21. Why a Healthy Lifestyle Will Lead to a Successful Business with Anna Brown

Limitless Podcast —Episode 21— Health & Productivity  

“Treat your body well”. “Eat healthy”. “Get a good night’s rest”. We’ve all heard these tips, and while they might sound simple enough, sometimes entrepreneurs struggle to find a balance between staying healthy and growing their business. Today, on the Limitless Podcast, Jamie Ratermann talks with Anna Brown, a Registered Dietitian, and Integrative Nutritionist.  Anna gives away tips on how you can live more in tune with your body and with nature to reconnect with the best version of yourself.

Episode’s Highlights: 

  • Why our bodies know best, we just have to tune in. 

  • The benefits of group coaching.

  • What are Chronotypes, and how do they influence our work schedules? 

  • The importance of connecting with nature even if you live in a big city. 

  • How technology and society have stifled our ability to listen to our bodies. 


About Anna Brown 

Anna is a Functional-Registered Dietitian who helps human beings stop surviving and start thriving. Through a root-cause approach combining science, nature, and the woo woo, Anna helps clients heal and optimize their gut health, hormone balance, energy, sleep, and relationship with food. Her mission is to help you harness the ancient wisdom of nature, so you can live your most vibrant, healthy, and aligned life. Anna works with clients 1:1 and as part of her group coaching program, ReWild Reset.


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Read transcript below

Anna Brown: 

I get really frustrated that people don't take their health more seriously. Because when you're not when you don't feel well, how do you expect to show up in your business as your highest self, you know, I mean, I've worked with entrepreneurs, I work with people who work traditional nine to five jobs, and they're feeling bloated all the time, they're tired in the afternoon, they're not sleeping, well, you know, their hormones are off. And it's like, you can't show up as your most vibrant self in that scenario. So you really do have to prioritize your health.

Jamie Ratermann  0:02  

You're listening to the limitless podcast, where we dig into all of the possibilities that exist when you lean into the big vision for your life and your business. Hi, my name is Jamie Ratterman. And I am a Holistic business coach, meaning I am just as invested in growing your health as I am in growing your wealth. With 11 plus years and Brandon social media marketing, I help rebellious entrepreneurs master marketing and body leadership and say fuck it to the hustle. This show is here to encourage you to become radically aware of your self-imposed limits, to break free of your shoulds and to expand your brand into a movement led by you. The way I see it, marketing as a way of spreading your mission. Social media is a gift for connection. And sales are where you build your strongest relationships. Let's dig in. Welcome, lovelies, today's episode is going to be a lot of fun, I have my guest Anna brown joining us and we get dive in really deep into how your health is really the secret weapon to being able to not only grow as a human, but of course grow as a business owner and you're gonna find it kind of weird. We're not going to be sitting here talking about foods and exactly what you should eat and what kind of workouts you should do we dive into the fact that the more you can pay attention to what works for you, the better it is not only for business, right, but like how you conduct your day. So Anna is an absolute data nerd. So she shares a lot about that in here. But I cannot wait for you to get in to this episode today. So when you do when you hear this, for instance, we're talking about the chrono types, share your chronotype with me to go ahead and take a screenshot of this podcast and tell me what kind of chronotype you are. What's one thing you took away from all of Anna's amazing knowledge. Because it is an episode you will remember so that you can use it right away. Let's get into it. Welcome, lovelies, to Episode 21 of the limitless podcast. I could not be more excited today because I'm going to be talking about one of my favorite things, health, with someone who is an absolute goddess. So one thing you should really know about her is that Anna and I have gotten to know each other really well. She joined one of my programs social expansion, which I got to know her business, but the vibe, the energy, the person that I see Anna as is somebody who absolutely makes health, a way in which you get to know yourself better. So she is somebody who wants it to feel natural. We'll get into why I had to do a little pause there because it's really important to her. So she is a registered dietician and as somebody who coaches people to really understand what works for their body. And we will talk all about that today. And I'm so excited to finally have you on the podcast. Welcome.

Anna Brown  2:51  

Thank you, Jamie. That was such a good intro. I appreciate it. Yeah, as Jamie mentioned, I'm a functional-Registered Dietitian. I'm based in Brooklyn, but I see clients virtually. And yes, big emphasis on the nature. I'm all about reconnecting with nature. rewilding, kind of getting back to our roots. We'll talk all about that I'm sure on this episode.

Jamie Ratermann  3:13  

Amazing. Yeah, I'm so yeah, well, we'll get into it. Well, I want to immediately say Anna introduced me to something called forest bathing. So we're gonna get into it in a bit because I want to chat about, but you chose to be an entrepreneur. So this is so what I love about kind of like you have all of the certifications to you know, work in a hospital if you wanted to. And like do all of those things. What made you choose to be an entrepreneur? What made you decide I'm going to run my own business and do it this way?

Anna Brown  3:43  

Yeah, a couple of things. First of all, both of my parents are entrepreneurs. They both have their own businesses. I love growing up just seeing their flexibility, their passion for what they do. So I kind of always knew growing up as a child, but like, I want to own my own business too. So it was sort of you know, modeled for me. I did work in corporate for eight years. I had a previous career before I became a registered dietitian, I worked in public relations. For eight years, I worked with brands like kind bar and ASICs and Vitamin Shoppe and all that good stuff. And that's actually what led me to want to go back to school to become a registered dietician. So literally had my Saturn Return was like on a mountaintop hiking in Peru. Astrologer Yeah, about this, and that was my Saturn Return. So I quit my job. I moved in with my boyfriend. We got a dog. It was like a lot of life changes. And yeah, while I was in school to become a registered dietician, it's a four year program full full, you know, start to finish you have to do a lot of prereqs all the science like you said, it is a very serious certification. And I could have worked in a hospital but part of my internship was working in the hospital, and I just really saw the lack of Preventative Medicine and preventative health care there. Everything that we were doing was and aid. And none of it was natural. You know, I mean, even the food we were feeding these people who are really ill was caramel coloring and high fructose corn syrup. And it's just it's really, that's a topic for a whole other conversation. But it really made me want to go into the functional Integrative Nutrition component because it really is a preventative way. And it's a much more like root cause like finding out the root cause of why someone's having their symptoms, as opposed to just giving a pill or putting a band aid on it.

Jamie Ratermann  5:33  

Absolutely. Oh my gosh, absolutely. Like, I have one of those people that when I'm visiting somebody, I'm like, What are you eating? Let me know, let me go get something else because it's insane. It's insane. How, you know, I mean, you know, hospitals do a lot of things. There's not, that's not their prime, but even my own fiancé when he was learning nutrition like him and I had like art, like little debates and like, that's not, that's old. That's old patterns. And this is what it is our listeners with how to adjust a lot of that, that hospitals, it's exactly what you're saying. It's less about, like, you know, they're focused on what the injury or what the causes and nutrition now unfortunately gets to fall back because it doesn't feel like it's going to fix them immediately. And I'm, I honestly feel like that's why health coaching and other things are like coming to the forefront for the fact that like we like we want to prevent people from needing to go to the hospital. And I think that's a large portion of like, why you do what you do, like how can I help more people? So they, like it's just a checkup when they go to the hospital? It's not a life or death situation or something that's going to hurt them long term?

Anna Brown  6:40  

Yeah, exactly. That's a really good distinction there, is that I do value Western medicine. Like I know, there's it's so valuable that when people are in the hospital, they are there, triaging, they're just trying to figure out what the most immediate issue is. But yeah, for me, I was like, let's try and prevent people from getting to that point. And I really didn't see a career path in a corporate world where that was a possibility. So that's kind of also what led me on to starting my own private practice, right out of the gates, I was like, I can do this, it's fine. And you know, I'm here I am over two years into my private practice, and I love it. And I've really created a career path that I wanted. That's not like necessarily traditional, you know, you don't see a lot of registered dieticians talking about grounding or forest bathing. So I've you know, as I mentor rds, or girls that you know, people that are in programs to become registered dieticians, I tell them, sometimes you just have to create the career path that you want, and see what interests you and then just follow that follow those pings, and it'll lead you to doing something that you want to do. And there's a place for any kind of niche in, in healthcare.

Jamie Ratermann  7:51  

Yeah, totally, totally. Absolutely. I feel like that. That's like the luxury a little bit of what entrepreneurship is like, we are literally following our passions, it makes us do a better job. Like literally if we, our motivation is that we enjoy what we do. And that we know we like if if and when we have a client or anything that we're doing, we're going to do it to the best of our ability versus like, Oh, I gotta go to the office. Like, let me put in my time. Hope but no, I at least I know I'll get paid for this. Like, like, there's there's the energy behind it. The our ability to want to learn more to figure things out, like even to like it, but when I have a client that comes with a new problem, like, I will honestly be like, I don't know, let me figure it out. And I actually, like so excited to figure it out. I'm sure that's how you feel when there's probably some new like, health trouble that they might be having, like, you know what, let me figure out what hormones could be messing with you right now. Like how that can be a thing?

Anna Brown  8:44  

Yeah, exactly. I get so I mean, I'm a constant work in progress. I love learning. I mean, just look at the bookshelf behind me. I'm always reading like four books at a time looking at the latest research. You know, research is always changing, though. And, you know, one thing that really bothers me about the health and nutrition space right now is that it's very opinionated, and it's very polarizing, and there's a research study to support every single opinion. So people are coming out, you know, say well this is really how it should be and it's like well, if you look for a research study supporting the other way that you'll find something so it's it's tough, it's polarizing, but you kind of just have to follow your heart stick to your niche stay in your lane and you know, stay in the middle and and do evidence based practice which I do totally totally

Jamie Ratermann  9:33  

I think that was one thing even for myself getting a health coach certification it was that there like you're not to push any diet like that was the thing like you will not push any of it here's all of them so you know what they are but like you will not push it and sometimes it's like grinds my gears when I see a health coach pushing a diet I'm like, I know you can't do that. Like I know that that's not a good idea. And I think that's you know, that's the bigger difference is that like that health coaches can guide you but like someone like you, you ask actually can take a look at what's going to work and I Yeah, the heated debate of what to eat will will keep the diet industry running for ages and ages. Which is why I love exactly what you what your like your goal is. You're going to know what diet is going to work for you because you know yourself. But I think that ended up and I think when I say like what's not what comes natural is a really big part of it. So you gave in little Inklings about like, what kind of like, grinds your gears about what people do? But like, tell us like if there's one thing that you would love for us all to stop doing when it comes to like nutrition, health, anything like that people just like stop doing it, what would it be,

Anna Brown  10:42  

would be listening to anyone other than your own body.

Jamie Ratermann  10:48  

So no more Dr. Oz, like not a miracle, the miracle. But

Anna Brown  10:52  

I mean, here's the thing you can listen to whoever you want, gather the research, see what makes sense if you but like, ultimately, you know what's going to work best for your body? You know, this is what I talk about is helping people get in tune with their own bodies, their own circadian rhythm, their own hormones, their own digestion, like what foods actually feel good for you because they're going to feel different better for you than they are for someone else. So no, even I don't know my client's bodies as well as they know their own body. So I think that's the most important thing is like stop worrying about what is healthy on Instagram or what's healthy on the Today show right now. Just learn what's healthy for you. What does your body respond best to? You know, how much sleep do you need? When you wake up in the morning before you get out of bed? Take a few deep breaths, put your hand on your stomach and your chest and ask your body okay, what do you need today? You know, we're in as a as a menstruating person, if you are, you're in a different phase every week, as you know, we're in a different season every three months, or in a different time of the day, every time a day like these biological rhythms really impact how we feel and what we need at any time. So just listening to your body and figuring out how to give it what it needs. Like that's that's the key.

Jamie Ratermann  12:08  

Oh, yeah, I like it makes so much sense. And even to I think I don't just just in case any women who are listening in on this right now, like, did you know that our brains changed week over week? Did you know that like, shrinks like what what 20 grows

Anna Brown  12:26  

and shrinks by about 20% 30% over the cycle? Yeah,

Jamie Ratermann  12:31  

which plays directly into even if we were I want to get into this a little bit about how hustle culture really doesn't work for women like it's like, aside from its doesn't work for men either. Let's be clear. But like, like for women, in particular, there's going to be weeks where you're going to feel amazingly creative and ready to talk and ready to use your voice and there's gonna be other weeks, you're just not going to feel that way. And it's like, it's again, going back to this idea that we weren't exactly told to listen to our body. Like it's like, even I still remember like when I was in elementary school, there would be a woman that would walk to every table and be like this table, you're not you can't go to recess until you finish your whole plate or this table, just one thing left on your plate. And all the kids were like pushing off like the shepherd's pie into the milk cartons just so they could leave and all these things go on like I'm not hungry anymore. Hate I don't like this food. And just like how many ways in which we've just been taught to not pay attention to like, what's actually what is actually going on with us. And it's, it's a hard pattern to break, which is exactly exactly why we would need someone like you for sure.

Unknown Speaker  13:35  

It's such a hard pattern. And with Lily, you know my toddler, she's 20 months. And I'm really trying not to do that with her by saying, oh, take one more bite before you have your ice cream. Like I give her her ice cream with her broccoli. And if she chooses the ice cream over the broccoli, like I know that that's just intuitively what she wants in that moment. And like you have to honor that intuition. I'm not a certified Intuitive Eating counselor. But I do believe that our bodies instinctively know what we need. And that we really just have to tune out the noise and like tune into ourselves to listen to it.

Jamie Ratermann  14:08  

Oh my gosh, yes. Oh, that would be so fun. I wish I had that. Like where I could have had like ice cream and decide but even but like, but again, it's reinforcing that like punishment reward system that

Unknown Speaker  14:19  

lastly, I'm not putting dessert on a pedestal. Totally.

Jamie Ratermann  14:23  

I love that. Can I be lonely?

Anna Brown  14:27  

Oftentimes, she'll have a couple of nights that ice cream and then she'll eat you know, she's not in the broccoli phase right now, but she'll eat a green bean afterward. You know, it's not like she is only going to go for that. So I think a lot of clients that come to me after 10 years of yo yo dieting and then they go the other very extreme of intuitive eating, they tend to kind of want to come a little bit back to the middle because, you know, unless you are really working with an intuitive eating counselor, it can be hard to regulate. Oh my gosh, I can just eat anything I want whenever I want. Like that's not what Intuitive Eating is about. So Coming back to the middle of learning kind of a gentle nutrition approach, learning about your body, learning about, you know, if you're menstruating what you need during your cycle, like what season it is, what your chronotype is your circadian rhythm, when to eat, like all these things that are unique to you. And then also taking the time to tune out the tech tune out, the noise turned out, you know, your TV and like, listen to your body. That's kind of how you find that like, middle happy ground.

Jamie Ratermann  15:26  

Totally, totally. And I just wanted to press upon this, like, it sounds. So like, it sounds simple, right? We're just like, oh, yeah, listen to your body. There's so much noise. There's just like, not only are like you feeling like you should be working or you shouldn't go outside because you got to do this thing. Or, like, in general, like, Oh, I'm hungry now. So I want to just order what like, like, there's, there's all of these, like, when it said when she when you're saying like listen to your body. It's like, you gotta get through the crowd until you're like, Oh, this is my actual voice. This is the actual voice that goes like, no, like, you need water or Oh, no, like, yeah, go. Like, it's not gonna kill you to have the desert from time to time. Like, you would actually probably be better if you went for a walk right now, don't try to push yourself through. Like, there's all these other voices that we don't realize are there until it's like, for me meditation was a big thing for that, that helped me start to get into that. But even to I'll have that moment where I'm like, who's talking? Like, like, Who's, who's talking in my head right now. So until I've realized what it is. So like, what do you think is like the really the hard part when like, cuz like I said, it sounds simple. But what do you think is the hardest hurdle that really comes that comes up with your clients that it makes them just not listen to the listen to their body?

Unknown Speaker  16:41  

Yeah, I mean, there's so many factors. And you're right, it takes a long time. I mean, I cover we have a whole module and rewild reset my group program all about me search. And that's not my term that's I first read about it. And then Aviva roms book but I loved it me search, like you're literally doing research about who you are, what makes you tick, you know who that voice is. And those tools you can use are, as you said, meditation, astrology, human design, you know, mindful eating, breath, work, exercise, like all these different tools. And that does help you kind of tune out the noise and get back in touch with yourself. I think, honestly, the hardest part is that our current modern environment and society and culture is set up to not give you those opportunities of quiet alone solitude. So I think it's Cal Newport, he writes about solitude, deprivation and how we are no longer alone with our thoughts. Like ever, like maybe in the shower. Think about it, you're at the grocery store, you're waiting in line, you're on your phone. If you're in an elevator, you're on your phone, if you're tech going for a walk or listening to music, you know, I love podcasts, obviously. But like, we're always, we always have input stimulating input coming at us, whether it's a TV or other people, we're never alone. We were listening to music, we're trying to be productive. We're trying to always use that downtime productively. And as a result, we're not allowed to just be quiet with our own thoughts. And that's actually causing a lot of negative side effects with mental health, physical health, you know, we're losing sight of who we are as people and part of that is losing sight of getting in touch with our body and being in touch with our body.

Jamie Ratermann  18:30  

Oh my gosh, it's it makes it makes so much sense. Cal Newport I've heard the name well Newport one of his books that I feel like

Anna Brown  18:37  

digital minimalism. That's an amazing book. Yeah, I

Jamie Ratermann  18:41  

have to take a look at it for sure. I would as soon as you were talking about it just it made me think of some some days when I'm I have a lot of zoom calls or I like listen to audiobooks or I'm doing all those things. But it's like I get like five seconds of silence and I realized oh wait, i Wait i Why is this feel really like so relaxing? So quickly. And it's a reminder that not only is it technology, but we just have so much chatter outside of ourselves and within ourselves like what like so for me like our won't realize that that's going on until like the very end of the day when I have nothing else that needs to happen. I'll be like, Oh, wait, I have literally had no silence at all all day, which is which is insane. So

Anna Brown  19:25  

yeah, it's tough. It's really tough. I mean, I'm the same and I'm aware of it. You know, I really tried to go for some walks without my phone without headphones that anything. Most you know, also you get the perks of listening to the birds like those. Listening to birdsong has been shown to like improve your mood, improve your creativity, increase your crease, your focus, decreased stress, like there's so many benefits to just unplugging every once in a while and it can be really hard like, I've started to realize that I love where we are in our culture where we are with you know, people being able to voice opinions and, you know, equity and equality and like all that good stuff and free education on social media, like it's amazing. But at the same time, you know, the healthy choice is no longer the easy choice. Unfortunately, with food with lifestyle, it's just you have to go against the grain. Now, in order to make the healthiest choice, you have to make your own food, you have to actively not buy packaged products, you have to really to live like low waste and sustainable, you really have to invest in the proper things. To get this quiet solitude time you really have to schedule it in it sounds crazy, but like scheduled in

Jamie Ratermann  20:41  

totally, you had to block it off I used to have, and I think I'm gonna reinstate it. But I used to have where I would have a Do Not Disturb Hour, which meant no technology, no meetings, but it was always at the very end of the day. And it could be a walk, or it could literally just be like reading a book or like state like, like, like, I would just like lay on the couch and look at the ceiling. Just the idea of being able to relax like that I like because I just realized that I never had a turn off moment throughout the day. So yeah, but I had to build it in I had to build it into the calendar before it would happen. So it makes absolute sense. I think there's a big thing, though, with what you're saying is that a lot of us have the knowledge in some ways, like we we believe that we know. Okay, I know. I know the veggies, I know the proteins, like we can fall between keto and all of the things that people say. But the idea is like we we know the basics, we've been told them, we understand them. But knowledge in this way sometimes isn't, isn't powerful. It's like we know it, but like actually doing it is like creating the habit creating the routine. And I think that's a large part of why I love that you do a group program and in general group programs all together work really well because of that community building. But why do you think people can't do some of this stuff alone? Like you already said, it's like going against the grain. But what's what makes a community make it just easier to get to that point? Oh,

Anna Brown  22:02  

a lot. I think there's the accountability aspect. You know, we partner often do accountability buddies in the wild reset, so that people can kind of check in with each other and see how things are going, I'm checking in with them. So you get a little bit more accountability, you get the inspiration from other people, you know, I mean, I even got inspired by what someone said the other day, because so I'm a big proponent of having your water at least an hour before coffee, water before coffee, always, it's better for your circadian rhythm, it's better for your cortisol boost in the morning to help you wake up naturally. And someone asked like, what's a good way to break the habit of just going straight to my coffee machine. And someone one of these was another dietitian, said put a glass of water on the floor next to your bed. And when you wake up in the morning, you're literally either gonna have to drink it, or you're gonna knock it over. And then you're gonna remember that you need to drink it. And it was so great, you know, so just like getting inspiration ideas from other people in your community, I think is what helps. And just all being part of like this, the same goal and mission is what helps, I mean, my first round of rewild like everyone just totally got off on the right foot. And like really enjoyed kind of this, this group mission of making the world a little bit of a better place. US rewilding going back to nature, you know, they were meeting up IRL, like going for Park walks and stuff like that. So I think it's just having that kind of community is so invaluable for so many different ways.

Jamie Ratermann  23:31  

Totally. I think even that quieting the voice that putting water next to my bed is probably really weird. Be like no the entire group is doing or at least willing to try it. Yeah, it's like, oh, yeah, I'm part of, I'm part of, like, what everyone else is doing is it's such a it's just like such a wonderful way to feel supported. I think I was asked this recently, I think on LinkedIn, I was like, entrepreneurship gets to be this really fun way of realizing this is how we all should be like community wanting everyone to do well. And then you know, sharing what makes us passionate and it's I think it's because we've had to be in these groups or we know that these groups are so nourishing to us that we just wish the whole world could experience entrepreneurship and so fun that way but yeah, so you've talked about reweld reset, which is your program I would love you to share more of that but it's but for you nature is an essential part. And again like you all she said to me it was forest bathing and just the the sound of it was like what give what's that like You're like I just needed they named that they named that habit or that ritual really well because I wanted to be in it. So tell us a little bit about why you why nature is something that is so important. Now both of us are city dwellers we have parks around us so I suppose some of the listeners who may not be in this these types of areas like I have a backyard, but like what's what when you talk about nature specifically like like how, what would be the best way for us to be engaging with nature while still living in the modern world?

Unknown Speaker  25:00  

Yeah, so true. Yeah. So just to back up quickly, like my philosophy I, that I kind of just started talking about more is really is Venn Diagram of science, nature and woowoo. And that's kind of I combined all of those in my practice. And it's been really fun to sort of embody that and play a

Jamie Ratermann  25:17  

little magic potion.

Anna Brown  25:19  

Exactly. So with nature, I one reason that I personally love nature and think it's so powerful. I mean, I grew up in Colorado, and I grew up in Denver, but we had a house in the mountains, and we have a cabin, you know, also in the mountains, and we would go rafting in the summer and hiking and backpacking, and I go skiing, and I was spending time outside all the time. And when I was little, I was like, constantly naked and barefoot. I'm not kidding. Like, I went to preschool naked. But it's my mom's favorite story to tell, beat her to it, so that she can't embarrass me with it, I own it. I was like a wild child, I was naked and barefoot running around. And I so appreciate that. Now that I am living in New York City, because I know when I'm not feeling grounded, and when I'm not feeling calm, and like when I am feeling stressed, what I need is nature. And there's so many studies, and there's so much research coming out now about the health benefits of nature. One small study, you know, that they've been looking at is the forest bathing that you mentioned in Japan. And so that's the act of literally just very mindfully and calmly walking through these gnocchi Cypress forests that are in Japan. And one of the reasons that they found that it's so beneficial for us is that the hinoki, Cypress release Anti A teeny tiny particle called a fight inside, and it's basically an oil that comes off of their their pine needles in their bark. And inhaling that oil actually decreases cortisol lowers blood pressure, so it lowers your stress, and it makes you feel better. And so we obviously can't all go to Japan and for a spade, but you they bottle that hinoki Cypress oil, and so you can just diffuse that in your office or your bedroom wherever you are, and reap the same benefits. So, yeah, it's kind of I love nature, and I grew up in Colorado, but yes, I'm living in Brooklyn. So if I can do it, you can do it. If I go outside barefoot for five minutes a day, so can you because I'm doing it in New York City. And there really are, there's so many benefits. I think when you think about the best way to reconnect with nature, it's just use your five senses. So touch, go outside barefoot, or just touch a tree or sit on the ground for a little bit or pick up a leaf like anything. Site is just going outside and looking around. There is another thing called soft fascination. And it's where our brains are literally able to actually get into a more meditative state just by watching the wind blow in the trees or watching a bird fly. Anything that's nature is going to put your brain into this very restorative stage. That just allows you to be more productive and energized when you go back to work. Sound listening to birds listening to waterfall listening to the wind blow you can do this on Spotify from your office. Again, this isn't something that has to be done outside. Taste is just like eating wholesome seasonal fresh foods, like shop your farmers market, things like that. What am I forgetting taste sound sight smell was the gnocchi Cypress? Yeah,

Jamie Ratermann  28:32  

yeah. Thank you. I think you hit them. Uh, yeah. What's the fifth one? I love that. I think like, I'm just over it. Like, I'm like over here taking notes like, oh, okay, so this doesn't have to be like, This doesn't have to be like, Oh, I must go run out all the time. I mean, so I have a small story. But whenever I was in Guatemala, we met with a Mayan Shaman. And he gave us like, our names and so bringing in bringing in the Whoo, depending on the day, the date, time, location, you were born, he was able to say, okay, so you're this, you're this. And I was considered a spiritual leader, spiritual leader. I think that's right. A character trying to remember. And he was like, Okay, well, you you thrive in cities, you're gonna do really well, but you must get out in nature. And I was like, okay, like, I'm like, I feel like I like water a lot. Can I like go to like a floating tanks and do that thing and he goes, You must be surrounded by forest or you must be surrounded by grass. You must do these things. And, and I was like, Okay, so like the parks. And he's like, You must believe this. Like he just kind of reminding me like you like don't try to like bandaid this like you like get out of the city from time to time because you'll Thrive that way. And it was a nice little reminder for the fact that one I was I was trying to do like a but I'll give it a little bit like like, no, like, I want you to make it a staple in your life, which is exactly what you're saying here. It's like, how like, even if even if it turns out I missed the month of like really getting out and doing something for a day or two days or whatever it might be. It's the idea of like, how does like Did you forget to have nature like like hot? Where does it play a role? So for? Yeah, might have had lettuce today or something but also do I? Did I smell anything other than like my coffee this morning and different things like that I love I love this idea for

Anna Brown  30:14  

sure. Yeah, yeah, we definitely don't all need to like throw our iPhones away and go live in a cabin in the woods. But it is really beneficial if you do live in a city to try and get outside of the city. Once in a while, there was an amazing study that they did, they took a couple of scientists and they took them camping for like two or three days. And their activity, their natural killer cells, which are basically immune system cells increased dramatically just from two days in the forest hiking and camping and the activity level stayed that way for 30 days. So if you can get outside of the city and go hiking once a month, your immune system is going to be stronger. And you're going to you know reap all these other benefits like it really it some of them shouldn't be a daily habit, but others can just be kind of monthly. Yeah,

Jamie Ratermann  31:00  

that's amazing. I did not know that. You guys are hearing why I love Anna. She's just like, Guess what, here's the study and here's the study. Like like my, my I feel like my data nerd does gets like I'm going to amateur versus because he's got all of it. I love it. I don't

Anna Brown  31:15  

have a stats memorized. I just know the take the key takeaways from the studies. Yeah, good.

Jamie Ratermann  31:21  

I love it. Yeah, no, I think I even to i, if anyone's kind of wanting to just feel what this looks like i i Absolutely. Like whenever I am in the park, or what that looks like is, is in general can feel the difference. Just by taking off my shoes and like like walking around in the grass for a moment. I I was I don't know, I don't go naked to preschool. But I go to school, but I I definitely was barefoot kid like I was I will always run around in the backyard. And even now like I'm barefoot in our apartment most of the time and my fiance will be like, like, did you not wear shoes or what? And I was like, what, like, this is how this is what's normal. And I'm like, but knowing that sometimes when you know, I've been in sandals or something all day in the park or Central Park. I'm like, Oh, wait, hold up. Look, before we leave, I just like do a quick little like, trot with barefoot to cut it to get that. You know that that nature feeling? For sure. Yeah,

Anna Brown  32:15  

yeah. And you know, not to throw out another research study. But there is a study about grounding, and it lowers our inflammation and improves our sleep. I mean, these are like clinical trials that they're actually doing with it improves your wound healing. So in hospitals, they're trying to help people ground to improve their wound healing. So this is that connection that like Venn diagram of the woowoo the nature and the science, like it's all actually coming together now. And anyone who says otherwise, you know, again, that's just the polarization of the world right now, unfortunately. And I think we all need to learn to live in that middle space a little bit better.

Jamie Ratermann  32:54  

Oh, totally. Yeah, I think the when astrology finally like clicked me, and we'll have to have to have Sophia on because we're, we've kind of like, mentioned her a little bit here. And there. Is that? It? It just makes sense. Like, we believe the weather changes, like we believe meteorologists, but why wouldn't you know, planets? And how, like how the earth shifts, like, affect the people standing on it? Like, like, why wouldn't that be something that would work together? And there's, of course, we again, like I'll have Sophia and she'll be like, here's science. Like, here's, like, it's not just a thought, but I think like you're talking about your Saturn Return and all and everything that was coming through and I it sounds like it's woowoo. But guess what, there is science to prove that it's that it's not just like us talking about random.

Jamie Ratermann  33:38  

Yeah. Plus, it's all what you believe. You know, I mean, the mind over matter is a huge component. And you see that in research trials that they'll give people a placebo pill, and they'll feel just as better as the people getting the actual intervention pill. Yeah, I mean, there's literally studies where they've done fake knee surgeries, and people say their knee feels better. So it's all what youthink. Believe. Yeah. Our thinking? Yeah,

Jamie Ratermann  34:06  

Bruce Lipton is definitely like the power of belief and like I've I've dove into him a lot lately. It just like does your beliefs really do create your reality like even even to like this concept of mindset and different aspects of it, like you can like people with a positive and negative mindset can be both in a shitty situation but the person who's decided that they're going to believe that this is temporary or believe that they're going to work their way through it is likely going to be the one that leaves that should a situation much quicker versus I'm like, This is crap, I want to this is always going to be crappy for me. Like there's, there's so much that's just Brain Stuff. And we're gonna do like a 30 part series about how your body is most fantastic. Like we could talk about all this so much, but I think what I would love to dive into is like I've had you come in as a guest coach because of our programs to be able to say, you know, the way one person is productive or even to the way one The person does their days, their business does not mean that that is the right way for you to do it. So a lot of what I like to coach as a business, a business coach is that we are our own best leaders. And the way we think it's going to work best is probably going to work we'll get I'll give you some strategy. But as long as it's like you realize as yours has a lot to do with tuning in with your body with, which is exactly what Anna has been sharing with us, but also, like, what, like, what's the purpose that she wants to tell? Like, kind of give us a little bit of a deep dive you told you talked about a little bit about our cycle. But also, there's the moon cycles to it for women as well. But like Chrono types, tell us more about the chrono types, because I that that was definitely an eye opener for me.

Anna Brown  35:44  

Yeah, yeah. So we're animals, we are mammals. And so we are influenced by the sun by the moon, you know, look at the tides, we are mostly water. So we are influenced by the moon. We're also influenced by the seasons. So these are all things that we see in our biological rhythms. So this is the stuff this is chronobiology, which is the study of our biological rhythms and how they affect us. And at the very center of this kind of like our thumbprint is our chronotype. And that is a genetic predisposition to go to sleep or wake up at a certain time of day or night. So if you have a brain called like a night owl or an early bird, they're talking about your Chrono type. So I like to use Michael Bruce's, for Chrono types, he wrote the power of one, you can figure out your chronotype by going to power one quiz.com. And there's four Chrono types, there's the bear, the lion, the wolf and the dolphin. And so the bear is the majority of people. And so this is what like the traditional nine to five job is built for because these people wake up with the sun, and they go to sleep with the sun. So they wake up like around seven 730. And then they want to go to bed like around 1010 30. So they are the most productive around mid morning, which is, you know, 9:10am when you're getting into work, then you have the lions, and those are the early birds. So they tend to wake up before dawn, and then they want to be asleep by like nine. So for them, their most productive time is actually going to be like earlier in the morning. Because that's you know, when they wake up and they're like ready to go, then you have the wolf. And those are kind of the night owls. And so they tend to be most productive. Like later, they get kind of a second wind around 6pm. And that's when a lot of wolves say that they do their best work is like 6pm, or even after 9pm. Some people are like the world goes to sleep, that's when I'm most productive. Whereas like the lion before the world wakes up, that's when they're most productive. And then the dolphin, they don't really have a set rhythm, they tend to be people who suffer from insomnia, like don't can't really keep a good schedule. So they have to sort of figure out when their most productive time is going to be based on how they've been sleeping recently. But usually, it's around like four to six in the afternoon. So yeah, like why this is important as that it's this, your chronotype is based on the length of your period three gene, and so it's genetic, so you can't change it. So if you've ever like, you know, we've been trying to join the 5am club for a year and you're like trying to wake up, but you just always hit snooze, you can't seem to do it. Like it's probably just not in your chronotype to wake up, you're probably just not a lion. And so you really can't beat yourself up about it. What you need to do is learn who you are, what you are, what chronotype you are, and then sync your circadian rhythm with that chronotype so that you can work when your body is most primed biologically, hormonally to be doing that kind of work. Because this is genetic influences our hormones and it influences our sleep wake cycle, it influences our digestion. So we all have optimal times to be doing all of these things based on our karyotype. So I

Jamie Ratermann  38:52  

love it. I love it. So I want to ask myself, I'm a bear. And you're I believe what you're saying is Yeah, and yeah. So i i What I love about this is as hopefully for everyone, well, maybe we'll drop that quiz in the show notes because it is it is pretty good one but being able to just know that like there's nothing wrong with you if you decide that you don't want to get up at the crack of dawn like i i definitely read the 5am club and I was like, this makes total sense. For me like a good 6:20am As good as as good as it's gonna get because that feels pretty strong for me. So like I think that that's a part of it, but even to the as soon as you showed me this and like taught me this. I was like, Okay, so that's why I love a morning workout. That's why from like 10 to one is like a prime time for me to be really creative. And even within that being able to shift whenever like like, of course I teach time management. If somebody goes this doesn't work for me and be like, Okay, fine. Let's talk about what does work for you and I absolutely had a night owl I've had I've had someone who like they do their best work from seven to nine and they shouldn't feel guilty for that. Like, there's no reason to be like, Oh, well, I'm not like the rest of them like No, like you are. Just like your body tells you that you're going to be and I and that's, I think that's a really big deal when it comes when it comes to that. So like, kind of since you're a lie, and you're not the, you know, very normal. They're like, how have you kind of noticed like, just like how your Chrono types just a little different than what's considered the usual yeah helped you to be able to just like, Okay, well, that's not work for them, not for me. It's how I do things. Yeah, totally.

Anna Brown  40:35  

So my husband is a bear. And we do not go to bed or wake up at the same time ever anymore. Like, literally, I get I crawl into bed at night, and he comes to bed at like, 11. You know, I get up at five and he gets up at seven. So it's interesting being in a relationship, being in a partnership, and just kind of being chips in the night as it relates to going to bed. So that's interesting. But what I've noticed is that yeah, I mean, I wake up at especially in the summer when the sun is rising really early. I'm like 5am boying eyes are open, ready to go. Unfortunately, Lily is going through also a 5am phase. So we're up together. So I've kind of lost my two hours in the morning that I used to get for myself. So I've had to sort of shift my schedule. And that's the other thing about Chrono types is that you have to kind of understand that there's things that are out of your control. You know, like if you're a night owl, that you have to be at work at 6am Because you're a trainer and you love being a trainer. Like there's ways to work around it. But like, it just helps to have that understanding. It helps you feel less guilty, it helps you make better decisions. And I'm not sure if I'm answering your original question, but yeah, I mean, basically, when before Lily was born, when I was in school, I found that I could wake up and like really get a lot of work done get a lot of studying done, you know, before 9am That was like my most productive time. I miss my mornings, but I know I'll get them back soon. Maybe when she's a teenager, but we'll see.

Jamie Ratermann  42:08  

Oh, really? So that's like, I mean, let's talk about you as an entrepreneur. So like like like I said, like I'm my afternoons are usually clients and then like I you know, I get to bed at 11 is pretty solid, pretty solid for me. So like, knowing that that's a part of like how my traditional routine goes. That's not something that would naturally work for you now good if you like, you could train yourself in some a certain way. Like what what does your, you know, day to day as an entrepreneur look like as a lion? Yeah, lioness,

Unknown Speaker  42:39  

as a toddler and childcare, I mean, I pretty much I try to do as much as I can before she wakes up. So whether that's a five minute workout, literally like a five minute peloton, and then like meditate, drink my water, you know, get stuff organized for the day, whatever it is. And then when we're awake together, it's like I'm spending time with her because that's my time kind of with her. But during the time we're having breakfast, I'm changing, you know, so that when she her nanny comes at nine, like I can really sit down and get to work because again, that morning time is when I'm the sharpest. That's my peak productivity. And then I always have lunch around noon, because I have breakfast so early. And then as a lion, like, we often need a little bit of a rest around 1pm. So all if I'm feeling a low energy day, like, especially if it's the week of my period, when you are supposed to feel more low energy and rest a bit more, I'll take a nap or like do a quick meditation or just go for a walk to get outside, if that's going to energize me. And then the afternoon, I usually do a little bit more like kind of flowy creative work or seeing clients like in the afternoon because that doesn't require like as much deep work as, let's say, you know, writing the client notes or writing their protocols or writing a blog post stuff like that. That's what I like to do in the morning. Because it's fun, I'm more productive. So yeah, you just have to figure out when that peak productivity time is for you. Versus when you're feeling a little more like flowy creative and then schedule that in based on your chronotype and I'm always happy to share there's like sample days for each chronotype just people can message me on Instagram I'm always happy to send a screenshot of those two

Jamie Ratermann  44:27  

totally totally. I think I think the reason why I love just kind of hearing like your routine and like kind of sharing a peace of mind is that I don't want like I don't want any of my listening to like to take our routines like if you're like none of that none of that's gonna like like like oh yeah, maybe that would work for me for sure. Like this is What's lovely about giving examples but I there's there's something about like when you know people watch Instagram are they allowed to watch somebody else and they go, Oh, this girl always does her yoga in the morning and she has everything figured out and has Such a leisurely relaxed thing that that comparison. Not only is that not great, right? But also it's, that may not work for you. And we could talk about how that may not be her morning routine every day. But the idea of like, this is powerful to be able to go like, this is what works for me. Like, I'll try that. But I have every right to say no, because I want to listen to my body and the process. So being able to tap into, really, I really find this to be a superpower to be able to, like really tap into your intuition and be like, Well, how was My energy levels feeling that that allows me to continue to like every day be like a little bit 1% better, more than anything else? Like, did I actually tap into what I needed today? I didn't so that I didn't, that's the only thing that does, that should be that goal. And I think that's why Chrono types, like I would love to talk about, like periods and different aspects of how that can be helpful to but like, the idea of, like, knowing that the way you do it is the right way to do it.

Anna Brown  46:01  

Yes, exactly. Knowing that we're all different. And that's part of the research is figuring out what you need. On what day, what day of the month, what day of your cycle, what date, what season, and just honoring that. Yeah, absolutely.

Jamie Ratermann  46:15  

So we're more or less in the roundabout was saying that the hustle stuff is both bullshit. We're both saying that, like, you know, I don't always take naps, but I love a good nap in the afternoon when she was cheering. I'm like, yeah, maybe that would be nice. today. Maybe I'll do that. But but as far as the way in which you see health and how it integrates with, you know, people trying to create a successful business, or people trying to, in general just feel more energy throughout their day, like, how do you see health and we could talk about the productivity, we could even talk health and just like, feeling like you're a leader in your business.

Anna Brown  46:57  

So many things, I get really frustrated that people don't take their health more seriously. Because when you're not when you don't feel well, how do you expect to show up in your business as your highest self, you know, I mean, I've worked with entrepreneurs, I work with people who work traditional nine to five jobs, and they're feeling bloated all the time, they're tired in the afternoon, they're not sleeping, well, you know, their hormones are off. And it's like, you can't show up as your most vibrant self in that scenario. So you really do have to prioritize your health. I truly think that if we all woke up feeling so good every single day, that we're going to be kinder, we're going to be more inspired, we're going to do more, we're going to show up as our highest self and like, that's what's gonna make the world a better place. So that's kind of my why is that I really want people to thrive, people are surviving right now, I can't tell you how many clients come to me saying I just feel like I'm surviving, like, I'm ready to start thriving. And if you if your health is thriving, if you're waking up with energy, if you're feeling, you know, that makes you feel inspired, if you have that sustained energy throughout the day, if you're sleeping well, if you're digesting well, so you're not bloated or tired. Like you're gonna be able to show up so much better for your business. And I think people don't realize that the ROI of just investing in working with a dietitian or health coach or a doctor. It's, you're gonna see so much more than you would think. So yeah, that's kind of that's another thing too, like grinds my gears is seeing. I personally, I mean, I've invested so much in my business, I was in social expansion. I've had one on one business coaching, I've done copywriting, like, I've done all the things. But before I did all of that, I worked with a functional doctor, and I made sure that my SIBO was cured and that my hormones are balanced and that I have energy. And when I don't have those things, like I know what to do to get myself back to that that level because we can't show up for our businesses if we don't feel good.

Jamie Ratermann  49:05  

Absolutely. Oh my gosh, absolutely. How many times I've had a client call and they're like, nothing's working. I just don't feel like it. Like I'm getting much engagement there's nothing like I can't I can't be as productive as I want to. I just don't think I want to make as much money as I want to this like they're just like in the they're in the spiral of sorts. And you know, the natural I think this was reaction might be okay, so let's see your posts. Let's take a look at the copy. Let's see what this is like look like. That's like the normal thing. So don't be like alright, how have you been sleeping? And like, yeah, and that's the their first reaction is really like, well, but that's not like know how actually, oh, maybe like, I don't know, four hours like, have you gotten outside and you've been like, what's your workouts been like lately? I don't know. I haven't done them. Like, they're like I'm in a lunch. I'm like, I'm scared. Like I'm really scared about these things. And I like I put that off for this. And that is like the epitome of have, like the hostile culture like putting off everything else that makes you feel 100% for productivity for business being a robot in some in your business instead of the living, breathing source of everything, which is exactly what it is. And I agree with you clearly, I named myself things thrive because I want people to be thriving. And I think that's a big part of it. And in the mastermind, recently I've been a slogan has come through is that the more alive you feel in your life, the more success you're gonna have in your business. And I think that, like because there's a little bit of guilt to like vacations and trips and like enjoying their family. And it's like, Wait, hold on, like, when you come back into the office, you just experienced life, you're going to find that, like, you're more creative, you're going to find that you feel better, because you took that time. And it's so true is that I would rather not talk about strategies and like how to make this offer 100% If you haven't fed yourself if you haven't slept well, if you haven't, like literally just been that thing that that that initial thing, we're supposed to be as a human first, like, what what can you do to take care of yourself. And I think that's so important.

Anna Brown  51:11  

It's all it all comes down to energy and vibrations. Like, again, that's the woowoo that's played in, but they're literally they're measuring vibrations of stuff now, and the vibrations of food over like fresh food versus packaged food. And so it's how can you do the things to raise your vibration as much as possible, make a list of low vibe and high vibe things, you know, for me low vibe things alcohol, not sleeping, watching too much TV not getting outside, you know, the flip side, high vibe things, you know, wholesome food, not watching TV, maybe spending time alone, getting outside getting sunshine sleep, like all those things, if you can just raise your vibration, like, that's the energy you're putting out there. And you're so right, it's like, if you don't feel the guilt for taking time off, then think of that vibration that you're putting out there. I mean, I was on vacation in Cape Cod and had like three discovery calls just get booked, even though I wasn't posting or doing anything. Think about it, it's like raising your vibration is raising your vibration. And that's what's gonna come back. So that's the other part of it, that investing in your health is going to raise your energy and your vibration, and that sweat will be put out there.

Jamie Ratermann  52:20  

Totally, totally either. The Joe Dispenza download of really understanding that, like the energy we create is what we attract is a big is a big piece here. But it's it's it comes down to like really creating business leaders who take care of themselves first. 100%, always, but I think a part of it is like the way you treat yourself is how you're teaching the rest of the world to treat you. And that's like if we can talk about the energies and vibrations, but really, that's the core of this how well you treat yourself as how everyone else sees you. And like, like, I know that sounds harsh, but like if you're being harsh to yourself, we kind of we can feel it. There's a vibe. And I think that when if we know that you're taking care of yourself, they're like, what's going on, there's something happening over there that it's you're also a vibe, so it is financially abundant for you to take care of yourself. It is lifestyle abundant for you to spend time with your family, all of these things will help you as a person. And of course, as somebody who is running a business.

Unknown Speaker  53:20  

Yep, exactly.

Jamie Ratermann  53:23  

I love it so much. And again, I like i You're gonna have a be a repeat guest because there's so many other things that I haven't even get to cycle thinking. Like, we could keep talking. And I do love a good long podcasts. But also to know that you have your time. It's like, let's give you your time back to. But what, before we hop off, I always like to ask my guests a quick question quick. What does limitless really mean to you?

Anna Brown  53:49  

Such a good question. My answer sort of two part one is going to be a little wound that one's gonna tie back to health and kind of what we've been talking about. I think, for me limitless is the idea that the idea you have for what you want your life to look like. You just have no idea what the universe actually has in store for you. So it's like you can have that idea. And you can have that goal. But you should just go along for the journey, see what's gonna happen because guaranteed, like the universe has something even better in store for you. So just allowing your existence here and your impact to be limitless because that's really how high it can go. And the other key the other like side of that point is that when you do take care of yourself and when you do feel really freaking good every single day when you wake up like you will be limitless in your business. Like there's just there's no stopping someone who is functioning at their most optimal health. It's just that's a fact.

Jamie Ratermann  54:50  

Period, end of discussion. Mic drop if we could drop these legs. I love it. Anna. Thank you so much for joining me today. Go ahead and tell us a little bit about what it would look like to work with you. How can we reach out?

Anna Brown  55:05  

Yeah, so I work virtually with clients through my one on one programs. I have three months I have one month, we do a lot of functional testing to get to that root cause to see if there is something going on hormonally or with your gut. And then we do very customized protocols over the three months to get you back to you know, optimal health. And then I do have my group coaching program rewild reset. We are launching the third round of it in September, it's going to be better than ever. I'm so excited. So that waitlist is open right now if you want to sign up for a bonus and you know money off and also a bonus one on one call with me.

Jamie Ratermann  55:41  

Amazing. Yeah, well, we'll drop all that stuff in the show notes for you, Anna, thank you so much for being here.

Anna Brown  55:47  

Thank you for having me.


22. Improve your SEO Ranking and Boost Your Website Traffic with Lauren Taylar


20. Modern Way to Sell