36. 2023 Marketing Trends You Should Definitely Know

Limitless Podcast —Episode 36 – 2023 Marketing Trends 

Digital marketing has changed more in the past two years than it has in the last decade. Why? Because it is constantly evolving. What’s popular today might be completely irrelevant next week. We now have much greater access to user data and consumer behavior. Today, on the Limitless Podcast, Jamie Ratterman explains how this will influence the marketing trends in 2023 and how investing in video marketing, brand building, customer relationships, and improving online presence through SEO, and content will be a top priority. 

Episode’s Highlights: 

  • What digital marketing trends will emerge in 2023

  •  Short-form videos are the new way of video consumption 

  • Why the next era of marketing is more meaningful

  • Overselling on Social vs Creator CEO 


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Jamie Ratermann  0:00  

The more you can focus on the purpose of why do you want to have visibility? Why do you want people to listen to you? Why do you want to show up? If you focus on your purpose for showing up on social media first, this is all going to feel better. Being limitless is knowing your success and your growth are built on a radical belief in yourself. Limitless is honoring your purpose, your health and impact above all else. Limitless is never playing small because the more alive you feel in your life, the more growth and success you attract. Hi, my name is Jamie Ratterman. And I am a Holistic business coach, meaning I am just as invested in growing your health as I am and grow your wealth. With 11 plus years and brands social media marketing, I help rebellious entrepreneurs master marketing and body leadership and say fuck it to the hustle. This show is here to encourage you to become more radically aware of your self imposed limits to break free of your shoulds and to expand your brand into a movement led by you. Hello lovelies, welcome to episode 36 of the limitless podcast I have been waiting, I can't wait to talk about the topic of today the 2020 theory trends that I think you should all be jumping on now and getting ahead of and in particular, many of these things are something that I have upgraded optimized with all of my programs to make sure if I'm going to be teaching you marketing, then we're going to make sure we are marketing your business for what's working in 2023. So I'm really excited to talk about today's episode. I'm over here though. It has been the beginning of Scorpio season for my for my horoscope lovers like an all in all the things Scorpio season is usually the part where I think the the myth or the what people believe it is, is that like you burn everything down and you start a new you want anything that's not working anymore, you decide to release and you decide to do the thing that you want to and I would definitely say with the club's with all the things that are happening. I had that moment this this week where I was like I had a plan for exactly how I wanted to end the year. And then I decided, let me take a look at what feels better right now. And that is exactly a part of like these trends that are coming up and what I really want to do what's making me feel the most alive and my business has a lot to do with the things I'm gonna be sharing today. So my Scorpio season learning or lesson, it was definitely me making a shift this week, like I woke up one morning and decided like, you know what, I'm gonna launch a little bit differently now. And that was exactly something that I loved. So I am over here just like finishing the week when I record this episode, knowing that the end of 2022 is going to be full of like what's making me feel the most alive in my business. And that's exactly the kind of thing that I like to give to my clients as well. So a large portion of the way in which I like to coach and help people is for them to gain a lot of self trust and their process because of course there's a lot of marketing strategy and different things to consider but your way that you do it is always going to perform better than just copying what somebody else is doing. Or just trying to do what what everyone says is working right. So for me if I am doing my job right it is to help you trust yourself and the path that you want to take when it comes to a new product when it comes to how you show up on social so that you don't get wrapped up in what everyone's telling you should be doing instead. So if any of you've been listening to the podcast you know that I'm not here to put limits I'm here to make you feel limitless and that has a lot to do with your inner knowing and how you want to perceive that so this next round of Marketing Mastery an any round really of my programs has that instilled in it how can you really be that leader that you want to be and then really create your own path. So Marketing Mastery is doors are open Of course if you are interested in building a money making offer suite that is recession proof, that is what we're focusing on in this program, if you want to stand out, using your video skills and your messaging that is what we're focusing on this next round. And of course, all of this is wrapped up in mindset and your energy as as a leader so if you want to be building that magnetic brand and feeling and sharing more of who you are, I have all the lessons all the modules the community everything that that really can create this in my marketing mastery program. So just to give you an idea is that in general, many of my marketing mastery clients graduates will usually leave the program if not having their first take 10k months having consistent five to 6k months every single time. So if you are an early entrepreneur and you haven't been able to create consistency across your programs, this is also something to consider as well. So I'm so excited to check the show notes. We are revving up and I'm giving away lots of bonuses right It now related to it, so you're gonna love it. But go ahead and take a look. But you know what, let's get in, let's get into it, let's get into the trends that you can capitalize on now, as you are walking in to 2023, and how we're going to be our biggest self, and we're going to grow and love the way in which we are becoming a new brand by deciding that we're going to just release the bullshit, I shared what wasn't working on Instagram before. So that is, I believe, Episode 3433. I think that's correct. So if you wanted to hop in there, you're going to be able to witness and take a look at what can really help you there. But today's episode is what to do. This is going to be about what marketing trends are happening now and how you can really capitalize on them. And make sure that 2023 You are leading the pack, you are leading your community and being able to really stand out by embracing some of these changes. So this episode is us diving right in, let's do it, let's dive right on it. So more now than ever, your brand being memorable is really important. So for many of us who have been using Tiktok been using Instagram, and understanding that hopping on the trends, doing the things making that a consistent part of your routine is so important. And by all means, if you haven't posted a real yet, I want you to ignore this piece of advice. And just this, just decide you're going to go out and try it, do the trends, try those things out. But if you're ready to advance ready to go a little deeper. And really make sure that if you are posting a reel, it turns into a follower or if you're posting a reel, it turns into community. If you're posting a Tiktok, you're going to be able to potentially have them become a client more easily. You want to be a memorable and identifiable brand. So one way to really witness this is that, let's say you see a trend that you really like So right now

Jamie Ratermann  7:03  

there is a trend going around of this is Michael Yato. from House of dragons when we get if I get like, what's your drink of choice, like there's that this like trending audio that keeps going back and forth. So if you click into that audio, and you scroll through everyone who's decided to jump on that trend, you're gonna see a lot of things that look the exact same, they all look very similar. They're doing something and they're putting new words overtop of them. Yeah, that trend is something to jump on, I intend to myself, I will jump on it as well. But this is where your colors, your vibe, your energy is going to allow you to go like, Oh, this person's got her shit together, or this person's got a whole vibe to her a whole energy to her versus everyone else who's just jumping on the trend. So doubling down on how you want to be identifiable, usually can start with colors. So let's say you are trying to choose your brand color. So whenever somebody is just getting started, they're usually like, Okay, what do what colors do I want them to be? I like to encourage you to take a look in your closet. So for many of you who are solopreneurs or small businesses, what do you happen to always have in your closet, so I am a blue green girl, that is what I do. That is what I have in my closet. And in general, like it didn't make sense for me to decide to do a red orange vibe because I don't I don't have any of those colors around me. And it turns out that that because of my own personal interests, that people think that I've paid in my apartment, my brand colors and it's like no my brand colors are what I enjoy having around me. So if right now you do not have kind of brand colors that you like to use. Choose that choose to look in your cars and go like I really lean to blacks and whites, there's nothing wrong with that double down on it. I really lean to like, like like a monochrome versions of these things. So try those out. There's a website called coolers, ce o l o r s.co, which is a really wonderful tool to kind of figure out what your brand color palette can be. So I encourage you to take a look at that one. Within that. Whenever we are creating video, wherever we're creating reels know that you do not have to be going all around the world with your backdrops. So something I was talking about in my five day real challenge with the people who joined into my Facebook group was that you do not have to like really be running all around the city to do it. So in general, if you choose two or three places and your apartment and your home that you are going to regularly be filming from that's going to also help you be identifiable. So consider how like YouTube creators are different or other people that you've followed who have been creators for a long time. You kind of know their backdrops, you know where they're going to be and whenever you're Rolling are seeing them like, Oh, I've seen this before, I am familiar with this person based off of the kind of content you're repeatedly, repeatedly creating. So those are just two ways to consider how to really stand out amongst a trend or in your feed. But this is really an opportunity for you to dig deep. Now I've talked about ideal client, I talked about your story, of course, you can turn off those episodes. But this is where you combine those and ultimately decide how do you want people to feel when they interact with you. So what's the energy of you was the energy of your brand? So if you want it to be silly, quirky? How can you bring that element into the way in which you create content? So if you're silly and quirky, yeah, maybe the dance trends or something you want to jump on? Maybe like, just like, being able to have a lot of fun, and show that in the real is gonna be really helpful. But like, don't let that part of you fly, let that let that part of you really show, that's going to be a part of what your brand vibe can be. But also, if you're, if you're wanting to be educational, if you're wanting to make things feel easy can you be can you show that you are professional, but decided that you're going to share a lesson while you're sipping tea, or while you're just relaxing into it being a brand, of course is can start with logos and backdrops and different things. But to be a vibe is to create an emotional reaction. So if you want to be a calming voice for somebody, be a calming voice. If you want to help people and activate them, be an activating voice. So really start to think about how you can create a solid identifiable vibe within your brand. And you can do that through the examples I gave here. The second trend to really be hopping on now, if you haven't already, is video skills. I talked about reels and how you can be an identifiable brand. Now it's time for you to know that the more we can create quality video, the better it's going to be. So right now, what social platforms are winning, and you're going to be surprised by some of these is YouTube. First YouTube shorts is what tick tock was a few months ago, in general, they're giving lots of reach to small creators. And YouTube shorts can be something that you are bringing all of the videos you've created for tick tock for Instagram onto that platform. So in general YouTube shorts is going to be really, really a big way to help you grow in the upcoming months. So go figure, the more you get into video, the better it's going to be tic tock of course is their idea of pins or more almost more important right now than static pins on Pinterest idea pins or their video component. LinkedIn video is taking off as well as text but like know that that's important, then of course Instagrams in there. Of course, Instagram has been doing that video stuff, we talk a lot about the gram on here, because I have a lot of clients that have focused on there. But I want to encourage you one. With this trend, the video skills trend is that go somewhere else, play somewhere else as well, how many times I have a client who decides to tell me that Oh, as soon as I decided to create for this other platform, Instagram actually became more fun for me. That is something to really dial in on. So your video skills are going to be essential. So one thing to note is that when you are enhancing these are trying to dive into them, do for yourself, first enjoy the process. And then I'm gonna I'm in general already compiling a list of my clients who are video editors and creators that you can ask them for support, especially because this particular skill is going to turn into something that might take some time out of your week. So being able to know that the more you can understand it, the better the content is going to be. And then and then at some point, you're going to be able to hand it off when you have that team for you. So here's three important tips to really start to consider. Whenever it comes to your video skills is that one, you're going to want to start using transitions more and more. So we've all been talking to camera for a long time, we've like the talking head videos have worked really well across the board. But how you can keep someone's attention is going to be what I'm talking about when I say video skills. So keeping someone's attention can be Yeah, being a little bit flashy, with their transitions like changing clothes, doing those things that can be something that you add as a fun element in there. It's also where you might you might chop up a 15 second video into 20 clips. So being able to show different places you've been being able to really keep attention by not just having one static video one static subject the entire time. That's going to be something that's even more important with In my 30 Day real challenge, I absolutely noticed that the more that I created different elements, the better reach I got. So that is going to be really important, a really important piece along the way. The second piece is clarity. So clarity is specific to the video the camera that you're using. So, for me, I have you in the past, I have used a lot of filters, sometimes just for fun. And but I have been brushing up so much more heavily on how can my videos have more clarity, better brightness, all of the things. So that is that will be something that comes into play. So in particular, just let me give you two important tips that have come through. If you right now are working off of HD on your iPhones, you want to probably switch over to 4k. And if you can use the back camera instead of the front camera, you're going to really benefit from both of those. So those are just small things that are going to really punch them up especially on the ground, I've been noticing the clearer the video, the more likely they're in my reels feed, and they're more likely they're getting engagement as well. So keeping those things in mind. Next piece is pacing. So I want to tell you that the more you can share educationally, it's going to be helpful on those reels that the more you can chop it up into pieces, the better, it's going to be simple similar to the transitions, but being but noting that like talking for 90 Straight seconds without changing the changing or moving or having some type of energy, people will just lose attention. So this is going to be the year where you decide to punch up the way in which you show up on camera, they're going to punch up, like how you can really keep someone's attention. So this is going to be the more one general this all this year, you're going to hear me talk about intention grabbing video, how does that work? How can that be more fun? And how can you do this, so it's more worth your time whenever you are creating.

Jamie Ratermann  16:59  

Okay, we've talked about content, a brand vibe, what it really is, let me talk about this next piece, you're going to want to start to look at your office suite a little more deeply. So we want to in general, the more bigger your business becomes, the more you want to have a really inviting pipeline to work with you. So I think a lot happened during the pandemic, where a lot of high ticket businesses shot off. And they still will because the higher the ticket the of the program, usually the higher the value. But in general, not everyone is going to be able to drop 3k 5k 7k for the support that they're hoping to do especially with everyone who left corporate, everyone who's starting their entrepreneurship journey, everyone who's ready to jump into into content creation, you want to look at your offer suite in a way that builds trust, the more that they spend time with you, the more likely they're going to trust you with more money. So your offer suite wants to build on itself. So I've invested in coaches, I've and I've worked with people that love to use a phrase called investing at your edge. So invest in yourself is always going to be really important. But we're entering an era especially with some of the recession, scarcity, there's some of the things that are coming up that if you are pushing people to spend too much of their money. Like it's going to feel really manipulative and really. So, in general, I think we're going to be entering an era of really people, we're going to be entering an era where your potential clients are going to want to understand the full value, they're going to want to lean into the testimonials of what's happening, but also they want to experience you first before they're ready to hand over their credit cards. So this means if you right now are doing a really high ticket offers, how many funnels Have you created for them to experience you first. So this kind of can come into form for a free offer. So masterclasses will make a lot of sense here. Let's say on your website, you're still working off with PDFs. So instead of using a PDF, where they could probably find that, that information somewhere else on the internet, try to give a short training or try to give a quiz that absolutely helps them understand themselves better. That's going to be one small way for them to decide, okay, I'm interested in this high ticket product of hers. Oh, she has this free training that I can at least see what her energy is like so starting with there, but also also this can be a great time for you to start to give some self paced programs. So Marketing Mastery the next round is going to be a lot of what has been working highly effectively for my one on one clients and my mastermind clients is to add a self paced product where people can buy buy into at a at a price level that makes sense. And they can get results from it not just one of those smaller free trainings. So being able to know that the more you can have offers that build on each other, the better it is, this is also playing off the fact that it is easier to get clients who've already worked with you, than ones who are getting to know you first, or just getting to know you first. So this also plays into the seven to 12 Hour Rule with marketing, if someone's about sees you seven to 12 times in their feed, they're likely to engage with you. If someone sees you someone for seven hours, whether through video, whether through just going through their your content or your blogs, they're more likely to buy it from you. So the more you can give this within your offers, the more trust you're going to build. The last piece here is that I think I just want to just mention it briefly is that payment plans are definitely something to consider as well when you're walking into 2023 Is that allowing somebody to feel guided, and giving a kindness around the way someone pays for your services for your products is going to work really well. In general, like people are thinking about their expenses. So being able to have a payment plan system can work really well. I recently switched over to thrive cart, which is really supportive, I certainly can answer any of those questions with with my clients. And if you decide to hop into my DMs, two more that I think are going to be really important for my content creators for the people who are ready to really capitalize on how they can do better during during 2023 is one if you are selling on every post and your social media right now, stop it. Stop it. Selling on every post never worked. In general, like who wants to follow someone who's just an A walking in from Marshall, I actually had a recent conversation with a client of mine who was like, Oh, I really love her stories. But she sells on every post that she was selling on her around her breakup, she was selling around feeling grief. And it was this idea that like if if every single time you decide to be vulnerable, or you decide to share that the only thing you're going to be asking for is for them to buy, it's going to always feel icky, it's going to always feel a little bit icky. So this is also noting that the algorithms see it have shifted in general on tick tock, and according to recent data on Instagram, if you say Lincoln bio, in your feed all the time, if you say Lincoln bio and your reels, they've paid attention to human behavior, and they've shifted their algorithm to be like, well, we're not going to give those those particular visuals as much reach. So the more you're going to be able to focus on trust, in 2023, the better you're going to have in sales, the better it's going to be. So if you've been selling on every post, you may have been recently noticing that people have just been losing trust in you. Trust is built through sharing, sharing with value. Trust is, is built through showing up each day trust is showing by recommending recommending things along the way. So I'll be talking about this in a bigger episode, but this is going to be the era of the Creator CEO. Yeah, it's gonna be the era of the crater CEO, yes, it's gonna be so fun, it's gonna be amazing. Because we're gonna, we're gonna bring all of that passion and creativity that we've had for our business online, that's going to be the goal. So the more that we can enjoy this process, the better it's going to be. But this is what just a couple of things you can think about when it comes to create, being a creator CEO, you are going to live and show the lifestyle that you're helping your clients create in you. So you are going to be able to practice what you preach and show it in a lot of ways. But even within that you can preach what you practice. So I'm going to flip that around. So you can absolutely be talking about what you share with your clients and how you implement it. And then sometimes how you fall short in it, that's going to help in a lot of ways. This is also the time where you want to show up more often. So the more they see your face, the more they see your products in their feed, the higher the visibility, the higher the trust. So the more that you can find a way to make a sustainable practice with your content, the better is going to be this can also be an opportunity for what I recently said around showing up on more platforms, that's going to be really helpful too. But in general, we're going to be writing this line of giving a lot of value so people see us and know us but also we get to just think about how we are posting for long term relationships. We are going to be posting each day to say like, oh, I'm showing up because I hope I inspire this person instead of, I hope I show up and get a sale today. Because the people who are who are doing really well right now, they show up often, and their people love them or trust them so much that they already go into their highlights, they already go into their LinkedIn BIOS without being prompted. They are being engaged in conversations they feel seen and heard. So the Creator CEO is pretty much us deciding, or let's just say we're rebranding the influencer to be a business owner. I know some of you're like, Jim, I don't want to be an influencer. I know, I'm not saying you have to go be an influencer, we're going to rebrand it to be your version of it. So sharing pieces of your life, your lifestyle, sharing the things that are happening within your business showing up as often as you can, all of this is going to really help you and it's also going to help sales come in. So being able to really, really adjust that. So we'll be talking even deeper about crater SEO and an upcoming episode. But I think that this is one thing I want to take, I want you to take away from from this, if you are selling on every post right now, stop it, how can you instead, create and be detached from what might happen from there so that you can start to build community, that's what this is going to be about. The Creator CEO has a community of followers, loyalists, people who are ready to refer them. And of course, buyers. That's the goal.

Jamie Ratermann  26:38  

The last piece, and I think I want to really, I really want to didn't want to get into this, as I shared about the Creator CEO, is that joyful and sustainable content creation is going to be your bread and butter, it is going to be your bread and butter. So right now is the moment to look at your mindset, how have you been feeling lately or on your content creation? Have you been feeling like you have to do it, it like feels a little bit funky, like you have to show up or it's going to be a novel when you write it or it's going to be perfect, the way it's going to be? This is going to be the moment that the more you can find joy in it, the more it can be sustainable for what you want, the better it's going to be, the better it's going to be. So here's where here's where I'm going to come in here. And this is going to be a little bit of a statement that I think is going to come off a little bit odd if you are giving too much value right now. Yeah, I said it too much value, then it's likely that you're probably not having as much fun with content creation. So we're going to start to ride the line of value versus curiosity. So keeping me in mind, I am I am definitely somebody who does this too, I have a lot of things I want to share with all of you, I have so many thoughts and so many ideas, I have the tendency to go along, I have the tendency to talk a lot, I have the tendency to want to share out the ins and outs of how this all works. Because that is the kind of person I am I just love this stuff. And I want you to understand it as deeply as I do. But I know that it's not always digestible. I know that the better I can be as being concise and direct and that you, you get it right off the cuff, the better it's going to be. So this is also going to be where I tell you that the more we can give a piece of value that also creates curiosity is going to be what's going to work over over the long term. So this is the opportunity where you don't have to be so serious. I don't want to be so serious about the way the content comes through. How can you decide okay, I'm going to give a tip about what's coming to mind right now is meal prepping. I'm gonna give a tip about how how to prepare meals for the week. And it's going to be the spice that I like. And that's it, I don't have to that's going to be the piece of value instead of the 10 step system that works will work for me every single time to be able to just to take a step back and be able to give one digestible tip it's going to be a big deal so that they go What other things can she share with me? So take that step back. The next and I can't I can't wait to just be talking about this a lot more as if there's going to be just for shits and giggles post just for shits and giggles I'm going to post so this is going to be really fun for the fact that like if you want to post something that's just like tongue in cheek or something funny that came out of a conversation, post it post something silly. If you see a real that doesn't perfectly make sense, but it's going to show your personality and what you want to do. Post it so the more you can think about being visible but being visible for fun is going to be a part of this joyful and sustainable creation. So this can be memes. This can be reels this can in general, just be some short quote short saying that takes you five minutes or less just so that you post something for shits and giggles so it doesn't help Always have to perfectly make sense in a strategy or follow a certain line. But the more that you can show up in that way, it's going to be really helpful. The last piece and I think I just I want to really harp on this is that, the more you can focus on the purpose of why do you want to have visibility? Why do you want people to listen to you? Why do you want to show up, if you focus on your purpose for showing up on social media first, this is all going to feel better. So if you are showing up to get validated through numbers, if you're showing up to get more comments, or what it might look like, it's not going to be a great environment for you. It's not going to be fun for you in the long term. So this is my opportunity when it comes to joyful and sustainable creation. Of course, there's that value versus curiosity piece, there's that shits and giggles pose. But if but the biggest one of these three tips within this is show up with purpose that if I show up today, I'm creating a little bit of an impact towards my bigger purpose, or instead of deciding Oh, my numbers better look good. If I post this today, all right. So those are the trends. I'm going to be diving into these more and more with upcoming episodes, of course. But keeping these these pieces in mind one it is your time to really have a solid identifiable brand vibe. To it's time to embrace video skills, how can you jump in and enjoy them? And then of course, at some point we can we can outsource some of the support to others. And then of course, and then within that, because we're diving into video skills, how can you start to be thinking about these other platforms that are already building off of video. Next is to have a really inviting offer suite at different price points so that people can experience and trust you at every level, to stop over selling on social and to really embrace the Creator CEO era because it is going to turn into sales more likely for you and give you more reach along the way. And then last but not least, how can content creation become more joyful and sustainable? How can marketing feel more meaningful? So clearly, all of this is something I'm really passionate about. I could talk about it for ages. But this is essentially the way in which I have remodeled and reshaped Marketing Mastery. So again, just reminding you that that's in the show notes. But this is me telling you that this next era of marketing is more meaningful. It is more about the person and just more about how you want to share. It allows you to share show your energy more. The all of these trends are about creating a welcoming environment are about serving an audience versus selling every single time and it's about how you can see yourself as the rebellious person you are and how you're sharing on social to be something that lights you up that helps you grow because I'm really excited about these trends. Let me know which one of these you're really excited to try or even if you have questions go ahead and DM me because I could talk about this for days. I love it so much but hopefully this helps you as you are planning the end of your year.


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