Season 1, Episode 13: How to Uncover Your Inner Rebel — Your Boldest Self

What would it be like to be the boldest version of yourself? How unstoppable would you be if you could be just that – your best self? Doesn't it sound like a dream? Well, it doesn't have to be. It's time to stop living small and start busting your way out of the walls keeping you locked inside!

In the thirteenth episode of The Limitless Podcast, Jamie introduces the concept of doing small acts of radical rebellion. She talks about how we can approach being the boldest and most rebellious version of our best self in everything we do. In that way, we are taking a few steps closer to our big vision and/or dream. These radical acts are keys to freeing ourselves from our limits and living a happier, more confident, and more fulfilled life.

Walls don't come down right away, though! If you want to awaken the rebel inside – and the best self you can become – don't miss this week's episode!

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

  1. Find out how to be true to yourself through small acts of rebellion.

  2. Discover and visualize your brilliant, bold, and best self — the you that you will become.

  3. Learn how to overcome your biggest critic: the voice inside your head. (But also, how to work with them!)


Episode Highlights

[05:49] Releasing Your Limits

  • You must be able to define your inner rebel to release your limits.

  • Rebellious growth and taking radical steps mean being able to do something out of the ordinary.

  • Feeling stuck is the number one thing that comes up for people who want to feel better in what they’re doing.

  • You’re in the right place when you start to recognize the same excuses preventing you from going after your big vision.

  • Your breaking points will make you realize that you have not been nurturing your best self. Instead, you’ve been walling them in, locking them down.

[07:56] Bold, Brilliant, Rebellious

  • Feeling like a powerhouse and being resilient in your business means having a solid belief in yourself.

  • How you want to do things is the right way to do it.

[08:34] Uncovering Your Inner Rebel

  • Think about the version of yourself that you want to be that you’ve always had in your mind — your best self.

  • What would it be like to be the boldest version of yourself? What three words would define them?

  • Jamie calls her inner rebel her magnificent self. She is bold, curious, and resilient. You can call it that also, or something else: your best self, your bold self.

  • Your inner rebel is a piece of you. 

[11:14] Your Internal Board of Directors

  • We have an internal board of directors that influences our day-to-day. 

  • The CEO is your inner critic. 

  • You can name them. It's helpful to know who's talking within the different voices within you that keep you in your comfort zone.

  • Your inner critic wants to keep you safe, resulting in unproductivity. Tell her to move over and share the table with the bold version of yourself.

  • Allow both your inner critic and bold self to talk to you when you’re making leaps for growth in your business.

[13:55] Embracing Small Acts of Radical Rebellion

  • It's about releasing what we're supposed to do, who we're supposed to be, and becoming who we were always meant to be.

  • Approach the version of yourself that you never question.

  • Releasing her limits has made Jamie feel unrestrained in how she shows up to her community and her clients.

  • Doing small acts of radical rebellion means going against “what you’re supposed to do”— the things that are not true to who you are.

[16:13] Taking the First Steps Toward Radical Rebellion

  • Define what a radical act means for yourself. Radical acts are different for different people.

  • Jamie’s first act of rebellion resulted in a meltdown. It was tuning her nervous system for what was to come.

  • The first steps will feel radical to you. Don't compare yourself to others; only compare yourself to your own previous versions.

Jamie: “Every person has a radical act that they do the first time, then they can decide, ‘You know what, I didn't die. I'm okay. Actually, I feel more powerful because I did that. So I'm going to take the next step.’” - Click Here to Tweet This

  • Your big vision dream would feel more attainable once you create small acts of rebellion against your limits.

  • Prove it to yourself. Create evidence to release self-doubt and build confidence.

[20:10] Approaching the Most Rebellious Version of Yourself

  • Lean into the bold and brilliant version of yourself that you put on the board. Each step of the way will feel radical.

  • For perfectionists, a small act of rebellion is being able to make a mistake and owning it.

  • We are all programs of what we've learned most of our life. Uploading the bold and rebellious version of you into that will require taking small radical acts.

[21:58] Taking Quantum Leaps

  • Quantum leaps are enormous jumps in growth. But people who make quantum leaps also make small leaps in between. 

  • These small acts of rebellion give you evidence of your worth and let you make bold moves one after another.

[23:44] A Limit Jamie is Still Working Through

  • Jamie is still working through how she feels about the size of her body.

  • A part of her small act of rebellion is being able to see herself in any size and loving it.

  • She went to a cycling class with her friend, where the room was warm. As such, everybody had taken their tank tops off.

  • The thought of receiving judgment for taking her shirt off became a struggle for Jamie at that moment. But, she overcame it and felt free and more comfortable in doing so.

  • She wants to listen to what her body wants her to do and be selfish about it.

[28:48] What it Means to be a Rebel

  • Being a rebel is being more of who you are. It’s about taking care of yourself first.

  • The more “you” you can be, the more you can create authentic connections. 

  • It will only be possible when you stop playing small and start being bolder and more expansive.

  • Believing in yourself doesn't mean ridding all doubts and negativity. But the goal is for your desires to outweigh your fears.

Jamie: “When it comes down to when someone asks me how they can grow their business, what it means to have resilient growth in their business—it is having radical self-trust.” - Click Here to Tweet This

  • Your business should evolve with you. It’s about being more of you to make connections and having the courage to change things up in your offers as you see fit. 

[33:04] Identifying Your Limiting Beliefs

  • What is limiting you?

  • What’s one radical act you can take to prove against wanting to show up perfectly?

Jamie: "The more rebellious we become against our limits, the more we model our world to be more for us." - Click Here to Tweet This

  • The more you embrace the bold version of yourself, the more you’ll realize and stand in your leadership.

Enjoyed this Podcast on Taking Your First Steps Towards Radical Rebellion? 

Today is the day that you will become rebellious and embrace a brilliant, bold, and rebellious you: your best self, the one you dream of being. Be true to yourself, and you can create genuine connections with yourself, others, and your business. If you learned a lot from this episode, subscribe and help us spread the word by sharing it!

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For me, releasing all of these limits, especially in the past two years, has allowed me to say fuck on this microphone, not worry about the professionalism that people have told me before. I like to drop the F bomb because it adds emphasis. It's like a little sprinkle of saying like, it's really fucking important you understand this. So that's one piece of how I've started to release what I'm supposed to be as a leader.

Jamie Ratermann:  You're listening to the limitless podcast where we dig into all of the possibilities that exist when you lean into the big vision for your life and your business. Hi, my name is Jamie Ratterman, and I am a holistic business coach. Meaning I am just as invested in growing your health as I am in growing your wealth. With 11 plus years and brand and social media marketing, I help rebellious entrepreneurs master marketing, and body leadership and say fuck it to the hustle. This show is here to encourage you to become radically aware of your self imposed limits, to break free of your shoulds. And to expand your brand into a movement led by you. The way I see it, marketing is a way of spreading your mission. Social media is a gift for connection, and sales are where you build your strongest relationships. Let's dig in.

Hello, welcome to episode 13 of The Limitless Podcast. Today we dive into what it means to be rebellious. I'm going to introduce you to what I call small acts of radical rebellion. We're going to define what it means for you to be there to rebel, how you can approach it every day and what that means. So that you can adapt to the ever changing online world for you to be happier and more fulfilled in your life. And for you to free yourself of these limits that we've been talking about. So today's episode is potent. And I'm going to encourage you to share with me how you're going to be this rebel that I know that you are a part of this episode is absolutely the energy behind how I am creating a five month mastermind. Thrive is about building a business that can weather any storm building a business that is uniquely you, and having the support to do that.

So when I talk today about what it means to be the rebel, I know that there's some emotional things that are going to come up as you do that. I also know that the more you can be amongst other people that are trying to be the boldest version of themselves, the more likely you'll get there. So thrive is my five month mastermind focused specifically on creating wealth within your business, meaning we're going to scale your business to new levels of monetary growth through marketing strategy, it's about wisdom. So we're going to tap into your own inner wisdom and the wisdom of six other women and me of how you can model your business to be more of how you want it to be. And then of course, we're going to talk about how you are worthy. Worthy of every single leap you want to take, every single new client, every single new pricing change, you are worthy.

But that comes from some mindset shifts, that comes from brain science. And that comes from some support. So this is the goal: wealth, wisdom, worthiness, those are the pillars on which I am creating a five month container for you. It is a group and VIP hybrid. And it starts so soon we start on June 1. So if this is something that you are looking for, that you want to create this exponential growth, if you want to create this exponential growth in your business, hop into the show notes, take a look apply you and I get to talk I would love to invite you into this offer that I am so excited about so that we can become our bold versions of ourselves and create this ever growing resilient business. Enjoy the episode.

Hello lovelies, and welcome to episode 13 of the Limitless Podcast. I am so excited to have you here. I've realized and we have officially reached a three month mark, you've been listening to this voice and all of her thoughts of how to help you break your limits for three months. I want to show my appreciation. But also, if you haven't followed if you haven't subscribed yet, what are you waiting for? Hop on in! This podcast is becoming my favorite thing to do. Being able to share what I talk about with some of my coaching clients with you. And today's episode is even more exciting for the fact that we're going to be talking about how we break down those limits, how we get to start to create the world we've always wanted to live in. I don't want to give it all away.

But I'm going to ask you in this episode to start to implement some things in your life and I'd love for you to share it with me. So if you follow, rate review, those are always wonderful. If you find something you love in this episode of the podcast that you are going to do and your life that you want me to know about that you want to share with the world. Go ahead and take a screenshot of today's podcast, tag me on Instagram at Jamie random and tell me. I'm going to remind you later on the episode, but I'm really excited to share different ways that we are going to really break down our limits today.

Okay, lovelies, Episode 13 of the limitless podcast. So we have talked about limits on here. We have talked about mindset, we have talked about how to grow your business in a new way. But it really comes down to how you want to show up as a brand as a business, but also how you nurture yourself as a leader. These are things that we've talked about, but we're going to dive into how we mentioned this episode one, how are unlocking the more limitless you. Episode six, we talked about the perfectionism and how there are things that can really slow us down like the good girl complex and how we want to release that. Episode eight, I started to share more vulnerably about my story and I will continue to, but how that can be such a wonderful place of connection. So whenever we're talking about releasing our limits, I want you to be able to define your inner rebel.

So I like to talk about rebellious growth, being able to take radical steps. And when I talk about these things, it's about being able to do something out of the ordinary. So sometimes when I have people who come to me who are trying to grow their business, or want their business to feel better for them, or even want their health to feel better for them, I love that I get to incorporate both of those things as a coach. The number one thing that will come up is that I am just feeling stuck. Feeling stuck in what I am doing like I am doing what I'm supposed to, I'm putting content out, the offers makes sense, we're doing the same thing. But even when I have certain clients who aren't doing even showing up the way they want to, they'll have this thought like I am sick of myself, I'm sick of the same excuses that have prevented me from doing the thing that I want to do. And I want to tell you if you are in that phase, or if you've ever been in that phase where like I'm sick of the same old excuses, I want to radically go after that big vision that I want.

You're in the right place, you're in a good place, you officially reached the point, there's a breaking point of sorts like, I want to show up in Instagram stories, and I'm sick of the excuses. That could be one. I want to take care of myself every day, instead of doing things for others before I do things for myself, I'm sick of the way I do that. That's okay, too. I want to be able to feel comfortable, and how ever I show up at a meeting instead of worrying about what people thought while I was running that meeting. All of these things. Our breaking points are points within you that you're like I have not been nurturing that inner rebel in me that inner rebel that believes in herself has full self trust, love of knowing that she is brilliant in the way that she leads her business. That she believes it is going to continue to grow without any question.

This is also me writing off of a masterclass I just led called The Bold and Brilliant Masterclass. And so I want to mention those words, you're going to hear me say bold, brilliant, rebellious, a lot in this episode, for the fact that when it comes to being able to adapt to how the world continues to change when it comes to creating those aligned connections with clients, when it comes to feeling strong, like a powerhouse, resilient in your business, it really does mean to dive in deep into a belief in self, a belief in the way in which you want to do things is going to be the right way to do things. So let's start off this episode, we are going to uncover the inner rebel, we want to uncover who she is. So I want you to take two baby breaths with me, we're going to.

Okay, we're gonna think about the version of ourself who loves to take courageous steps, who is somebody that you've always had in your mind of who she might be, and you want to be her. You want to be the person who feels secure, maybe with her money, you want to be the person who gets out and sees people and doesn't worry about new interactions. You want to be the person that wears — for me right now it's this I want to wear this fly emerald jumpsuit. Like I have this version of myself who just has her shit together always wants to be able to show up big and bold and she's reached new heights in her business and she's meeting so many new people. She's got this emerald jumpsuit. I'll find it one day guys, I am her. She's coming.

But let's lean into defining this bold version of you. So what would it be like to be the boldest version of yourself? How would she enter into the day? How would she show up on social media? What kind of business or offers might she Lead? How would she handle a negative interaction with a client? How would she bounce back when she was just having a low energy day? What would launching new programs and products feel like? How would she lean into her vision for her business without worry? If you had to describe your bold version of yourself, who would she be? For mine, bold is definitely in my wheelhouse. My magnificent self, this is how I post it literally right in front of me, as I'm talking, being like, how can I honor my magnificent self today? So I call her my magnificent self. So she is bold, she is curious. And she is resilient.

Those are the three words that I think of her right now, what are your three words? How can you think of your bold version of yourself? Who is she, and then also, you can take it. If she's, I call it mine, my magnificent self, you can call yours, your magnificent cell for all like here are your bold self, or your rebellious self, whatever that means, but get a real scope of who she is, because she's a piece of you. If she's not who you embody every single day, you will be her. You want to be her, you're approaching who that person is. So why I really love being able to create these versions of ourselves, these identities within us is because we have an internal board of directors, we have voices, we have an internal environment that absolutely influences us and our day to day. So right now, I'm sure if you've never thought of this idea, you probably have a CEO who's been there throughout your entire life, that CEO is your inner critic.

Now, I also encourage you to name them. My inner critic name is Helen. I encourage all my clients to know who's talking when someone's trying to keep us in our comfort zone, which is trying to kind of keep us small. If we have that inner voice. And I’m like, you know what, Helen, that's not productive for me today. That's your inner critic. So, up until now, if you haven't thought about these different voices, you have in your head, you've probably at least had that CEO, inner critic. We're going to tell that inner critic today that she's moving over, she's got to share the table, we're never going to be able to release our inner critic because she wants us to be safe. Sometimes it's unproductive. But she still has a role, she has a role on our board, we're gonna move her over and put that bold version of yourself on there, we're gonna move her over and be able to have this magnificent self who believes in your growth, who believes that you are going to be the magnetic leader that you want to be the who believes that you're going to reach the money goals, the growth goals, the fulfillment goals you have within yourself with full conviction, because she is you. She is that version of you.

So being able to have that other person on the board, we're going to even out the board, for sure. Now I have other board members. And we could certainly get into that. But I have other board members that are usually my, like my goddess version of myself, my wise version of myself, and then I'll have a safe version. And I've already shared that I'm a bit of a Marvel nerd. Thor's my safe version of myself, like what would Thor want me to do to keep me safe. But for the version of this episode, we're going to talk about how we're adding your bold version of yourself to the board. So you've got your inner critic, and your bold self, those two people are what you're allowing to be talking to you, once you make these leaps for growth in your business wants you to trust the way in which you want to run your business, you're gonna have a least two voices going, keep going so that you're not only listening to Helen, that inner critic who prevents you from taking the steps that you want to.

Okay, so now we have our voices. So whenever I'm talking about how you want to stand out online, how you're going to love yourself more, how you're going to be able to feel that you bring a unique voice to the table. It's about releasing what we're supposed to do, who we're supposed to be, and be who we were always meant to be right. We're approaching the version of ourselves that we never question. So for me, releasing all of these limits, especially in the past two years, has allowed me to say fuck on this microphone, not worried about the professionalism that people have told me before. I like to drop the F bomb because it adds emphasis. It's like a little sprinkle of saying like, it's really fucking important you understand this? So that's one piece of how I've started to release what I'm supposed to be as a leader.

Another version of that is that you're going to see me in my stories on a makeup free day. You're going to see me on my stories on a red lip day where I'm fully ready to go. You're gonna see me when I'm feeling sweaty and just getting done with a workout. The previous version of myself was like, You can't do that you've got to always look perfect. You always look a certain way. And I went ahead and showed up anyway, another version of this how I've released those limits for myself is that when it comes to my clients, being able to walk in with a plan, like my coach says, like, Okay, I know this is the goal, she wants to go after walk in with a plan and decide that I want to make sure we hone in on what's the block of the day, before we dive into the plan. Previous version of me, it was like strategy, strategy,  make sure we're doing the things we said we're going to do, who cares how she's feeling that day.

It's not that both of these don't deliver results — it wasn't true to me, it wasn't true to what I knew. So what I'm describing for you is small acts of radical rebellion, small acts of rebelliousness against what “supposed to be like” what we're supposed to do, what society our previous relationships, our mother, brother, friend, expects us to be like, that is not true to who we are. We're creating small acts of rebellion. So it's important to note, when I mentioned those examples for me, you want to define what that means for you.

What does doing a radical act mean? So if I'm using this as a case, for social media, one person is going to say, a small act of rebellion is to show up being extra sexy, maybe showing some of their lingerie as a part of them talking about loving their body. But that can feel radical to some and be, you know, I've done that before, no big deal to others. Another version of the same thing, having a small act of radical rebellion can be I'm going to go live on Instagram for the first time, because I've never shown my face that way. We're taking there's a spectrum here.

But this is also where you get to define that for yourself. So when I said I'm going to show up with like, a bit sweaty, and an Instagram story, a bit sweaty on an Instagram reel allowing myself to free myself of typos, that type of thing. The first time I did those, the first time I put myself out there going from being this perfect, professional, good girl to who I wanted to show up as who I wanted to be as a leader, if I'm going to be showing my face more on my social when I first went live meltdown, absolutely.

My first live, I was like, extra deodorant was needed. under the armpits being able to like think, like, how did my background look? And like, when I got off? I was like, Did I make any sense? I was so concerned, I was a fool, like, I was like, what am I doing? This is crazy. That was me tuning my nervous system to what was to come, because that was my first act of rebellion of, I can't show my face. Yes, you can. And you're going to do a great job at it. So know that the first time you take some of these steps, they're going to feel radical to you. So make sure that whenever you're trying to release these limits that you put on yourself, don't compare, do your best to only compare yourself to yourself.

Yeah, a previous version of myself wouldn't do that. But I'm gonna do that. Other people may look comfortable doing all the things that you don't think you can do, like dancing in a reel, like starting an email list, like launching more than one offer at a time. Like, by all means you're gonna see these other people doing them like oh, my gosh, it must be so easy for them to do that. Calling bullshit. Every person has a radical act that they do the first time, then they can decide like, you know what, I didn't die. I'm okay. Actually, I feel more powerful, because I did that. So I'm going to take the next step.

So what happens when you create these small acts of rebellion against your limits? The small acts of rebellion against your shoulds? Is that you're going to find like, oh, wow, I'm pretty amazing. Like, oh, I'm actually like, I can do more than I think I can. I'm capable of doing more than I have done before. That big vision dream that I have? It's not that far. I just gotta keep doing these things. To prove the same thing to myself. Very important there, prove it to myself. So when it comes to releasing self doubt, when it comes to building confidence, you want to think about how you can create evidence, you're creating evidence that you are a rebellious leader.

So the first time I went live on Instagram, that was evidence that I can do it again. There was evidence that I could talk to camera. The first time I ran a group coaching program. That was evidence that I had knowledge and information to share. There was evidence that I could hold a room of more than one person. The first time I was able to leap a little higher in my prices, that was evidence that I knew my worth. And that the next time I bring up my price again, I know my worth. So whenever we're wanting to approach the most rebellious version of ourselves, it's important to lean into that magnificence of that version of ourselves that we put on the board, and be able to show the evidence that you are her, you're approaching her. That bold version, that brilliant version of yourself takes small steps, but they're going to feel radical, at first, each step of the way.

So let me give you a couple of examples. For my perfectionist in this crowd, one small act of rebellion might be not fixing a typo. One small act of rebellion might be where you see a typo on your caption, and an email you sent to a client and an email you put on an email list and just letting it be there, you're not going to say sorry, you're not going to reach out to that person, like, oh, my gosh, I can't believe I missed the apostrophe T. It's being able to make a mistake, and own it. Make a mistake and be like, I'm still as amazing as I was. Even if I had remembered her, I caught that typo. Another version of what a small act of rebellion against your perfectionism could be putting up a post where it might be a bad hair day for you putting up an unedited version of something. So knowing that the perfectionism piece, we're going to have that side of us, we will. It's been programmed, we all are patterns and programs of what we've been taught most of our life.

But this is where you are uploading new software, you're uploading rebellious version of you, you're uploading that bold version of you, but it's going to have to take these small acts for you to be able to do the big act. So there's a lot of talk around quantum leaps. I'm sure if anyone in the coaching space, or even someone who's looking for a business coach have heard these thoughts of quantum leaps. And quantum leaps usually can mean like, that doesn't make sense on a timeline of how you might be able to go from somebody who's making let's say, $3,000 a month, and go up to making $30,000 a month, that's a big quantum leap from one to the next.

And you absolutely can do something like that. It's possible for you. But what I see, when it comes to people who do make those big shifts, those big leaps, is that they're making small leaps in between, because sometimes a person that's making 3000, and now is making 30,000 a month, it has to do with pricing. It has to do with her talking and figuring out what makes her feel worthy and validated, and her internal world. And then she changes the prices. And then she puts out a poster too, and then she reaches out to that client that she's always wanted to have. And then they're like, oh, yeah, of course, it seems like a perfect price. Sure. And then that's evidence that you are worth that amount of money from the people that you would love to work with. And then you get to do it over and over again.

But there's these small acts of rebellion in between allows you to be able to see, allows you to be able to have evidence. Like, okay, if I raise my prices, that's a bold move, I can do another bold move. If I want to be this person that knows I'm worth that amount of money. Let me put out a really potent story about what I do for my clients. Maybe this makes me do this next thing and this next thing. So being able to think about when we want to take these leaps, how can we create these small acts of rebellion for ourselves. So as I'm speaking here, I'm feeling called to share something. And it is something that I am still in the journey of, I'm still working through. So for me, one of the limits that I worked through, and I'm still working through is how I feel about the size of my body. In the past, it was much worse than it is now.

But I still have moments where I go, oh, oh, no. I can't do that. Because I don't look right. I don't have the things. So whenever I was even thinking about just this term, this thought process of how I've been able to create growth in my business, how I've been able to leap and made myself into the best dancer in the world. I love New York City. But I talked about that in episode eight about the path that got me to living in New York and happy. But now part of my small act of rebellion is to be able to see me at any size and not want to cut myself apart. Like I said, it's still a journey. It's not done. It's definitely not done. But what happened was I had gone to a cycling class with a friend of mine. For any of you who haven't gotten I'm sure many of you have but like going to something like SoulCycle or Peloton.

When you go in there, they have the lights going, they'll have like, you know, sometimes they'll have like Britney Spears blaring, they're gonna have Lady Gaga going in general, they create the vibe of the room. But when you walk in there, you'll see all these other women that are in there. And you're like, oh, wow, like she's definitely works out. This is what goes on in my head. She definitely works out. She's doing really well. Oh, wow. Okay. I'm supposed to be here. Here we go, we're gonna get into this workout, then, you know, this for this particular class. It was a few months ago, I was in that class. And I was going for it pedaling faster, bringing up the heaviness, right, I was climbing those hills, I was doing each thing, like putting the towel over my face, I was going for it. I felt like I was in the moment. I'm doing the thing.

But I was so warm in that room. We were all vibing with the music, we were all going for the sweatiest like most powerful version of ourselves, but I was sitting in there wearing this, you know, a little bit heavier of a tank top while all of these other girls around me had either walked in with their sports bras only, or had already taken them off. And we're already in it. And I'm just sitting here going, I can't. I can't do that. I can't do that.

Okay, I'm fine. I'm fine. I even though I feel really hot right now, I'm fine. I want to just stay the same. I want to stay the same. Because I'm like, I don't want to know what anyone might think if I take off my tank top in here. And I just sat there. And I'm like, how silly are you being like, this is a version of playing small. This is a version where I knew what was better. For me. My magnificent self was like, take the damn shirt off girl. Like, who gives a fuck? Nobody cares. Just take the damn shirt off. The lights are even off in here, what's the problem? But I was playing into, okay, she's going to be more comfortable if I don't do it. And then that person will be more comfortable. And I don't want to worry about the judgment of others before I do this thing. And then I finally was like, You know what? Fuck it. All right, let's just see how it feels. I have every right to put back on this tank top after I take it off. And oh my gosh, took it off, put it to the side.

And I sat there going like, well now I can pedal faster. Now I feel more comfortable. Now I feel like I'm celebrating my body and all that it can do. Because I'm literally listening to it saying like, we're hot, can you take this thing off so we can stay in the workout. I was listening to it. And in my mind, it was me going okay, that is my small this download key right in that moment. This is the small act of rebellion for me to go, I love my body, I love her. So I want to listen to what she's telling me to do over any thoughts of judgment that might be happening around me over any of what society tells me that I need to be a certain size. Before I'm allowed to do that. I want to listen to what I want in this moment. I'm gonna get “selfish” about what I actually want in this moment. And I wrote the rest of the class that way. I kept it off when the class was done. And one upstairs was walking around for a while. I just was like, guess what, I'm here. Guess what, this is what it is, right? And I was like, Wow, look how rebellious I'm being. It felt like a stage. It felt like a move that I was making for myself that I was like, wow, I can trust that whatever way I want to show up is correct.

Because guess what? All of the other women in the class didn't say anything to me, other than way to go. You know, no one's like put on your shirt. No one said that. And, you know, even as I say this story, which it feels so crazy to share on this podcast, I'm just being honest. But even as I share this story, it sounds ludicrous to me that I would be so harsh on myself. It sounds ludicrous to me that I would prevent a version of myself where I just could feel more free, more of who I am. And that's a lot of what this means being a rebel is you being more of who you are taking care of you first, believing that the more you you can be creates authentic connection, magnetizes people who want to be more of you, who see you as a mentor, as well as a coach, as well as a leader, as well as the product company that they want. They want a version of your lifestyle they want to be in your world. But this is where the rebel is asking you this question.

Do you like your world? Do you like the environment, the inner talk, the inner voices and the way they talk to you? Or would you rather that you could be a little bit bolder, stop playing small, be a little more expansive, believe so fully in yourself and become this bold version of yourself? It doesn't mean that you're going to be able to get rid of the doubt that comes up sometimes. It doesn't mean that you're not going to have some negativity, but your goal here, the destination we're heading to is that your fear will never outweigh your desire. If you have a fear of doing these rebellious acts, this is the day where you let your desire win. So if today that means that you're going to show up without makeup, and go on an Instagram Live, fantastic. If today means that you're going to reach out to that client that you've always wanted to have and pitch her, that's your rebellious act, then do that. Absolutely. Because when it comes down to when someone asked me how they can grow their business, what it means to have resilient growth in their business, it is having radical self trust, radical self trust that even when the algorithm isn't doing what we want, even when people aren't jumping into our new offer, or buying our new product, as it goes on the shelf that you know, it's just a matter of time.

It's just a matter of the right post, it's just a matter of the right energy during a networking call that's going to allow someone to go like, Wait, what is this business about? Let me get to know her. When someone talks about how can I make sure that I am always going to get new client coming in? How can I make sure that even when Instagram and TikTok and all of these social platforms where there's so many people that are quote unquote, similar to you, that I stand out, it's being more of you. So for me, that means you're going to get a little Spongebob and Marvel facts from time to time, you're going to see me laugh a little bit, you're also going to see me sweaty, and a full makeup look one day, and then not so makeup look. One day, you're going to hear me talk about grief, and how that informs a part of my business, you're going to hear me talk about health, and how that informs a part of my business, I am going to leave in a way that is bold, because it's me, I'm not going to look at other people's voices and say, I want to do something like her. I want to be like, I like what she does. But this is my version of it. Because I know what I can do and deliver.

This applies to your offers as well. If you have an offer that you've created, and you feel stagnant around it, like maybe when you created that offer, it made sense, it made sense for you to do it. So you gave you know, three one hour coaching sessions, let's say you were able to, you know, do all of their doc review, you're doing all of these things, and you tried to do it for 10 people. And then you realize, I can't do this for 10 people, I don't like this offer anymore, you can change it, you couldn't evolve with it be rebellious. Just because you've sold something one way one time or two times or three times, doesn't mean that it can't change with you. We've talked about this a lot when I had Ashley on the podcast, but your business should evolve with you. Because if you're not into it, if you're not into an offer, if you're not into the content you're creating, we're going to feel it, you're not going to be able to deliver the same results. You're just not because you want to feel fulfilled by how you approach every day. But that comes from deconstructing your limits.

So at the top of the episode, I said, I want you to share what you take from this episode, what you decide you're going to do for yourself. So this is where you identify those limiting beliefs. What is limiting you, if you feel like you have to show up perfectly? What's one radical act that you can prove against that, if you feel like you want to kind of break free of this feeling of having to be professional all the time, maybe you reconstruct what that looks like, maybe you drop a damn shit, fuck, on a call, and be able to showcase that that's a specific example for me. Maybe you decide to launch that product, maybe you decide to start that business, but get rebellious. That's the point.

So the more rebellious we become against our limits, the more we can model our world to be more for us than if we were trying to just keep people happy. I want to repeat that because I want it to hit home. The more rebellious we become against our limits, the more we model our world to be more for us, meaning no people pleasing, meaning not putting ourselves last, meaning not playing small. We are here, we live this life for us. We are magnetic, the more we are us. So who are you? Who do you want to show? How bold can you be?

The further you can approach that, the more connection you're going to find online, the market next you're going to find in person, the more you are the bold version of yourself. You're going to be a leader. You're going to be able to lead people by being more of you. The more rebellious you become, the more you realize that you're a leader of a goddamn movement by launching a business by talking about the results of what comes up for you. So this is me. This is me telling you, we talk about limits we talk about all the things that might be preventing you from being the person you want to be. Today is the day. Today is the day that you are rebellious. Today is the day that you're inviting a new voice in your head of you can be more of you. So share with me on the socials. Tell me what small act of rebellion that you're taking today. This week, this month. Tell me what small acts of rebellion you're creating so you can free yourself with these limits. Alright, have an amazing day. Thank you lovelies.


Season 1, Episode 14: How to Stop Waiting and Start Living the Life You Want


Season 1, Episode 12: Owning Your Voice and Being Bold on Social Media with Ashley Linnane