Create The Life You Want with Amber Hagberg

While there's no such thing as a perfect life, you can envision, design, and work for the life that you’ve dreamt of. One that fulfills you both personally and professionally. That is exactly what Amber Hagberg did when she ended up packing her bags, leaving her life in Idaho behind and moving to Costa Rica. Along the way, Amber realized that many people didn't agree with her choices, but she was determined to make it happen. Today, she is a 6  multi-figured entrepreneur who empowers women to make decisions based on where they desire to go using mindset and energetic alignment practices.



  • How to pivot while staying true to yourself. 

  • How Amber evolved into creating an entrepreneurial business online.

  • Amber’s journey from deciding to leave her hometown behind and move to Costa Rica. 

  • What it really means to prioritize self-love + why it matters for your business.

  • Why creating your dream life is a long life journey.


About Amber 

Amber Hagberg is a multi 6 figures mama living in the jungle of Costa Rica. A podcast host and business mentor for multi-passionate entrepreneurs. She is driven to connect you deeper into the heart, so you can turn your uniqueness into an asset by creating an online business. She empowers women like you to make decisions based on where you desire to go using mindset and energetic alignment practices.

Amber believes heart-led leaders are going to change the world, creating wealth from the inside out.

Episode Transcript Below 

Jamie Ratermann  0:00  

Sometimes the things that work for us the first time, like, oh, yeah, like I could continue to be like yoga teacher training, I can continue to do these things. But like, I'm like, I want something bigger. I want to take a leap again, I want to be uncomfortable. It's like the people that are like, well, this is how my business has worked before, I have to stay here if I want to continue this way. And I think part of what privilege we get as entrepreneurs is that like, what, what's worked before it gets to be a stepping stone to what you evolve and continue to do it. But it doesn't mean it doesn't come with a little bit of challenge. 

You're listening to the limitless podcast, where we dig into all the possibilities that exist when you lean into the big vision for your life and your business. Hi, my name is Jamie Ratterman. And I am a Holistic business coach, meaning I am just as invested in growing your health as I am and growing your wealth. With 11 plus years and Brennan social media marketing, I help rebellious entrepreneurs master marketing and body leadership and say bucket to the hustle. This show is here to encourage you to become radically aware of your self-imposed limits, to break free of your shoulds and to expand your brand into a movement led by you. The way I see it, marketing is a way of spreading your mission. Social media is a gift for connection. And sales are where you build your strongest relationships. Let's dig in.

Hi lovelies, welcome to episode 15 of the limitless podcast. In today's episode, you get to hear from Amber Hagberg who is a business coach. She is somebody I got to meet on a trip back in November, Guatemala Amber actually gave me a little love note of the five days we got to spend together she was able to share what she felt about my energy and what I brought in, and we and it was one of those things. One, I'm a word of affirmation person. So it was a lovely thing. But too, she just has this very nurturing Earth Mother energy, which I talked a lot about in the episode. So definitely check it out. She brings in and talks about how she has taken some really big leaps in her life, that allows her to be a mother, an entrepreneur, and a business coach in Costa Rica. And then and then also within that how her yoga practice from the past always brings in new elements into her coaching. So we talk a lot about the love-hate relationship with how presence is a secret weapon for all of us. So this episode is all about how you can be more of who you are. And actually what it takes to make sure that you have the support within your nervous system within your community within your coaching to be able to do that, so I cannot wait to dive on in. Hi lovelies, welcome to episode 15 of the limitless podcast, I could not be more excited to introduce you to somebody today. But before we get into that, I want to remind you all that this podcast is about the community we're bringing up really big topics, really big things that I want you to find your own version of limitlessness to so let me know what you love about this episode. By taking a screenshot and tagging me and my guest. I'll be introducing her in just a moment. Let me know what you love about this. I can continue to help you break those limits, and get to know each and every one of you. But let's dive in today. Today we're talking to who I like to call an Earth Mother, nurturing beautiful energy. Her name is Amber Hagberg. And I met her in Guatemala. So she is a yoga teacher turned business coach who absolutely loves to use her story as an example. She's such a vulnerable spirit, she's able to share her journey, and how that allows us all to know that there's a new path, there's a way in which we get to break through those limits and begin to become whatever we want for her. It's a mama in Costa Rica, I've had numerous calls with her where she's got the rate, or she's got the force in the background for him like, Okay, what am I going to come there? So I know that she is she's got so much to share today, but I want to allow her to introduce herself fully. So, Amber, thank you so much for being on the Limitless podcast. Hi, how are you? 

Amber Hagberg  4:10  

I'm doing so good, Jamie, and thank you for this amazing introduction. I love that we started this relationship in Guatemala. And I recently just planted a seed for our dear friend Diana to come to Costa Rica so the jungles waiting for you any anytime. I really love that you introduce me as Earth mama because I I've always been known as this really grounded person. And I never felt that way. But then I realized that it was just through that commitment to the yoga practice that I found really being able to find myself. That's where the journey began, is like who am I? What does all of this mean? Coming from a place of trauma and wounds I found yoga, and I moved to Costa Rica living in the jungle, like how can I reach more people? How can I change more lives? And accidentally I found my way into the coaching world, which is all about changing more lives. And when I was able to turn my business into like struggling to get people to come to my retreats to sold out to people reaching out to me, I was like, Oh, I can help yoga teachers become more successful. And then I realized it was more than just yoga teachers, it was like, my, my commitment has always been to have a massive impact. Yoga changed my life. And so I wanted to share that with others. And then coaching started to change my life. And now I'm like, I want to help others turn their gifts into assets so that they're able to thrive no matter where they live. And that's what I love about you. And your podcast is limitless when we're able to really thrive because there is no limit when we step into who we are. And that really started with me finding yoga, and then realizing that the more that we step into who we are, the more that we can thrive.

Jamie Ratermann  6:02  

I'm obsessed with it. I'm obsessed with everything you just said, One, I think I would thrive in the jungle. So thanks for the invite Diana, and I will get there, we'll get there. We'll be on our way. But also, I think what's really lovely about all that you share is that we get to make such a big impact on the world. We have so much opportunity, I talk a lot about social media and the ripple effects of that here. And I think that like were you just sharing your gift and what you just said makes me go like, could you imagine a world if it was more like how Amber has shared it like how we want to make impact how we turn our gifts into assets. How lovely that would be. So be and, even as you're speaking, so grounded. So, so amazing what you're saying, I have so much to share. But tell us a little about your entrepreneurship journey. When and how did you start? How did you get to where you are now? 

Amber Hagberg  6:52  

So it's a good question because during the COVID-19 lockdown I was I chose to stay in India, but I was over in India getting ready to lead a yoga teacher training the borders were about to shut. My mind was like, get back to Costa Rica, so you can serve with your friends. And my heart was like, just stay. And I was walking to lunch one day and someone called me an entrepreneur, there was only one guy there. And he was from Chile. And we got put there together. And when he called me an entrepreneur, I was like me an entrepreneur, and I like went back to my dorm and Googled it. And I was like, oh, I'm an entrepreneur. And so that accidentally happened for me. And you know, in the definition, it's like a person willing to take financial risks bigger, you know, bigger financial risks. And the first time that I got into a yoga coaching program, it was like $6,500, I put it onto a credit card, no idea how I'd pay it back if I didn't get my return on investment. And that was when I was signing up for coaches wanting them to give me something like I was putting, I was giving away my power. And so as I evolved into creating an entrepreneurial business online and affecting more lives, I started to realize like, take your power back, like coaches aren't giving you something that you don't already have. They're holding the space for you to become more of who you are. And so for me, like stepping into the entrepreneurial world was an accident because I lived in the jungle, and reaching people was a challenge. So when someone introduced me to this guy that she knew as a marketing director online, I became an entrepreneur by wanting to reach more people until my yoga retreats. And yeah, I'm hooked.

Jamie Ratermann  8:32  

Oh my god, I love that. I feel like there's such a place whenever someone starts a call as an entrepreneur as I feel like when I started my business, I was able to, you know, think about you know, like freelancing was my first thing Oh, freelance, I'll help people with this. I'll help you with that. And then that morphed into consultants. And then that morphed into a coach, and then, and then I was like, Wait, hold on. I'm an entrepreneur, I'm doing these bigger things. And I think there's an identity shift when not only you hear someone call you that, but also you accept that title. So I love hearing that. Like, I love the definition you shared of like, it's so funny. Like I agree with it, like you're taking financial risks for what you want to do. But I feel like entrepreneur also was like you build a business around your passions, maybe we come up with a new term for that maybe like it because I find that to be really fun. But for you as you started as a yoga teacher, now you're a business coach, what? What does that? What does that journey look like? Why, why why have you evolved and made that shift for what's going on within your business? And then of course, like she said, retreats, which again, who's coming to Costa Rica with me? But go ahead, tell it to tell us a little bit about like, what it meant to go from yoga teacher to or yoga, yoga coach like helping yoga teachers specifically to being able to help, help health and wellness entrepreneurs with their businesses now. 

Amber Hagberg  9:49  

Yeah, talk about identity shift. It's, I've been straight I was struggling for a really long time to get rid of that title or not claim that title like I was so scared to be coached or even business coaches like me, I felt like an imposter. But what I, what I realized is that, like, I created this business, helping women take care of themselves, prioritize self-love, find the balance between like work and hustle. And then it evolved into like helping yoga teachers, fine tune their skills, get clarity around their mission, and like the impact that they desired. And then I was like, Wait, this is even bigger, like I can help entrepreneurs find their act like, not everyone begins knowing they're going to be an entrepreneur, but they know they want to impact lives. And so I can help those women that are like, I'm multi-passionate, I really want to change the world. But I don't know how it's like, okay, let's find your mission. And so I realized, like, what I was helping yoga teachers do, it could expand to like multi-passionate entrepreneurs as well. And once I started to claim that like, identity of a business coach, I realized, like, over the last year and a half, if someone reaches out to me, it's I love the way you run your business. I love the way you show up. How can I do that? And I was like, oh, and then as this is happening, I realized that I'm a projector, and I was running my business not and if you don't know, human design, there are different ways in which we're made up. And when I really learned that there was a way in which you run your business based on your human design invitation to go check it out if you haven't, because it really helped me to see why I wasn't feeling good in pain, point marketing, and sales calls and like convincing people that they needed me, because once I started to be like, actually, I want to teach business, can I teach business, and I was like, then I realized, like, now, my podcast is slowly evolving to be all about business. And I realized, like, I'm a wealth of knowledge when it comes to running a business because I studied business just as much as I did yoga when I wanted to reach more people and teach more yoga. And so I was like, oh, you know so much about teaching business. And that's what people naturally were coming to me for because they have seen how I was showing up. And it really resonated with them. And they wanted to start to show up in that way. And so it was like, just the natural evolution of what happened for me. And I think when we get on the entrepreneur journey, it's like, you are committed to your growth. And I love what you say about your passion because this is something that happened, you know, in the mastermind that you and I are in is like, we want to burn it all to the ground. But really, it's not burning it to the ground, we're expanding and becoming more of who we are as we continue to grow. And so this was just my natural human evolution of becoming me. 

Jamie Ratermann  12:36  

Oh, my gosh, so much to say there. I feel like, I feel like it's a really important thing to say like, Yeah, I think that when she was talking about like burning it to the ground, we've had like discussions about the fact that like, we've created a business, and it works really well. And like things, things continue to follow the same way. But we're all human, and we want to continue to grow. And sometimes the things that work for us the first time, like Oh, my God, like, oh, yeah, like I could continue to be like yoga, teacher training, I can continue to do these things. But like, I'm like, I want something bigger, I want to take a leap again, I want to be uncomfortable. It's like the people that are like, well, this is how my business has worked before, I have to stay here if I want to continue this way. And I think a part of what privilege we get as entrepreneurs is that like, what, what's worked before it gets to be a stepping stone to what you evolve and continue to do it. But it doesn't mean it doesn't come with a bit of challenge of like releasing that previous way of doing things and like moving into like, like, This is who I am now. Because, you know, I start I was an entrepreneur when I was 27. And I'm now 33 And I that my business is completely different, like year over year, because I'm completely different year over year. And I think what I love about that is like there's you move through it, but me knowing you, I know your transition to like different aspects of your business has kind of come with some limits from some of your relationships going like, oh, I know, just a yoga teacher do that instead, like how has it been as you've been moving through these bigger shifts of what makes most sense to you, but also gotta getting feedback from your community? How has that been kind of moving through those relationship blocks that might come up along the way? 

Amber Hagberg  14:23  

Yeah, I think what you said is so, so, so true, because I was afraid, afraid of like, I'm running my business this way, and it's successful, but my heart is being called this way. What if it doesn't work out that way? And then it's just like, every time you peel back a layer of becoming, there's that fear of like, what if it doesn't work out? And also like, what if they judge me? What are people gonna think when I start talking about business and money and investing in yourself like, it happens, you know, people, people unfollow me and people go in a different direction, and they don't resonate with me anymore. And I think that that Is that part of being a human and wanting to be liked and seen and approved of, it's always gonna be there. But something I talk about a lot is like listening to your heart's desire. And as you listen to what your heart desires, it's like, being true to yourself and what's calling you and knowing that like that fear of it not working out or not being liked, or you know, being unapproved up is going to be what allows you to really grow and step into the fullness of yours. 

Jamie Ratermann  15:31  

I love that, though. And I think that I think it's important to note that you and I are talking about what it means to be heart-centered, and what it means to continue growing and not letting anyone put limits on that limitless hair like we're on it, we're going to continue to grow as a human and because of how much joy and passion and excitement we have within our business is one healthy, purposeful for us. But also the energy is transferable, we're going to feel it's going to be seen. But even saying that it doesn't mean that there's not going to be an unhollow. It doesn't. But I think this is really a sometimes it's fun to kind of talk through with clients from time to time, whenever they're like I got so many on follows from this kind of triggering thing I put up online, I was like What that really means the most to me, and I go well, you're wanting to recruit your people, right? So if there's anyone in your crowd that disagrees with a political view of stance against like a court, like work-life balance and stances it like whatever that vulnerable thing you're sharing, like they're probably not going to be on the line client for you. But also like, you're filtering, you're filtering this group of people to be an even more potent community for you. So I think what I love about what you shared is like, yeah, it came with those things. But now you have even like a different kind of support that you know, is like for all of you all sides of you. Yeah, exactly. And it's like, why be in a relationship with anyone? If you can't be who you are, yes, be more of who I like, I want to shout this because it's because there's a side of me that I want to tell you strategically, why you should be who you are. Like one, of course it's fulfilling, like it's absolutely fulfilling. But the more you could be who you are, especially online, especially with the new video, Tic Tac Toe thing, we're going to feel your energy of who you are. And like I it's almost, I feel like I've been having a new radar of sorts, like I will watch somebody talking, like talking in their stories talking on a real video. And I'll be like, Oh, that's their energy, I can tell versus Oh, they're doing what they're supposed to do. Like, like I'm being able to come into it with that, you know that that gut authenticity. And I think like if entrepreneurship is the path to helping all of us be more of who we are online and in person, it's going to allow me to be like the world is a beautiful, warm place. It's just a matter of like releasing what those should are supposed to be.

Amber Hagberg  18:09  

But, but again, I know those things, all of these things come with blocks. So tell me some of the things whenever you're helping your clients be able to be more of who they are online like I know, you have a beautiful story to talk about, but like how do you help someone get through that block of doing the work, what they think they should do what all the social gurus are telling them they have to do to build their business, versus what they can honor within themselves, or what they know is right for them. Exactly what you just said is like trusting the feeling that you have, because if you Google-like, Should I post three times a week? Should I post three times a day? Should I post at 8 am? Or should I post at 9 pm? You know, you're going to get the answer to everything. And I've tested them all. Personally, you know, and it's like, I know true what to be true for me is like, when I just show up and share myself.

There is no attachment to it, it's not working. They told me if I post this many times, it's not going to work. So I think that if you are in a place of like, what should I do, what strategy to follow, it's like the one that you're going to be able to stick to that feels good for you. And that, like if it doesn't work, you're not going to be upset, you know, because it's like, I'm just doing what feels good for me. But if you're following a secret recipe that's gonna get you to where you desire to be, and it doesn't work, you're going to be pointing the finger out there rather than being like, oh, I'm going to show up. And it's exactly what you just said to it's like, people can feel you. And it's like, if it's robotic, they know. And that's why it's like you stand out based on how you show up as you, and the more that you bring yourself to the online world, the more people are going to feel who you are. And if you're trying to hide or show up and ways in which you think people are gonna like you, and then you get no likes. You're also just going to like

To get more validation that quote-unquote, you aren't enough. So if you just show up, and you're like, I'm going to do this because this feels good to me. There's no like, it didn't work out because they told me to its full radical ownership, and I'm doing what feels good in my body, not because I should, or I have to. And I know personally, I followed the showed I have to path, and I was like, I don't feel successful, and I don't feel happy. And as soon as I rerouted, and I went into a way that everyone thought I was crazy, it took 10 years for people to want to get on my crazy and be like, can I come to yoga and hang out with you in Costa Rica, but when they're like, you're gonna drop out of college, you're gonna sell your things, you're gonna leave your long term boyfriend, like,

Jamie Ratermann  20:42  

that's not a success, and you know, 10 years for them to catch up. But rather than following a path, because it's what you should do, or you have to do and being unhappy, what if you follow the path that is meant for you because it feels good inside of you. And people will catch up with you, you get to be that like Lighthouse like brings people to you, as long as you honor what it is. And I, I and even with like the things you listed off like moving and like breaking up with a long term boyfriend and different things like that, like that, that level of vulnerability and sharing is going like, I am confident and badass. When I'm going through, a difficult, adverse moment. I'm also a competent badass when I'm having success. And I think that's a big part of what we talked about showing all sides of you is, I don't want to follow or be mentored or coached by a leader that isn't sharing the hard stuff. Because I know that there's no such thing as there's this like, smooth and perfect world where everything falls into place at all times. It can more often than not, depending on how you build your business. But there's a side to it. That's like, show me that show me how you handle, you know, life's ups and downs. And I think that's, the more I can encourage people to do that online. The more I'm excited to open and into my feet, the more than when someone tells me that Instagram or somewhere else is a highlight reel. I'm like, let me show you who I follow because it's not. They're showing, they're showing that they're amazing humans no matter what. And I've said this before, but it's like my biggest compliment of this era is when someone meets me in person and goes, Oh my God, you're just like you are online. Like you're just like you are online. And it's like, yes, I'm showing who I am. So that when you do get to be in my energy and real life, you're like, damn, she was real for me. She's real for all the above. And I think that that that's always a challenge for me. Like, how much like I'm feeling At this moment. Like, what's, what's worthy, what's worthy of sharing that feels good to me. And I know is less until at least one person in my audience in some way. So like you sharing a little about their things. Tell me, Tell us about the move. Like, tell us about this. Decide that like you're going to move and come to Costa Rica and live a different life. I tell, like, share, share a little about that really big jump for you.

Amber Hagberg  23:11  

Yeah, it was a challenging one. The first big transition that I ever made was back in 2012, I dropped out of college, and left my seven-year relationship. I sold my car, I quit my two jobs, and I was like, I'm going to move to Colorado and study yoga. Something was like this is it for you, and my dad had just died of cancer. I was really struggling inside, and my thought process was I can always move back to Iowa and become a waitress. From there, I fell in love with another man, and you know, he's like, let me take you to Costa Rica. And at that point, I was like, I need to move to Costa Rica. Like, teaching yoga retreats on the beach like this is really for me, and it was really scary at that time. I actually spent four years in Colorado working like 80 hours a week saving every dollar I had because I was so afraid to make this jump that I saved all the money I could, I didn't go out to eat I didn't enjoy my life. I just I hustled and in Costa Rica minimum wage is $3 an hour and so I was like okay, I have a bit of cushion to figure out what's going to happen and yeah, I sold everything I owned on Facebook marketplace I moved to Costa Rica and I was like okay let's see what happens but don't worry Amber, if you ever need to you can always move back to Colorado and sell weed.

Jamie Ratermann  24:39  

Oh my god, I'd love for you to be my weed. You know what's so funny about that story is that even if I ever have like a scarcity moment, I have the same thing that rolls my head where I'm like, you can go serve coffee on any of the street corners like you were like, no matter what happens you're fine. You're, but you're not going to. So I love that you share that. But sorry, keep going.

Amber Hagberg  25:05  

Yeah, and it's just like they have the illusion of like, okay, and then I moved to Costa Rica, and I was like the land of Pura Vida, which means simple life, slow down, relax. And I thought I was going to start over. And then when I got here, I realized that I brought myself with me. And I became a massage therapist, and I was doing eight massages a day making more money here in Costa Rica than I did in Colorado, working four jobs, thinking to myself, How did I get here? And I was like, Oh, you're still you. And so I made this commitment to myself at the end of 2016. I said I want to make 75% of my income from yoga. And I quit, I quit doing massage, I had to retire. I got the name magic hands. And I was like, but I'm, I must serve as I can't leave this. And I had to just be like, no more massage. And I held true to that. And so right after I made that commitment to myself, a woman asked me to come to Bali and assist her with a yoga teacher training. And I was there in Bali, looking up at the stars. And I was like, Amber, when are you going to realize like, you're not going backward. And so now when I take those leaps as an entrepreneur, and I invest in this coach, I pivot my business this way, it's like, I've built up the evidence to know that, like, I'm just going forward. But it took a lot of like, scarcity, a lot of like, trust, a lot of surrenders, and a lot of like, trying to see what works. 

Jamie Ratermann  26:34  

Oh my gosh, I love this one. I'm going to call you magic hands just for fun from now on. Like, I like I'm thinking of, like, Bring it on, or I'm just thinking like, the magic hands. That's amazing, though. I think I What's so fun about your story, and that is that, like, each step was scary. And you're like, oh, I always have something to fall back on. I always have something to fall back on. But each time you did that, you created evidence that like, Well, clearly, I'm on a path and I'm gonna continue and I, I, for what I love a lot about what you're sharing is that you just like, it doesn't sound like you questioned it too much. Like, like, I feel like I'm in a path and it'll continue and no matter what happens, because I think there's a side of people who want to make these bigger risks and these bigger jumps and they and they think to themselves, like, Okay, I gotta be certain about every step of the way, or I can't do it. And then they create uncertainty by second-guessing themselves going like, oh, there has to be it has to fall into place this way. This way. When really what I hear from what you're saying is like you're tapping into you know that you're fucking powerful. As much as I was about to edit myself. You're fucking powerful. Like, you know that the more you're able to bring with your magic hands, with yoga teacher training with like, really going like, Okay, what does what is really a desire that I have right now? And how can I continue to lead with that desire, like things will fall into place? And it's, it's a trust thing, it's a self-trust thing. It's also knowing that like, you're going to show up no matter what like that, like, like, you were, like you said at the top, like, we're here to make a big impact, as long as we did to trust ourselves as long as we realize like, like, what it is like, money will come from impact. Money will come from like you going after your vision. And I think, you know, I, I've heard Amber's story. I'm learning new things I did not know, she was a magic hand. But I've heard Amber's story. I'm just like, I want to do all these things. And like, yeah, the fact that I can see pieces of my own path and your path is like something that is really lovely. So I think that's a big thing. So how do you feel like that, like, the fact that you've taken so many big leaps like this plays like a role and how you help others with their business?

Amber Hagberg  28:54  

 I think too, I want to just point out, like, it made a sound like I did these things with, like, confidence and trust and like, you know, limitless potential. And the truth is, I was scared, I doubted myself. I didn't feel enough. I wrote so many times in my journals, like, and I never knew, you know, I never thought that I was enough. I never imagined my life should be what it is. Now, if you met me back when I lived in Iowa, who met me back when I lived in Colorado, I didn't have this confidence. And so what I do with my clients is I show them what's possible, but I also can remind them like I felt everything that you're feeling, I doubted everything that I could potentially do. And the one thing that like sets me apart from people that have that fear, and the people that make their dream life come true is I took action with all of that unworthiness and Tao and like thinking everyone else was better than me and like that yoga teacher, that business coach, and you know, I still to this day, like I have doubt and fear and what if and the difference is like I took action anyway, and I held the Duality have those two moments. And that's what I love to like, remind my clients is like, you get to have both because that's why you're human. 

I love that so much, I think, I think what's about that as I like, the duality, the idea that like, we're not going to make ourselves wrong when we're feeling negative feelings like we're not going to make ourselves wrong when we're feeling the doubt and those type of things. But it's the difference between a person that is creating that dream life that they have. And the person that's still dreaming about it is like, taking action, even in the swampy moments, the feelings of what that is. And I think your training as a yoga teacher comes into play a lot here, because like it like I, you know, I'm someone who does strength training, and cardio and all the things, but none of that allows us to really get into our body and into our mind a little bit and being able to get grounded. I mean, sometimes, but the idea of what I've learned, mostly through meditation practice, I could definitely, I could definitely perform better doing more yoga, but the idea of like, sometimes our thoughts are just really loud. But what's actually true, there's like, as long as we quiet those thoughts, we're able to take action, like you're saying, so with your yoga training with like, these practices that you put into place as we should. When he said journal, I'm like, I'm like, how many journals do I have? Now? Like, I have, like, there's like, I have like a good like little library going at this point. But like, what are you? What do you think the essential pieces of like, health are those kinds of aspects that can help you as you're, as you are building this big vision, this big impact or within your business and your life?

Good question. One thing that has been really helpful for me, I think, is having a yoga background moving into the entrepreneur journey is like in yoga, when you're moving in your physical body, the evolution of what you're capable of doing over time changes. So you can see, like, that when I first started yoga, there was no way I could balance on my hands or get upside down. Now you can find me on the beach, balancing upside down for a minute on my hands. So I slowly showed myself, that what was once impossible became possible through consistent practice. And so what happened for me was, I was able to see it through yoga that like you can turn the impossible into possible. If you show up and take action every single day, I put that into my business into an entrepreneurship journey. And it's like, oh, if I show up every single day, if I believe in myself, and if I commit to this practice, I'm bound to be successful. And so it doesn't matter what you do every single day, you can do it with lifting weights, you can do it with running, you can do it with journaling, you can do it with meditation, anything, you can see that like when you first start a meditation practice, your thoughts are crazy. But like, I've been to a few 10-day meditation retreats, where you meditate for 10 hours a day. And like, literally you at the end of that 10 days, you can sit and stillness for over an hour, and it feels like you just close your eyes. But through consistent practice, you get to see it's possible. And so basically what happens with weight training, you just lift five, five-pound weights every single day. And then a year later, you're you know, lifting 200 pounds, whatever it is. And so it's like, you get to see through consistent practice. So that's what I would say, consistent practice and anything journaling can feel like death. And then all of a sudden, as you said, you have notebooks of stuff. And I know, like so many of my clients are like, Amber, I hate journaling. I'm like, tell me more about that. It makes everything real. And I'm like, Aha, put it on paper. And there you go. And you get to take what's real in here, put it onto paper, and then be like, do I actually want to believe that? Is that helping me? Is that serving me, okay, let's have a ceremony and burn it?

Jamie Ratermann  33:53  

I was I as you were speaking, I was like yoga. I mean, a lot of things are, but yoga really is like a perfect metaphor for what it is to create the life that you want. Because like, because, you know, I can squat, you know, 100 pounds one week, and I can squat 105 and 110. And the next week or whatever it might be, I can create, like really quick changes if I want, right? But with yoga, it's like you got to be in your body, you got to be mindful, you got to be grounded. Like there's gonna be one time that you're able to stretch really well. But the next time there's something going on everybody that you're going to have like it's not going to feel as easy and slow, and it's the idea of like the kind of, I wrote down like yoga is a long game just like on like, creating your dream life is a lifelong journey. It's not something that like, oh, I want it to happen tomorrow and I and even within that with what you were saying is that all of us create these big visions through daily, small acts that create evidence that we can continue to go through, but nobody wants to hear. No one wants to hear that overnight.

Success isn't it isn't like, like that. I mean, you can certainly take some quantum leaps from time to time, but having your health having your mindset, your mindfulness as your backbone as your structure is such an essential part of it, right, it's as if you don't have that. The like the leaps, even if you do make them might feel like you're like, you're gonna like crash a little bit afterward like that. So I love how like you integrate that within there. 

Amber Hagberg  35:29  

Yeah, and I just want to add in here, that yoga and surfing have been such a metaphor for life, because you can't be surfing on a wave and thinking of something else, you can't be balancing on your hands upside down being somewhere else. So they bring you to the present moment. And they really allow you to surrender to all the chaos out there and come here and come home to like that center within yourself. And so in the entrepreneur journey, the mind can be busy, there can be doubt, and it can be loud. But if you can use these different practices to bring yourself to the center to like, you know, drown out the noise, then you can make these quantum leaps into creating your dream life by being present. 

Jamie Ratermann  36:10  

And oh, I love that too, though. So there's just really, sometimes I think that there are many steps that you can take with a lot with like-kind of feeling confident and like that you're going in a, like, forward trajectory with your growth. But what she said right there like presents, it's annoying, because it's, it seems like it's so simple, right? But in all honesty, like sometimes like my bet, but best coaching calls will just be like someone coming in with lots of worries and concerns and all the things I'm like, Alright, let's come back to what's true. What's happening right now. And I think for me, the combination of health coaching and business coaching and for you, you have a different modality, but some similar background, and the same thing that you can bring someone back to what's true. Make sure that their brain and their mind are working properly, like working in a way that's like going to perform best for them. But once if someone ever asked me like, what's the, what's the secret weapon, I'm like, presents. Like no one wants to hear like that, like, like, it's like just like quiet and presence. And I, I was on Amber's podcast, to go off the mat, go check it out was really lovely. But we talked a lot about how I can't stand hearing about multitasking from people anymore, how I can't stand the like, try to act like someone tells you they're really good at it, whatever it might be because our brains don't work that way. And it comes true to be like being productive, quote, unquote, but it also comes through with feeling powerful within yourself, like a mono task, your presence, and what's going on in your life right now. And how that can be such a really big, a really big part of like your trajectory, and like what you want to do for your business. 

Amber Hagberg  37:57  

I think part of being present is the challenge is sitting with what is at the moment, it's like, oh, I should be doing something. But being is just as important in your business is taking action. Create. So that's gonna, I feel like that's gonna turn into a soundbite real quick, real quick. So tell us a little bit about what it feels like or like, kind of like, what it looks like to work with you because I can, you know, you and I have found each other in Guatemala one, retreats, I met her on a retreat, she hosts retreats. I'm also in a mastermind with her right now, which is lovely. So tell us like the kind of like how you particularly help entrepreneurs create this, this dream business, his dream life. I like to use your stories. So as you've been listening here, it's like my story is there are so many different layers to it. So what were the most pivotal points in your life that shaped who you are today? Or what could you talk about for hours and hours without needing a script? And how could you break that down into a process to change someone else's life like I could help you to move across to a new country, I could help you to leave a relationship of five years, I could help you to create a business, one where it's like you're connected to changing people's lives based on what you've been through. And what I like to do is like take you through the journey of yourself and ask you like, what did you need to hear, what processes could have really served you? And then it's like, there's your formula that you live through. And it's like, you know, it works because you're here today. And so there's the evidence already that you can change someone else's life. So I like to help you find out like, what are your gifts? What are your talents? And what did you go through that you can help someone and hold their hand and walk them through it? And it's nothing. It's something that you would never get more talking about? Because you're so passionate about it. And I think like an entrepreneur, that's what gets us so excited. And for me, it's like, in my own personal experience, I have so many different passions. And when I first started in the coaching world, it was like You need one nation, one signature program, and only this topic, and I'm like, No, bring all of yourself to the table and use all of those things to change someone's life because that's how you got here today. So I give you permission to use your story. I'm here to empower you to like to claim your gifts, own your gifts, and turn that into a program, an online offering, where you can impact more lives by just being who you are. And using your story as an example. 

Beautiful, beautiful, I think, like what she's saying, there is like human behavior-wise, we want to find stories that we can connect with. And I love dropping the statistic all the time, like whenever, whenever you're thinking about how to be remembered and how to be memorable online in any way, stories are remembered 22 times more than facts alone. And I think that there's a lot of like experts and tips and tricks and those are helpful. This doesn't mean you shouldn't be sharing those. But being able to bring that level of your story to the online world is, is your quote-unquote, competitive advantage is the thing that makes somebody go I like her and her, but I relate to her story. So I think you helping people bring that side out of themselves is a massive piece. And like I whenever I talk about storytelling with clients, it'll be about like, alright, let's lean into your core values and what informed those like what creates, like what big parts of your story have created, your passion for curiosity, or your, your value of, you know, abundance, whatever it might be, because those stories get to be these like, really memorable pieces. And that's a big part of branding. But I love that like for you, you're coming from like, how can we allow ourselves to break, break down any shows or anything that's preventing you from being your whole self being the whole human that's leading a business that helps others? I love that.

Yeah, and it's like, I like this quote, that I just my first thing is like, what are your vision, mission and values and let that be like the foundation of your business because Maya Angelou says, like, people aren't going to remember what you say, or what you do, they're going to remember how you make them feel. And so when you're able to, like connect to the heart of your clients, it's like, I want to connect deeper to your heart so that you can connect deeper to their hearts. And then from there, it's like, we're on this place of like, you and I both know heart-centered leadership, and being able to impact more lives from connecting deeper into the heart and like blocking out the noise and allowing yourself to be who you are. And that's the way you run your business. 

Jamie Ratermann  42:41  

Exactly. Who doesn't need it, Maya Angelou quote, to carry us through the day? What would you say? Because I get this question as like, I talk a lot about vision and mission. But I would love to hear your perspective on it. What do you feel the difference is between having a vision and a mission?

Amber Hagberg  42:58  

Yeah, the mission is like, what are you here to set out to do in the vision is like, how are you going to show up every single day and turn that mission into a reality? So I look at vision as like, okay, what can I do today? Actionable steps, and then mission being like, where am I going? So I look at Mission like the compass, you have to know where it is you're going, and then I look at vision as like, okay, I'm going east. I'm going west. I'm going south. I'm going north. And at any given time, you can change the route. 

Jamie Ratermann  43:29  

Beautiful. Yeah, I have a very similar, idea like, what's the ultimate goal? And then what does the world look like when you meet that goal? Like your vision is creating the day-to-day visualization of what it looks like? I love that. I completely agree with that. Amber, it's been such a pleasure to have you with me today. I feel like we've liked I feel like we could talk for hours because I'm getting a little like pep talk pep rally ready to like, was stream into my day. But I always have one last question. I would love to hear what you think. I always ask, what does limitless mean to you? 

Limitless is finding where your limit lives? You know, what is blocking you right now? And how can you overcome that in any layer of the entrepreneur journey running a business, there's going to be a limit? And you can break through that limit. And I think that that's what you're doing here hosting this podcast is like showing them Oh, you've reached another limit? How can we create more expansion to see that that limit was just an illusion? And that actually there is no limit? So I think it's finding what your limits are. And using tools like yoga to break through those limits and really master the art of being yourself. 

My, gosh, yes, knowing what the limits are and breaking free of them. Like torching enlightenment, lighting them on fire, all the things using yoga to ground you along the way. I love that ever tell us how we can stay connected with you or possibly work with you in the future. 

Amber Hagberg  44:53  

I'm feeling so good. I think these conversations just really like to help me drop into the heart and like connect us to our mission. So thank you for letting me be here and connect I'm active on Instagram Amber Hagberg, you can find me I'm sure in the show notes, or I have a podcast right now. I know this is gonna launch. This episode will go after my new launch of the episode right now, yoga off the mat with Amber Hagberg. But I'm so excited I'm getting ready to really fully step into business coach life coach leadership and all the ways and will be amplified impact for female entrepreneurs at the end of June, and I'm really excited. So listen in there you can find the episode I did with Jamie or come hang out with me on Instagram and as Jamie said we'd love to know what really resonated with you What stood out, so you can tag us share us let us know you're listening 

Jamie Ratermann  45:44  

amazing are we are you saying your you are rebranding your growth but as I what I heard there, is there a new name? 

Amber Hagberg  45:50  

Yes, amplified impact, 

Jamie Ratermann  45:52  

amplified impact. Oh my gosh, okay, you heard it here. Probably the first one. I'm so excited. I cannot wait. I will shout it from the rooftops because like if you got anything from today as I said, she is my earth mother. She's so grounded and the way she shares, and I can't, I cannot wait to hear how you bring that into your new podcast. Amazing. Amber, thank you so much for joining me today. We'll talk soon. 

Amber Hagberg  46:19  

Thank you, Jamie.


16. Is it Time for a Social Media Break? 4 Tips to Come Back Stronger


Season 1, Episode 14: How to Stop Waiting and Start Living the Life You Want