Season 1, Episode 4 - 5 Ways to Build Resilience in Your Business

You deal with challenges every day, no matter where or who you are. If you're an entrepreneur, your mental state will define where your company goes — and that applies to any enterprise. This is why resilience is crucial for everyone. But here's the good news: you can build resilience to show up as your best self anywhere you go.

In this episode of The Limitless Podcast, Jamie Ratterman shares five keys to building long-term resilience in business. More specifically, she delves into the importance of health, embracing failures, the power of self-reflection, the significance of a sustainable business ecosystem, and celebrating the present. Listen as Jamie explains the value of resilience in building your best self and, from there, your business!

If you want to learn practical ways to build long-term resilience in your business, this episode is for you!

Take a step toward business resilience with my 6-week program Social Expansion. This is all about sweating less about the algorithm and creating a potent leadership presence across the internet in less than an 1 hour each week. Learn more here:

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

  1. Understand the role of resilience in showing up as your best self

  2. Discover ways to train your brain for long-term resilience. 

  3. Learn the five keys to building success for your business.


Episode Highlights

[03:30] Resilience in Success 

“Success does not come from continuously winning. Success comes from challenges, comes from figuring out that things aren't working exactly how you want, finding yourself getting stuck sometimes, but also, of course, celebrating those big wins” - Click Here to Tweet This

  • Resilience is essential to growing a successful business. 

  • Be aware and accept the things that are holding you back. 

  • Embrace the process and learn to bounce back and overcome adversities. 

  • Learn to celebrate the present. This includes sitting with and showing up on the hard days. 

[05:46] Your Best Self Is Your Business’s Biggest Asset

  • You are your business’s lifeblood and life force. You are your business’s biggest asset. 

  • It is a must to take care of your mind, body, and spirit. By doing so, you can be your best self.

  • Resilience is actively seeking and dismantling patterns that slow you down, creating new systems, and adjusting your mindsets accordingly. 

[06:32] #1: Prioritize Your Health

“You are going to get your best creativity, your best energy, and your best problem-solving when you take care of your body first.” - Click Here to Tweet This

  • Your brain is affected by your routines, like your diet and sleep.

  • Resilience comes from within. This is why it is crucial to prioritize your health. 

  • It only takes 10 minutes of movement to change your day. 

  • Take breaks to recharge! You can't be your best self if you're exhausted.

[09:22] Incorporating Movement Daily 

  • You do not need an hour-long workout to reap the benefits of your mind.

  • A study has found that it can only take as little as 5 to 20 minutes of movement a day to get your brain working at its best. 

  • You can use the Pomodoro Technique to create breaks during your day. Take a stroll or dance in your living room. 

  • Think about how you plan and execute movement throughout the day. Overextending and overworking yourself can have detrimental effects. 

  • Take breaks. Like a muscle, you can’t be using your mind continuously. It needs rest too.

[14:28] #2 Think of Failure as a Key to Success

  • Challenges and failures are a part of the road to success. No one can relate to someone who’s never struggled.

  • Acknowledge problems but do not dwell on them. Show up and be solution-oriented instead. 

  • The Scarcity vs. Abundance Paradigm: we are neither abundant nor scarce all the time. Our focus should be on finding ways to activate ourselves during scarcity. 

  • Be mindful of your mind and body's current state. Ask yourself, "Why am I feeling scarcity?" Then pull yourself out of it. 

“The more we talk to ourselves in a positive way, the more we're going to be able to flip that script a little more easily.” - Click Here to Tweet This

[19:59] #3: Embrace the Power of Regular Self-Reflection

  • Review where you spend your time and energy regularly. Self-reflection is how you build resilience in the long term.

  • Self-trust comes from having a more profound inner knowing of who you are. Cultivate a resilience mindset. What does your best self look like? 

  • Reflect on your life so you can address issues you encounter. 

  • Ask yourself, “Where do I feel stuck right now?” Then, try to find an activating step to alleviate your dilemma. 

  • You are the energy of your business, and you want to preserve that. Don't neglect your mental health for your business!

[24:40] #4: Creating an Ironclad Structure for your Business

  • Step 1: Do not be dependent on a single channel. Instead, choose your channels and make sure they represent you well. Remember that you are creating an empire of what you do. 

  • You do not have to have a website to start a business. But you have to have one to scale a business. 

  • Step 2: Be inclusive in treating your email subscribers. Make them feel like they are part of an inner circle. 

  • Step 3: Maximize your social media for brand awareness and conversion.

  • Create a structure — an ecosystem for your business — where you allow yourself to be independent and not hold on tightly to one platform. 

[31:56] #5: Celebrating Yourself and Savoring Celebrations

  • People are always on the lookout for the next thing and very seldom in the present. We are often only present when in pain. 

  • Celebration is about presence. It’s about honoring all the work you’ve done. 

  • We do not only celebrate big wins. It can be as simple as getting through a workout or getting a fantastic cup of coffee in the morning. 

“All of these are wins. All of these tell us and our subconscious that we can keep winning. We can keep celebrating. We're not going to just continue to move into the next stress, the next thing we have to do.” - Click Here to Tweet This

  • Write down five gratitudes every single day. It gives you a better appreciation of now. 

  • Find people you are ready to celebrate with and will make you want to continue to move.

[39:25] Jamie’s Social Expansion Program

  • The six-week program will start this April and is invaluable for online business owners.

  • Free yourself from Instagram dependence, accelerate your community and revenue growth, and build long-term resilience for your business, among others.

  • Take a step toward business resilience with my 6-week program Social Expansion. This is all about sweating less about the algorithm and creating a potent leadership presence across the internet in less than an 1 hour each week. Learn more and sign up here

About Jamie

Jamie Ratterson is a holistic business coach and the CEO of her business, Jamie Ratermann Coaching & Consulting. The firm provides 1:1 and group coaching for entrepreneurs and companies and other services, including strategizing and curating social media content, building a brand identity and content plans, cultivating key partnerships, and providing data analysis and reporting. 

Before starting her brand, Jamie had over ten years of experience helping entrepreneurs master marketing, embody leadership, and end the hustle. She has also led the digital presence of Blue Circle Leadership, TripAdvisor, Bonnie St. John, Uplift Studios, Financial Gym, and others.

Want to learn more about my work? Check out my website. Come say hi on the 'gram. Have questions about my coaching or takeaways from the episode: DM me @JamieRatermann!

You can also connect with her on Instagram and LinkedIn.     

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Your brain is something that absolutely is affected by the foods you eat, the activity you have, the sleep routines you're a part of, the stress that might be under. So knowing that, first and foremost, resilience comes from within. How can you make sure you're showing yourself that love, that long term health of what you want from your body,  what you want from your mind. 

Jamie Ratermann: You're listening to The Limitless Podcast, where we dig into all the possibilities that exist when you lean into the big vision for your life and your business. Hi, my name is Jamie Ratermann, and I am a holistic business coach. Meaning, I am just as invested in growing your health as I am in growing your wealth. With 11 plus years in brand and social media marketing, I help rebellious entrepreneurs in master marketing and body leadership and say, “Fuck it” to the hustle. This show is here to encourage you to become radically aware of your self-imposed limits, to break free of your shoulds, and to expand your brand into a movement led by you. The way I see it, marketing is a way of spreading your mission. Social media is a gift for connection, and sales are where you build your strongest relationships. Let's dig in. 

Welcome to episode four of The Limitless Podcast, we are going to dive into specifics today. We're going to—I'm going to be sharing how you can build long-term resilience in your business and give you an introduction to a program I'm currently in launch of Social Expansion. We dive into five key ways. Specifically, we're talking about what it means to prioritize your health, how to come to terms with ups and downs of your entrepreneurship journey, what reflection can really do in creating sustainable growth, building that ironclad structure for growth—how we can use all the internet's opportunities to build a long term success for your business.

And then of course, what it means to celebrate. So come on in, join in on this conversation. Leave me a rating and review. Let me know how it felt for you to talk to me on Instagram. I'm so excited to be able to dive into this with you. And then of course give you that Introduction to Social Expansion. Check the show notes. 

Hi lovelies, welcome to episode four of The Limitless Podcast we are approaching a month of limitlessness. I am just going to continue celebrating all the things that are coming through for this podcast and I continuously want to hear from you. So if you get a chance, let me know what you thought of the first episode. Go ahead and make sure you subscribe rate and review wherever you listen to podcasts. Tell me what you want to hear. I look at those reviews, I listened to them, I want to make sure that I continue to build this even bigger because the one month is by far just the first stepping stone I have so much to share and hope that I can continue to inspire and help you grow as an entrepreneur. 

But today, today we're talking about a particular core value of mine, but also what I find to be essential to growing a successful online business, a successful life-giving business in reality. So we're going to be talking about resilience. What's important to understand is that success does not come from continuously winning. Success comes from challenges—comes from figuring out that things aren't working exactly how you want to, finding yourself getting stuck sometimes, but also, of course, celebrating those big wins. Savoring those moments that are something you want to recognize for yourself within your business.

Being able to understand that the joy that comes from building something that is your own, something that you feel valued in, and something that you're leading by example, is going to have ups and downs with it no matter what. So how to weigh those waters is through resilience. So I like to use the word resilience specifically for the fact that grit has a similar definition, but its- resilience is like grit without the horns. We are wanting to be able to be accepting and aware of the things that might be holding us back that might take us a moment to bounce back from, that might be our challenges, and overcome them a little more easily.

So for me, the word is resilience, but the idea is we bounce back faster—we continue, and then also, too, we get to feel some gratitude for the fact that we get to learn lessons every time we encounter a challenge along the way. So for me resilience is essentially creating a trusting relationship with the ups and downs of your business, knowing that when we get when it's time to celebrate being present in that moment—celebrating it big. Knowing also, too, when we are having a hard day, that that's temporary as well, that we got it, maybe we have to sit in those feelings, but we get to work through them within that to being able to actively seek out patterns that may be slowing you down—creating new systems, routines, rituals, hiring teams.

Seeing the things that we might be putting pressure on ourselves, and how we can just adjust our mindsets in that way. So resilience is absolutely actively seeking out those patterns that might be just holding us back, or creating a blockage, a limit, a barrier for where we want to go next. And then, of course, you are the lifeblood, you are the life force, you are your business's biggest asset. So thinking about how we get to lean into routine health rituals, to make sure that the person, the mastermind, the big brain behind your entrepreneurship is at its best, doing what it loves. Being able to come in it with as much energy grounded or excited as it can because we're taking care of not only your mind but your body and your spirit all together. So I'm going to share—there's many ways of course to create reasons, but today, I'm going to share five ways that you can build it within your business. 

So the first one, I want to just go ahead and start it off right at the top here, is: let's prioritize health. One of the funniest things that I've encountered in my five years of being an entrepreneur, is that whenever I made the transition and added a health coach certification within my business coaching, I had a few people going like how are you going to combine that? How are you going to combine business coaching and health coaching? It was always such an odd question, we were like “What?” Of course, this makes total sense. So knowing that you are going to get your best creativity, your best energy, your best problem solving when you take care of your body first. It's not like your brain is separate from your mind when you open the laptop. 

Your brain is something that absolutely is affected by the foods you eat, the activity you have, the sleep routines you're part of, the stress that might be under. So knowing that, first and foremost, resilience comes from within. How can you make sure you're showing yourself that love, that long-term health of what you want from your body what you want from your mind. So one thing I want to get out of the way right away. When I talk about prioritizing health, I'm not trying to say that every entrepreneur should have a six-pack, every entrepreneur should be able to climb Mount Everest.

I’m absolutely talking to the fact that I am definitely 70-30 health — sometimes, I'm on point other times, it turns out that 10 minutes can be all that's needed to get some movement in for the day. So we're going to talk about what that looks like. One important thing to realize is: when we're talking about health, is to incorporate movement throughout your day. Many of you are likely sitting at your desks on a regular basis, and being able to do a lot of work through that. But you might forget yourself from time to time where you're like, “Oh, it's 7pm. I'm still at my computer. I have not moved an ounce today.” 

I'm absolutely somebody who's done that before. But the idea is how can you bake in movement throughout your day? How can you make sure that you're not just using your mind like holding the weight of all the things you want to do that to-do list that might be feeling like a lot of pressure? How can you ask your muscles, your body, your nervous system to support you in keeping that focus for yourself?

So many of my sprinters are going to know about this is, that I like to encourage taking breaks, simply taking breaks throughout the day. And within that, the act of break is something that you can incorporate movement. So okay, so let's talk about the three ways you can really get movement in your day. And I'm going to start at the bottom. Meaning you do not have to get an hour-long workout every day to reap the benefits for your mind. 

What you can do instead is be able to use breaks as a way to improve your mental health, reduce your stress, make sure that you're keeping a tunnel vision type of focus because you are balancing your mind and your body for what your needs are. So there was a study done– I’ll make sure to have this in the show notes for you—where they wanted to see how many minutes you needed to work out to be able to get your mind fired up, your brain working at its best.

It wasn't, 90 minutes a day, it was 5 to 20 minutes. Five to 20 minutes of getting a good workout in. Meaning, that could be dancing in your living room. That could be going on a walk, that could be push-ups, a HIIT workout that can be any of those things, 5 to 20 minutes has the ability to drastically improve your creativity and problem-solving skills. 

So what can you take from that study? You don't always have to have that hour-long workout to feel that you are being productive in your day. I love the Pomodoro Technique, so whenever I will be focused on working on something, and my timer will tell me “Oh, take a break for five minutes”, that can be my opportunity to take a stroll around the block, that could be my opportunity to like I said, I have a tendency to dance in my living room from time to time.

But it also can be the idea that your body needs to stretch, needs to move. Allow that to be just as important as hitting the deadline getting that workout in. In addition to that, you want to think about how you plan your workouts, you plan your movement throughout the day. Overextending yourself can actually have detrimental effects. I woke up in the morning and did a 90-minute workout, I am depleting energy right from the get go and might have more difficulty with that. 

So for me, if I do a strength training program, I want to keep it 60 minutes or less before the day begins. Or if I'm doing something really strenuous, that might be something I put at the end of the day. So one example here of how you can prioritize your health is one take breaks, if you're going to be working from 9 to 5, 10 to 4, whatever hours you decide to keep for yourself, allow it to be something that you are focused and get to walk away from. And then within that, think about how movement takes a role within that, so one piece there. The reason why breaks are so essential is that our minds were not meant to be constantly used.

 Just like if I told you to hold a dumbbell and you’re right-handed, let's give you a 50 pound dumbbell, you might be able to hold it up tight to your shoulder for a while. But if I just told you to hold it until you couldn't anymore, you're going to find that you're going to get the body shakes, your arm is going to start to slowly go down, you're going to feel like you're quivering and the sweat is rolling down your back. And that weight is going to slowly less than because you can't hold that. Your mind works the same way. Your mind might be an organ, but it is also a muscle. So the break piece of prioritizing your health is knowing that give your eyes a break from your screens, give yourself an opportunity to have that movement in your day, eat lunch. All of those pieces are going to help you perform better. 

So knowing that the breaks piece of this that I decided to just throw in is that if you do this, if you prioritize this, your work is going to be better, you're going to be able to be more productive in that time, you're going to be able to move through it a little easier. So it sounds—because hustle culture tells us that we should be sitting at our desk, hustle, hustle, hustle, we feel like this is not this is like not going to work together taking “Wait, you're telling me that to be more productive, I need to walk away from my screen, I need to do a little bit of a workout every once in a while?” Yes, that's what I'm telling you. Because we are the kind of work I do in the kind of ways I want to help you is knowing that your mind, your body, your spirit is the key to get you there. I want to move on because I know I can continue to keep telling you of all the ways health supports you. 

But let's go ahead and move into thinking about how we get to handle the ups and downs of our energy but our ups and downs of maybe fear that might be coming in those kinds of ideas. So it's important to understand that we want to come to terms with the fact that failure is the key to success. Failing allows us to go “Well, we can't do it that way” or “Okay, I think this happened for these reasons.” So all of that is more important than us showing that we've never failed in our lives. I mean in all honesty, if we can talk about in a different realm, how interesting is it when somebody you're talking to has never struggled, never had a challenge in their life? Let's say that we're going to keep with the health example here. 

“Oh, yeah, I can run 10 miles.” “Oh, yeah? I had some trouble getting past the eight-mile mark.” “What? I never run out of breath.” Who is that person? Can you relate to that person? Do you know who she is because I have a feeling that she's a robot, she's not real. Knowing that our challenges and our failures allow us to one be relatable can we can connect with that a little bit. But also two, once we accept that each step of the way is going to have a little bit of a challenge. We get to cherish that be thankful for it. Like if I post something that doesn't get seen by many people, I guess I go, “Oh, what did I learn about the algorithm today?” Or if I decided that I’m going to scroll TikTok too late at night, and I wake up a little late the next morning, I'll be like, “What did I learn?” That the Tiktok algorithm is killing me but also to keep the phone outside of the room. These are small things. But let's look at a bigger one.

When you were in a lunch, people aren't immediately jumping after our product or service. Instead of allowing the failure, that feeling of somebody has the fact that it's not like falling off the shelves for us to just encompass us. And then we don't show up. We're not there we go, “Okay, what can I do differently.” It's coming through this and I'm more of a solution-oriented place, knowing that there's not always going to be this seamless, this smooth water when it comes to your business. I like to talk about this in a way of thinking about a scarcity versus abundance paradigm whenever I'm talking about the money mindset with my clients. So knowing that we are not always going to feel abundant. But also we're not always going to feel scarcity. 

So the goal is whenever we're feeling into both areas of this, how we can activate ourselves and come back to it? So let's say that you are feeling scarcity. One day someone’s going, “Oh no one's gonna buy my product.” Maybe that's the thought like, “No one's buying it. Clearly, they don't trust me. I'm not- this launch isn't going to go well for me.” These are intrusive thoughts that are coming through for you? What if instead of going, “Wow, I'm so negative, my inner critic is hurting me here. Like I can't, this is just too much for me.” What if instead we go, “Hmm? Why am I feeling scarcity today? What's happening?” Being able to have that mindfulness, that acceptance, that awareness, that's going to help you build that resilience you're looking for.

So I could- I can instead look at that day or that moment going, like what might that be feeling? “A lot of other entrepreneurs are launching right now. Maybe that scarcity, it's coming through. But if they're doing well, then I get to do well.” I can change that thought. Or “Is it time for me to walk away from my screen, I want to go for a walk and I think I might come back a little more fresh. Did I forget to eat today?” Let's create an environment where the scarcity gets to walk—gets to permeate, gets to leave. So instead of thinking to yourself, “Oh, I'm such a failure for thinking this way”, going like “Where is this coming from? What are the negative stories behind this feeling.”

But also too, knowing that the more we talk to ourselves in a positive way, the more we're going to be able to flip that script a little more easily, going, “I know that this product or this service is going to make a big impact for people. No matter if someone signs up immediately. Or at the end, I know that the only goal that I have is to get it out there. I abundantly know that I can make a change, I can make an impact in the world if I show up. The abundance, the energy comes from me.”

Being able to just switch it around versus “Oh, I have so much competition, I can't do this.” Flipping that goes like, “If I put it out there, people will come. I believe it.” So the second way of thinking about resilience is simply accepting that there's ups and downs within your mindset, within your business. You're going to feel scarcity, don't feel like you're-- it's not going to happen. But having a way for you to pull yourself out of that scarcity. “Oh, there she is. Scarcity is coming to town on this Tuesday. What can I do to take care of myself, show myself some self love, allow myself to feel my best to overcome this feeling to move through it a little more easily.” So thinking about that.

Next is how we start to really review our week to week. Really review our time and energy on a regular basis. Reflection. So as a business coach, I regularly give clients a prompt, journal prompt to think through what might be mentally slowing them down from the tasks on our list from reaching out to new clients, from in general feeling like they find joy in any time they're putting into their business. This is where reflection comes from. This is where self-trust comes from.

Having a deep inner knowing of who you are is something that's going to build resilience in the long term. That's something that you're going to be able to calibrate, have more good instincts, but it comes from regularly reflecting on that. So within that, one way I'll prompt people to start thinking about how to be more resilient is to ask themselves a very particular question, “Where do I feel stuck right now?” Where do you feel stuck right now? 

So that might be “I'm just not getting, my growth is not happening like I wanted to, these reels are really hard to create, I have no time for my friendships.” You can just see that you're just like you keep hitting the same wall over and over again. So being able to just look at that going, “Where do I feel stuck right now?” Once you ask the question out loud, your subconscious will help you.

Our subconscious, in general, loves to answer questions for us. So by asking the question, where do I feel stuck? And then going “Oh, you know, creating reels is really hard for me. Let me think to myself, what can I do to make reels feel better? What is one activating step, to allow me to alleviate where I'm feeling stuck?” That's the second question, what is one activating step to alleviate this stuck feeling in some way? And then do it and then try it. 

Sometimes that activating step might be do the damn thing, 1-800-DO-IT. Shout out to my client, Sue Dell, who always says that as a slug, “I just got to do the thing.” That might be what it is just showing up and doing the thing. Another one might be, “I am putting too much stuff on myself, I need a team, I need help.” So hiring a coach, hiring a VA, deciding that it's not that essential in your day to day, that can be an important part.

Usually, this comes down to when “I have clients doing a lot of admin work.” So they're sending out new emails, when someone signs up for an event, there's no automation within their business. And going like “What's one simple way that I can allow this to be easier on me?” An automated email when I sign up for new events for my membership, it's going to take me two hours to maybe do it or my VA to do it. But after that, it's never going to take 20 minutes every other day on my list anymore. 

So knowing that, the more that we can slow down all the chaos, like “Okay, gotta do this got to do this got to do this,” and be able to ground ourselves and reflecting on “What is making me feel stuck and what is one activating step to alleviate it.?” There's so many different solutions, but you are that source, you are the source of the energy behind your business. And you want to preserve that in any way. I know this sounds crazy, reflect. Take some time at the end of the day, like “What went well today? What didn't go well? How can I fix that?” You're going to find that things are just in general going to be much smoother, you're not going to be as tough on yourself.

But ultimately, you'll look at it for three months-round. Like “Why like I'm doing so much more than I did the last few months. What am I doing differently?” Small, incremental steps to allow yourself to get out of the mud, get out of the quicksand allow yourself to feel that stuckness you're activating your full potential by not getting into the weeds of what it is within your business. So the third one, how to build resilience, regular reflecting on what your needs are, but specifically asking yourself these two questions, where do I feel stuck and then what is one activating step that I can take to alleviate it? 

Okay, let's move into the third or the fourth one here, which is something that I'm pretty passionate about is, “How can you create an ironclad structure for your business for growth?” So I'll get a little bit technical. But specifically, I want to talk about a pet peeve of mine. I am a multichannel creator, I have always been. Whenever I was working in bigger brands. We were not Not just on the ‘Gram, we were on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest. We were able to utilize data and thinking about how there are many places, but also to the website and email marketing got to build off of what we learned from social and vice versa. So knowing that, whenever we're thinking about this structure we want to create, we have an important pipeline that we want to consider. So in particular, I don't want you to be dependent on a single channel, I want each channel to be this beautiful web that's holding up this castle you're creating—this empire of what you're doing. 

So for me, that means some of the key steps, your website is a hub that people can purchase from you. Two clicks or less, allowing it to be converting for you immediately. You do not have to have a website to start a business. But you do have to have a website to scale a business. I can say it again in different way. You don't have to have a website to start a business.

But if you want to be able to go somewhere else traveled, not always be on your DMs or answering people for fulfilling orders, you want to have a website that does it for you. So a website is there for when you're ready to scale. And also two, especially with my marketing mastery clients where we work on our home pages, this is such a big confidence booster. So one: that's an essential pillar, a structure, you're creating that website that is your hub, your corner of the internet, you own that thing you own it. 

Second one is, of course, email. How email subscribers are treated just a little differently than your social followers. Knowing that that gets to be an important place that is an inner circle feeling for anyone who decides to join, join your email list. And then, of course, your social. So Instagram is really great. By all means, it is a wonderful place for conversion, brand awareness, especially if you're doing real estate right now you'll be getting more brand awareness. But it is a wonderful place for you. Within that though, it is the most time-consuming platform. They do it by design, their algorithm wants you to stick around every time you post, that's a part of it. So knowing that, while you do any work that you have on Instagram, any time you're creating content there. It has a second life in other places. Any kind of expertise, leadership relationship, building-related content that you're creating, can have a second home. 

So I like to help with specifically established platforms. And I'll talk a lot about this a little more in the next episode about how what it looks like to be a multichannel creator. But within that, knowing that LinkedIn Twitter—yeah, I said Twitter—Pinterest, all have different strengths. But all are absolutely less time-consuming than creating a really good foundation like you do on Instagram. I'm sure we all remember I believe it—what was it last October, last September, Instagram was down for the day it was out, it was not working for the day. And it's important to know that many entrepreneurs had a big, like realization going, “Oh my gosh, I depend so heavily on Instagram, on Facebook to do things for my business.”

This is going because they're having a tough time with their service today. I'm at a loss for what's the potential of people coming into my business. This is where email marketing people were going off the chain, they're ready to jump on in. But Twitter was alive that day. LinkedIn was alive that day, of course, TikTok was too. But within that, knowing that if you have a system where you show up on these other places a few times a week, you are allowing yourself to be independent. To be that business that is a movement across the internet, not just someone who is holding so tightly to one platform. 

So creating this structure, how your content not only gets to be created but gets to be rippled across your other profiles to realize it as a movement, it's an essential piece. So one thing I want to really talk about here is that whenever we're creating this structure, this ecosystem for your business, the number one thing, the response I usually get is that, “Oh, it's going to be overwhelming for me to do that many.” Overwhelm is just an opportunity in disguise. Overwhelm is opportunity with pressure. So knowing that whenever we are looking at expanding, doing something bigger than what we are, bigger than what we're currently doing. The next big step gets to be an opportunity for us to test out something brand new. So I talk a lot about this in my program, Social Expansion. So talking exactly about these established platforms that are going to help you that aren't as time-consuming as our big ones that TikTok, Instagrams of the world, but being able to think about how we can preserve our energy but also see the beautiful strengths and potential of how LinkedIn is a place for leaders, changemakers, thought, and movements. 

But also high ticket clients, also a built-in referral network of everyone you've ever worked with and connected with. In addition to that, there's also Twitter where you're going to be finding PR, you're going to be finding partnerships, you're going to again, lean into leadership there, bleed into what your thought process is, but be able to create conversation more easily. That's the conversation platform, that's where you're at. Pinterest, simply expertise and allowing traffic to come to either your email list, or your website. So I talk about resilience, I talk about less dependence, less dependence on one place, and building a system within your business, this is not overwhelming, it's just we are capitalizing on opportunities that are one free organic growth, right? Free within our business by setting up this really beautiful ecosystem for your business. So number four here is really building that ironclad structure for growth, and being able to tap into the opportunity that is online. So knowing that that's there for you. 

Number five, on ways how you can build long term resilience for your business is how you celebrate yourself—how you savor those celebrations. So we get a lot of challenges, we want to fix things, we want to do something new. We are always thinking about what comes next, except for when we are in the doldrums of it. There's actually a conversation I was recently having where someone was talking about how we're only really present when we're in pain. How awful is that? Like, we're only present when we're in pain. And as soon as she said it, I immediately thought of the pushups I had done that morning. And I was like, “Oh, yeah, I remember that. I remember being like really in tune with everything.

But on the flip side of that, how many times are you looking at your best month ever? You've made the most money you have in your business? And you're like, “How can I do this again? How can I do this?” Again, you're moving on to the next thing instead of going, “Damn, I killed it this month. Wow, this launch went well. Oh, my gosh, clients are coming in.” Being able to sit there and just sit in it. Another way I see this too is that I'll have clients who get a new client or get a new customer. And instead of going,

“Oh my gosh, they're trusting me. They're ready to go.” They're going, “How can I make sure I deliver and hope she's happy the whole time that she works with me.” She already jumped in. She's trusting you, she's ready to do it. But there instead go there, instead of moving into this proving energy of I got to prove the money that she just provided to me. So understanding that celebration is about presence. It's about honoring all the work that you've done.

But also being able to realize that if we get to put block this time to get grounded in what we've been doing, right, it's gonna be big. So at the beginning of every call with any of my group programs with any of my clients, we go, what are we celebrating? What are we celebrating today? Sometimes it turns out that that can be a really fantastic cup of coffee that they had in the morning. Other times, it's like “I got a workout in the shower in today.” That's great. Another time and other times, it's, “I have a six-figure month” and it's like, “Damn, that's amazing.”

 Or “I'm just feeling so connected with my clients right now, or I got the most beautiful testimonial for my business.” All of these are wins. All of these tell us and tell our subconscious that we can keep winning. We can keep celebrating. We're not going to just continue to move into the next stress, the next thing we have to do. So when it comes to celebrating, when it comes to savoring that, being able to use gratitude in this moment.

So I'm sure that you've all heard, “Write down five gratitudes every single day, write down what you're grateful for.” That's absolutely a really great practice. But especially when you're in that mood, that moment of, “Wow, I've killed it. I've done all of these things.” How can you stop, save and go like, “Wow, what did my past self do for me to get me here?” Let's celebrate that. Have people you can celebrate with. 

So I talked about those a little bit on our first episode, that knowing that you have different groups of people that are going to understand what you've done to create these big things that you're ready to celebrate. For instance, this podcast, depending on the friend group I sent it to it was either huge enthusiasm or cool, period. So knowing that, find the people that are ready to celebrate you. Find the people that are like just in awe, and want you to continue to move through.

So celebrating and being able to savor is one presence, being aware of that, and to absolutely finding the people that can help you. This is exactly why I have a sprinter community so that people get to share those celebrations from time to time with us. As also I have accountability buddies, you guys met Diana on the last episode. It's also why I have a celebratory playlist because if I haven't said it enough, on this episode, your girl dances in her living room. 

Now my fiance will tell you, I don't have rhythm. But I absolutely will make sure at the end of the week, I don't feel like I've celebrated myself enough going like, “Wow, I did all of that stuff. I did all those things. Let me pay it its proper attention.” Let me show myself that love to go like, “This is how things worked”, you're going to find that it's going to be easier to find things to celebrate, the more you put this practice into place. So I could continue going resilience, how to build long term resilience in your business and for yourself.

Prioritize your health, accept and have ways to work through the ups and downs of your journey to success, your journey to entrepreneurship. Reflect often—where do I feel stuck? What is one activating step to alleviate it? Build a structure so that you don't always have to be paying attention to everything that's going on in your business. Allow it to grow by itself by utilizing all the opportunity on the internet, or at least more than just one channel for your business. And then, of course, celebrate—savor those celebrations. This is where you get to create an opportunity to bounce back faster, to allow yourself to know that you have your own back. 

So within this, if you have these five steps in place, you can just like sweat out like there's no sweat to other some things that are coming through. Like, if you have a client who's unhappy, you have those testimonials you use to celebrate yourself, like I know that I can deliver. “Let me see how I can enter this conversation lighter, knowing I can help them in a different way.” If one of your marketing channels goes down, their servers are down, it's not working. You have three, four other places you are connected with your potential client, that easy way of growth. If you're feeling really deep and stuck in this, like you're not moving as fast as you want to reflect because you know you're the source, you're the power to go like what can I change? What can I adjust? That's going to be helpful. 

If you feel like you just keep getting hit with hard things each and every week, things aren't aren't happening for you, you're not feeling abundant. Knowing that that's temporary, you can work yourself through it. And then of course, taking care of you as the source of energy, the life force, the biggest business asset and you're making sure that that is where you prioritize your health.

You prioritize who you are and how you help people so that those are your five, that's what you want to do. I'm in the business of helping you be more resilient. I'm in the business of doing, of allowing you to create this growth for yourself, not just the technical side, not just growing your wealth, but how your health is to play a role in it. That's exactly why I wanted to give it an idea of what this looks like in my six-week program, Social Expansion. 

Social Expansion will be starting in mid-April. It is something that you just come in and you get to jump into the program. I'll make sure to put it into the link in the show notes today. But it is about freeing yourself from Instagram dependence. It's about accelerating your community and revenue growth. And it's about building long-term resilience for your business. Knowing that the more we can create this ironclad structure, this way in which you have a deeper inner knowing of who you are and how you show up on different platforms, this all gets to be easier.

So social expansion is something that I am really excited about helping you become that multichannel creator. If you're interested, click those show notes, talk to me about it. I would love to have any of my listeners jump in. But essentially, we're helping, I'm helping you to be able to create a sustainable way to show up on more than one social platform. So that you get to walk away from your business more often.

I like to say that Instagram can easily take more than 10 hours a week, these other platforms, all of them together, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, I can show you how to do it, where it takes an hour a week to for all three of them. Not an hour each an hour to make sure all of those other three are getting the attention they deserve. So if this is of interest, please let me know contact me, we'll talk more about this. But I'm so excited to be able to share this with you.

You're going to hear me say resilience over and over and over again, because it is such a key important piece. Because I am sometimes just blown away by how I see clients who have decided that they want more rest in their day, that decided that they are ready to launch something new. And we actually get to talk about that routine we put together. It's “I got a new client from LinkedIn and I've only posted on there once or twice this week.” It's knowing that they just feel lighter. Resilience is that wider way of I'm going to bounce back faster, I'm going to be able to continue towards success really easily. Such a pleasure to talk today and we'll talk soon


Season 1, Episode 5 - How to Expand Your Social Channels and Become a Multi-Channel Creator


Season 1, Episode 3: How Entrepreneurship is a Self-Growth Journey with Diana Davis