more or less saying there's too many people in the world. Because the more we ingrain this side of the internet, in our in our day to day, the like in general, we are representing ourselves personal brands get to be human and all of the above. Now, what's important and why I want to say this is that don't let that detract you from showing up. Now, you as somebody who's passionate, let's say about health, or let's say you are somebody who's creative, who's created a candle line or you if you're somebody who is a wine expert. Many other people are also going to be wine experts, they might be giving some more tips, they might also be giving, in general, the similar kind of advice with their community. Now, that doesn't mean that this person is better than this one, I want you to realize that competition is fake competition is not real. In reality, when you are comparing yourself to somebody else, you are ignoring the power of your story, we don't always decide on someone who has the most expertise or the most skill we decide on the we we make our decisions, our buying decisions on someone we resonate with. Resonance is such a big part of in general cultivating that, that cultivating that community within your audience. And that usually comes from sharing your story, sharing the hard moments, the big moments in general sharing the key motivating moments in your life that led you decide to start a business. So many of you have heard my own corporate background and why ditching the hustle is essential as a part of my day be i sharing I'm I have shared with many of you a big part of my own story that has nothing to do with how many years I've been doing marketing strategy, how many years I've been helping people with mindset shifts. So this is what's really key here is the fact that those stories are like, you know, I want to share them because it actually feel it's build meaning for me. But also for you, I know that I get the majority of my comments from all of you saying, Oh, I did that too, or oh, I've been there as well. So sharing your unique perspective, that is what is going to be your differentiator. I love always using this example, because I definitely was surprised by how this affected this can be. But sharing your story can be as simple as sharing your favorite TV show. And one moment, I did absolutely share in my Instagram stories that I had a love for SpongeBob. And it did turn into a one on one client. How would I give that advice?

Jamie Ratermann  19:08  

I don't know. But I but I shared that I had a love of SpongeBob. And someone was like, Oh, I love I love seasons one and two. And that turned into a longer conversation in the DMS. So understand that the more you can, you know, create an invitation for connection through your story, the better the end users this becomes. So really what sharing your story sharing your leadership means in this way is you're you're gaining trust, you're getting trust with your audience, not only that you are an expert, but that they are going to trust you with their money. So it's not something that is easy. It's hard won. It's something that the more you show up the more you share with honesty and vulnerability, the more likely they are to trust you. But this is absolutely a place where I don't want you to share My way from sharing your story, this goes for products. This goes for services. And doesn't matter what industry you're in, we want to see behind the curtain more more than ever before, we want to see who's this person who day in and day out is creating this coffee product, this candle this, you know, I have, I've even had a sprinter come in before who creates these amazing flowers that are, when I say creates them, like she, they're paper, they're paper flowers that look absolutely, I have a shout out to summer space studio, or in this moment, but there, it's amazing. We also want to know her and the process of what she's doing. And it allows us just to see that it's not just a inanimate object, a core services make sense here, if you are sharing why you decided to create a service, or why this is essential, or how you use it, or you see clients use it, all of this is going to be someone going Oh, I like her perspective. I like the way she decides to do this, or I'm just game on supporting the person. And I like the product. So understand that this, this sharing your story piece is a human element, where you're creating a human element in your business, where you want to legitimately connect based off of your purpose, versus hey, I want your money. That's not what that's the biggest thing I would hope you can release, when you're when you're deciding to use marketing is that marketing is about connection, not about trying to get people's money in the process. The last piece when we're talking about between launches is that you want to really make it easier on yourself and also on others to be known. What are the key areas in which you are an expert? What are the key areas or categories of content that you can regularly create and are energized by it. So I normally recommend five, one of those pillars being your story, because I think there's such a way in which people decide that they don't want to share their story. But I want to be really clear one of those content pillars of those five content pillars I shared should absolutely be your story. But this is an important piece is that whenever someone lands on an Instagram post on your website, on, on anywhere, the goal is for them to get an idea of who you are. Now, we all know the saying don't judge a book by your cover by its cover. But let's let's be honest, we do take an idea of what the books about before we decide to dive in. So this is where if you have your top three posts about health, let's say, I'm going to anticipate that that's what you talk about. If your top three posts are about your dog, I'm going to anticipate that that's what you're talking about. So understand that the more you create content around your key areas of expertise, the more likely when someone lands in your world in your business, they go oh, she is great for these reasons. So I in general want to really talk about this just one step further is that the best form of marketing and I'm serious, the most cost effective, the best form of marketing is word of mouth marketing. The next next best piece is referral marketing. So whenever you are doing that, in general, it takes less time for someone to make a buying purchase. If someone has given that given you their approval to their friend, oh, you absolutely should follow Angelica, she's fantastic for giving like ways to calm down your nervous system. Oh, you absolutely should follow Ava her candles are the best, the best I have like five women in my apartment that in general according to human behavior will absolutely reduce

Jamie Ratermann  23:46  

the amount of time they have to spend with you. Because they they've you've gained the trust of somebody else. So know that your content pillars are the conduit to that are the way in which you create that channel. So decide what you want to talk about on a regular basis. So I did a whole episode about the content pillars, I'll go ahead and make sure that we remind you in the show notes, I want to say it was in the first 10 episodes, but that can help you kind of define what that can be for you. So this is the within that that first essential had three important subcategories. Whenever you are about to launch, understand that the best launches happen between launches. So you want to cultivate community through consistency and conversation. You want to share your story and your leadership on a regular basis to build trust. And then you want to be known through your content pillars that the that we're ready to get get started right. So the second essential piece when you're ready to launch an offer is that whenever you are selling something, you want to make sure you do a switch you want to showcase the outcome of your offer more than the challenges are the pain points that your client might be going through. So show us what happens after now I know that this might sound a little bit wonky to you but if you are focusing in on what Your what your potential clients lack, they're only going to feel in lack. When you are wanting someone to buy or invest in you, you want them to see the possibilities, the transformation, that in general, the ease that your product or service can create for them, or the just in general, like the the uplifting of their spirit in some way. So it doesn't mean that there's not going to be a moment where you can talk through those challenges. But when you're ready to sell, or you're talking about an offer, you want to focus on, this is what you're going to leave with, these are the top three things that you absolutely are going to leave this offer with, because I've, I've done the hard work to build it for you. So I talked about this a lot in the modern ways to sell. But the idea is how can you drop them into what their life could be like, once they decided to work with you. So in reality, whenever we are launching a product, we aren't exactly selling you a product or service. Actually, let me let me make that statement a little stronger, we aren't selling a product or service, we are selling the lifestyle, the transformation that comes with it. So this is even something that I've witnessed with with clients before where they're like, Oh, our products, great convenience, great ease their quality, and like they focus so so much on the product itself. And like like trying to prove that the product is the best and quality are the best in this. And it doesn't mean that that is not a part of the equation. But I don't care unless you tell me how I can use it. Like, we don't care unless you tell me how I can start to implement this in my life. So whenever you are thinking about selling anything, you want to think about the lifestyle or the transformation that creates. So a key way of doing this is going back and thinking about whatever those challenges were that the whatever the challenges the offer is solving. So let's say me think of an example here, let's say you're a fitness trainer. And one of the challenges is you want people to feel stronger in their body, you want them to be you want you want them to like in general know what to do at the gym, you want them to hit their health goals. So the challenge might be like, they, they want to lose some weight. The the flip side, or the way in which you want to talk about the lifestyle that could come with the offer would be you always feel confident in a bikini. Or you feel you feel like you can lift those groceries no matter where you go. It helps somebody see where like, Oh, this is what this is what I'm signing up for this, this better this ease with my life. So using those challenges that someone might write feel, or what the offer solves, can allow you to start to think about how you want might how you want to be talking about it. The last piece here, the last essential, and I want to be I want this to be kind of fun here is that you should be obsessed with the offer, you should absolutely be in the energy of how amazing this offer is. The other side of this is that I don't want you to launch out of scarcity. So for many of you like when you're an entrepreneur, you're you're making some financial bets on yourself. So understand that when you're ready to launch something, you want to tamp down any scarcity or any fear around money as best you can. Now,

Jamie Ratermann  28:32  

of course we are we all are businesses, the idea of us giving our gifts and our talents in the world, we would like people to invest in us. Of course, of course, of course. But if you're going like I need people in this room, I need people to buy this offer, it's going to turn into that versus the offer. It's going to turn into I hope I get this many people I have to get this many people versus the offers what I'm here to celebrate and what the possibilities are. I have definitely had a client who's had an absolute bombshell launch where she's made over 20k in her launch. And then the next time she launches that same product, she's kind of in a bit of a scarcity mode and not feeling it and then nobody comes. So understand that. When you are launching, you want to do your best to kind of handle whatever financial fears that are coming through. But the other side of this is is coming back to what I said at the beginning of the episode, how clear are you about what this offer can do? How clear are you about how confident you are in the results of the offer? All of this is essential. All of this is really important. So clarity and intention go a long way. I think half of what I do whenever I'm helping people talk about selling an offer or launching an offer is allowing them to get really grounded in What the heck, it is not just another offer to help somebody to build their video that build video content, not just another another product, or not just another jewelry product out there not just another way to help you eat healthier. Whenever you are launching something you want to get really deep in what's the mission here? What am I about what is the vision I'm creating by launching an offer like this. Because the more you tie it, tie the offer to what it's about what the what you're hoping to create what in general ripple effect you think this offer creates. In the world, you're going to get even more obsessed with it, you're going to see meaning in launching versus I need money, right? So the idea here is, is that whenever you're whenever you are launching something, it should feel like a party, it should feel like a party for the movement you're creating, it should feel like a party for you trusting in yourself, it should feel like a party for the fact that the more people that you can bring in to your business, the more impact you're getting to make in the world. So understand that a launch. Whenever you're ready to launch something, make sure that you have the energy behind it, you feel really clear, you've done the work to feel really intentional about who you're calling in. And then this all can make it a lot easier. So the reason why this can be really important is that the more grounded you can be, the more you can like really manage your emotions. So a large part of what I do a lot more of in the mastermind than anywhere else is how to master your emotions when it comes to being a business leader. So once you master your emotions here, in general, when mastering emotions means being able to witness when they come and there's a whole, there's a whole episode I should do about that. So but the idea here is, is that the more obsessed we can get the art with the offer, the more grounded we'll be, and the more that we can really share it out in the world. So people in general by based more on their emotion than they do through facts alone. So the more you can share the feel of the offer the essence of what it's about the energy behind it, the better results you're going to get in the long run. So you need to so you can do this through showcasing your purpose, the why, but I I like to talk about how you can capture the essence of the offer itself. Okay, so these are three big important parts of launching. When you're ready to launch your first offer, or when you're ready to launch your next offer. These are like in general, the keys that I'm giving here, work every word for every single offer. They're all absolutely my way of reflecting before I begin. So the biggest things are those three keys, the best launches happen between launches, showcase your outcome of your offer more than the challenges the pain points it solves. And then be obsessed with the offer itself celebrate the fact that you are putting this out in the world, that energy is transferable. That essence of what you want or wanting to create is absolutely a reason why people will buy in.

Jamie Ratermann  33:16  

Before I finish this episode, I wanted to make sure that I share two really important keys here is that whenever you are launching something, understand that quantity can be effective. So there's a rule in general in marketing, that people need to see your the offer at least seven to 12 times before they start decide to make a marketing decision. People need to see the offer or you talking about the offer seven to 12 times before they're ready to make a marketing decision. Dammit. People need to see your offer seven to 12 times before they decide to make a buying decision. So that means that your ability to share it on social media, your ability to have a marketing ecosystem around your brand you'd have you have email, you have social, you have blogs, you think about partnerships. All of that is an essential part of this so that your visibility is high. So there's a common thing here. And the reason why I made sure to bring this up in this episode is that I posted about a once that's like, I'll hear this, I posted about it once. Why isn't aren't people coming? More than likely we need to see it a couple of times before we decide before we decide we want to work with you but also to the algorithm is not always going to show it to the person that's a hell yes. So putting it out there putting quantity out there is absolutely an essential part of especially during a launch, but also a practice to do in between launches of course. Now, the next thing here is that I know that people like to attach numbers to their launches. Now it's always good to have a design weird people number of people in a room. But I like to talk about the power of one. So the power of one is when you get one signup, one sign up for an offer one sign up for a masterclass one or one purchase of a product. Understand that as humans, we all are similar in a lot of ways to each other. So if if one person decides that they aren't, they trust you and they want to buy in with you. That means there's other people like them, if you get one person in, I want you to dance, celebrate, pop champagne, get freakin excited, because it is proof, it is proof that people want to work with you, it is proof that there's so many other people out there. So do yourself a favor don't get so locked into like if, if I launched this at has to be this number, or it's not a success. One person is a way in which you can really get re energized and continue to show up. So understand that's really important. And the last piece, the last piece here is that practice detachment. So a launch is something you do for your business, it does take a large, poor part of you, it is you showing a lot of yourself. There's so many things that happen in a launch. And I again, I want you to see that as a really fun test and a really fun way of growth for you. Because if we can switch that mindset, it's really helpful, but detach from the fact that, you know, if you have an outstanding launch, and you and you make all the money and you get the room, as full as you are, it's something to celebrate, it's exciting, you are still amazing. As the same person, if you if you do that launch again, and no one signs up, you are as valuable as you were during the big launch. So people have make buying decisions for many different reasons. That's why marketing is here. So know that you're not you are not a failure. If you have a failed launch. Not even at all, think I'll go I'll dive into this even deeper into another episode. But detachment is definitely an important practice here. So I hope this helped episode gives you a picture of how you can get grounded and get clear before you're ready to launch and also gives you a glimpse of how fucking fun a launch is. I swear it is so much fun in knowing that, like you just get to pour this energy out. But know that a launch is a big step in our business. There's a lot of self trust, there's a lot of self love and confidence that plays a big role, not just the strategy, not just, you know the energy. There's a lot that goes on internally. So it's important for me to continue to remind you to take care of yourself, because that will transfer into results for you. So the big risk, it is a big risk. It's a fun risk.

Jamie Ratermann  37:57  

But this risk is always worth the reward you learn so much about yourself but you also get to get to repeat results or be able to build off of whatever you do. So knowing that if you have been waiting to launch an offer, this is your sign this is me giving you the permission slip, it's time. Put it out there, I promise it's only going to be an amazing learning experience for you. If you have been timid around launching and even do it and you've been launching other things instead or you've been kind of quiet lately. This is also an opportunity for you to go ahead and dive dive back on in. So like I said in the shownotes today I'm dropping that free training so you can start to build this yourself is the seven keys to an energizing easy launch and it's something that I wanted to give to you so that you can get started now to go ahead and drop in there if you want. This is also a piece just one important piece within the My Marketing Mastery program. So that is currently live and ready for you to join us. It will we will be starting in mid October so I am so pumped to invite you there but thank you so much for listening. If you get the chance DM me Tell me what you loved about this episode. I would love to hear it


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