26. How She Manifested 7K in 7 Days with Giulia Guerrieri

Limitless Podcast —Episode 26— Manifest    

Ever been in a situation that was so desperate and frustrating that you have to pep-talk yourself into getting out of bed? That’s exactly how Giulia Guerrieri felt when she found herself $25,000 in debt and had no idea how she was going to get out of it. 

 Manifestation or the laws of attraction may be a concept you're familiar with. You might have even read the book The Secret, but is it really possible to turn your dreams into a reality? Today, Jamie Ratermann talks with Giulia, she explains how there is more to manifestation than willpower and positive thinking. How your thoughts and the energy behind them have the power to manifest anything you truly desire. 

Episode’s Highlights: 

  • How Giulia found herself 25K in debt and what she did to get out of it. 

  • Giulia’s journey, how she transitioned from Wall Street to a manifestation coach. 

  • The formula to manifesting your dreams into a reality.  

  • Giulia’s experiment to manifest 7K in 7 days. 

  • What might be blocking you from manifesting correctly. 

About Giulia Guerrieri

A spiritual entrepreneur, manifestation expert, and social media guru! My brand began in 2020 when I grew rapidly as a spiritual content creator, sharing my story of how I manifested by paying off $25,000 worth of student debt. As my brand evolved, I leaned into creating online courses, online coaching experiences, and even in-person mentorship! Now, I've helped hundreds of thousands through my content daily and hundreds personally through my online courses and coaching experiences. I specifically help women who are ready to create, attract, and manifest the abundant life of their dreams!


Signature group program: https://giuliaguerrieri.com/manifest-your-dream-life

Free masterclass: https://learn.manifestydl.com/masterclass

Thrive Mastermind: https://www.jamieratermann.com/thrive-mastermind

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Read transcript below

Jamie Ratermann  0:02  

Being limitless is knowing your success and growth are built on your radical belief in yourself. Limitless is honoring your purpose, your health and impact above all else. Limitless is about never playing small because the more alive you feel in your life, the more growth and success you attract. My name is Jamie Ratterman. And I'm a Holistic business coach, meaning I am just as invested in growing your health as I am and growing your wealth. With 11 plus years and Brandon social media marketing, I help rebellious entrepreneurs, Master marketing and body leadership and say fuck it to the hustle. This show is here to encourage you to become more radically aware of your self imposed limits, to break free of your sheds and to expand your brand into a movement led by you. Hello, lovelies, welcome to episode 26 of the limitless podcast today I'm diving into something that is talked about a lot, especially amongst entrepreneurs who want to build this big, beautiful business. So today we're going to be talking all about manifestation and what it really takes. So I was had the pleasure of meeting somebody who not only has been able to share with others how to manifest but it is like The Walking embodiment of it. So Julia Gregory is here today. She is a manifestation coach. And she runs many programs, she has one of the most amazing Tiktok. So I can tell you that as soon as I liked one thing, it's all up in my feed and left and right. So I'm pretty excited about having her here today. Julia, welcome to the podcast, I would love for you to officially introduce yourself to everybody.

Unknown Speaker  1:34  

Thank you so much, Jamie, I'm so excited to be here. And I'm so grateful that we have had the opportunity to get to know each other. You are an amazing person online, but even more amazing offline. And that's so rare these days. So I really, really appreciate you and I appreciate being here. And I am Julia Crary, I am a manifestation coach, social media guru lifestyle influencer, all the things mindset mentor, I don't know I just say different things each time, whatever I intuitively feel, but I'm a human being who knows how to manifest. And I am here to teach you how to manifest your dream life. And my journey started when I was $25,000 in debt. And I was laying awake at night with crippling anxiety, wondering how I was going to get out of this debt. I was working a job on Wall Street, a nine to five feeling like really unfulfilled and was like, Is this what the rest of my life is going to look like? And it's just not what I wanted. But I felt so limited. Because I was in debt. And that's when I decided to use what I had been learning about in manifestation through spiritual teachings that I was just always interested in, and spirituality. And I said, Why don't I apply this to getting myself out of debt. And then when I had got myself out of debt, I was like, Okay, that was cool. I just paid off 25k of debt in six months, and I'm making $300 a week at this corporate job. Like that was magical. This was a massive quantum leap. Let me see how else I can do that. And then I went along to build a community of now 180,000 Plus, I've helped hundreds of my own clients through coaching online courses, group programs, so many different things. And now I'm just on a mission to take it bigger and make the world a better place.

Jamie Ratermann  3:20  

My goodness. I will what I love so much about your story is that like one let's talk about multi passionate, hello social, like I love the very top there. I was like I just said, manifestation coach, I needed to make sure I said all the things there. Appreciate you going like, you know what we get to be MultiPatch I think that's I haven't feel like you and I are going to talk about how we love entrepreneurship, this entire episode part of that being able to tap into all the things that you love. But even to I think there's something to be said like when I was being in New York City and somebody saying you work on Wall Street, I think the assumption is that you're like you're making a boatload of money, but probably hustling pretty hard and not having much time to yourself. And that's a big part of what what it can be. And I think when I met her and I we got brunch and spent the day pretty much spent the day together, it continued on it, which was amazing. But I think the biggest thing was that you were telling me about how you sold things on Poshmark. Like it was like and you did all of that, like whenever you're saying you got rid of that $25,000 in debt. It really had nothing to do with like trying to push yourself and add a job that you didn't love there was about like I have so many ways in which I can create my wealth for myself. Can you talk a little bit about that process of almost like kind of breaking up with like, like thinking that Wall Street was going to be the thing but also like how you were able to decide like, Okay, I want to be wealthy and I'm going to manifest myself out of this debt.

Unknown Speaker  4:48  

Absolutely. So I was always a Poshmark reseller, or let me just say a reseller in general. So like on the weekends and for fun like literally since I don't even know maybe like middle school high school. I I would go in my mom's garage or my grandpa was a collector. So I would go in his garage, and we actually bonded over selling things on Craigslist. So he didn't know how to use a computer. But he understood like collectibles and antiques. So he was like, Julia, can you put this stuff on? Craigslist for me? Helped me sell it, and you can have the money that was like when I was in middle school in high school. So I was like, Sure. So I learned a lot about reselling through my grandpa, who now may he rest in peace, but it was kind of like our thing, where he was like, I have all these antique things, you know, I want to get rid of them. Can you help me sell them? So in middle school in high school, like that was the vibe. And then I discovered Poshmark, because I was donating a lot of my clothes. And a friend in high school was like, Have you ever thought about reselling your clothes? And I was like, oh, no, I just I donate everything you know, at the end of the season, she's like, You should check this out. So then I started using those skills that I was using to sell things on Craigslist for my grandpa. And I started using those skills to sell on Poshmark. And then I really expanded my perspective of what was possible. So I remember selling something, actually, the first day that I posted it, it was a Vineyard Vines shirt that I got for Christmas, and it's still had tags on it. I was not a Vineyard Vines girl. And I remember being like, Oh, I don't want to return this, like I feel bad. It was a gift. Like you put her on Poshmark. And it really just expanded my perspective of like, Whoa, there is a massive marketplace for online sales or doing things online or making money online. And at the time, you know, I wasn't thinking like this, I was like, Oh, I'm gonna go to college, I'm gonna get a great degree, I'm gonna get a great job at a great university. And when I graduate, like that's it, like, I'm going to be the best in finance, because finance makes you a lot of money. And then when I graduated college, and I found out I was 25k, in debt, and I was like, working part time, because my full time position wasn't going to start until June of 2020. And I graduated early. So I started in January 2020. And I was making part time money, no benefits, nothing $300 a week, and I was commuting from Long Island into New York City. So I was having these like 12 hour days, because the commute round trip was three hours. So while I was on the train, I was doing my Poshmark and side hustling. And then I was doing this $300 A week work because my big dream was I always want to move to New York City. So I was like, How can I make this all happen. And there goes like being multi passionate, where I was like, I'm willing to just like side hustle and do all this because not just I want to move to New York City. But I knew I want to have my own business one day, but I thought it was going to come in like five or 10 years time and I was like, Oh, I'll work really great. And I can climb the ladder here. And it was more of a sales job because I was a financial advisor. So I was going to have my own book of clients, my own book of business. And then the big lightbulb moment for me was when I found out that the commission was 1%. So if I was going to bring in a million dollars to my company, I was willing to earn $10,000. And since I was a newer advisor, I'd have to split with one of the senior advisors. So I was going to be a 6040 split. So I would make $6,000 per every $1 million that I brought in. And that was like the lightbulb undermined, like, oh my god, I'm like the fire cracker under my ass where I was like, Holy shit, if I have the power and the potential to bring in a million dollars worth of business, imagine I brought in a million dollars to my own business. And that's when I got really serious about entrepreneurship.

Jamie Ratermann  8:34  

I love that. I mean, I think there's a there's a side of all of this, that that like you were you made it work in a different way. Like I think that, you know, for me, in my corporate experience, it was like, I just thought I had to prove myself to start to make more money until I realized, Wait, this isn't the path. And I think what I love about your story was is that you're like, oh, I have a long commute. This is where I my workday starts on the commute, like we were being able to like reuse that time for your for how you could use it with a side hustle. And I think even to like playing right into the fact that again, I try my best not to be disparaging about corporate life I just love that much. But there's a lot to be said about the people that work their tail off and like and really are making bigger moves like for you to bring I don't I don't know Wall Street well enough but at the free to bring in a million dollars into a business and really only see a very small percentage of that ends they'll have to like divide that with somebody who may not have been like a part of the process like it's usually just that side of like, Hi I'm I'm putting in the energy and like the wealth or the lifestyle is not matching it. So I think I feel like that's kind of what I would I would normally feel like when I would like leave and be like, I just brought in a whole new list of partnerships and I just hit all the numbers they were looking for and then I am still sitting at I was paid like 55k When I was working corporate and I will I'm just telling anyone I

Unknown Speaker  10:00  

understand the salary

Jamie Ratermann  10:01  

55k is not something to be able to, like, go out for more than maybe one night and you want to go to like the cheaper. Rent is enough. So like knowing that, like, I just was working my tail off, and it was nothing. It didn't feel like I was receiving the energy I was putting into into my work. And I think that's a lot to be said about entrepreneurship is that when we know that we're putting energy into our work, and we're receiving it back, it's like, okay, we know that it's that we're that source of the wealth that we want to create. So I love that I love I love that part of it. So for anybody who, you know, listen to what you said, like I just don't have the time to really create multiple streams of income for myself, like, what would you what would you tell them,

Unknown Speaker  10:42  

I would say reevaluate how you look at time. So my mantra is, if Jeff Bezos has time I have time. So I don't even know that much about Jeff Bezos. But for some reason, he always pops into my head. And I'm like, if He's the richest man in the world, I don't even know if he's still as Elon Musk might be now. But if Jeff Bezos has time to stay in shape, be healthy, do all these things like I have no excuses, there are people making a lot more money than I am, that makes the time for the things that are important to them. And I think when I really understood what time is, is that time is the one thing everybody has the same. So why are more people, some people more successful, if they have the same amount of hours in a day that we do know, I've always been a morning person. So I know that I thrive in the morning, after like eight o'clock, I do not do well. So it's like, for me my best work or my best time. And the more is in the morning, like when I wake up, I enjoy waking up at five 6am Because I have that quiet time I have that peace. So I think getting to know who you are as a person. And understanding that time is the one variable that we all have the same. So if you have excuses, right? It's probably that you have excuses not that you don't have time. So really reevaluate where you're spending your time. Because what are you spending your time doing? So I remember when I first got serious about entrepreneurship, I had just invested in a drop shipping course. And it was when I first understood like what it really takes to become a six figure entrepreneur. And, you know, at the time, I wasn't trying to be an influencer, but they were like, delete social media apps, which probably wouldn't be suited for anybody listening to this. But they were like, delete social media apps, like leave your group chats and like, yes, that's, you know, to an extreme, but really reevaluate and take an audit of your life, like take a day. And at the end of the day, reflect on every single minute you spent your time and you will see how much time you're wasting on shit that does not matter. And shit, that's not going to help you grow either mentally, spiritually, physically, emotionally, whatever it is, and really be honest with yourself and take accountability.

Jamie Ratermann  12:54  

I love that. No, I think there's a there's a lot to be said there. Because like, one if you do not have screen time, at the very least turned on on your phone. Here's your here's your invitation. But even within that, I think there there. It's like I talked about like time as a choice. So you made it like you made a choice to do something. What was what was that choice? And if it was, do you still feel good about that, then we want to get rid of that. So I this the same. It's the same idea. I even I've heard a couple of like, kind of like Tiktok people be like I delete the app. As soon as I post things I'm just in your mind like, that means you have a really awful relationship with this. It's more about like how you feel about yourself and being able to do that I everything you're sharing that now, Jeff Bezos, yeah, Shore Beyonce all of this. But I think where they when it comes down to is that we really do create our time. So like, I always want to like throw out books that I remember these things from but like the big leap has the idea of Einstein Time, like we are the we create the time that we use and that when the fact that like if we don't feel like we have time, usually has something to do with how we're we're not owning that this that it's ours. So knowing that everything you just share, there's like, Okay, well, I just have a really specific schedule around, I want to grow in these areas, and then whatever is not in those areas I want to reassess. The other side of it is to is that you really know yourself. Some of us are not five Amer's. I'm a 630 year like 630 years my vibe, but I've even had a couple of clients who work their best in the evenings. So like I think that there's a side of this of modeling your days around your energy. I think that's a big one too.

Unknown Speaker  14:35  

Absolutely. And just like getting to know yourself, and getting to know like what works best for you. I think in the beginning, and in the beginning of my entrepreneurship journey, I got really tied into thinking that everybody always knew better than me, and I didn't trust myself. And I didn't trust myself to know that this thing is going to work or this person is right or better than me. Just because someone has more money just because some When I was more experienced, it does not mean they know better than you. Nor does it ever mean that they know better than your intuition. And that's something that I definitely wish I knew sooner, because I got into a lot of bad investments or investments where I didn't feel good, or stand behind the things that I was doing. Because I was so focused on following the rules or following a template, because that's what you're taught in school, right? You have to follow the rules, and you have to study exactly what you're told for the test. And if you don't do it, then you're wrong, or you're a failure. So it's like I had these deep, ingrained beliefs that everybody always knew better than me because I was a newbie, or I was just starting out, well, what about when I was 16 years old selling on Craigslist? Don't you think I would have better sales skills and someone who had a four year degree that never actually went out in the field selling? So it's like, that's where you have to ask yourself, you know, what are my skills? What are my strengths, and be so confident in that knowing, while also be open to feedback, be open to learning, but that doesn't mean that you should doubt yourself, or you should ever doubt your intuition.

Jamie Ratermann  16:04  

Yeah, make sure that having your voice be the loudest is a big one. I think even even within that, it's about really, like, intuition side of it's big. And even to have you mentioned it because I just throw it out there. She shared some of her early entrepreneur investments with me. And I was like, oh, like, like, for instance, like ad agencies and like, like different things like you can Oh, you can like it can be a money pit. Unless you understand like, how you're how you're a little different, but also to that's a whole other episode. Like why outsourcing outsourcing the ad agencies can be really hard, really difficult on on the checkbook. But I think a side of this is is like being able to understand that. I think I keep coming back to it. Like, whenever you take this big step into being like owning your own business or running, running a large portion of how you're creating wealth for yourself. Like if you doubt yourself a lot, that's an area to focus on. Like if you're doubting, like, what what feels right to you. That can be aside like where you want to really want to focus on it can save you money, it can save you time, but ultimately, the way in which we're kind of conducting ourselves as brands online is showing ours our version of leadership and I and I think that that gets to be fun. But also, if we're thinking that somebody else does it better, even as we're representing ourselves, it can be really hard. So yeah, I think, I think within that intuition, the big intuition question. So I think this is a perfect segue into how you help people manifest so like, so I think it's important for us just to start off on top you're like, what is manifestation and get kind of give me what your definition of it is?

Unknown Speaker  17:47  

Absolutely. And I just recorded my podcast episode this morning, and I'm labeling it the truth about manifestation because when I started manifesting was before like Tik Tok was even a thing. So I never understood what people were talking about when they're like this technique, or this water method, this manifestation thing that they swear up and down by, and I always understood it from a deeper energetic level. So I was first introduced to manifestation through the law of attraction. So in my opinion, manifestation is deliberately and intentionally creating your reality. Okay, very simple law of attraction is saying that like attracts like. So using the law of attraction, right? Who you don't attract what you want, you attract who you are. So who you are being manifestation is about the being is that about the embodiment? So in the beginning of my journey, I was thinking like, Oh, my God, I'm writing down these certain phrases in my journal, this is manifestation, right? And then I would give the phrases to friends and family and say, like, hey, look how I did it. Like I wrote these things, and this happen, and then it wasn't working for them. And then I was like, Huh, that's weird. It worked for me. And they kept doing more of what worked for me. And then as I learned through coaching, and as I started coaching other people, I realized that I was really coaching people to find their truths and who they are deep down inside, because maybe the way that I manifest might not be the best way for you. And this is the funny thing about manifestation like people think it's like some secret or some like, lo and behold, like if you work with me, I'm going to teach you some one method and you're going to use that for the rest of your life is going to be picture perfect for everything else like that is not my coaching. That is not what I teach. I teach you how to find and really discover what you want. And then how to embody that and act as if and live that truth before it shows up in your 3d reality. Because manifestation happens when you feel the feelings first, and then your outer reality is going to reflect that which is why I share the Law of Attraction like attracts like. So for example, when I manifested $7,000 in seven days, that was like this little experiment I did with myself, because I wanted to brush up on my messes last year. And I was like, oh, and I didn't tell anybody. I was just doing it because I was like, let me try to break down my process. I manifested 7k in seven days. And I said, Okay, I follow this same three step process of ask, believe receive, and it's expanded on the teachings of the book The Secret. So if you guys are new to manifestation, definitely start there.

Jamie Ratermann  20:28  

It was right next to me. It was it's not I just by talking to him, like, All right, I've read law of attraction, but the secret was what she's recommended, for sure.

Unknown Speaker  20:36  

I know, I encourage you to buy it. You just sent me a picture the other day, you're like, Look what came in the mail? No, it's amazing. And the three step process is ask, believe receive. So it's like, ask for what you want in the present tense. So that's the trick. So when you say like, I want $7,000, right? You are putting out want energy, which means lack, right? So when you want something, it's because you don't already have it. But manifestation happens when you feel the feelings of already having something before it appears in your existence. So you shift from I want to I am so happy and grateful that Okay, so that's the ask, then the beliefs go into your beliefs of who you are. Why are you worthy of this? Why should you have this? Right? So in my 7k, in seven days experiment, I remember saying to myself, like, I really believe that I'm worthy of this money, like, in the past, right, that was a big jump for me, because I manifested 25k in six months. Now, I wanted to do 7k in seven days. So what I what, then this goes into part three. So part two is the belief. So I said, You know what, I believe I'm worthy, like I did 25k. In six months, this feels like the next level. So your manifestations, they have to feel scary to the mind, but exciting to the soul. If you don't believe it on a deeper subconscious level, it's never going to come true. So if I said, like, I'm manifesting a million dollars in seven days, I wouldn't feel feel like I could stand behind that. But I felt like I could stand behind 7k. But simultaneously, it did feel stretchy, it didn't feel like oh, that's like too easy, right? So finding that balance, and then it goes into receiving so you have to be open to receiving you have to open the door, which is step three, the portal to receiving the portal to receiving the abundance and that looks like taking inspired and aligned action. And this is where the spiritual community has, it's so wrong because they they are like promoting that shits gonna just fall from the sky. And it's not like you have to go out and take action. But ask him believe is a majority of the manifestation process, and then you go out and receive. So when I was doing that experiment, I was feeling the feelings within have so much abundance and gratitude and worthiness that I decided to launch my first ever four figure coaching program.

Jamie Ratermann  22:59  

So at the time, like what was a little dance for you.

Unknown Speaker  23:04  

So at the time, I think I was only doing like $100 for like an hour session $50 for 30 minutes how everybody starts out. And then I was like, You know what, I'm ready to launch my first ever one to one coaching offer. Like I said, I just felt the feelings. And then I was inspired to take action. Then I sold three of them the minute I launched it. So it's like now was a part of the 7k in seven days. And then the other money came through brand partnerships, I unexpectedly got emails of brands wanting to work with me. And it just goes to show where it's like, if I just sat there with the journal, and I was like the 7k fall from the sky, it wouldn't have happened. But it's like the ask and the belief I was so deep rooted and embodied in that subconscious inner work, that it then gave me the idea to take inspired action to put out a four figure offer and I close three clients on that offer.

Jamie Ratermann  23:57  

I love this. So I think they're I think there's a side of it because I I'm a fan of visualization I think I sometimes I get into like the doing and then I forget about the being like thinking about like, what's this all for? But even to like even when I've had like a spiritual conversation with somebody, like kind of thinking about the desires and they're like, Okay, we know what they are. And I'm like leaving like, what's my homework? Tell me like, what, what do you think I was reading? Like, I need that, like, I'm feeling or at least at least that's me. Maybe it's my Capricorn moon, who knows? But I think what I love about what you're saying is that like, you know, the vision is fantastic. But going out and doing it is really hard, like what you can create because if you didn't have these pathways, like for you, that sounded a lot like you know, launching the program was a big deal. Also being able to have like a social following. So we could certainly drop into like how you really know how to build your audience by being able to say like, Okay, well I've created the pathways for all of this like you were already being you were already in the know of it now. It was just like being able to execute and bring that bring that stuff in for you. So I love this. I can't wait to read the secrets. I think there's something to just kind of like when it comes to like manifesting. So when you were saying this, like, my mind goes, Okay, so did she, like, read her, like all of those things each and every day and meditate for an hour and like, like work? Like, really? If I if I was putting like a timeline to a manifestation, like what, like, kind of tell me about your day to day wasn't like you said it once at the beginning and you just did after or the kind of give me an idea.

Unknown Speaker  25:30  

Yeah. So for that specific, I love calling it an experiment. I don't know why I just think it sounds so fun. But for that specific experiment, I wrote a scripting letter to myself. So I wrote out, ask, believe receive, and I wrote out the ask is, so it's actually funny, because I that was the first time I had invested in a business coach, and I invested $5,600. And I wanted 6000. So I was like, I'm so happy and grateful that I received $6,000 to pay for this business coach. So it's like I had the money. But of course, I didn't want to have a dip of 5600 in my account. So I was like, let me just make the money back to pay for this coach. So there we go, right, do the thing before it presents in your reality, I trusted that the money was going to come back to me. So I put it out there. And I said, All right, no problem. I'm just gonna manifest it back. Like, this is fine, like life's a game. And then I got into the believe receive, and I read this letter aloud. And actually, I didn't put a timeline of seven days, it just happened like that. So I have this like love hate relationship with timelines. Truthfully, I don't really put timelines on things. There are times that I do. Like, for example, when I wanted to pay off my debt, I wanted to pay it off by September 1 of 2020. And I started in March, whatever, six months? I don't know, I can't think of every now. So I was like, I'm gonna put this timeline because it wasn't so constrained, that felt like possible for me. But truthfully, I don't put timelines because like, it depends, like if you're good at like manifesting things, specifically, or nonspecific, so back to answer your question. In the beginning, I was a very specific manifester. And I think it's because I was really trying to understand what was going on in my life. And I was really trying to, like, do this, like trial and error and these experiments with myself. And now I'm just like a full body manifester, where it's like very rare that I'll like write, like, I want this certain thing in my journal, of course, in the present tense, but now it's more about a practice of embodiment and inspired action. And it's all about balancing the masculine and the feminine. So it's like I do have these different, I would say, like practices that I incorporate in my life. So every morning, I do a meditation, and I really focus on just like clearing my mind, and just having like a blank slate, because I think that when you can really come from a place of like, clarity, right? That's when all your best ideas are going to come. So it's like, I used to focus my meditations on just visualizing. And it's like, my mind was always working on overtime. So now my meditations are very much like just have a clear mind, like no thoughts at all. Like, that's what I'm working towards. I commend my journal and I gratitude journal. So I tried to write three things every day that I'm grateful for such a simple practice, something I've been doing since the beginning. And writing these three things that I'm grateful for. It's so simple, but it just reminds me to keep coming back to the gratitude no matter where I go in my business and where I go in life. Just saying something like, I'm so grateful for the bed, that I have a warm bed to sleep in, like, brings me back to my why and my mission and my purpose. And some other things that I do is like sometimes I'll do scripting, sometimes I'll do visualization. And one really big practice that's actually changed my life is listening to my affirmations while I sleep. So your mind is being programmed from everything you say everything that you think so the way that you can actually break these thought patterns and build new beliefs for yourself is record yourself saying your affirmations I use the thing up app. I love that app? Oh, definitely. I think it's like $60 a year and it's like so worth it. Or it's like some amount of months. But what I do is I record my affirmations based on like the season of my life, and then I listened to those while asleep. So it's like a lot of people fall asleep with the TV on I know, I'm guilty of it. I did it last night like I'm a human being. But that's what's being programmed in your mind. So if you're watching the news, if you're watching something scary, I personally don't watch the news. I read this book one time and it was like if something's not important, people will tell you and I live by that for many, many years and I've never had a problem since. So. What I'll do is I'll listen to these affirmations on Repeat. And it's programming my mind as I sleep.

Jamie Ratermann  30:03  

Oh, I love this. I like that. Okay, interesting. It's so funny, I just cut there's a couple of things like, I want the timeline stuff. I think that that can get people in a state of lack in a lot of ways like, like, it has to happen by this time or I'm, like, even like, I'll like I'll have a plan or two that'll say like, Well, I hope all of these discovery calls work out or because I have to it has to happen. And I'm like, Okay, let's bring back to the end. Like, it's a lot of like, what kind of energy are you putting out there? Like the timeline? Like I think for you, even though you said that you didn't put it on yourself at the time. Like, if it if the energy behind it is playful, then sure. But if the energy behind is big, if this doesn't work, but like I don't like manifestation, it's going to be like a whole different thing. But even even with what, like I'll say something like, oh, yeah, I really want to do that someday, sooner than I realized. That'll be like my way of trying to release this idea that has to happen in some way. And I think just trying to kind of use in some way an affirmation from what you were saying, I got being able to like, just like, let's not put the pressure on manifestation. I think that's a part of it. But I love this, think about I wouldn't listen to my own voice. We'll see if I like it.

Unknown Speaker  31:13  

I love that. And no, it's so powerful. And it's like, it's so true, what you're saying about the playful energy, because so many people are thinking like things aren't working out in the timing. And I always say like, God laughs when you're making plans. So it's like, you have to trust that there is some being so much greater than you that's always watching over you, always looking out for you and let your faith be greater than all of your fears. There's so many times where I was thinking things didn't work out for me. And I was like, I'm a failure, my manifestation failed this and that. And it's like you have so sudden, I was quantum crumble before you quantum leap. And it's like the universe will actually test you right before a massive, massive breakthrough. So there have been many times in my life where I felt like shit was hitting the fan. I was like, My life sucks. This is terrible. Oh, my God. And then the next day, like massive expansion. So it's like the universe wants to see Are you really ready. And I always think of this, like in terms of social media. So I have a client that's got has gone through this, I've gone through this myself. As you get bigger, you get haters. So it's like, I've had plenty of haters on my social media. But it's like, if you can handle one hater, don't go round and say you want a community of 100,000. Because if you're gonna have one hater at 1000 followers, and you can't maintain that, the universe will never give you something that you can handle. So, for me, it was overcoming that fear of being seen of having haters of people from my hometown, judging me. So it's like, once I removed that fear, and I worked through that is when I started building my community, because that was like a deep, deep fear that I had, I was like, I don't want my family to see me, I don't want people I know to share out my posts. Now my posts are getting millions and millions of views. If I still had those fears, then I would never be able to receive that because the universe has your back. And every single moment.

Jamie Ratermann  33:09  

I love that there's a there's a lot in there about like, trying not to control what happens like being able to release like, there's something that you feel tension around, like you want to you want to control the outcome of it in some way. Like, that's usually a sign that that might be that might be something that like you take a look at. And I love your example. Usually I will have a client that's like, Alright, I'm officially going headfirst into my coaching business or headfirst into my entrepreneurship journey. And right before they like announce it or decide to tell everyone about it, they'll get the thing that they've been waiting for, like some kind of partnership that's like a lot of money and, and it's like, and I call it I call it exactly what you're saying. I'm like, It's universe tests. These are the this is the universe, but I'm like do you really want it? Are you sure you're ready for this? And I think that's sometimes I'll even remind myself like, when I get into a phase where I'm like, same thing I'm going through the same BS like the same bullshit that I've done before why is this I seem to happen again and again or like why do I feel this way again and again and again? And like I on my higher self was like alright, this is something that the universe wants me to learn or before the the next thing happens or but like you know, the the more shadow side I'm more like being really clear what it is I think I think that I think that's that's a big that's a big part of this too. So we talked a lot about like how you've been able to create this and how you help people with it. Let's talk about what people get wrong like what what do people really get wrong about manifestation I feel like you've really given given us a lot like a wide view of what this can really be. But what what do you feel like it's like, aside from forgetting the activation stage, like what what would you say that people get wrong about manifestation?

Unknown Speaker  34:57  

I would say people get wrong that they're confusing being in control of their life and being in control of their manifestations. So what I mean by this is a lot of people who are interested in manifestation, let's use me as an example, right? My deep down purpose for building my business was because is because I want to be in control of my life, I want to be in control of the amount of money I make, I want to be in control of the products I put out. And I see that from a really abundant place in control saying, I never want a company to tell me my worth by my salary. Right? That's what I mean by that. I want to give, I want to be able to give to my family, I want to be able to buy my mom on treat her on a European vacation, like, these are my personal why's. Right. So being in control of my life means building my own business, where I can also impact and help serve people. Because I've seen too many people in my life fall victim to their life. And that's my deep down why that does not mean that I need to be controlling when it comes to manifestation. Because manifestation is about detachment. So people think, well, I wrote down in my journal that I wanted 7k in seven days, but now I only got 5k up, I'm a failure, right? So releasing that control of the how, and saying universe surprise me universe, show me how good it can get. Like I said, with the 7k in seven days, I didn't write down seven days, right? I wrote down 6k In any amount of time. And instead, the university is 7k in seven days. So it's like, let the universe surprise you let the house surprise you. And I always think back to my first manifestation ever, and it was right after I read the book, The Secret and I was like, I have nothing to lose. And I was in the most detached space of my entire life. Because no one knew what I was doing. No one in my inner circle had ever said the word manifestation. So I was like, I'm totally in my own lane. I could fail. Like who the fuck cares? Like no one will ever know if I fail at this experiment. And I had $5,000 in my bank account before I graduated college. And I said to myself, Okay, I want 10,000 By the end of the year. So I started manifesting that $10,000 in my bank account, August of that year, and I said, by the end of this year, I have 10k. So I was like I want to receive 5k By the end of this year, same thing, like very loose, playful energy. And I was like, I have nothing to lose here. And within a couple of months, I received an unexpected check in the mail for $5,000. Now, I had never received a check in the mail in my entire life. So there was no way that I was ever thinking like, Oh, I'm going to receive $5,000 and check in the mail. And I think it was like 4900 So like, I could have been like, Oh, well I said 10k in my bank account, like I wanted a bank deposit or I wanted the exact 5000 amount right? Or I could say universe surprise me show me how good it can get I forgot that I was even manifesting it. That's how detached I was. And look at how it flowed into my existence. And you can also help the people around you so my brother also inherited this inheritance we received that nobody knew about it like no one in my family knew about this, it was totally by surprise. And my brother also received $5,000 So it's like you can help the people around you too which is really awesome and really cool when you let go the how and you let the universe surprise you

Jamie Ratermann  38:34  

a lot I think I think like an AI you've said it a couple of times like if you manifestation can be like us setting of the terms is a little bit too direct. Like you kind of setting up what you what your vision what you hope happens and allowing it to surprise you like if that is the way you enter into like a manifestation you're matching that energy of what this really is I think I think like detaching, surprising I like like all of these terms, like embody that. And even with you earlier, we're talking about the words that you use in your day to day like how can you literally think about just the way you carry yourself with abundance and I think and I'm sure with you manifesting that you were still keeping up with all of the other things like matching the energy of who you're wanting to become. And I think that I it's a more loving approach to being the person you've always wanted to be. That's how I see manifestation sometimes like it's like, it's how can you like love on yourself, raise your own frequency, like slay some of those dark shadows that you might have, so that you can you can raise yourself up to what you've always been calling it like what you would like to call it, that type of thing. And I also know that there's a side of this where people like will block themselves and I think usually when it's the people manifestation What is that like? But so like, kind of tell me what happens when people aren't aren't like what kind of what's the normal blocks of like somebody who's trying to manifest something, but prevent doesn't like have something that blocks them from getting what they want?

Unknown Speaker  40:11  

Definitely a scarcity or lack mindset. So there's a lot of people that are going out there saying, Well, of course they want all these things. Who wouldn't want a business? Who wouldn't want more money? Who wouldn't want dream clients? But your energy is not matching that. So people think, right, the words that you're saying are what's manifesting know, the energy behind the words that you're saying are what's manifesting. So if you're going out there, like I said, when I was saying the 7k, in seven days experiment, when I was $25,000, in debt, I would have never tried to manifest that because I was not in that energy to vibrationally align to that manifestation. But now I'm even in a different energy than the 7k in seven days, right? The things that I'm manifesting now. So I find the biggest block is people coming from a place of scarcity, and then trying to manifest and blame manifestation and saying, The universe doesn't work. Manifestation doesn't work. Well, did you look in the mirror and ask yourself, Why am I so triggered? What are my limiting beliefs, what's holding me back, because if you're trying to call in 10s, of 1000s of dollars in your coaching business, and you're afraid to invest in a coach, there's a problem. And this is the big problem that I see in a lot of my clients. And when clients have hesitations about investing into my programs or investing into coaching. I say, well, like if you're trying to be a coach, this is actually practice. So look at the energy that you're emanating, and that is what's going to emanate from your clients, potential new clients, if you are afraid, how can you hold that space for the client who's afraid? Right? So it's like me investing in a mastermind, multiple, five figures, Ray has helped me expand and be a resource and come with so much love and empathy and support when I asked for a multiple four figure investment. And that's a whole other story of investing in someone or in some thing, even if you're buying $1 water bottle from the bodega down the street. It's an energetic exchange. So how are you feeling when you spend money, right? So whenever I'm falling into scarcity, because I grew up with immigrant parents, so we had very scarce beliefs around money, and it's still circulates in my family. And it's like, even now, it's almost a little bit harder, because I'm so aware of it. But it's like, understanding how you treat money is how it treats you. So I was having a conversation couple days ago, without getting too much into the details. The person was like, I don't give a fuck about the money. Well, whoa, how the hell do you expect money to treat you with love and respect and abundance? If you're saying I don't give a fuck about the money? Right? So how are you treating money because that's the way money is treating you.

Jamie Ratermann  42:59  

I love that. Oh, it's like it's all about relationship and even to like, I think it's so like, the more we talked about this, like, it's such a deep understanding of of you, like not like trying to, like, you know, numb yourself of what's actually going on instead of like, like, like almost like blaming, blaming the like manifesting or blaming something else is playing victim to your life kind of vote you had said earlier, which I think all of this like just like falls into place, I totally get these things. Now I have to bring up one before because I've taken up so much of your time, I always like I want to, I think there's gonna be at some point, I want to do like a three hour podcast with somebody who's willing, because I could talk about this for a really long time. But one of my clients in the past was, like telling me I kind of really big idea. But I, if I say it out loud, it won't happen. Like that idea of like a has to say in within or if because if I say it out loud and doesn't happen, that means that I'm like, I'm not good, or whatever that might mean. What what do you say about people that have the fear of sharing their big vision?

Unknown Speaker  44:06  

Yeah, I love this question. I've actually never been asked it. So I'm so excited to answer. This goes back to the law of attraction. So if you put out the energy saying that every time I say my manifestation out loud, it's not going to come true. That is exactly what you're going to get back. Because the energy that you radiate is what's going to come back to you. So if you're looking to shift something like that, I want you to look down deeper at your beliefs. And why do you believe that? So go deep into your own shadow work and this is what I do in my programs as well. Why do you believe that? So we all have our own funky beliefs, right? I have my own. My family is very like hush hush about money like, oh my god, don't share how much money you have. People are gonna come after you like Who even knows these crazy things, right? I have immigrant parents so they only teach you what they know. All right. So I'm out here on social media, hey 25k. And that's a multiple six figure CEO. So it's like, this was a part of my rewiring, that it's okay to share about money. It's okay to be transparent. It's okay to be open and honest with people because you can be an expander for other people. So whatever your limiting beliefs are, it sounds like that client has a limiting belief about sharing out into the universe because of whatever Juju or whatever they believe. Go deeper and ask yourself, this is what I would say that person like, go deeper. Ask yourself, why do you believe that who instilled that belief in you? And how can you work to reframe that and rewire that the only way that you will ever break out of that is actually doing it, doing the complete polar opposite than what your mind feels is safe, to break up that neural pathway and to show yourself that that's your ego talking now your intuition and to really break that belief is to break out of that cycle by doing something so scary and so beyond what you would ever do.

Jamie Ratermann  46:04  

i Okay, I love this business. I like to call these when people talk about limiting beliefs. I like to call these little acts of rebelliousness. I like to say I help rebellious entrepreneurs, for the fact that I want them to like, like, break up their, like limiting beliefs as much as possible as we build their business. But with like, but a part of this is like, yeah, what is like even like a small act that would make you like, like, feel bad about sometimes it might be like saying it in an Instagram story. Or other times, it might just be like, telling the one friend that you haven't told yet or like if it's something really small like that, but I but the one you said is like, oh, there's like falls right into, I just call it something else, like little acts of rebelliousness, being able to know that, like, your limiting beliefs don't control you. And the way in which to you know, release them. It's just like anything else, like small steps, but like, do it in a way that feels really good to you. I love that.

Unknown Speaker  46:55  

Absolutely. And one other thing that came into my mind is like, whenever I fall into scarce beliefs, right, I'm a human being I get those moments of scarcity, especially in building my own business has been such a journey, and has taught me so much about myself so much about my limiting beliefs. And that's why I'm so ready, and more happy and more passionate than ever to help other entrepreneurs. I'll do something like so bizarre. So like, for example, a couple months ago, I was like falling into scarcity with my business. And I was like, Oh, my God, if this thing happens, and this thing and blah, blah, and I knew I was in this overthinking cycle. So I went and I booked this, like luxury vacation, I took a solo trip. So it's like, whoa, whoa, whoa, my ego like freaked the fuck out and was like Julia, this is not safe. Like this is not safe, abort mission. So my intuition was like, you need this, you need this. And it sparked so much amazing energy and abundance and gratitude. And like it opened so many more paths for me. And actually, I built this whole mini course based on that experience. So it's like, so many different things, right. So like, on a smaller scale, what you can do is like, if you're feeling really scarce one day, and you're like, I'm scared, this isn't going to come true. I don't have enough money, I don't have this, go to Starbucks and go pay for the person behind me go donate $5 to a homeless person to remind your mind that you are a bunion. And that just because you are failing in your head does not mean you're failing in your life do something so opposite of what these limiting beliefs are telling you and go full force but with so much confidence.

Jamie Ratermann  48:38  

I love that sometimes your mind is lying to you to be able to you know radically make a choice that might not make sense but to do it because you because you can feel it in your I feel like the intuition is in your in your bones and your gut sometimes more than it is in your mind. So I level Yes. So to make sure it's not keep you too long. I want to ask you one more question. I love to ask just you know, this podcast is called limit though. This podcast is called limitless. So I like to ask what that means to you. So what does being limitless mean to you?

Unknown Speaker  49:12  

I love that so much. So being limitless for me. Oh man, I'm doing like full body chills, that you are in control of the outcomes in your life and you can have anything that you want. You can have it all maybe you can't have it all all of the time. But you can have it all and to trust that there is something so much greater than you looking out for you. Being limitless means your potential is like uncapped and if there's any experience in my life that has taught me what being limitless means is this massive Quantum Leap I have experienced in the past two years. I'm about to host a free masterclass tomorrow talking all about this, how I went from 25k in debt to multiple six figure SEO in two years, like literally September of 2020, I was celebrating at zero like just paying off my debt having $0 Like that was just massive breakthroughs, quantum leaps, I manifested my soulmate my dream New York City apartment. So many vacations, like so many, like so much emotional freedom trust in myself as an entrepreneur. And it's all because I believed in myself, and I believe that anything was possible. And the only limits that you have in your life are the ones that you set in your own mind.

Jamie Ratermann  50:38  

Wow, amazing. Like I just want to like five stars. A great answer. Perfect answer. Julia, how do we stay connected with you?

Unknown Speaker  50:46  

Absolutely. So you guys can follow me on Instagram. I'm sure you're gonna link it in the show notes. Tick tock the same name at I am Julia Gregory I spell my name with a G so I know that throws a lot of people off. My parents are from Italy. They were born there. I'm first generation America. But you guys can find me there. You guys can DM me on Instagram and just say hi. Like, say that you're ready. DM me, I'm ready. I want to learn about manifestation. I really, really value building relationships and connecting with people. So it's always me and my DMs just reach out to me like I take time each day, back to time I make the time to connect with people in my DMs daily because it is so important to me to build relationships.

Jamie Ratermann  51:31  

beautiful, amazing. Yeah, I even so I follow you on YouTube. And as soon as I subscribe so many golden nuggets in there. So I will absolutely love all of this in the show notes. Take a look at Julia, thank you so much for sharing all of your expertise with us today.

Unknown Speaker  51:44  

Thank you. It's so much fun


27. Is Perfectionism Stopping You from Achieving Success? 5 Tips to Let It Go


25. I’ve Spent 50k on Coaching, Here’s What I’ve Learned