34. 5 Ways To Get & Stay Motivate It When You Ain't Feeling It

Limitless Podcast —Episode 34— Motivation

Been feeling a little unmotivated as we enter into the holiday season? Here's why it's a good time to take a closer look. Right now is prime spending season, not only for products-based businesses but also services. We are investing now in 2023 selves. Look back at all you hoped to become in 2022 and see how you can use these last 2 months to make yourself proud and start 2023 ahead of the game! In this week's episode of Limitless, Jamie Raterman shares exactly how to get your motivation back as you finish this year strong!

Episode’s Highlights: 

  • How to take note of what’s working and what’s not

  • Create more kindness in your daily routines.

  • Release overload by adding a Parking Lot for your ideas


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Hello lovelies, welcome to episode 34 of the limitless podcast, I can tell you that this week has been so amazing one, I am in the midst of a five day real challenge with my Facebook group and anyone who wanted to join after I did my 30 Day Challenge. And it's really fun to be able to share all of that what I wished I had during that 30 Day Challenge. And it's been going on with this really lively group of people who are joining me for morning meditations for joining trainings, all of the above, which is a lot of fun, we'll make sure to put in the show notes. Because even though if you're not able to join the five day challenge, it's going to be a guide in that Facebook group whenever you need it. But it this is all part of what is coming up for me, which is Marketing Mastery Remastered. Yes, I'm so excited. So if you've been listening to the previous episodes, you know that marketing has changed so much in the last year, so of course Marketing Mastery, my signature program is remastered aka for the trends for the strategies or the ways in which you can enjoy growing your business now not in 2021. But 2022 and beyond. Not only and not.

So not the strategies of 2021. But also

Marketing Mastery remastered is all about growing your business using the data, the behavior, the strategies, that's going to help you grow in 2022 and into 2023. Because a lot of those tactics and strategies for 2022 Just

because a lot of those strategies for in 2021 are just not effective. They're new, they don't work anymore, we're tossing them out putting them out there. So if you're interested or if you're ready to really be able to just be that bold and brilliant brand that you are, this is exactly what marketing mastery is about is is focused on money making offers, which is getting a really fun way to allow you to launch your programs with ease. It is focused on messaging that helps you stand out. So making sure not only your video style, not only the way you write but in general that you are a brand that is one of the crowd, we're going to make sure you stand out in there. And then of course mindset because we know that this entrepreneurial journey has a lot to do with energy and mindset. And this is exactly what it's about. So if you are interested, if you're even intrigued, and the show notes, there is a link over to everything that's included in there. And I can tell you, there's a lot you'll enjoy every piece of it. But today we're going to talk about motivation. We are the recording of this episode.

During the recording of this episode, we are officially tent with. So today, we're gonna be talking about motivation, what it looks like how it feels, in general, how are we going to be motivated to finish out this year. So at the time of this episode, or of this recording, there are 10 weeks left in the year, but really only eight working weeks. So if you're anything like me, those last few weeks of the year are always the time that I get to put my feet up, eat all of the peppermints and chocolates and all of the things on the holidays and just prepare myself for the next year. So knowing that any work I'm putting into the next eight weeks, I want to make sure I feel really proud of. So it's not an unheard of right that we're going to feel like we lose some energy at this time. So we're going to lose some motivation for many entrepreneurs who've been on the move all year you've been making, you've been hitting your goals, you've been making changes you've been updating and in general, pouring in all of who you are into your offers into your content into your clients all of the above. But of course this time of year the leaves are changing. I definitely did a good like leaf peeping dance in Central Park recently, the holidays are approaching so for many of you, I think I had someone I follow I'm gonna call her out but she was already ready to put on holiday music and Halloween has not happened yet. And then of course the winter is coming i that with daylight savings in in the states that we know that we have one more year at least one more year of this where the it's going to just get darker at like four o'clock, at least in the in the at least in New York City. So it can feel just like an unmotivated time,

in addition to the fact that it's a good way to just assess where you're at. But I always like to use the seasons as a way to enhance and take a look at a time to reflect on what's working for me and what's not. So right now we're shedding some old things so we can look at this episode and be able to say okay, we may be losing

motivation because we are D prioritizing our energy, we are not adjusting to what's going on in the day to day. But when it comes to willpower motivation, they are muscles more than they are things that we always have, we're going to have willpower, and on some days, we're going to have motivation on others. But in general, it's not going to be sustained every single day because it has everything to do with how we're managing our time and energy. So when willpower and motivation dip, this is where you want to go back to your systems. This is where you want to go back to what your purpose is, or what what this is all about. So I have a line that I like to use and reuse, especially with my marketing mastery clients is that the most successful entrepreneurs are the ones who best manage their time and energy.

And that's so true. So there's a strategies out there. Of course, there's tactics out there. But if you are somebody who has trouble getting focused, or you don't know where you're headed, or you have a tendency to overload yourself or feel overwhelmed,

any strategy offer you have in place is going to have a little bit of difficulty for the fact that you just don't have the power within you to put it out there. So this episode is my way to encourage you not to put the pedal to the metal at the end of the year. That's not what this is. But instead to read devote yourself to your business, because it is this time of year, where you want to set the foundation for the following year. It's like if you right now, one January to be a fantastic month, the work you do now, the things you set up for yourself now allow that to happen more easily. And even on top of all of that, this is prime spending season, not only for holidays, and especially if you're a product based business, but also to for many people who are looking to plan their following year they buy now, I can tell you that some of my highest revenue months usually happen around this time of the year. But specifically, last year around this time, I had three of my clients have their highest revenue months in the month of December. So keeping these things in mind, it is worth being able to take a look at why you may not be feeling motivated right now and rededicate yourself back into it. I like to call this just getting read, like devoting to those goals and those visions that you had for the year. So that is what this episode is about. So let's start before I give you any of the ways for you to get re motivated for you to set some intentions. So take a moment pause the episode if you need to. This is where I want you to write down two goals. I didn't say 10, I want you to write down two goals you'd like to achieve by the end of the year. So this is something to take a look at like act as if you are on December 31, you're looking at December 31. And you're just taking a look back at the end of the year, or even at the year as a whole and deciding I'm so glad I did that I'm filled with pride that I was able to hit that goal or do that thing. I'm so excited that I showed up for myself. And these last two months to do these two goals, like really get into the mindset of who that person is and how you want to make her proud. So today is the day that you make December 31. You proud. And of course, once you know those goals, once you really think about what they are, I want you to think about how you can tie them to your overall purpose. So, of course, this episode is all about motivation, and how to get it back. But the biggest thing to note is that your purpose is always going to be about motivation. If you keep your purpose in mind, over and over again, that's the beginning of the morning, your purpose of your morning, your afternoon in between, you're always going to be able to continue. So that is a big goal here. So let's get into it. Five important notes on motivation. So first and foremost, if we're taking a look of if you are unmotivated, I want you to take a moment to decide how long have you felt unmotivated. Now, this is the last episode of October. But if you are feeling like this has been going on, you've been in a funk. Since August, you've been in a funk since May. There's been a while I invite you to just take a look at what what has your day to David looking like what ultimately is causing you to just be in this funk altogether. So that we can designate where we might want to spend spend.

So that we can designate where we can put special attention because when it comes to motivation, like I said it's a lot about energy it might be you're putting your energy in the wrong places. It might be that we're does not able to motivate ourselves when we're not doing things that light us up that don't bring as much joy. So this is your opportunity to take note of what's working and what's not. So, I like to call this exercise an energy renew exercise. So this is where you take a look at your week. So if you are wanting to dive in deep in this you can Write down each and every day what you did in the morning, what you did in the afternoon, and then rate yourself one to five, how much energy you actually felt with that. So here's something to note about my own routines is that I was taking note of why I was feeling unmotivated. When I was leaning into the launch of marketing mastery, I wanted to make sure I felt like my energy was right before the launch began. And I realized what wasn't working for me is that I had a tendency to let myself scroll a little longer than I needed.

That screentime app was was flashing lights at me going like you're spending four hours on Instagram, I'm outing myself, Oh I was spending four hours on the grim. And I realized that like, I want more time of that deep focus, because that's the thing that gives me energy, I want more time dedicated to what I'm creating versus watching somebody else. That was also where I took note of like, I want to do a real challenge. This isn't working for me to just be scrolling through everybody else's things. It was where I wanted to rededicate back to what I wanted to be what kind of inspiration I was online. So I took note of the fact that mindless scrolling, at least at least overed 15 minutes at a time was not going to do me any favors. And that I always and I'm I hope to really lean in and let you all feel this too, is that I always feel a burst of joy, a burst of pride when I show up. So whenever I was showing up, I knew that I could get into the prides girl, I can tell you that during especially during the 30 day real challenge. I was absolutely pride scrolling, like look at me posting every single day. So that was one way that I realized what was zapping my energy. So what was making me feel unmotivated. And then one way to flip it to make sure I was doing something that made me feel motivated. So this comes in this comes in two ways. When you designate and you realize what is energies happening in your schedule right now, I want you to either get rid of it if you can. So I could get rid of the manual scroll, or try to change it. So it's something that you can look forward to. So for instance, some of my clients don't have accountants yet. And they don't love to do their revenue tracking and their budget tracking every month, but they're but they know it's important. So one of my clients loved to make it into a Friday happy hour experience. So she would have not only her but a friend make one of their favorite cocktails. And then on Fridays, they would do their budgeting handle their budgeting of it, they drop it on like one day of the month to make sure that they're handling it. And they would be you know, having some margaritas and be able to chat with each other while they're doing it. Now if you're in person that sounds like a fun, happy hour, but they were able to do it even virtually. So just knowing that when I'm when you take a look and you just do a quick note of what is energizing and what's energy zapping you doesn't mean that you can't just make some tweaks and then it makes it a lot easier. So first and foremost with your motivation. Take a look at where your energy is going and how you can change it.

The second thing when it comes to motivation is that usually when someone is feeling unmotivated, this includes me is that I have the tendency that I might isolate that I might decide that I'm unmotivated, I don't want to show that I'm feeling kind of a weakness, I'm not feeling the energy that I usually do. So I'm just going to hide a little bit, I want to keep it to myself. And it just can, it can create a really vicious cycle. So whenever we're wanting our motivation back, I want you to lean into community and lean into accountability. So this is why this time of year is one of my favorite times to make sure that I'm launching a group program. Because usually when you're feeling unmotivated being in a group of people that are setting up that foundation allows that to get easier. Accountability buddies are huge. I will have an accountability buddy that will have a phone call and catch up and I'll be like, hey, while we're talking now, I want to I need to I need to pick up the apartment or I need to clean up my closet. So we'll we'll multitask. We'll do a little bit of both. Or I'll have an account of all encouraged especially right now one of my Thrive clients is asking somebody to do co working with her like all they do is exactly what we do in sprints where they're able to focus and say this is what I'm focused on during this sprint and then they take breaks and say how do you do leaning in and talking through that. And of course, this is why I love the sprints for this i The sprint membership is that way for me for all of you. When it comes to content creation if you're feeling like that, I don't feel like it or I'm not in the mood or I'm feeling down from like what the algorithm is doing to you. Whatever it might be, is that if you

Do it in community, you're more likely to continue but also know that we all have each other's back. So one important note, if you're feeling unmotivated, this is where you want to lean in to accountability and community not lean out. This is where you want to feel and be surrounded by the warmth of others trying to hit those same goals or finish the year out strong. Instead of being isolated and kind of sitting it with yourself. There's an amazing statistic I like to use over and over and over again, is that for people who are trying to hit goals, or trying to change their life transformation is going to happen with accountability 990 5%, that is the success rate 95%. If you decide that you're going to hit a goal, you've told somebody else and you've set a schedule with them. That is also why the coaching industry is huge. So that if you have someone in your corner helping you hit those goals, it's more likely to happen.

All right, number three here is to create more kindness and your routines. Now for any of my manifesting Jen's for any of the people who like to jump in, like cannonball into their goals, you may have the tendency to try to be juggling too many things at once, that you want to do all of the things, and you want to enjoy all of the things because you're curious about everything. And I want to encourage you in this moment to drop some balls, I want to encourage you in this moment to rededicate to what is actually working for you or what you love. But also how can we just turn down the volume a little bit, because it might feel like you're not doing anything, right. But in reality, you're just got too many complicated steps and your routine instead of just reducing. So I think it's really common. When we're even talking about routines in general that we talk with that you the first thing that comes to mind is that Instagram reel of that person who has a 10 step skincare routine, or 10 Step morning routine where they spend two hours, journaling and meditating and doing all of these things in the morning. And we know that that's not something that we're capable of read every day. That's not something I'm capable of every day. So this is where we want to just take the pressure off of your routines. So if right now you have a seven step skincare routine, maybe that can become a two step, maybe that's a moisturizer, and a cleanser, we don't need we all need all the tonics and all the things. And we're going to be happy and proud of ourselves for doing just that. Maybe right now, if you're trying to decide, oh, the holidays are coming, I want to look good. I'm pushing myself to do five days a week have a hard workout. Maybe we relax a little bit and decided we're going to do a three day training. And then we're going to go for hikes, and explore the leaf peeping and just adding more joy into our workout schedule. Like just knowing that these can be just small adjustments. For me, especially with the workout routine. Taking it off the list of like what I had to figure out at the gym was a huge routine change for me, which I loved. I in general would have a trainer for a long time. I've had a trainer for a long time Ivana shout out to you. And her and I see each other once a week. But even on those other days, I was having that difficulty of getting motivated and actually hitting it. So I decided, alright, let's do Orangetheory Orangetheory was a way for me to let somebody else told me what I needed to do just to take that energy off of me. But know that these are all part of it. So being able to when I when I'm talking about kindness, I'm talking about taking the pressure off of you trying not to be the perfect example of your routine, but be able to be proud of something in between. So currently, my morning routine has completely changed in the last three weeks, and had a lot to do with I know that if I start my morning, right, it's gonna go well, but I needed to release a little bit of it. So my average morning routine let's say I don't have enough time for workout, my average morning routine is I will wake up before I brush my teeth before wash my face. I feel like I'm outing myself with a couple of ways. I will throw on a jacket and I will take a block walk. I when I say a block walk, I mean it one block walk. So I will do a quick loop around the brownstones in my neighborhood just to get some sunshine on my eyes to also get just moving in my body. And that'll be you know, 10 minutes sometimes I'll listen to a walking meditation while I'm doing that. And then I'll just feel like I've started my day. After that I've been getting dressed up right now I'm wearing like some bluish green or satin pants that I freaking love and it just makes me feel like I I'm ready for the day. Knowing that like if the days that I tend to just kind of roll out of bed and just were kind of stuffing around clothes, I may not feel as motivated to get started. So for me the dressing up has been a part of it to embrace what the current season is. And that's been a lot of fun. But I also realized that I had the tendency what wasn't working for me I had the tendency to feel like really anxious

in the morning, I hadn't wanted to get a lot done, I wanted to just go, go go. So instead of waiting to the end of the day, I decided I want to light a candle in the morning, I want to light a candle to feel that calm and peace. As I do my morning deep focus and tasks just so that I can just set the tone of what I want it to be. So right now I have a candle called smells like success. It's merchants of beauty, which is an amazing brand, who also has a sprinter. And she I will light that and it's just it's a affirmation plus candle calming activity. So those are my general three steps. Some days, I get a workout in before that. Some days, I might meditate a little longer on my journal. But as of right now, I get just those small three things and that take 15 minutes in total. I'm going to be proud of myself, I want to feel like okay, I'm taking care of myself, even if it's just for these 15 minutes. So whenever you're feeling unmotivated come back to the fact that am I overloading even my simplest routines, how can I take care of myself without feeling like I have to be the wellness trend, I have to do everything exactly how it should be.


Take that moment to take a look. The next piece here is the power of pairing, I want you to institute the power of pairing. So for anyone who's read atomic habits, this is a review. This is a reminder that when you're trying to make a change, or you want to make sure that you're adjusting your your habits in some way, one way to do that is to pair it with a habit that you already do. So I think in the book, he uses the example of of doing of doing squats while you brush your teeth, which I don't really recommend. But this is where like let's say you are loving a certain TV show right now.

House of dragons, my fiance has decided that he likes that show. So we've been watching the house of dragons. Now I don't have to fully pay attention to that entire show. So I'll sometimes we'll handle some of my like editing, handling some of those things. So I like the ones that have stuff that I don't naturally want to get to right away. I might pair it with some multitasking while I'm watching a TV show. That's like a you know that low multitask. I'm not saying that it's a heavy lift. If I am deciding to do laundry, and if I need to get it done and I'm not motivated to do it. Maybe I wait hold I wait to listen to my audio book, I wait to listen to my podcast, or not. Well, I listened to my own podcast with somebody else's podcast while I'm while I'm doing laundry. So like thinking about what do you already have that you don't need motivation to get to do go do so you don't need to be. You don't need to push yourself to brush your teeth. You don't need to push yourself to listen to that the audiobook you've been loving or you don't the podcasts you can't wait to listen to or the playlists that you love. How can you pair that with something that you're not motivated to do right now. Because by doing that you are just coupling something that brings you joy with something that can soon bring you joy?

Because it's just not in that habit. We haven't created that neural pathway. So why don't you pair it with something that already has that your brain has already signed off on?

Okay, the last one here is that there is this feeling when we have we're going into q4 of the year that will feel like we need to do all of the things that we said we were going to do that we didn't finish yet. Or even to if you take a look at your resolutions that you put up in January, and you're like, Oh crap, I didn't do any of them. So you're feeling like you have to overload these last two months, I want you to release the overload, I want you to relax as much as you can. In this moment. Instead of trying to make this your hustle months, this is not the monster grind. This is not sorry.

I like the keep the grind. I was it was funny when I was trying to name this episode like it was like like how to how to get re motivated to the grind or something like that. Like right now grind, they were like coming back into the hard work, hustle and grind. The idea here is that the last few months for you to take your best care of yourself it is to filter out what needs to be done, what you would desire to be done and what can be done later. So I like to call this the parking lot. So for any of you if you haven't, you may not own homes. I don't own my home yet, but you do own a parking lot in your mind. That's what I'm good at. That's what I'm gonna do.

That is what I'm going to encourage for you to have so we're going to add a parking lot. I have this on my own Trello boards I have this even I have like a in my notes app like something I'd like to do but doesn't need to be done right now. So this can be anything from content ideas. This can be anything from offers. But the idea here is that like let's say you have something that comes up or something that

If you would like to implement, you want to take a moment to decide like, is it kind for me to try to do that now?

Is it necessary? Is it? Was it going to help my bottom line? Is it going to help me destress in this moment, or is it only going to apply stress to me? So parking lot ideas are usually the ones that like you really love, but they just don't fit right now. So I can tell you, let me let me give you an idea of some of my parking lot ideas. This podcast.

Like I wanted this podcast to happen for a long time, and I decided that it was going to happen, but it didn't, it couldn't happen when I was launching the first round of marketing mastery. It couldn't happen when I had a full load of VIP clients, but it was going to sit there and it was blinking at me. And then I was like, then I had a download of what I wanted the name to be what I wanted the vibe to be, as it sat in that parking lot. Another idea is that I decided to do the real challenge. Even though I thought about doing that back in May. And I wanted and I'm gonna continue to like continue to bring in new challenges, because I love what this has done. But it was because I was able to think through the level of support I wanted to give there.

So parking on ideas, of course, can be really related to your business career. The two examples I gave are that, but this is also the moment where I tell you that that can also be like, oh, I want to make pumpkin pie.

And be like, Yeah, I like to do that next month, like it doesn't have to be something that you have to do now. So this is where, especially with these last few months, your level of kindness to yourself has a lot to do with filtering out what is necessary for your energy. So necessary might be launching your last products of the year necessary might be wrapping up and see and being able to analyze how your year when necessary is setting a foundation for how you want 2023 to look. But you know, trying to launch for products trying to do all of the habits that you didn't get started on yet. Not exactly kind. So I want you to use the parking lot strategy to not only know that you will get to those, but that they only get better by by putting them off until you're ready. So not overloaded, not trying to make these last few months that. So if you're feeling motivated, take a moment realize where your energy is going what's working, what's not how can you shift change or remove them? How can you make sure you're not isolating lead into community and accountability, add more kindness and you're into routines. We don't need to be the perfect examples of what a perfect routines gonna look like instead, how can we reduce that pressure, start to pare some of the things that you don't need motivation for with the things that need to get done, and allow that to be able to work with each other and then of course know that I especially as this year is finishing up that there's no reason to overload yourself instead, use the parking lot to think about ways in which you might be able to enhance 2023 but also to make sure you're dedicating these last two months of the year to what you want to what needs to be done. And that is only going to light you up. All right. I hope this episode was really supportive to you let me know which one of these steps you're going to try. Even to I'd ask you to was at what two goals you want to achieve. Let me know DM me, tell me all about it. I will keep bringing these episodes to you


35. 4 Ways to Effectively Plan Your 2022 Holiday Content in Advance


33. Entering your 'Villain Era', It's not what you think