Time Is Your Best Resource How to Outsource Like a Pro with Kelly Hubbell -120

The myth of the “super mom” is doing more harm than good—so what if you could take back your time and reclaim your peace of mind? In this episode of Limitless, host Jamie Ratermann sits down with Kelly Hubble, founder of Sage House, who shares her transformative journey from software sales to building a platform that helps busy parents lighten their mental load.

 Kelly breaks down why outsourcing isn’t a luxury but a necessity, offering practical tips on where to start (hello, meal prep and laundry!). Discover how redefining “limitless” as a state of strength and courage can lead to a more balanced, fulfilling life—for you and your family. Plus, get a sneak peek at Sage House's upcoming resources designed to empower women to build systems that truly support their home life.

Breaking Free from the Super Mom Trap and Reclaiming Your Life

Breaking the cycle of burnout is crucial, especially when it’s a pattern ingrained in us from childhood. Kelly Hubble dives deep into the unrealistic expectations many mothers place on themselves, shaped by the super mom narrative handed down through generations. She bravely shares her journey of hitting a breaking point, realizing she was on the same path as her mother—a path filled with sacrifice and exhaustion. But here’s the game-changer: Kelly discovered that it’s not only okay to seek help, it’s essential. From managing household tasks to raising kids, Kelly emphasizes that finding support isn’t just a privilege; it’s a lifeline for modern parents. Whether you’re on a tight budget or have resources to spare, there are creative ways to get the support you need without guilt. It’s time to shift the narrative from doing it all to doing what matters most.

Why Perfection Can Wait: Grow Your Business with Confidence and Action

Starting a business isn’t just about having a polished product or a fancy website; it’s about being a few steps ahead of those you aim to serve and using that advantage to offer real solutions. Kelly Hubble underscores the importance of putting yourself out there, engaging in conversations, and leveraging platforms like LinkedIn and Instagram to gather valuable market research in real-time. Rather than perfecting every detail upfront, Kelly advocates for building confidence by sharing your journey and iterating based on the feedback you receive. Her approach is clear: you don’t need to have everything figured out to make an impact. The key is to focus on the value you bring, adjust as you go, and be open to evolving your business model. This mindset shift can save you time, energy, and even money—letting you focus on what truly matters.

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Key Takeaways

🎙️ Introduction and Background (00:00 - 11:03)

  • Kelly Hubble, introduced as the founder of Sage House

  • The platform helps busy parents reclaim time by outsourcing the mental load

  • Kelly's background: 10-year career in software sales

  • Started Sage House during third maternity leave

  • Initially took calls from moms seeking advice on outsourcing

📊 Business Development and Pivot (11:03–23:20)

  • Kelly realized she jumped too far ahead in her initial business approach

  • Pivoted to focus on helping clients identify what they need help with first

  • The importance of creating systems before hiring help

  • Discussed the concept of 'super mom' and its negative implications

  • Emphasized the need to change the narrative around doing it all

    👦 Family Dynamics and Outsourcing (23:20 - 32:22)

  • Discussed the importance of showing children that parents prioritize their needs

  • Weekly date night example: shows kids the importance of marriage

  • Highlighted the need for parents to have time for themselves

  • Explained how outsourcing can benefit the whole family

🏠 Practical Outsourcing Tips (32:22 - 42:38)

  • First areas to outsource: food preparation, laundry, errands

  • Shared personal experience with hiring a meal prep chef

  • Discussed affordability of outsourcing, starting with small steps

  • Emphasized the value of buying time over material possessions

🚀 Being Limitless and Closing Thoughts (42:38 - 50:51)

  • Kelly defines 'limitless' as feeling strong, brave, and courageous

  • Stressed the importance of freeing up time to pursue passions

  • Shared information about Sage House resources and programs

  • Upcoming cohort launching in October for women ready to find help and create systems

About Kelly Hubble

I’m Kelly Hubbell, a full-time working mom of three and founder of Sage Haus, a platform helping busy parents reclaim their time by outsourcing the mental load and creating home systems to support a healthy division of labor. My goal is to help very busy women whether they are career driven, entrepreneurs or anywhere in between feel more present and reclaim their time so time can be spent on growing their business, with their family or doing what they love. I urge every woman, especially Moms, to invest in their own village or support system, and strongly feel that this is more approachable and affordable than is perceived. My goal is to rewrite the "doing it all" narrative, and move women past the permission slip phase into actionable solutions to properly delegate, outsource and set up the home and support systems.


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