3 Keys to Make Your Business Recession-Proof

Limitless Podcast — Recession-Proof

Leading an online business can often feel limitless. You can reach new levels of revenue every month, and new faces can come into your business, from your local area to all over the world. You can even model your business around the life that you want. Today, Jamie Ratermann discusses three keys that could help recession-proof your business. 

Episode’s Highlights:

  • How you can recession-proof your business

  • Why brand marketing still matters  

  • The importance of building trust with your clients

  • believe in your vision before it's a reality


Embrace Social Media SEO for More Visibility and Clients in 2023: https://www.jamieratermann.com/masterclass/discovered-masterclass-social-seo

Are you looking to build a thriving business built on a strong brand message, money-making offers, and a resilient, growth mindset? Join the Marketing Mastery waitlist: https://www.jamieratermann.com/marketing-mastery

Launch with certainty and excitement with this new free training! This mini-course includes 15 minutes of coaching, my 7-point launch planning guide, and a workbook to start planning your next launch: https://jamieratermann.com/how-to-launch-a-new-offer-social-media

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Jamie Ratermann  0:00  

Hello lovelies, I want to dive in today a little bit about entrepreneurship because leading an online business can be so damn well. Limitless, you can reach new levels of revenue every month, new faces can come into your business, from your local area to all over the world, you can even model your business around the life that you want. Clearly, you all know that I'm obsessed with what it can provide to you. This is all possible as an entrepreneur for six plus years now, I found that my most powerful and profitable times centered predominantly on one key thing, my offer suite and how proud I am of it. So entrepreneurs can fall into this trap of creating offers that quote unquote, make sense. But when it comes to selling it, they're not confident in sharing it with the world. Or they find that they simply don't know how to talk about it. Like its benefits and what it means to really sell the program itself. So this is exactly why the next round of marketing master, which starts in January, is centered and centered on recession-proofing your offer suite. While it's important to note that people do like to budget whenever we keep talking about this recession, it doesn't mean that people stop investing. Instead, they're more a little more detail oriented with their purchases. So marketing is going to be even more important to make sure you're sharing this clearly and that they know the value of what comes with it. So here's really three keys to think about how you can recession proof your business. First, you want to differentiate yourself with a brand vibe. So brand marketing is going to be the thing that will allow you to never worried about the quote unquote saturated market. understanding who you are, who benefits most from your product. And what it feels like to work with you allows you to never sweat when there's changes in the industry. So creating an identifiable and memorable brand, among other businesses in your field can always create better connection and community, you may have, you know, certifications and degrees. And you may be able to match the quality of your competitors that people choose to buy based off of how they relate to you as a brand. So branding is always going to be important. And it's going to allow you to really invite the people who are going to love what you do. And then you can also just continue to grow more easily. So differentiate, differentiating yourself with a brand vibe is a big part of this, clearly, you know that this is something that I'm really passionate about. But then also I want you to consider your offers as a way of climbing the ladder for your clients. So your offer suite should be a way for them to experience it experience you at different price levels. Money is something that really does make a difference in our lives. So of course how we spend it is going to come in with this need of trust, they're going to want to trust you in some way. So help others find trust, and who you are through your offer sweet. How can you create a tiered system and experience that works within itself that works together. So consider how marketing and sales can become this ladder. So first, of course, you have your free content, they get to know you, the next piece is might be like a low cost product or workshop. And then you have a higher cost ticket where you know, you can give more value for within them. And then you have your top tier where you get to really be able to dive in deep to who they are and how you can help them being able to allow someone to choose where their trust level is for you. And then based off of that experience, build their way up is only going to make the next round of sales even more easily, even more easy. So this is creating an offer suite that builds trust for you first. So especially now, it's not going to be about you know, I really hate this term, overcoming objections, it's truly going to be how your potential clients are going to trust you with their money. So your offers we can help you get there. The next is to take a moment to understand why you think you are the best damn thing for your clients. So entrepreneurship is about getting a little delusional, getting a little delusional, like, you want to believe in your vision. Before it's a reality even to this is where you leave modesty at the door. So a lot of people who have personal brands definitely might feel a little bit weird about about calling themselves the best within their within their business. But really believing what you put together in your offers is going to be something that should bring you strong belief in yourself. So what does your offer need to include so that you can remove any shred of a doubt that you deliver the best damn service or product? Even now if I if you say that aloud, Say this with me, I'm the best damn coach for my ideal client. I'm the best in business. I'm the best damn product for my ideal client. If as you say that you have to outset rise up listen in listen and to think about how you can shift that energy because if you don't believe it, neither will your clients so being able to lock in on these three really key areas that's going to allow you to recession proof your business your offer suite gets to be something that creates excitement for you. So Marketing Mastery remastered goes even deeper into this and our next round so starting in mid January we are going to be focusing really deeply on the offer suite and because of that, how your launches and selling gets to be a lot easier. So being able to know that that's a key point of if we feel good about that the rest of your marketing gets to be easier. So the 10 week program is all about setting your business up with dynamic messaging being really clear making sure that they have no shred of a doubt that they're that you're right for them. Making sure your your offers make money for you money making offers hell yeah right. And then grounding yourself in a business that is set on your magnetic mindset. So knowing that you are that best leader so talking about everything I've shared in this many so today, so if you are looking to really get out of any rut you might be feeling around your business making sure you don't have any doubts around the growth that you want to have in 2023 I encourage you to check out the show notes so you can apply you can learn more the links are in there and even if especially if you're listening to this episode when it comes out, I am giving some fun and inviting pre New Year's Eve bonuses so definitely take a look. I would love love love to chat with you. Because this next round is going to be so freakin fire.


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