The Wealth Portal


A 5-Week Website Conversion Program for Entrepreneurs


There is a way to market your business that builds endless confidence in your online presence, that doesn’t have an algorithm, where you don’t have to keep up with the trends, that allows you to sell anytime, and that embodies your mission and your business style. The most untapped marketing channel is your website – your domain, your online HQ, and the place that represents you and your mission most. 

By unlocking the potential of your site, you get to create a channel that attract sales even when you aren’t available, that boldly and clearly shares your offers to the people who are searching for you, that cannot be replicated by any other brand, and elevates the performance of your content on social media and email. This is the potential of your website aka your Wealth Portal through emboldening your sales messaging and enhancing action on site.


The Wealth Portal Seeks to:

  • Unblock Your Money Pathways

  • Attract Effortless Sales

  • Embolden Your Offer and Brand Messaging


How would it feel if you could:

  • Create memorable relationships in the way you share and talk your offers 

  • Open your inbox to a surprise new sale or customer (who doesn’t even follow you on social) 

  • Get a new subscriber or customer each time they visit your site. 

  • Proudly share links to your sales pages because your site represents who you are

  • Feel more free during launches because your site does the heavy lifting for you


Selling ONLY in the DMs is not a flex. I created Wealth Portal because the website is the epicenter of your business. Your website is the where potential dream clients make their final decision if they trust you to elevate their lives or businesses. As the owner of your domain, your site gets to be one of biggest sources of confidence for you!

This comprehensive program is about never questioning if your website is inviting enough to new clients. We are building websites that create action in 2 clicks or less, using website behavior science and dynamic brand messaging.

I am so grateful each time I look at my website or go to make updates! Now my website is something I am so proud of, showcases my offers authentically, and brings in more ideal clients. Everything I learned from Jamie continues to breathe life into my business everyday!
— Natalie Alderson, Somatic Coach and Therapist

Meet Jamie

As a brand and social media strategist for 11+ years, the website is a place that would either make or break all of my efforts for brands. We’d create excitement on social media but as soon as they clicked into the website that enthusiasm was lost. Your website is your ultimate wingwoman to attract the wealth you desire. As a business coach, my Marketing Mastery alum time and again share how their homepages are the biggest area of confidence for them.

Better yet, new leads and referrals always check your website (usually second right after IG) to learn about who you are. Your domain gets to be your bold invitation for the people you want to help most and speeds up the pathway to create more wealth. Your voice and energy is the key to effortless sales – let’s hone it together!


This 5-week program includes: 

  • 5 90-minute Group Coaching Calls

  • 2 2-hr Magnetic Messaging Mastery Sprints (Supported Creative Sessions)

  • Guest Coaches on SEO and Web Design

  • Lifetime Access to the Wealth Portal Course

  • Weekday Group Slack Support

  • Option to add 2 VIP 1:1 Coaching Sessions


Week 1: Create a Converting a Website and Emboldening Your Messaging

Week 2: Honing Homepage for Early Conversion

Week 3: Creating an About Page that Activates New Leads

Week 4: Selling Offers that Build Relationships - Sales Pages

Week 5: The Role of Blogs and SEO

 Wealth Portal is a no-application program with two ways to plug in:


2 - 1:1 Deep Dives & Voxer Support

Wealth Portal is for you if…

  • You are bashful about sharing your website

  • You don’t know how to talk about your offers 

  • Your sales pages feel like an afterthought instead of a place that grounds you 

  • You’ve only made a sale through your social media DMs. 

  • Your website is just a thing you have but don’t really know how to use it 

  • You’re not sure where to start.

This is not for you if:

  • You are looking to learn how to design a website. This is a sales messaging and website user experience course. Work with web designers or enhanced templates through Squarespace or Wix to beautify and brand design your site. 

  • You haven’t developed offers yet for your business. I can help with that in my Marketing Mastery program. Hop on the Waitlist here!

  • You want your website copy to be written for you. The Wealth Portal is about emboldening your messaging skills and confidently creating a converting user experience. By enhancing the way you share you offers on site, it gets even easier to sell your offers anywhere else!

Are you ready to confidently share your offers, unblock your money pathways, and attract effortless sales!