Why Your Sales Strategy Isn't Working -117

Is your business growth stalled despite your best strategies? What if the real challenge isn’t your plan but your mindset? In this episode of Limitless, Jamie Ratermann uncovers the hidden force behind entrepreneurial success: mindset. It's often said that success is 70% mindset and 30% strategy, and Jamie breaks down why this ratio rings true, especially for women entrepreneurs tackling sales goals. From battling self-doubt to finding resilience after setbacks, Jamie shares relatable analogies—like comparing mindset to sunlight for a garden—that shed light on the essential role of positive visualization and consistent effort.

Discover the mindset shifts that can transform your business, and learn how to celebrate small wins while embracing the journey rather than just the outcome. Plus, Jamie introduces her Money Mastery Academy, designed to help you blend strategic action with a growth-oriented mindset. Whether you’re struggling with low launch results or feeling like your effort isn’t enough, it’s time to reframe your approach and lean into the power of mindset. Your most powerful business tool? A belief system that backs your vision.

The Truth About Success: Building a Resilient Business Mindset

Success isn’t about avoiding failure; it’s about embracing it, learning from it, and refusing to stay down. The most successful people? They’ve face-planted more times than they can count, but they get back up, brush it off, and keep moving. What if your job isn’t to be successful but to be relentlessly curious and resilient? Jamie explains why it’s time to reframe your story, ditch the energy-draining thoughts, and replace them with actions rooted in a mindset that magnetizes success. If you've hit that "I'm done" moment, this is your wake-up call. The real secret to consistent sales isn’t just strategy—the mindset drives it.

Why Strategy Alone Won’t Save Your Next Launch

Entrepreneurship is a wild ride—an exhilarating journey that can either empower you or scare the hell out of you. If you've ever felt the weight of unmet sales goals or compared yourself to others and come up short, you're not alone. The truth is, that strategy alone isn’t enough to fix a failed launch. The missing piece? Your mindset. Selling can bring out the worst of your doubts, turning your business journey into a rollercoaster of self-belief and self-sabotage. But what if you could flip the script? What if you could stop hiding, face those energy-zapping thoughts, and truly believe in your process? It’s time to unpack the heavy baggage and align your mindset with your goals, so you can finally hit those sales targets and build the business you’ve always envisioned.

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Key Takeaways

💼 Entrepreneurship and Sales Challenges (01:51 - 06:07)

  • September brings renewed energy for sales and launches

  • Discusses common fears and doubts about reaching sales goals

  • Emphasizes that entrepreneurship is a growth opportunity

  • Highlights the importance of mindset over strategy (70% mindset, 30% strategy)

🧠 Mindset and Success (06:07 - 12:18)

  • Uses the Machu Picchu climbing analogy to illustrate mindset importance

  • Compares two hikers: one with self-doubt, one with positive visualization

  • Stresses the need to release negative self-beliefs

  • Emphasizes that business mindset is more important than strategy

🚀 Growth Mindset and Sales (12:18 - 18:37)

  • Discusses the difference between fixed and growth mindsets

  • Encourages showing up consistently, even without immediate results

  • Uses garden analogy: posts as seeds, strategy as soil, mindset as sunlight/water

  • Emphasizes the importance of getting excited about small successes

💪 Resilience and Success (18:37 - 23:26)

  • Debunks the myth of overnight success

  • Discusses how successful people handle failures and setbacks

  • Emphasizes the importance of believing in oneself before tangible proof

  • Introduces Money Mastery Academy program for mindset and strategy development

Want to empower yourself to tame rejection to your will and raise your self-worth? Download these 10 FREE  self-worth journal prompts to get started and become more wealthy and worthy?

Money Mastery Academy: https://www.jamieratermann.com/money-mastery-academy
Bio Breakdown: https://www.jamieratermann.com/bio-breakdown

Check out my mini-course, "3 Steps to 30 Days of Content." It's designed to help you develop a rewarding and repeatable system for increasing your visibility and enjoying the process of content creation.

Try Sunsama: https://try.sunsama.com/jamie-ratermann 

Launch with certainty and excitement with this new free training! This mini-course includes 15 minutes of coaching, my 7-point launch planning guide, and a workbook to start planning your next launch. Get the Launch Checklist Now!

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The Secret to Consistency, How to Stay on Track Without Burning Out with Celeste Harrington - 118


Unlock Your Creative Power with Paige Ray-116