20. Modern Way to Sell

Limitless Podcast —Episode 20— Sales

There are many misconceptions about modern selling. Many are even caught in the constant grind of achieving a sales quota or fighting the feeling of being too “salesy” or being money hungry. Today, on the Limitless Podcast, Jamie explains the importance of finding your purpose to hold new clients at their highest. How allowing them to see your product’s or service message can create a faster and more supportive journey to the lives they want. 

Episode’s Highlights: 

  • Pain point marketing vs Relationship-based marketing. 

  • The importance of knowing whom you are selling to and why you should build a meaningful relationship with potential clients 

  • Using the challenges your clients have experienced in the past to come up with a solution and help them achieve their goals. 

  • Discovering your “why” and how that can help you make sales in your business 

  • Peacock your Purpose: understanding your purpose.  


Looking to allow sales to be a little more effortless? Check out my new 5-week website conversion program, The Wealth Portal here: https://www.jamieratermann.com/the-wealth-portal

Thrive Mastermind: https://www.jamieratermann.com/thrive-mastermind

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Read transcript below

Jamie Ratermann  0:00  

So whenever you're talking about your product or services, let's not downplay it, let's not act like it is just what everybody else does. But it's just you just slapped your name on it. Why? Why did you decide this? Why did you decide that this is what you want? What do you hope your clients feel like? Like really diving into what that looks like? So putting it as an example, if you're a photographer, you don't just take photos you don't. That's not what you do. You create memories and experiences, you allow them to feel their best in front of a camera. You're listening to the limitless podcast where we dig into all of the possibilities that exist when you lean into the big vision for your life and your business. Hi, my name is Jamie Ratterman. And I am a Holistic business coach, meaning I am just as invested in growing your health as I am in growing your wealth. With 11 plus years and Brennan social media marketing, I help rebellious entrepreneurs master marketing and body leadership and say fuck it to the hustle. This show is here to encourage you to become radically aware of your self-imposed limits, break free of your shoulds and to expand your brand into a movement led by you. The way I see it, marketing as a way of spreading your mission. Social media is a gift for connection. And sales are where you build your strongest relationships. Let's dig in. Hello lovelies, welcome to episode 20 of the limitless podcast, I am getting started on a big day. But I am also putting some like last finishing touches on a website program I'll be launching in the next week or so. So this week of this recording, so you'll be hearing all about it probably by the time this episode goes live. But I am so excited for the fact that we're going to talk a little bit about today because I want to share about why you know selling and websites get to be really fun, but you're gonna get this like sneak peek at what I am planning on diving into within this program and why it's so important. Now for many of you, I've been hearing that last week's episode was killing it for you, you absolutely related to my story about the hustle and how you're slowly trying to break out from it, you're slowly trying to release the identity of that, like over productive overworked people pleaser, all of the above, a lot of you are sharing your stories with me in the DMS and I have so much pleasure in knowing that when I get vulnerable, you all feel like you can connect with me better. So I would love, love for you to continue to do that. If you haven't already. Take a moment to subscribe to this podcast. I'm here to continue to give you the stories, some tips, tricks, of course, but also amazing interviews for you to be the best that you can be aka limitless, the limitless version of yourself. So if you want to see more of that, please do me a favor and subscribe as well from time to time just show up in my DMs tell me what you love about these episodes, I would love to hear and we can continue to become more limitless cells together. Okay, so today we're going to talk about the modern way of selling. So I have worked with entrepreneurs who are, you know, at the beginning of their stage of the first time they've ever had to really sell on their social before. Before that time, they were more of a personal brand. And like, you know, just sharing like family updates or trips like nothing really trying to push, what their purpose is the business that they've created, what that can look like. And that can be one side of like, Okay, what does it feel like to sell when you're doing when you're moving from that level to the next.

Jamie Ratermann  3:36  

I also have entrepreneurs who have been doing it for a while and they have this really deep like proving energy that comes from them going like this is the best program possible you like, this is how you must do it, then there's a chorus of people that are just not feeling that clarity. So really what it comes down to and when, when big corporations or even smaller, smaller businesses really think about it is when it comes down to marketing, it is being able to clearly share what you're selling clearly being able to understand the power of what your business is, but also how you do that through messaging. So I can't start any episode here talking about selling without addressing, you know, the things in the room. The icky feelings, the I don't want to sell, I know that there's a lot of that feeling or even to for many of my clients who've been selling for a long time, but like I just feel like I'm over selling or I'm doing it too much. And I think that there 's's definitely a side of this before we even jump into the messaging part of this is that yeah, again, we need to think about what's happening internally what's happening internally when we're ready to sell our business. I can certainly remember when I made the switch from like just sharing my musings like my travels, and then starting to talk about my business. I was like, wow, people are gonna think that I think I'm so good. ate it. Like I'm, I think so highly of myself, if I'm going to share this way, there's gonna definitely be a bit of a leap. Like I'll call it a quantum leap and your identity, when you make this switch from being a, just a brand on, on social, like just sharing who you are, without really like thinking about how you're a business and making the leap to, here's what I provide, here's how you can dive in. So understand that if you currently have any icky feelings around selling, you're, you're normal, you're okay like that. There's nothing wrong with you, you're just jumping into a new phase of who you are. But also know that there's no way that we can build and grow if we're selling in the dark. So it's important to take these big steps in these weird feelings and walking yourself through them. So the biggest three that I normally hear whenever someone is talking about making this change, and starting to sell on their social media, is that one, they will feel desperate. So anyone who like if anyone reads this, they're gonna think I'm just like desperate that I that clearly, I need money or something. That's why I'm, I'm selling this program. Okay, that's one another one is greedy, or your money hungry. So this usually comes down to whenever you're DMing, somebody and just saying like, Hey, I noticed that you really are engaging with a certain type of my content, this program might be a really great fit for you. And they're like, No, that's so greedy, don't

Jamie Ratermann  6:32  

you think that they would think that I'm money hungry? If I do that there's, there's that limiting block that will come up as well. And the third one is that whenever we're doing some really big program that we're excited about or this new product launch, we're excited about. All of all of that will come down to the fact that can I prove to them that I'm the best thing that they can possibly do? Or can I show how all of my years of experience is the most important thing that they should know? Or can I prove that I know the most about this thing. So whenever someone's selling there's this, they put this extra pressure on themselves, where it's like, if I'm going to launch a program, I must be the perfect example of it. I must have done this forever. And no one else is doing what I'm doing. So there are these pitfalls, right, we're gonna see that we understand them. Now, one, these are, these are not put on you by anybody else. These are self-imposed limits. I just want to be very clear, before I even dive into these here, but this idea of you being desperate, why do you feel desperate? Ask yourself those questions like, what does it why would this make me look desperate, if I know the more people that buy my products or services, will be able to reach a new level in their life, like anywhere from skincare products like going like I been selling this because I know that people are going to feel more confident if they, if they're able to take care of their skin, why would that be desperate? I really like one piece here is going back to that why. And then the second thing is, is that the more money that we make, the more we're able to serve more people. So this idea of being greedy, or money hungry, the best transformations you're ever going to make are going to be with clients, your followers get to get tons of value from you, which are absolutely fantastic. But you are far from greedy, when you realize the best type of support I can give to you cost the money, the best kind of support, requires an investment in what they want for their lives and in you as the person who guides them there. So knowing that this second one here, greedy or money hungry, again, the self-imposed limit, you know that you can help them reach their goals a lot faster, you know that they can reach the desired life that they want a lot faster. So definitely a part here. Last one this proves your value. We're going to dive into this a lot within this episode. But what it really comes down to is that it's this, this proving over proving is, again, hustle culture coming in again, it is also a lot of masculine energy, the fact that the quote-unquote, the markets too saturated or that we're sitting here, trying to compete with everybody else has been doing this for their lives as well. So all of this, all of these self-imposed blocks, especially this last one here, are are things that we can overcome, but it takes that internal work. So understand that if you're feeling any of those things, the best way to do it, the best way to work yourself out of those feelings is to activate a new version of selling for you a new version that's going to feel like you are absolutely helping people because that's what you're doing. You're empowering others not at all. Um, I know that I'm sitting here talking about this as I am a coach, but your products, empower people, your services are going to empower people, everything that are at least the kind of brands that I like to work with. And I'm sure you are one of them is that their products or services help bring people to a better level in their lives. So that's what's really important here. So what's the switch? What does this look like? So for many years, pretty much all of the years, pain point marketing has been the way in which we like to approach and talk about programs or talk about products. So what this means is that we know the problems that you have, and we're going to make sure you're reminded of them. So if I'm thinking that if I'm trying to pursue someone with pain, point marketing, let's say I work in Finance, I would say, if you don't have an emergency fund, you're screwed, I have the answer, right. Or, if you're spending tons of money on getting coffee out every day, you're not going to be able to retire.

Jamie Ratermann  11:04  

Or even even within that, I know that you've been wasting all of your food, it gets thrown in the trash every week, this is how to be a better this, this is where you become a better person. All of that is like we're going to target the challenges and the problems that you have, we're going to make sure that you feel kind of bad about yourself, you can feel you know that you know that that like you have a problem and you haven't fixed it yet. And then where are we are the only solution. That's what pain point marketing ends up being. So this is where you're creating this world of need. And we'll get into this even more like you need this product to be a better person you need this more than this product can elevate your life, can elevate who you are. And we and we want to be there to nurture that for you. Now, in the past, I want to say and I could be wrong, but I would definitely say that I think social media has brought on a new version of marketing. And just by me being a power user of it, and also being in marketing for the last 11 years is that I've absolutely seen a switch, where we are adding more meaning to the way we sell we're adding more meaning to the way we market our products and services. And that ends up being based off of connection ends up being based off of really knowing the clients or the type of clients that are going to soar using our products and services. So this is where I what I call relation based marketing. So relation based marketing is where you intimately know where your clients are headed where they would like to be. So this is where instead of talking about what problems they have, you want to talk about the next level of their life, where they're headed where they want to go. So relationship based marketing is one going back to what was that episode two, about really understanding who your audience is really understanding what where what role they have in their life and where they're going. But also how your product will help them get there faster how your service is the thing that's going to be supportive to make sure that this is the time that is going to work for them. So relationship based marketing is based off of connection first, is based off of understanding the destination that they want to go to. So a really is dives much further into purpose. We're purposely creating a product that makes you feel amazing, we're purposely creating a program that's going to fast track the growth that you're looking for. So that's a big difference between, hey, there's something wrong with you. This is our product versus, hey, we know that you've been trying to achieve financial wealth, we know that you've been trying to achieve like more nights at home with your family. And without wasting food in the fridge. This program is going to help you get there. So all all like it's really being able to lean into how would you want to have a really kind and meaningful conversation and then be able to talk about how the how afterwards, right? So if you want after I've said all of these things, you want to be able to not do this masculine pushy, quote unquote greedy form of selling where you're really trying to push somebody to love your product who did absolutely get into it. This is what you don't want to do. So it's really important to understand that while I say let's not talk let's not go after pain point marketing. It's about how you use it. So understanding what kind of problems challenges that your clients have. Absolutely. Like you can absolutely understand And what that is, but using it to prey on them is where it gets to a bad level, using it to say that there's something wrong with your client and you're the answer or using it to like make them feel bad and make a kind of a buying decision based off of guilt and shame. That's where pain point marketing is the problem. So understand what challenges they they received, or they are they have where, where you uniquely help them. That's a big part. But don't use it as a way to be the forefront of the way in which you sell a program or product. So let me use an example here. If I'm a fitness trainer, I'm likely going to want to tell people to like or to talk about Hi know,

Jamie Ratermann  15:45  

you want to lose weight, Oh, you haven't lost those 10 or 15 pounds yet, oh, you've been eating that crap food, or, Oh, you've been skipping the gym so many days each week, all of these weigh all of these ways, I could just be diving into the challenges that I know that my training client might be having. So I'm gonna, I'm gonna tell her you've been eating crap food, you need to lose weight cut, even saying it makes me just feel a little bit funky. Right? And, and I know that you've been skipping workouts. Now, these are challenges that a client or training client would receive, like, like, like they like, we want to help them be consistent all of these places. But that trainer is going to be preying on them, that trainer is going to prove to them that they've been wasting their time, right? So it's gonna feel really icky. So this is where you don't use those challenges. Whenever you're talking about selling a program, you might say something a little different. Hey, like, what are your goals? How do you want to feel in your body? That could be a different approach. And then someone might say, Yeah, I think maybe I need to lose this amount of weight, or what this might look like and what oh, well, let's talk about your habits. Instead, it's going to be a lot more about how you can help them get there without making them feel guilt, or shame, or that they're the problem. They're already good. They your goal is to get them to desire to work with you so that they can get to that next level of their lifestyle a little bit better. The second piece here, what not to do is to be impersonal. Now how many of you have absolute spam DMS in your, in your Instagram, I get a decent amount on my LinkedIn, of just someone going Hey, love what you do, here's this product that's going to help you gain 10,000 followers, here's this product that's going to help you get more leads. Or here's this product that is gonna, like I've definitely got like a like a milkshake brand that just like like here's what it is like sharing all of these like basic ideas, where you don't even have to ask, you know that you have been copied and paste, you know that they've like literally what I like to call like, sprayed, sprayed their message across the internet, and are expecting results. This is where they think quantity over quality is the problem. So this is what not to do is to be impersonal, what not to do is to not be clear of who you're speaking to. But also to especially when it comes to these DMS, especially when it comes to reaching out directly to clients who've been engaging with you. If you don't add one personal detail, like one personal detail, what's the point? Why even go through this? Like it's so silly like a little mini story, I was once sold twice, two different companies for that, for that matter? The exact same message about a lease driven company. So I read the first message on LinkedIn. And I was like, Okay, well, they clearly don't know what I am. So that's my usually my responses to some of the cold messages or what do you why do you think you're the best business for me and I'm waiting for them to look at the laundry list that's in my LinkedIn profile, or that's all the content that I create every day to like, be able to pretty much prompting them to, hey, could you try a little harder? Like that'll be what it is. But even to when I got the second message from a different company using the exact same draft of that cold message. I like I got a little spicy. Mitigate here. I got a little spicy. I got this. Hey, Joey, I got this exact same message from your competitor. Did you guys find it on some website? Joey didn't bother me again. Let me be clear. It's not his name. But I I was sitting there going like, this is not the way we're going to market anymore. It's just not. We have all been using social media for more than 10 years. We all have been sharing pieces of ourselves pieces of our lives, our dreams, the people that we love on social media. Yeah. So if you're being impersonal and saying, Hey, you should know about this without even trying to give a one liner, even just a one liner like, hey, Carla, I have, like, I've been loving your recent travel lately, I had to I had you in mind for something, something as simple as that

Jamie Ratermann  20:18  

can allow someone to feel seen, feel hurt. And that's a big part of this. So if you are, in general, engaging in cold messaging, cold calls, this is my opportunity to tell you, it's not going to work anymore. And to stop. So allow it to be allow yourself to relax and know that I'm going to create more like maybe I'll send out fewer messages. But they're going to be more potent and more powerful, because I'm going to use the information that I have at my disposal. And this is also my call you if any of you decide to DM me on LinkedIn, I have my I have more than actually that I have probably a my 20 years of my life on that profile, you can absolutely use whatever I've given you to say hello, if you ever feel weird about jumping in there, because I want you to I want to have good conversations and I want and I'm giving that information through my content, same as all of your clients, all of the people that you want to work with us what is given to you, why not? Absolutely, why not? Let's dive into those last piece. So I've started to mention parts of it a little bit. But it's really gets into how you your goal is to not be needed. As a business, you don't want to be needed, you want to be desired. It's not that you are doing something that nobody else is doing is because it's the way in which you want to do it. So being able to understand that you don't want clients to need you, a couple of things happen, you're going to stop putting down a potential client are going to stop doing that pain point marketing preying on them, you're going to stop feeling like you have to prove something to them because they need you. Instead, instead you're going to the goal will be able to look at them and see them at their highest see them that there they are already enough. Doesn't isn't that sound amazing? Just at the top of the top of this, that if I have any of you ever become clients, I'm telling you, I already know your enough. This is where I want you to be encouraged to share more about yourselves to share more about your stories, to be able to achieve that life with guidance to achieve that calm, relaxed business ownership with guidance, with support with a way to get there faster. So the idea here is if you are trying to push this something that somebody needs this, that's where you're going to get that clue. Okay, wait, I'm I'm diving into my proving energy here, or I'm preying on them a little bit. What would make this? What would make this product, something that that would help them get to their next level? What would make this program feel like something that they would feel so much support by? A big part here is that sometimes I will have some in in my DMs and they'll be asking questions like, oh, what like, what about this program versus this program? And my quickest response would be like, What is your dream level support right now? What's your most desired level of support? And that will and that will be where we start the conversation versus what do you need right now? What are you struggling with? We get like I have those questions. Like, I'll ask her like, what are the challenges you definitely want to overcome. But that is not the way I'm going to enter into a conversation. So play with a plan with these ideas, we're not going to use the pain points to prey on people. We're not going to be in personnel anymore. And we want to be a desired business that someone works with versus need. So those are things of what not to do. Now let's think about what the switch happens. Now I'm really excited because it gets so easy once you get there. Because this switch in this to relationship based marketing gets to be more purposeful, more meaningful, more fun. So work I want to talk about three basic concepts of the way in which you want to start talking about your selling messaging or your sales messaging. So I've talked about pain points a couple of times here now I want you to think of pleasure points. Yeah. What what how can you think how your programs create pleasure? I know right? Feels weird to say it. Yeah. How can you think about working with you is a frickin pleasure. So this is where you get to use those under those full understandings of the challenges that they have the

Jamie Ratermann  24:59  

the problem forms that they're trying to overcome, you can understand where those are at. So let's go back to that fitness trainer that we already talked about. So if I already have this list of like, I know that they I know that they'd like to lose weight, I know that they like to be more consistent at the gym, I know that they would like to stop eating bad food. If that's if that's my list of what their pain points are, what would happen if they would work with me, let's flip it to the pleasure points. So the pleasure points are going to be feel stronger in their body. Like, can't wait for bikini season that like that's that flipside to losing weight, to eat meals that nourish you, and you're excited to eat, that would be the flipside of we're gonna stop eating crap food. And even to like creating a routine where you can't wait to get movement in every day. That's these are all accurate, these are all true. These are all my desires and goals. For anybody who works with me, if I were training, right, that's what's going to happen. So let's paint the picture for them paint the picture of what the outcome was, how they can visualize how working with me as a trainer is going to help get them there, that I'll do the heavy lifting with you. So that this is what your life can can look like, in a faster time than you ever thought possible. Right? So that is the goal. So this is where you're going to use the challenges you know about your clients experience. So you're gonna use those problems that you know that they are hitting over and over again, and think of what happens when they're gone. Think of what happens when you've alleviated them, and how would you talk about it. So this is where I like to give this as the beginning, when you're talking about an offer, when you're talking about really how to build out how you want to talk about your business, being able to think about what what three to five pleasure points are you're trying to create with each thing that you're selling, start there. The second piece within this and like it's really just hitting on that second point is that we are we are creating a destination for people without having to describe every piece of the journey. I love this one. It's so fun to actually that I use this example constantly to really kind of get people on the motion of what what it really is. So instead of describing the journey, I want you to describe the destination. So let's let's try this as an example. I'm inviting all of you to Barbados, I want you all to come with me. The last time I went to Barbados, there was a long line at TSA. So like I need to get there so much earlier that now I packed a whole tube of toothpaste and they tossed it out. Did you know how like, I swear the coffee at the airport is so much more expensive. We waited we had a bit of a delay, I had to sit next to somebody who just kept chatting when I just wanted to sleep. When I when we landed it was like an hour long ride. And then we got to the hotel and it was a nice beach and was a good time. Okay, that's one. Two would be oh my gosh, Barbados has the most beautiful beaches. I was like it was so easy to get up every single day because I got to get in there to there clear blue water. The men there were attractive. It wasn't it wasn't hard to do some people watching the food was delicious. I'd never knew I could eat so much seafood and feel so good. I had such a good time. I want to go there every year going forward. Now of those two examples that I just gave, which one makes you want to go to Barbados? Which one makes you want to join me? I'm going to assume the answer the I'm gonna assume the answer is probably the second one because I know many of you want to join me for tons of seafood, amazing men and clear blue water I have a feeling I for some reason I have a feeling that I know I know these listeners well enough. So how this plays a role when you're talking about selling is that

Jamie Ratermann  29:01  

don't start with the logistics. Don't start with okay we do this by and then you got it. And then you're like from you get this many phone calls. You get this many, you get this much. And of course you get this and this and that. Like you're you immediately are trying to prove that the value of what's within a program for products this the same thing you're leaning into talking about like, well, it's really tasty. It's really convenient like this, like, this is why it's better. This is like you're diving directly into the logistics of what the product is versus what it creates. You're diving into the step by step by step instead of yeah, we'll get to the steps. But this is what life looks like. Once you do this program once you fully dive into using this product day to day once you decide that you are 100% invested and the desired goal that you want. So whenever verb we are thinking about this, this is how you lead into a conversation. If you're talking about selling online, you want to lead with the destination, you want to lead with where you're taking somebody. There are absolutely going to be people that want to hear about the logistics. But don't start with that. Absolutely not. Because this is where you're tying your business mission, your business purpose, what you want to see for the people that decide to invest in you, like how they're going to come come along with you. Right. So you're, you're creating this visualization for them. Now, some things that do come up, and I just want to address these really quickly, is that whenever we define the outcome, some of my clients will say like, well, if I can't guarantee that they're going to get these outcomes, and I'm like, well, for service base for service based providers, you if they follow what you want to give, if they follow the program that you've created, if they follow everything that you can provide, that is the outcome, right? And they're like, Well, yeah, but not everyone does that, well, I'm like, Well, that's the goal is that you're you are creating a visualization, you're creating this destination for people who are 100% invested who are diving in full wholeheartedly. Now, on the flip side of that, if someone's only coming into program for into a program for just what they're going to get from you, there's a there's a level of expectations that come with that. So if I, if someone is only zeroed in on how many coaching calls they get from me, and how many courses they get from me, and how many like they want to just like, it's like they're they're reading a recipe, and they think that the results are gonna happen, I will usually have to take a step back. And like, you know, these are all built there, because they're really supportive to help you get there. The biggest thing I want you to understand is that these are the, these are the desires I have for you. And I want you to take that big personal responsibility to dive right in, that's for service base, right? For products, the same thing goes, being able, whenever you're talking about these outcomes, it's again, saying, if you use our product each and every day, this is going to be the results that you have. Or if you use our product this many times a week, these are the results you're going to have. So you're setting kind of like the container they expect. If they're going to expect something from you create the vision of what that looks like. If they want to create those results, make sure that you share like, Oh, this is what this is what happens when you dive into the product itself. So first two switches are relation based marketing, or relation based selling here is switch over those pleasure points. Make sure that you are understanding what they're trying to achieve, what kind of lifestyle what kind of new level they're trying to go after. And then of course, whatever you are describing your offers lead with the destination. And then the journey can come second. So know that that's really important here. The last piece here, the last thing I want to wrap this up with is that I want to talk about how your purpose is a selling point. So whenever someone talks to me about a saturated market that ever like you know, there's so many people out there that do what you do, that can usually come down to the fact that Well, you might feel like you're just doing what everyone else is doing. But this is where I love being able to tie like you know, brain science, tie, mental health, tie your deeper meaning of who you are, which is you know, a large portion of why the This podcast is what it is

Jamie Ratermann  33:57  

within you selling your services within you selling your products. So I like to use this. My term for this is to peacock your purpose. So whenever you're talking about your product or services, let's not downplay it, that's not act like it is it is just what everybody else does. But it's just you just slap your name on it. Why? Why did you decide this? Why did you decide that this is what you want? What do you hope your clients feel like? Like really diving into what that looks like? So putting it as as an example, if you're a photographer, you don't just take photos you don't? That's not what you do. You create memories and experiences. You allow them to feel their best in front of a camera. You allow them to feel seen and that their silly, quirky Spark, whatever that might be in their life is going to be represented on camera. so that they get to look back on it and be excited, or they can't wait to share it on social, they will can't wait to share with their family and can't wait to use it on their website. The difference between Yeah, I take photos, would you like to. And I take photos so that you have memories and experiences that you can't wait to share. That's time your purpose in there. So don't downplay what you do. Absolutely. don't downplay what you do. Another example might be, I've actually been working with a meal a meal prep client. So I think I'll use one of her examples is that I cook food so that you don't eat take out a meal prep chef could do that where they are, does it is what they're doing. They've they've prepped meals, so you stop eating takeout, that's, that's the truth. Or, or if we're going to Peacock, our purpose here, we're going to peacock our purpose. Instead, it's I create meals that you can't wait to heat up, I create meals that allow you and your family to spend more time together. I make sure that vegetables are tasty, I make sure that none of your grocery budget falls into the trash. Like all of these things, I make sure that you don't spend your money on takeout that you just like you don't even like that much, like peacock your purpose go after what it is. For me that comes down to I don't just help people grow their social media and their businesses sorry, that that is a byproduct of my bigger purpose. I want you to help make the biggest fucking impact you can make in the world. And right now, the easiest way to do that is to be an entrepreneur running a business that's heart-centered. The easiest way to do that is to make sure that you use the gift that is social media, the gift that is websites, the gift that is the Internet to make that big impact to share to create community. So yes, it turns out that you will be growing those other things. But that that's I can't I'm not going to sit there and just talk about social media tactics all day, I have more meaning to this. And I think that's important. So, peacock, your purpose. Don't just allow yourself to feel like you're just like everybody else. Why do you do it, attach your y all the time, attach your Y to everything you can do here. So the what I love about this, what I really love about relationship based marketing is that we're pretty much tying in what will motivate you every day. So when people talk about like, how do you stay motivated? How do you do what you do, tying to your why is always going to allow you to show up more often. It's always going to allow you to feel more comfortable, when you hop into someone's DMS be like, hey, I really think this is a good fit for you. Because it's not just that you're about to make money. Or it's not just that you're hoping that you know you make a higher sales month that month. It is about the fact that you absolutely believe first and your why. And then the money comes next.

Jamie Ratermann  38:16  

It's not that you're desperate is that you are sharing your purpose with the world, you are creating more of what you want in the world. So everything I shared in today's episode is about walking away from the pain point marketing of the past, the belittling our clients, the believing that if we can feel like they need us, that's how we make money and flipping it over to tying your wealth tying what you want to create in the world with the way you sell. Knowing that the more passionate you are about the offers you have, the more passionate you are about the kind of results that you give not that you deliver results. But the fact that you can see how it makes your clients feel, the easier it is to be selling, ask selling your business, the easier it is to make those those goals. And the more meaningful it is. Like when people talk about 10k months, and they feel like they've had to do late nights feel really shitty about the way in which they ask people to join and they're putting out content because they know they have to versus sharing their message versus that person that you've been talking to a while in the DMS like it was it was time to share with them. All of this is a big part of how like we're we're going to be more likely to show up when we tie our purpose to this we're gonna be more likely to show up where we help our clients visualize the best version of themselves and meet them where they're at. Telling them that they're worthy more than an All right now, we're going to help them on their journey. That's the goal. That's what heart centered business is about. So this is where you are holding your new clients to their highest. You're allowing them to see your products and services as just a faster, more supportive journey to the lives that they want the lives they desire. This is the ultimate goal. So I talk a lot about this because with for clients, we begin to start talking about selling or sales marketing. Whenever we are building a website, whatever we're starting to talk about, how how can you talk about your offers. And this is step one of many, but being able to use and utilize your website as a foundation as a really strong place for you to start. So like I said, at the top of the episode, I'm going to be coming out with a website program that is going to be based off of the sales messaging so you can hone these skills for yourself. So you can hone how you can be really excited about what you share, and how that's going to turn into effortless sales more easier conversion on your on your website, and then it gets to bleed out or spread out into your social email marketing, just the way you speak. So that we are creating that relationship based marketing with our clients that those connections first, so I'll drop that in the show notes. The big reveal is coming very, very soon. But if you've listened to this episode, you will absolutely be able to jump in early. But yes, share with me what how? What is your purpose? Tell me what peacocking your purpose means for you right now. Let me let me hear you take that first step and tying what you do with what you want to create in the world what you want to see in the world. All right, lovelies, I hope you enjoy this episode.


21. Why a Healthy Lifestyle Will Lead to a Successful Business with Anna Brown


19. My Breakup with the Hustle