40. Lessons I've Learned in 2022

Limitless Podcast —Episode 40— Lessons Learned      

As 2022 comes to an end, our mindsets shift automatically to the new year. We start planning, and setting goals and intentions, with the hope that 2023 is going to be THE YEAR.  Today, Jamie Ratermann shares from an upstate New York the valuable lessons she learned this year. How general self-awareness has been a big part of her personal growth and helped her understand she is living through the different chapters in her life.

Episode’s Highlights:

  • Why Jamie is calling 2022, the rest and riskier year

  • What motivated her to start the Limitless Podcast 

  • Jamie invested in an EMDR therapist and how it changed her mindset 

  • Her decision to break up with the hustle 


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Jamie Ratermann  0:02  

Being limitless is knowing your success and your growth are built on a radical belief in yourself. Limitless is honoring your purpose, your health and impact above all else. Limitless is never playing small because the more alive you feel in your life, the more growth and success you attract. Hi, my name is Jamie Ratterman. And I am a Holistic business coach, meaning I am just as invested in growing your health as I am and grow your wealth. With 11 plus years and brands social media marketing, I help rebellious entrepreneurs master marketing and body leadership and say fuck it to the hustle. This show is here to encourage you to become more radically aware of your self imposed limits to break free of your shoulds and to expand your brand into a movement led by you. Hello lovelies, welcome to episode 40 of the limitless podcast. I am cold. I've actually had this crazy idea that I wanted to record an episode at this beautiful Airbnb that I've been in in the last week. And I've been like resting and relaxing. But as you can see if you're watching us on our YouTube, and of course, I'll probably be sharing this on social. But if you're you're seeing that I got a campfire behind me, we've become like fire starters. And it is not a simple skill, I can tell you that much. But I had this crazy idea that if I'm going to talk about the end of 2022, which is exactly what this episode is about today, why not do it with great ambiance with exactly what I've been doing all week, because it is in of the same tone of what this episode is going to be about. But also, you know, just for fun, let's do something a little crazy, let's get a little rebellious about the setting. So I've got gloves on, which has been causing a little bit of a hard way to get these things started, I have my tea, and a Hydro Flask and that fire hopefully will still keep me as warm as possible. Let's go ahead and dive into this episode where I'm going to just share with you what I've learned the most about myself in 2022, and then how I hope this can help you. So here we go. So for any of you who have listened to limitless all year, and got to know me through this podcast, I think you have an idea that I am someone who loves to have a lot of time of reflection, journaling. And General self awareness has been a big part of my own personal growth, my own way to understand that I'm like living through the different chapters in my life. And within that one, one of my traditions that I like to do every year is to write myself a little letter. So this little letter is to my future self really categorizing what happened in my year, it can be anything from personal. And of course, as I launched my own business became more business II, of course. But this year, I thought, why not share my 2022 chapter with my limitless listeners. And I'll get as vulnerable as I can. But it's really a way for me to just see how if I don't take just a moment to recognize what I learned, I might just forget that, like each chapter of my life has built me up to where I am now. So on today's episode, I'm sharing my 2022 recap. So 2022 For me, I'm going to call my rest and risk here. So perfect timing to decide to record a podcast and 20 degree. In the most rare secluded cabin on the upstate New York. There's actually a hot tub to my right. So I'm going to reward myself as soon as I'm done with this hopping on in there. But the reason why I'm calling this year, the rest and riskier is because I really decided to unsubscribe from the hustle more than I ever have. And absolutely

Jamie Ratermann  4:01  

use this year as a way to, you know, amplify all the things that I've wanted to do. So I listened to my own voice more than I ever have. And I got to learn a lot about myself. So here's a couple of the things that I am going to call my biggest lessons of 2022. So one of one of the biggest things, of course, was that I double down on my voice. Of course, this podcast was a big, big, big, big part of that, that I thought that I had something worthy of sharing that I thought that I could share with you guys once a week for 30 to 45 minutes about the things that I want you to know about building an online business what it is to be an entrepreneur, but I want to be sincere when I say I didn't really know how it was going to work out. I didn't know how it was going to turn into you know, something that helped my business. I didn't know how to really record an audio. And now I'm sitting here trying to I have audio and film and I have a team that supports me shout out to Danny, because she's freaking fantastic. But within this, the reason why I felt that this podcast was such a risk for me was that it was something that I didn't feel that I was worthy of for many years prior. This is a this project has been something that I kept pushing it putting off and because I thought that I needed to reach a certain stage. But in February of 2022, I was like, You know what, I listen to podcasts all day, I coach clients through this, I would love to decide to jump into podcasting. So the limitless podcast was born, you've heard me drop some F bombs. You've heard me tell you what I really think about what how people spend their money with their entrepreneurial journey, how people see social media, and really what grinds my gears as well as what I hope you find it and fulfillment. So the limos podcast was a big deal. For me, it's a huge deal. But I think there was something that was a part of this, that became a challenge within that. And that was that I had a tendency to stay, let's say, a little bit vanilla, I would continue to I while I knew I could share about concepts topics, I never really pushed the envelope sometimes. So what I don't love and what I like to encourage out of my clients was that you don't want to be cookie cutter. Like if you are really passionate, or something really bothers you. Or, in general, you know that this is a big blog that gets in people's way, this is your opportunity to share it, even if it might ruffle a little bit of feathers. So whenever, you know, even like the dropping of the F bombs on this podcast was something that I got a little bit scared about sharing my last week's episode where I shared a little bit about my own failures, like that stuff really is something that I like, I don't want to share those sides of me. And then I look but I know that it's worthy of it. I know that it's that the more that I do that, the more I can have amazing conversations, in my dealings with all of you that you can all feel a part of this. But it doesn't mean that I didn't have the same butterflies like flip in the stomach whenever I was like, here's how I failed, or here's how much money I've spent in my accounts. Here's what it looks like. So this year, when I talk about doubling down on my voice, I decided to get a little more unfiltered. And I can tell you 2023 is going to be even more unfiltered. But it was a side of me being able to say I'm no longer a follower and the way that I share my voice. I'm a leader. I'm a leader because I have a unique perspective. And it was something that was so important whenever I decided, okay, I love this medium of the podcast, let's make sure I'm not just keeping status quo. I think a part of me really leaning into those type of subjects, is that I took a moment after spending, like I told you all that I spent over 50k this year, not this year in the past three years on, on coaching, and I had the break the opportunity, where I realized I got a lot of shit advice that I spent money on, I got a lot of bullshit advice that I was following that I knew didn't work that I knew from my own experience did not jive with how things actually work. So for instance, a previous coach of mine was somebody who pushed selling on every single one of your social post, she had pushed a little bit of manipulative, manipulative selling. And my own intuition as well as my 12 years of experience with marketing knew that these this was awful advice that I was not trying to create community on social that I was that I was trying to push a sale so often, it was a big deal for me to be able to witness and understand that. I'm allowed to say fuck no to some bad advice. So that was a part of whenever I was ruffling some feathers where I was like, I know if I say, what's my truth when it comes to selling what's my truth when it comes to marketing, that I'm going to find the people that want to work with me, the one to make those things happen. And that also was a big move, for me to have a lot more self trust, self trust that while I can see that there's other successful people in my industry. I have something that no one else does. And that was where the this last piece when I talk about doubling down on my voice. But I thought to myself like this is not a time for me to be modest. Like this is not a time for me to act like I have all of these things I must do before I'm allowed to brag. So by Good OSHA's arrogance, whatever you want to call it, I know what the fuck I'm talking about, I absolutely have built brands for what did I counted the other day, I'm over 60 brands where I have helped them grow their audience have helped them build their sales. And I know that, that this is just the beginning of the way in which I can help more and more people. So within this process of me doing all of these things, and with me understanding my voice, it was also a confidence builder. It was also me getting courageous about how, you know, loud I can be and then also dealing with what happens when you decide to do this, which was, you know, I ruffled some feathers, there was there were people that were triggered by a few of the things that I was saying. But I realized that as long as I came from a strong intention, and understood that that might not be you may not agree with me, that was my way of checking in and going, but it's still worthy of sharing so 2020 to the rest. And risk of that was that I was going to risk like putting myself out there being a little bit bolder. But also deciding that like, the more that I trusted myself, the less fear took over the last my ego took over in the process. So that was a big one that like that was a big one. So if you are looking at your 2022, and you were like did I boldly show up the way I wanted to did I really tap into how frickin brilliant I am, I want you to take this story. And let me know if you want more of this for yourself. Or if this year was a absolute big chapter of you, being more of who you are, because that is exactly what this is all about. I think it's really important for me to share that I needed to kind of work through some things that really prevented me from doing these big moves for myself. And that ended up being healing through trauma. So I've I haven't really talked about this on the podcast before, but this was my this year I had invested in an EMDR therapist. So an EMDR is essentially bilateral therapy that helps you unlock parts of your subconscious, that in general is usually puppeteering your life. So a simple way to explain what that looks like is that with this particular therapist, I would run through what what kind of events in my life stuck out that kind of, you know, I can still remember perfectly now that they influenced a little bit about how I see myself in the world. So using one example of something that I had worked through is that, you know, being bypassed for awards when I was in college was one of was one of the things because I had to worked my tail off. So in particular, that story was me saying I would burn myself out, I would push myself to the nth degree. And then when it came to the night that I was supposed to be recognized. It didn't happen, and how much that just made me feel like I wasn't enough. And, you know, this is a particular source object, a big thing to be sharing on here. But being able to open up and understand that, while I found it hard to go back through my own history and see that by using some of these scientific, scientifically backed practices EMDR was something that helped me to

Jamie Ratermann  13:50  

just unlock those things, because you know, the biggest thing and I and we can make a whole episode about brain science, but the biggest thing that comes whenever we are trying to change ourselves is that 95% of our routines, activities. In general, our patterns are in our subconscious, and we can't really fix them unless we do a very intentional practice. So EMDR was something that was a big deal and helped me work through those particular events. Now EMDR EMDR is for trauma. And I want to be really clear before I say anything here is that there are two types of trauma, there's big T trauma and a little T trauma. Big T is definitely something that you would hear for PTSD, things like that. But when it comes to all of us, we've had stressors in our life that do affect the way we live our lives now. So if you have questions about this, please talk to me. I would love to share how this is like this was something that would be in my opinion is a step further from talk therapy. That can really help you move through those things. But yes, this was the year that I had worked through that, which also meant that I had a lot more risk because of it doing something as as big as trying to release traumas trying to release these big things. It would definitely take me out for a day for a weekend, because it was quite hard. And I kept having that same thought in my head when I was like putting myself through some of these healing practices. It came down to me going like I can do hard things. I know if I do this, it only makes me better. I had many mantras as I was really working through some of these patterns that prevented me from getting where we are. So feel so odd to share this, I just want to be I just want to be fully vulnerable here. It feels so odd to share something this this big. But I encourage you, I hope that hearing just a piece of this story of mine, if you guys have questions, there's a book called Getting past your past that can give you an idea of what EMDR is. But I would I would love if you want to drop in my DMs to talk a little bit more about it. But in the process of really understanding trauma and how it affects my life. And my subconscious, all of these details is that meditation became hyper important, not only in the morning, but also on walks really being able to understand that, for me, my manifesting generator, my strategic brain, it is always running, it is always going. So more so than getting a workout in even though I do more so than like eating healthy. My mental health had a lot to do with clearing my mind. So like my healing process of this year have a lot more to do with instead of feeling like I have to do more, or I have to hustle or I have to get through this to do list that I had to come back to some kind of center. So meditation 20, for 2022, the meditations were longer, like I've always meditated a little bit. But now I'm in a status of like 20 minutes, like most, most days, and that allowed me to really enhance like, understanding what I need in the moment when I'm hyper anxious or hyper stressed. So this healing process had a lot to do with that and really getting deeper into the nervous system. You know, with our previous episode with Natalie Alderson, she was somebody who talks a lot about the nervous system, and how it all comes through. If you guys are hearing a semi come through, again, I'm outside. But with the nervous system can be something that we just don't pay attention to. So 2022 was my deeper reflection into that and understanding the more I can heal that process, the better I can be. But, but really, why what I wanted to why I wanted to share this particular part on this episode was that I think I tend to talk a lot about mindset, I tend to talk a lot about strategy, and living in fulfillment. And sometimes that takes doing some really hard things to understand how you treat your body every day. And that for me, we had a lot more to do with how do I how do I in the moment handle stress? How do I in the moment, really understand what my body is telling me like if your body is anxious, it's like it's telling you you're not doing something for it. If your body's telling you that you're not enough, because you didn't finish your to do list, it's likely that you don't need to do anything you need to instead go okay, why am I feeling this way taking a step back. So the rest portion of this was me going SLOW THE FUCK DOWN, like just slow down. You do not have to push yourself through any of this because I create and many of my clients have the same where we create unnecessary pressure and those two practices were really important as a part of it so 2022 year of healing it feels really crazy to share that some of those stories with you, but I hope it's really helpful. But within this I want to be honest and tell you that that 2022 for me was a lower profit year. It was a similar revenue year but a lower profit year. You know, I can definitely tell you that I am the I thrive off of adapting I thrive off of learning all the things I I've been told before that I'm very good at tech and I love to understand those things. I think there was even in my corporate days a port of manager of mine going What do you think one of your strengths are? And I'm like, Hi adapt. I'm like awesome at adapting. That was a big thing. But what happens is that my business has had some of its biggest growth I now run Oh crap, I gotta I gotta have to count I now run Five programs throughout the year I have a podcast have a membership. I now have self paced programs like the idea that I could do that with a two person team was was just unkind to me was just absolutely unkind. So when I look at how I look at my finances this year, or how I look at my revenue this year, yeah, it was a little bit lower at the end of the day. But because I invested in team because I invested in simply like how I don't need to help hold all these things on my shoulders. 2023 baby is looking frickin fantastic. But I, I want to, I want to dive in a little bit further into this, because I think there is hash porn, on the internet, especially with other coaches. Cache porn, in my opinion, is when they're when coaches have their only selling point talking about how much money they make in a day, how much money they make in a week, how much money they make in a month. And within that, what happens there is that, instead of looking at how they do it, how they help particular clients, we just go after, of course, we all want more money. So we jump right in. And unfortunately, because of some of those selling tactics, sometimes I will be working through with my clients in my mastermind, or even my one on one clients going well, I'm not as good as them, or I'm not as abundant as them, or I'm not generating as much quick wealth as they as they do. And I really find this to be toxic. I really hate cash porn, I've gotten to a point where I'm not a fan of when I see it, like it's almost like a it's now become this alert, whenever I'm swiping through if that if that's the only type of posts that a coach will put up, that I go like, Okay, I know that there, it's like diet culture, lose 30 pounds, and in 10 days, this is the same as I make 100k, I made 100k. And in a day, and that's all they talk about. So it's like being able to really understand that abundance and wealth comes in multiple ways. Abundance and wealth is a way in which you should not only see it in your bank accounts, but of course, money creates safety, money creates a lot of important things. But if if you are running a business based off of what will only only generate money for you, you're gonna burn out. So this came up just recently in the mastermind, where we took a good look at how one of my clients was having just a little less like 10%, less of a revenue year, however, she went on more trips, she spent more time with family, she decided to launch programs that filled her with more joy that had more longevity, she really tapped into her voice and are and is getting a lot more new leads. But she wasn't pushing the big ticket programs like she did the previous year. So the so it was a little bit different. She decided to

Jamie Ratermann  23:18  

reduce the amount of client load, she's a client, she decided to reduce the amount of client load she'd had, she had to make it a little easier on herself. But instead of seeing that this was a form of wealth, this was a form of abundance, because she was more fulfilled in her work. It was like, but I see everybody else I see this evident these other people to x in their income, what am I doing wrong? So that was something that you know, it's not that I'm, you know, impervious to seeing those things online. But it's being able to realize that if we are in entrepreneurship for the long haul, we have to know that when we make some shifts in our own businesses that it's going to take a dip a little bit from time to time, we're not talking about going into debt we're talking about, if I decide that I'm not going to run a program, because my burnout, my stress levels are super high, or I don't like this program anymore, I'm not going to push it just for the cash. That type of like that type of adrenaline induced launching is going to also kill our business, not just the amount of money we're bringing in. So fulfillment is a form of wealth feeling fulfilled, and your work is a form of wealth. And the way in which you build that or the way in which I've been building that for myself is when both of them align. You can do this, like in my mind, I could do this until I'm 100 years old because I look forward to my work as well as celebrate the income that I'm bringing in. So when I talk about this year being Yeah, a lower profit year for me. It was one of my wealthiest years and fulfillment. It was one of my wealthiest years and me knowing that I'm creating my free Get your vision. So for any of you who are looking at your year, and you're just looking at the numbers alone, please take a moment to go What else created abundance and wealth for me this year that I must recognize, I don't want to forget in this moment. So clearly I share, I'm sharing a lot about how this was a really great year, how there was risk, and there was rest and all of these things. But part of what this also came up is that yeah, I named this podcast limitless. So it was almost like I was creating a legacy for the vision I've always been wanting to create. My limitless legacy is to really combat the things that slow me down from my limitless potential. So me thinking I could do it all. Is it limit? me thinking that I can do it all was absolutely limits, activating support, not only in a team that helps me not only in the kind of accountability I have around me, but also being able to just simply be more open about who I am, what I struggle with what I love about my life, all of that was a big part of me going and brushing up against my limits. So finding a way to allow myself to be seen and supported was a bit was a big deal. I don't hold this badge of honor of me going I do it all go like I can have it all because I have people who surround me. So that was me, battling some of my own limits here. But a part of this healing process, a part of me deciding my voice was the loud as a part of me. Understanding that the more I heal, the more I had to also release some relationships. Not that of course, all of my friendships. Like I'm not I'm not naming names here or anything like that I have some of the closest friends I'll ever have. But it also came down to me realizing that as I move into this next stage of who I, I am, who I've always been who I'm becoming, it doesn't mean that all of my relationships come along with them, some people are not going to be always around me, because they're not going to always jive with the new parts of me that I want to share. And that stuff is hard, it's hard. For me, I think there was a large part of my previous self that I held a high value in myself by how many close friends that I have. And then I realized in the past few months, especially that when I prioritize how my friends feel over how I feel, it really was something that was only going to keep me stagnant. And that the people who love me, the people who want to be who want to be in my world are not going to be somebody who doesn't match my vulnerability with them or doesn't match the effort, it takes that type of thing. So understanding that, while I know this is a big year of identity growth, for me, it also meant that I had to, you know, say goodbye to some previous relationships that just aren't as present, I want to be clear, there was no breaking up or any of those things, it was more of this idea of, it's okay, if this kind of relationship might subside for me. So when I when I think of this theme that I keep bringing up here the rest and risk is the rest side of this particular limit of mine was me understanding that the more I leaned into who I am, the better I became, and that I can't always please people. That the more that I nurture who I am the more I'm going to nurture the right relationships around me to all of that was a really big part of it. The last piece when it comes to combating my own limits is that your girl is not good at patience. I am I am not fantastic at patience. i The faster I move the faster the happier I am, but I am not great at patience. So really part of combating my own limits was when the with this slow down with with the way of working through these things. It was me identifying where I am and where I'm going. And that the more that I can enjoy the journey, the more that I can literally sometimes do a body scan. So if any of you get in your head if any of you are like Okay, I gotta do this. I gotta do that. I gotta make sure I get all these things done. And then you forget that like you ate that day. Are you feel as if you, you know, aren't moving as fast as the next person, I want to encourage you to do more body scans? Take a look and think about okay, how does my how to like, how do my ears feel? How did my nose feel? Where am I shoulders, how many times I've had to just bring my shoulders and rest a little bit more. This year, it was just me realizing that I was letting I was forgetting about the rest of me when my brain was active. But the rest of my body was just in a hyper state of tension. So this came from impatience. This came from pushing myself, but also this, the reason I bring this into my limits was that it's really freaking hard to slow down. It's really hard to go Stop. Where are you? How present? Can you be? How can you enjoy this moment? How can you appreciate where you are and where you're going? Instead of going? Why aren't I there? Why aren't I where I need to be? Why aren't I as you know, scaling as big as this next person. So really, a part of combat in my own limits was this adrenaline, this fear induced working style that I unfortunately had not released yet. So I think that when it comes to understanding how important this year is, is that I really reshaped the kind of leader I'm going to be and the type of person that I always knew I was, but I was I was really tamping down. So this is things that were all within my control, but ended up being something that took a moment to understand. And then we'll continue to let me be clear, like, these are all I'm a goddess in progress. Like, these are all things that I definitely took a deep look at this year. But it's only going to be something that gets even better, there's only going to be something that keeps working my way through the last thing and I could go on. But the last one about 2022 that I think is really important here is that I launched in a way, this year for my own products. That didn't exactly make sense. For for instance, Marketing Mastery is my signature program, I launched it once, like I'm in I'm in the middle of a launch for it, that will that will happen that will start in January now. But I usually run that two to three times a year. And I decided you know what, I'm gonna instead launch my wealth portal program was started gonna focus on the podcast. So there was many times where I was telling myself Okay, now it's time to do that, that that launch thing, let's not time to do that part. And I realized it was based

Jamie Ratermann  32:52  

off of fear. It was based off of scarcity. It was based off of me feeling like if I don't do this, then my business is not going to continue. So launching this year, instead became a moment where I had to go it am I lit up by this offer right now. Am I happy to have Am I feeling like I'm ready to be visible in the in this sense of my leadership right now. But even more so what like what type of business Am I creating? So while it may not have quote unquote made sense, I launched Marketing Mastery, I launched a mastermind I got I focused on a lot more one on one clients for the year, I changed around my membership. I moved a lot of my products into self paced programs, because I wanted to really invite different people into my world that didn't have to go from my high ticket. And now because of these, quote, unquote, risky decisions, my scalability model is all ever so exciting, ever. So simple launches get to be relaxing because of it and that not only am I looking at my practice of it, but it ends up being really easy to see who my leads are. Because I'm showing up more. And I'm talking about the offers not in a way that I'm like you have to get in the door, but more about how much purpose I've put into them how much how much I've optimized this process, how much care I really do put into my my business structure that isn't just about the money that it turns it into. So the adrenaline fueled launch is dead rip. The adrenaline fueled launch for me is officially done. That i i sincerely take a look at how I can do longer launches for my bigger ticket programs. I sincerely look at how If I can create ways in which people can decide where they where they're at in their business, and I have offers for them to decide to be able to jump in. But I think the biggest thing, especially from year one of my coaching side of entrepreneurship to now in year three, is that I'm more purpose driven. I'm building an empire, I hope you see that I'm a limitless queen. I'm a limitless goddess over here, leaning into purpose. And knowing that the more that I am fulfilled by the the offers more than fulfilled by the products, the better I become, and the more likely I am ready to do the next launch ready to do the next thing. So this is a big episode, you guys got to hear my letter to myself was 2022 2022 was the year of rest and risk, rest and risk. And I'm so excited that you guys got to watch as my, my breath is creating some smoke over here and see that, you know, during cyber week this week, I was able to spend time relaxing in a secluded cabin upstate and I'm, it's a metaphor for how I get to I get to decide what my business is, it's a metaphor for how my previous A plus self, my previous version of me is, leaning more into what I want my life to feel like just as much as what I want it to look like. So if you don't this is my encouragement, take a moment and decide what 2022 meant to you. What is this chapter of your life? What did you learn? If you feel like it wasn't a good year? What did you learn? Like if you feel like you, like you didn't hit goals, what else happened instead? Because we don't waste a day we learn every single day. We are. We are beings that get to continue to grow. So the more you just see that you're creating a really, really cool book about your life, the better this gets to become. So I want to encourage you to do that. And let me do one last thing because I was talking about it is that you know what, guys, Marketing Mastery is an early bird right now that that that that last thing I was talking about how my products are have changed deeply is that I invested in a decent amount of programs this year, so I could understand where video is headed, where SEO within your businesses, how Office suites are going to be more important, especially with this quote unquote, I'm going to put the quotation marks looming recession of supposedly how you can make sure that growth in your business is happening. So if you are a new entrepreneur, you are somebody who is trying to decide, Oh, am I going to create an online business, marketing mastery is for you. If you are somebody who's been an entrepreneur for a while, but things just aren't clicking, Marketing Mastery is for you. Marketing Mastery is my 10 week program that is focused on Magnetic Messaging. So my marketing 12 years of marketing, really being able to understand how you create the best copy and messaging for your business. That is the focus. money making offers big part of my own growth in the last three years, I'm bringing you all of the models that I've built for me and my one on one clients. And then of course, how you get to be that magnetic leader with your mindset. We focus on health, we focus on the subconscious, we focus on how to make sure that you are continuing to grow, visibility, results oriented offers and being able to create a strong brand vibe. Those are all included in this program. If you're interested, they're in the show notes earlybird right now, so when you're listening to this, it is $500 off the program with an additional extra 11 coaching calls so you get it you get an extra bonus if you decide to sign up between now and December 31 Let's talk but I hope that you take away from this episode that we get to continue growing and that 2022 No matter what happened was an all star year that you got to learn a lot about yourself but just take the moment to do so. All right, bye lovely.


41. PR & Marketing: The Perfect Combination to Build a Brand with Lexie Smith


3 Keys to Make Your Business Recession-Proof