Season 1, Episode 14: How to Stop Waiting and Start Living the Life You Want

Imagine what your dream life would look like — are you close to achieving this dream? How different is your current life compared to what you envision? If you think you need to wait to reach certain goals, whether it’s your revenue or your clients, then you may actually be slowing down your growth. What are you waiting for? When you have a vision, you deserve to make it come to life!

In this episode of The Limitless Podcast, Jamie introduces the self-limiting belief of waiting. Often, we find ourselves waiting for the perfect condition before making a big decision or going after something we desire. Jamie shares how to catch this limiting belief and four ways to overcome it. 

Don’t wait — start making your dreams a reality today. 

If you want to finally live the life you’ve always dreamed of, don’t miss this week’s episode!

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

  1. Find out how to catch yourself when you’re caught in fear and limiting beliefs. 

  2. Learn the four steps to overcome waiting for the perfect condition. 

  3. Understand that big goals take time to reach, so you need to start today — even if it’s just a small step.


Episode Highlights

[04:53] How Waiting Limits You

  • It’s easy to want to wait for perfect conditions before doing something. Waiting, in this case, is limiting yourself. 

  • For example, when business owners feel stagnant with their business, they go look for business coaches. 

  • However, some business owners may put this off thinking they need to work a lot first before deserving support.

  • It’s normal for humans to believe that situations will be more perfect later because we believe the situation will change. 

  • You create your current and future conditions.

[09:10] Waiting is Not the Answer

  • For example, if you want to fit meditation into your busy schedule, you should not wait for later.

  • If you’re not prioritizing your mental health now, what makes you think you’re going to pay attention to it in the future? 

  • You need to reschedule and re-prioritize.

[11:17] Start Noticing Your Limiting Belief

  • Waiting for the perfect condition, at its core, is usually to save face or because you think you’re undeserving of support. 

  • When you have people who know about your goal and hold you accountable, you are 95% more likely to reach your goals.

Jamie: “Once you have somebody in your corner who knows about your goal and you have an appointment with… you are 95% more likely to reach that goal. 95%. So thinking about these later conditions — wanting to be ready, what I look like… if you are putting off steps to get there, you’re putting off the support that might be needed until later. Take it as a red flag.” - Click Here to Tweet This

  • If you notice you’re putting off things, see it as a red flag. Reflect on where this behavior is coming from and assess what’s really important.

[13:37] Be Free from Waiting for the Perfect Condition

  • You are limiting yourself if you continue to think that you’re not ready for something you want.

  • Circumstances in life are not barriers — you are your own barriers. 

  • Perfect conditions won’t happen if you simply wait. You have the power to create conditions for growth. 

  • When creating growth, reflect on the support you may need. This can be routines, people, or other things. 

  • Don’t hand over power to your self-limiting beliefs.

Jamie: “Thinking you’re not ready for something that you want or desire is actually you setting that self-imposed limit on yourself. You are that barrier. The circumstances in your life are not barriers. (…) Waiting until conditions are perfect is not going to happen… You create the conditions for your own growth.” - Click Here to Tweet This

[15:32] Jamie’s Experience with Waiting 

  • Jamie loves traveling and meeting people. When she started her entrepreneurial journey, she thought she needed to hit a certain revenue before taking time off. 

  • She dreamed of going to Amalfi Coast someday, but believed it would be during her retirement.

  • On her 27th birthday, her fiance took her to Amalfi Coast. Jamie realized she could afford to take time off.

  • After the trip, Jamie realized she didn’t need to wait for what she wanted and changed how she ran her business.

[21:48] How to Achieve Big Goals

  • When faced with a big goal, chop it up into smaller pieces and work on those pieces every day.

  • The more you don’t wait to pursue what you want, the more you’ll be able to reach your desires. 

[24:31] Four Steps to Overcome Waiting 

  • The next time you think you’re not ready, reflect on what “ready” means. Assess whether this is realistic. This can also help identify activation steps you need to take. 

  • Next, reflect on what it would feel like if you said yes to your desires now. Your feelings will tell you whether you’re making the right decisions.

  • Similarly, reflect on what it would feel like to say no.  

Jamie: “If you aren’t saying yes to your desires, you are saying no to the vision that you want for your life… When you take an assessment [on] what would it feel like to say no, you might be realizing you’re not pursuing the life you want [and] you want more fulfillment… [On the] flip side, if saying no would allow you to feel relaxed [and] more in tune, empowered… then saying no is correct. Lean into the feelings.”  - Click Here to Tweet This

  • Finally, reflect on how a decision or investment can change you in the next 1-3 months.

[31:43] Don’t Wait 

  • If you have something you want to do, don’t wait until later. 

  • Don’t expect conditions to be perfect because we aren’t perfect. 

  • Change your outlook and just jump in!

Enjoyed this Podcast on How to Overcome Waiting So You Can Start Living the Life You Want? 

We all dream of becoming our best self, living the best life. And yet, we keep putting things off and waiting for the “perfect condition” before making changes we know can help us.

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We have this idea of when we want to be ready or perfectly ready for something or let's say whatever we're thinking that later is going to be easier to do the difficult thing. So in general, I want to talk about the fact that when we wait for the things that we want in our life, the things that we're deeply desiring or the support that we're looking for, or need to have—until conditions are perfect it is a way of limiting ourselves again. 

Jamie Ratermann: You're listening to The Limitless Podcast where we dig into all of the possibilities that exist when you lean into the big vision for your life and your business. Hi, my name is Jamie Ratermann, and I am a holistic business coach. Meaning I am just as invested in growing your health as I am in growing your wealth. With 11 plus years in brand and social media marketing, I help rebellious entrepreneurs master marketing, and body leadership and say “fuck it” to the hustle. This show is here to encourage you to become radically aware of your self-imposed limits, to break free of your shoulds, and to expand your brand into a movement led by you. The way I see it, marketing is a way of spreading your mission, social media is a gift for connection, and sales are where you build your strongest relationships. Let's dig in. 

Hello all, welcome to episode 14 of The Limitless Podcast. Today we're going to talk about the thing that stops you from creating the life you want that stops you from being able to collapse time that stops you from able to grow into the person you want to be and that is thinking that conditions will be perfect later. How later is preventing you from the life that you want? How later is stopping you from experiencing all of the things you want? Today's episode is chock full of being able to think about how we can pursue our most fulfilled lives. I'm absolutely excited for you to jump in. 

This is also an opportunity for me to tell you if you have been thinking about the Thrive Mastermind, and you were wanting to jump in. Now's the time. We are starting, we have begun, we are getting into the next five months of invigorating these entrepreneurs and the business leaders that each of you are.

If you are looking for a five-month container that feels like VIP one-on-one, with group support, this Mastermind is for you. If you are looking to scale your business to 10k a month or higher, this Mastermind is for you. If you are looking to master the art of marketing, no matter if it turns out that it's social, your email, your website, you are creating an ecosystem around your offers, this Mastermind is for you, that is my primary focus. If you have been finding that you don't feel like you're fully worthy of the vision and business you want, this Mastermind is for you. We are going to thrive and work our ways through brain science, mental health capabilities, so that you know that you are the expansive leader that gets to reach all of these goals, reach all of these desires with ease.

We're not hustling, we're allowing ourselves to be the best version of ourselves and knowing that when we thrive, our business thrives. Hence, the Thrive Mastermind. So if you're interested, I'll drop it into the show notes. We'd love for you to take a look. Jump in, apply, join in with these other entrepreneurs who have already said hell yes and that they want to pursue those dreams right now and you get to be one of them. So come on in. Let's hop into the episode now. 

Hello lovelies, and welcome to episode 14 of The Limitless Podcast. Today, we are going to dive into a subject that comes up so often when we are talking about these next big moves, the next big things we want to do, so I can't wait to dive in. Don't worry, we're gonna get there in just a moment, I always want to remind you that this podcast is my opportunity for you to dive into the community around all of us who want to be a little bit more limitless. So to do that, I want to encourage you, if you are a listener, how about you become a subscriber today? If you are a subscriber and have been loving these episodes, go ahead, take a screenshot of today's episode. And tell me what's one thing that you loved or something that you think you can implement into your life to become a little bit more limitless. 

When I see these new opportunities coming through these new people sharing about the podcast, it just fills me with absolute joy. But also too it curates a really fun conversation like the other day, I had someone who was talking about the good girl syndrome from Episode Six, where we were talking about freeing ourselves from perfectionism. And we had a full-blown conversation in the DMs which was so fun. So the more that you can share about what you love about these episodes, the more, one you get to talk to me, but also be a part of this limitless community which is continuously building—so excited, encourage you to do that. But let's dive in today.

Today, I want to talk about this concept of later. Waiting until later when conditions are different. In particular, we have this idea of when we want to be ready or perfectly ready for something or let's say whatever we're thinking that later is going to be easier to do the difficult things. In general, I want to talk about the fact that when we wait for the things that we want in our life, the things that we're deeply desiring, or the support that we're looking for, or need to have, until conditions are perfect, it is a way of limiting ourselves again. It was a way of preventing us from collapsing our own timelines and creating really big leaps that can impact our lives. For here, today's episode, we're going to be talking about why when your mind, your inner critic, whoever's talking, says, “Oh, we'll get to that really great opportunity later.” 

But this is going to be a red flag for you a red flag to signal to you that it might be time to dive in deep, reflect on what's actually happening, and reflect on what spending your time. Later being the idea of how can I decide if it's really worth putting off or what am I actually putting off in this moment. So let's dive in. When you are making a really tough decision. Let's say, in this instance, we're going to talk about making an investment in your business, let's say a coaching program. You are a service-based business, you've been doing things by yourself for a while you've been—you read up on the articles, you do the things you've been posting a little bit about it, you created an offer, you've done a couple of those things, but you've been doing all by yourself. 

You've been feeling like you're doing okay, you're doing all right. But you don't know so much about marketing, or you don't know so much about time management, or you just really are starting to feel stagnant around what you want your business to become, let's say. So you start to look at business coaches. Now clearly, I'm talking about this, I am a business coach, but this is me giving you the kind of conversations I end up having in my DMs. Let's say you start to seek out a business coach, you start to seek out support in some way. And then you start to see the pricing, what that might look like, you’re like, “Oh, wow, okay, well, she asked for $5,000,” let's say. “You know what, let me make sure I do all of these things first, before I invest in support, since it clearly costs a decent amount of money.” This is an instance, an idea, of what might be where you're like, “Oh, I'm going to have to work my tail off to deserve support. I'm going to put this off until later, when conditions are perfect, where I make revenue”, what that might look like.

Here's another example. You are feeling stressed, you are feeling like your schedule is completely full, you have no time for yourself. So you desire a more peaceful mind, you desire a more relaxed state of being, but you're like, “Oh, you know what, but I can't take anything off my schedule. I can't do it. Like all of these are clients, all of these things are really like needed. And so I can't change the way things are.” But someone but you've been scrolling through your feed, you've been like, “Oh, you know what, people keep talking about this thing called meditation. But I don't have time for that. Maybe late, when I have a more relaxed schedule, can I fit in this meditation practice that people keep talking about.” 

So this is what it is, there's a phenomenon that's been studied over and over again, where we, as humans, usually believe that conditions will be more perfect later. We think that because we're not, let's say, losing the weight that we want to now because we don't have as much space in our schedule now. That is because our big accounts don't look the exact amount of money now. We believe that later, that'll be changed. Later, we'll find that these things will somehow just come to us. Now, I'm not here to talk against manifestation. I'm not here to talk against positive thinking. But we create our later conditions, we create our current conditions for that matter.

If we think that something will allow us to have a nice big bank account later, then what's stopping us from activating that something now? The question that we're really asking here is what is really going to be different later than what's happening now? Let's go back to that example of fitting into meditation in a busy schedule. If we aren't prioritizing our mental health now, how do we think we're going to create a ritual that improves our mental health later?Being able to look at what is really going to be different? In this case, I think the later condition would mean that you prioritize that.

You know that taking a break is going to be important. You know that meditation is an essential part of a busy schedule. There's a quote out there saying “For all of you who don't think that you have time for a 20-minute meditation per day, you need an hour long one.” You need to take a longer- oh no I butchered that. I absolutely butchered that quote. But the idea here is, is that if you don't have time now, for mental health, you don't have time now for meditation, then you're in desperate need of it. Then you're in desperate need of shifting the schedule to reprioritize yourself. 

So knowing that sometimes we are putting limits on ourselves, by somehow thinking that without activation steps within ourselves, will change our conditions later. Let's use an example of the business coach. Now, I'll give you a direct example. So one of my group programs, Marketing Mastery is where I help new or entrepreneurs who are working through their marketing practices build an ecosystem around their business to really know how to get their messaging, figured out their mindset where they need to go, and their money in a place they want to hitting the revenue goals that they're looking for. Now, whenever someone is considering this program, I at least get three messages every round of this lunch that says, “You know what, let me get my followers up first, let me update my website, let me get my offers figured out and then I'll join your program.” The funniest thing is, is that's what the program is about. That's exactly what it's about, like, “Oh, I got to do all these things first, before I can join the program that would support me in doing that.” It's a lot about like saving face, you want your egos telling you, “Oh, to be able to get support or join into something you need to be impressive, you need to be my definition of impressive before you hop on it.”

Now, this is your ego talking about me. So thinking that you have to create these perfect conditions to receive the support that you're looking for. So the person that's looking at the price tag of a business coach and saying, “Well, you know what, I gotta make sure I make a lot of money before I even get support.” Meaning these later conditions where money is flowing in first, this is where the disconnect happens. This is where you are realizing that you don't think you're deserving or worthy of that support. Putting things off until later is actually where we are limiting ourselves. We are limiting our potential our ability to collapse that timeline, our ability to have the accountability that we know we build from all of us are more accountable to our goals and our desires when we find support. 

This may turn into a statistics episode, I don't know. But there is a statistic out there that once you have somebody in your corner, who knows about your goal, and you have an appointment with them, like you see them or talk to them on a regular basis, you are 95% more likely to reach that goal— 95%. Thinking about these later conditions, wanting to be ready, what am I look like, it's really important to understand that whenever there's something that you know would be supportive to you, or you know you want more in your life, you want more space in your mind, you want more time for your health, you want more time with your friends, you want to go on that trip that you've been talking about, you want to build a business that is over six figures, right. 

But if you are putting off steps to get there, you're putting off the support that might be needed, until later, take it as a red flag, take it as this opportunity to re-discuss with that internal board of directors that I mentioned on Episode 13 . Rediscuss with them going, huh, who's speaking right now, what would actually be the most important? So understand that putting things off until later, or thinking you're not ready for something that you want or desire is actually you setting that self-imposed limit on yourself. You are that barrier. The circumstance in your life are not barriers, you are. You create the environment in which you grow. You create time, how you spend your time each day, you're the one that decides it, you're the one that does it. 

So understanding that waiting until conditions are perfect is not going to happen, one. And two, you create the conditions for your own growth. You create the opportunities in your life. How amazing is that? How empowering is that To know that all you need to do when it comes to creating growth for you is to take a look at how you're getting that support in your life. Support may look like routines, rituals, habits, support may look like another person in your corner. Considering this here is knowing that whenever we are telling ourselves we're not ready until we make our conditions perfect is us handing over our power to dumb shit. To handing over our power to excuses, handing over our power to limits that we think are important. Handing over our power in saying that “I'm not going to show up in my stories today until I am the most clearest most best auditor ever are.” Or, “I am putting on my makeup, I got to do these things, being able to say that I have to wait until conditions are perfect for me to show up.” 

You're likely not going to show up. What conditions can you create now for you to say that I have to make 10k a month before I get a business coach. You're handing over your power to bullshit. That's what business coaches are there for. They're there to help bring your business. So knowing that you're in that moment, you might be handing over your power to your ego, that you think you need to accomplish something perfectly first before you activate support. For me when it comes to this, one of the ways in which I had put things off until later, was my own travel bug, my own place in which I wanted to see the world, go to big places, and I kept putting it off until later.

This is going to be a little short story here about my fiance. Please note that I will be sharing a little bit about that here. I am somebody who is curious. I want to see the world, I want to meet people, clearly, I've chosen a business in which I help people tell their stories. So I get to meet a lot of people. I am a curious person. In my life, I have traveled to Spain, I've traveled to Italy, I've seen pieces of the world. But when I decided to start my entrepreneurship journey, your girl was putting things off until later. I thought that I had to make sure this business was hitting certain revenue numbers every month before I was allowing myself to take time off. I thought that I had to make sure I had a certain level of clients before I was allowed to buy that gym membership. I thought that I had to have a certain amount of followers before I launched a program. But in this story specifically, I thought that I would have to be retirement age before I could simply afford a trip to the Amalfi Coast in Italy. 

The show could come as no surprise to you. I am a Pinterest or I like to pin my ideas. I like to think through what I want to do with my life. But some of my travel pins got to a point of simply dreaming of the life that I wasn’t actively pursuing. I would pin the different hotels I wanted to stay at and Amalfi Coast, I would pin the activities I wanted to do the food I was going to try I just keep pinning them onto my board. Now thankfully, past Jamie was able to tell her fiance to hop on a Pinterest so that he could plan his clothes and help us plan our apartment. And he got to see me because he'd already been on the platform itself. He got to see me just pinning away this life that I was going to have someday where I got to see the Amalfi Coast.

Someday I was going to be able to live this beautiful life because at that moment I was telling myself that my conditions of probably I was probably at a 6k month at that moment. 6 to 7k months were not enough for me to be able to take time off. 6 to 7k a month was not enough to be able to go see this place that I've been dreaming about for probably five-plus years. At that moment ago. I wanted to see the Amalfi Coast, I wanted to see this beautiful place. So on my 27th birthday, he surprised me with a trip to the Amalfi Coast. He surprised me—there's a longer story here. But in this context, I was whisked away to my someday, I was whisked away to this trip that I thought that I was going to be in my 60s before I would allow myself to go.

He even brought my laptop along with me. He even was sitting there being like, “Oh, she doesn't think she can take time off. Well, maybe she can work in the mornings. I'll bring the laptop along with her.” So like knowing that at that moment, I was my own boss, I didn't have to put in vacation days, I was able to tell them when I wasn't available. I still didn't have to do that. I was able to work from wherever I was, we had the most amazing time. We spent our days on the coast eating the best food, the views that are not capturable by phone, just not there. Like if you have to be there. We went to Capris, we spent time on a boat, we got to do all of these things. And we didn't kill our bank accounts and I still had my clients and I was a better person for it. 

But there was a moment during that trip where I broke down. I had a full-on cry, where I was like, “Wow, you brought me to a place that I was going to wait until I was quote-unquote ready. I was going to wait to live and feel how beautiful this life was. To wait for the things that I was desiring, clearly pinning over and over and over again on Pinterest that I wanted to be at.” And I just couldn't I can't really fully describe it was this eureka moment of why the hell am I waiting? Why the heck am I waiting for what I want right now? And I can tell you within a year after that I was, I was starting to change my business, all the things that came after. But in that moment, it was me realizing that I was abandoning the vision that I wanted for myself. I was abandoning the life that I wanted.

It doesn't mean that I was wrong to feel that way. It doesn't mean that I didn't, we weren't sitting amongst people in their 60s at this beautiful four-star hotel that we stayed at, doesn't mean that I was like, “Well, yeah, a lot of people do wait. They do start to wait to live their life, instead of pursuing what they want at this moment.” They believe that conditions are gonna get better for them to get fitter for them to launch that business to launch that offer. They believe that someday things are going to fall into place. But this is where at that moment, my fiance was able to take the activation step for me and said, “You know what, I bet we can figure it out. We're gonna do it. We're gonna go ahead and do the thing that she's been desiring for a long time.”

 In that moment, he showed me that one: I was not living the fulfilled life that I wanted. But two: I was handing over the power of the vision I wanted for my life, to dumb shit to arbitrary goals that I gave myself that I had to make a certain amount of money every month that I wasn't allowed to take that trip, that I had to be a certain level of person before I got to enjoy life. This is just my example but ultimately has become a bit of a manifesto for me, when it comes to not waiting until conditions are perfect. Releasing that, taking the leaps where they need to be so that I can feel the momentum of the choices I make each and every day. This is where you consider where you might be handing your power over, where you might be limiting yourself to later. 

Of course, this comes into two ways. Goals, if you're if you set yourself up with goals and limiting beliefs. When it comes to this, let's say you have a goal of reaching 10k months, I know that this is a big one, right? Reaching 10k months.10k months aren't just like a one-step place. 10k months can be are usually that you have a marketing system that works really well for you, you know what kind of content you want to do that sets you up, you have an offer that you know is going to be really appealing to others, you price out a place that feels correct and comfortable for you. You reach out you have a sales process. Reaching 10k month takes a few steps to get there. Knowing that if you're putting off until conditions or later in a goal-setting, this is where you go, “What's one thing I can do right now?”

All right, maybe my content needs to be framed around my offers, do I know who I even want in this program, maybe I could get support and finding out how to identify who that person is. When it comes to these big old goals, chop him up into steps that you can actively pursue each and every day. But if it's coming to limiting beliefs, so for a simple way, here, we’re our limiting beliefs here might be that you're not camera ready. You're not ready to be the person that's shown in your content. What you want might be that you show up, no matter what today. You create evidence against that limiting belief, you create that small act of rebellion like I talked about in Episode 13. Now, as I said, that doesn't mean when we are starting to switch the script to be able to go, “Oh, no, I'm not going to put up excuses. I'm not going to wait until conditions are perfect. I'm not going to wait till I drop five pounds before I show up on camera. I'm not going to wait until I'm 60 I have my full retirement for I see the world”

Doesn't mean that when we make this switch, and we're deciding we're not going to wait any more that it doesn't go. We don't have that moment where like, “Are we making a bad decision? Are we making the right decision?” But this is where you create that evidence. The more we don't wait to pursue what we desire, the more we continuously go after it. Let's talk about how you can decipher when this self-imposed limit comes up for you that you aren't ready. Whenever you think you are ready to start meditating today. When you aren't ready to invest in support for your business. When you aren't ready to create content that is a little more you and less cookie cutter. I can keep giving more and more examples. 

Whenever you're saying I'm not ready, I want you to define what ready means. What would ready look like? I could go off on a whole tangent about how ready is the most useless word. Ready has so many different definitions for different people. Define what ready would mean for this activity. The next time you think I'm not ready, okay, what would ready mean in this moment? Let's go back to this example of investing in a business coach or investing in support. I'm not ready for business coach. All right, what would ready look like? Well, my business is thriving. I want to help put out content on a regular basis, I'm able to support myself, I'm able to make this amount of money that would make me ready. And then look at that you've defined what ready might look like for you. You look at that. 

And when I hear all of that, I go, “Oh, I'm so glad I have a business coach right now. I'm so glad I have support to get me where I need to go.” Because all of that is putting a lot of hard moments on yourself or harshness on yourself. I've got to do all of these things before I'm allowing myself to have support, I'm allowing myself to be able to have someone in my corner, so there's that. Whenever you define what ready means really assess if that's realistic. Assess if that is something that can't be done a little differently. Let's use another example.

Let's say you're not ready to do that meditation practice we talked about, I'm not ready to do that. What would ready mean? Ready would mean that I had a really long, leisurely morning. Ready would mean that I would have to get rid of three clients so that I have more time in the afternoon. Ready would mean that I can get the support of a friend who wants to meditate with me. In that instance, ready doesn't sound too awful. Ready would look like getting up 10 minutes earlier, in the morning. Ready might look like dropping a block on my calendar, that would look like a 20-minute block that none of my clients can book instead, ready might look like reaching out to a friend like, “Hey, remember that meditation thing we've been talking about for a while? How about we do that?”

Really understanding that when you think you're not ready, or you're gonna wait until later, you need to define what that looks like. Because one, it may not be too far from where you're at now. There's small activation steps you can take but also to you may be being unrealistic with yourself, you may be putting too much pressure on yourself, before allowing yourself to be ready. So two things within that. I always ask this question when someone's like, “I'm not ready for this program yet.” And I'll be like, “Oh, that's absolutely fine.” Let's talk about that, though. 

What does ready look like because I want to know, of these people that I love to work with were ready might be. And sometimes I've absolutely had a client who gave me that laundry list of all of the things that they would get from working in the program with me. And they think they need to have that done before they jump in. And that's where my perfect opportunity to go like “So this is where this is exactly what we do together.” And then they have that moment where like, “Oh, right, I'm putting so much pressure on myself in this moment.” I'm able to do that. So this is definitely for anybody out there. Making sure if you have a potential high ticket client coming in with you hear what they think ready might look like that's an opportunity. 

But yes, so whenever you're thinking you're not ready, first define what ready means, assess if it's realistic, but then do a flip here. Would it feel like if you said yes to your desires right now, if you said yes to booking that trip, if you said yes to having support? You said yes to launching that program, what would it feel like? And I want you to think about your nervous system, your body right here. And a lot of cases, some would be like it would feel empowering. It feels exuberant, it would feel fantastic. For other people who are making lots of investments in their business already who already feel like their health routines are on point. If I said yes to this, I would feel like I'm overloading myself? Is there something would have to move for me to jump in and feel good about it? Yes, totally. You have that. 

So what would it feel like to say yes to whatever you're putting off? And then what would it feel like to say no, so the flip switch here? What would it feel like to say no to this desire that you want? What would it feel like to say no to starting to create an online presence? What would it feel like to say no to meeting up and networking with a new friend? Allow these things to remind you that if you aren't saying yes to your desires, you are saying no to the vision that you want for your life. One side of this is when you take an assessment and say well what would it feel like to say no, you might be realizing one you're not pursuing the life you want. You want more fulfillment so the yes might be where you head or again both of these have a flip side if you're if saying no would allow you to feel relaxed, more in tune empowered in a different way than saying no is correct. 

But lean into the fields lean into what our body gives us our nervous system our mind our brain. Whenever we are making big decisions, our body responds. Whenever we are trying to make a change our body responds. I even like to think it's like my magnificent self that bold version of myself that sits on my internal Board of Directors going like “Hell yes, Girl it's time! Hell yes, girl!” And she's like making sure that my fingers are tingling. My mind is like expansive, ready to jump into it. That is her saying “If you say yes to this, you're going to kill it. If you say no to this, you are saying yes, choose loving yourself. So absolutely say no to this.” Like knowing that the more that we can have these conversations and feel into what feels good for us is going to be helpful. 

And then at this last one, this last question to ask when you think you're not ready, is, what would the decision change or investment bring you in the next one to three months? Let's say you are talking about meditating every day for 10 minutes, what would happen? If you did that every day for a month? For three months? What would that look or feel like? If you are trying to show up on your social media, where you're trying to put your face on the reels? If you do that for the next one to three months what would that likely bring you? New followers, new clients, new fulfillment and purpose and the way in which you show up? Yeah, great, jump! What would it feel like for you, if you decided to invest in support, invest in support in your business, what would happen in the next one to three months. Now, anybody who was trying to sell and tell you about what the outcome can be, we'll be able to answer that for you. 

But also, that's where you think about how you are jumping in. So all of this can be really helpful to you. So the next time you are waiting to later, or you're waiting till conditions are perfect. I want you to ask yourself, these four particular questions to see if you really aren't ready, quote-unquote, aren't ready. One, define what ready means and assess. Two, what would it feel like for you to say yes, to whatever the change or investment it is. Three, what would it feel like to say no? And then the last one, what would the decision change or investment bring you in the next one to three months, if you stuck with it. This is kind of where I want to get on my soapbox, don't wait until later. If you have an idea that you want to do, don't wait until later, get the support and do it now. Jump in. 

If you think that you've been really wanting some time off from your business, don't wait, . What can you do to activate that opportunity? So right now, you can enjoy what your business provides. If you are looking to de-stress in your day, how can you activate that with a simple tactic, habit or ritual? So in the process of thinking about this topic, I looked up a Marcus Aurelius quote that I had heard, I believe in another podcast, if I'm remembering correctly, so Marcus Aurelius has this book called Meditations, all of it's really good. But let me just read this one to you. “Think of all the years passed by in which you said to yourself, I'll do it tomorrow. And how the gods have again and again granted you periods of grace of which you have not availed yourself. It is time to realize that you are a member of the universe, that you are born of nature itself, and to know that a limit has been set to your time.”

This is the side of me that wants you to listen to that quote and say, “How am I putting off the life that I want? How am I putting off the business I want to lead? How am I putting off fulfillment and purpose and how I want to show up?” So all of this is where I tell you don't until later that conditions one are created by you. So don't ever expect them to be perfect. Because we aren't none of us are perfect. Go and do the thing. Get the support, jump into a habit that you want. Change your outlook so that you can pursue that vision each and every day. That's it. Thank you lovelies for listening to today's podcast, absolutely. Tell me what you are activated today. Tell me what you're going to not put off until later. I would love to hear it. Thank you so much for listening.


Create The Life You Want with Amber Hagberg


Season 1, Episode 13: How to Uncover Your Inner Rebel — Your Boldest Self