25. I’ve Spent 50k on Coaching, Here’s What I’ve Learned

Limitless Podcast —Episode 25— Coaching    

“Everyone needs a coach”, said Eric Schmidt, former chairman of Google and Alphabet. In fact, according to Schmidt having a coach can be a company’s or an entrepreneur’s most valuable asset. However, while most successful people do rely on coaching, there are also good reasons why not everyone is qualified to be your coach. Today, Jamie Ratermann talks about how you can ground into who you are as a decision maker. Plus, ensure that you know your worthiness of success is infinite – no matter what program or coach you choose. 

Episode’s Highlights: 

  • Why did Jamie Spent 50k on different coaching programs. 

  • 3 questions to ask yourself when investing.

  • Signs that you may be being overcoached or giving away your power 

  • Differences between a mentor, a coach, and a teacher. 

  • Understanding that there is not just one path in coaching.


Thrive Mastermind: https://www.jamieratermann.com/thrive-mastermind

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Read transcript below

Jamie Ratermann  0:02  

Being limitless is knowing your success and growth are built on your radical belief in yourself. Limitless is honoring your purpose, your health and impact above all else. Limitless is about never playing small because the more alive you feel in your life, the more growth and success you attract. My name is Jamie Ratterman. And I'm a Holistic business coach, meaning I am just as invested in growing your health as I am and growing your wealth. With 11 plus years and Brandon social media marketing, I help rebellious entrepreneurs, Master marketing and body leadership and say fuck it to the hustle. This show is here to encourage you to become more radically aware of your self imposed limits, to break free of your shoulds and to expand your brand into a movement led by you. Hello lovelies, welcome to episode 25 of the limitless podcast I am so excited to dig in Today I am in the middle of of starting the wealth portal which is on its second week now. And we are just like getting into all that like juicy messaging that makes all my clients feel so confident in themselves, which is really lovely. And even to a lot of my Thrive mastermind clients got to join into this program, which is a part of what I do there. So it's just been really interesting lately, like the mastermind has been one of my favorite things that I've launched. And it really is about how much I get to support a lot of my clients as their whole human. And we can share life experience as well as business experience in there. But many of them are making such big money moves, which is makes me feel so good about it. And you know, I know that I'm an investment for many people. And I know that I have invested in others because I want to create that growth not only within my business, but within myself. And I've seen how this works so well whenever I have a community to back me up. So this is what this episode is about. I'm going to be sharing about what my investments are, and have been, which are pretty high. And I will share that in just as Matt a minute here. But also, I want to make sure that I can give you my experience so you can make better investments are you can make the same or better is the idea because I've definitely learned a lot of lessons along the way. So for any of you who have been coached before or even for those who have not been coached before, in general, having a coach in your world can be so helpful. Clearly, I'm somebody here that is wanting to be that person that helps you and supports you. So within that though, it comes at a higher investment, because someone is going to be on alongside you with their business, sharing their expertise, doing all of the things. So for me in the process of building my own business, I seeked out some information, not only for community because I was doing something new that none of my friends had done before, not only for the fact that I had never launched a group program until about three years ago. And I even do with all of that sometimes there's some really big growth edges that happen as you build your business, which is a lot of the reasons why I've invested in coaching. So in the past three years, I have spent over $50,000 on coaching, that is through two course programs. Three one on one coaches, US and three masterminds just to give you a for instance of where all of that came through. And I even realized, as I'm saying out loud, there was a few smaller things that I've done as well. But within that, yes, over $50,000 in coaching. So here's a general what I've learned and what I want you to look out for, and the fact that I have fallen victim to some of the things I'm about to share, and I've also been able to make better decisions. So this particular episode is actually spurred by a recent Instagram story that I did, where I was getting really frustrated, I even opened a story saying like, this grinds my gears like

Jamie Ratermann  3:52  

more or less saying like, This pisses me off, this is the stuff that really makes me angry. So there are types of marketing, are there types of phrases out there that people will use in a way to really make it sound like you need me or there are in general just kind of putting these large blanket statements that aren't exactly what I would say supportive to you as a whole human for to you as the leader behind your business. And in particularly the ones that I want to kind of get addressed here is that those kind of messages where you where you hear, you need this one key strategy if you ever want to grow your business. So like that type of stuff. I'm somebody who balances strategy and energy, health, all the things when I see those things, I'm like you got to be kidding. Like it gets me it absolutely gets me angry for the fact that some strategies are not going to work for your business. Each business is unique that it's like you guys have a thumbprint knowing that the way in which you decide to conduct your brand, the way you decide to conduct your business, you're going to want to develop strategies based on What makes you unique and also be able to learn from somebody else's? So this idea that there's one key strategy out there for everybody? It's not true. And it also kind of preys on this insecurity that you that you don't know enough. Or you're not, you don't know that one thing that's working for everybody else, or you don't belong, because you don't have this one thing, right? So that side of whenever I see those statements, I go, come on, don't do this to people, because it makes me just feel and I know that I've fallen victim to the idea of like, I thought I knew enough, I guess, wait, there must be something I'm missing here. When in reality, you might get into that program, or for me, I would get into that program and be hearing a lot of the same shit I already knew. But also being able to realize that like, Oh, crap, they got me they got me off of based off of what I thought I needed versus me realizing that I had a lot what I already needed within me, and we'll get into that. But within that, too, there's the other side, there's the flip side, is that people who discourage strategy, discourage structure, basing off of your energy alone. So for me, this is what really frustrates me when he says, uh, you don't need a structure, you don't need content calendars, you don't need a template, just based off your energy. And I really want to get into this in the fact that I am somebody who knows that when it comes to business, your mindset, your energy, how you feel, what kind of leadership you have, really can be the thing that makes a lot of these other things happen. But putting yourself in a place where you feel like you have to have high energy to be able to make any content, you have to have high energy, to be able to have a good lunch is absolutely going to burn you out, is absolutely going to make you feel like why does this person have better energy than I do? Like how what am I missing? Like, clearly, there's like something wrong. And I'm really what a part of what a part of this is, is that it doesn't play into how we work, there are going to be days where you feel so aligned, embodied and what you're doing that content creation is going to be easy that a launch is going to feel absolutely nourishing. And there's an in general, you're going to feel like you are just like on it everything smooth, right. And there's also going to be days where you can't put a sentence together, I've had that before, there's also going to be days where, like, you just realized that you needed a little more sleep. So the idea that like we have to put pressure on ourselves to always be on basing our our success off of this blanket statement is that you don't need a structure strategy. It just just, it's always about you and your energy. isn't, isn't supportive either. So for me, I want you to notice and witness whenever you see these blanket statements like you need one key strategy, bullshit. It's all about you and your energy, bullshit. Both things together, allow you to have more energy in your day to day because you have the routine ritual structure, in general thought process of how you want to invite somebody into your business, figure it out, so that you get to be that creative person. Like having both of those things work, and work in tandem is what is this is all about having that beautiful balance is what this is all about. So really what's happening when people use these blanket statements, they're doing two things. They are preying on your insecurities, that's the number one thing, they're preying on your insecurities. So what happens here is they know that you feel lack that you feel less than in some way. And they're like, Well, I know that I can get them because they're going to feel like they need me. Because I tell them they do they need me because I tell them that they you don't have all the tools that the millionaires have, they don't have all the tools that I have to make that within my business. So that kind of type of thing is always going to feel manipulative. Like you're gonna feel manipulated into making these big investments. When in reality, I would I would love to encourage and I'll talk about what I'm for. But like, I would love to encourage us to for instead, you see it as how can I invest in my business in a way that's going to help me and support me to get some more faster, that's gonna highlight my gifts to get me to where I need to go. The second piece is, is that some of these statements are like diet, culture sales, in general, is so interesting.

Jamie Ratermann  9:25  

When somebody says, You know what, you know, I should even say interesting, it's so sexy when you go like, lose 50 pounds in 10 days, and we're all like, really? Oh, that must be so cool. That's so interesting. Like, how does they do that? It's, it's going to jump off the page because it seems impossible. It also stated that it's also something that maybe some of us want, but really being able to go like okay, it's that easy. Let's do it. Versus really the fact that in general, any change any transformation that that you are making. It's got it has more A couple steps, it doesn't, it doesn't have this, like, oh, it's gonna be like snapping your fingers for you to make 10k months, it's gonna be like snapping your fingers for you to feel confident on camera. It's about activating, and creating that vision for yourself, while each and every day pursuing, pursuing that vision. So there's, these are what comes into play. So you've heard me just say that, right? I'm telling you that we are going to create and visualize the vision for what you want. And, you know, chip at it away each and every day versus is succeed. It's sad to say, lose 50 pounds in 10 days, which one is just more dynamic, easy to work and say, one is based on I know, you're gonna listen to me when I say something big like that, versus the other one is like, this is the reality. And I know you can get there through a supportive environment. This is why whenever people make these big old blanket statements, they're going to catch your attention the feet, they're going to be able to make you feel like you need to do more. So the point of all of this is that that those blanket statements they work? Well, it worked for much longer will it work for all of us who are raged at raising our consciousness of how people talk to us on social media, how people talk to us in ads, like we I know when I'm being preyed on now I know when they're trying to kind of come at me at what, what I would have any doubts I might have about myself, I can feel it. And it's usually an immediate ick factor is immune, usually an immediate, like, I'm out like, I

Jamie Ratermann  11:34  

know what you're doing. And I'm out. That's, that's the way in which I hope for any of you who listen to the podcast, get to get to a point that you know, that you're worthy of whatever you want, and then you can witness when someone is like preying on things that aren't going to be supportive to you. So that is really what this is about. So I can't not say what I'm about to get into here without talking about what I'm for. So clearly, I don't want you to be preyed on I don't want you to feel as if that you lack anything you need right now to build the business and life that you want. But in general, this is the kind of coaching I have for so for me, I already see you as the person that you want to become, I want to help you activate each and every one of those things you need to do, I'll give that to you through whatever skills that I have whatever research I can, and of course, for me, like the mental health and the and health in general is something that I know can be that thing that quickens your step to be reaching that next level of success for you. So for me, I like to do this by like showing and supporting your intuition and how your school of life is such a big asset within your business, and how we can use human behavior, how we can use the way in which people have done in the past strategy structures and go what do we like about this? And how can you make it your own. And within that, I want to be able to allow you to see what any hard work that we have to do any any way you have to kind of release these hard limiting beliefs. Let's not act like that simple just to release them. Like knowing that if if you need to release these limiting beliefs, why why are we putting ourselves through that hard that hard on earthing of sorts, so that you know where you're going, you know that it can be a little bit for you. But really what it comes down to is that we all get to make our own paths. That's the bit that's what's beautiful about entrepreneurship is that we literally are sharing our skills and our services and our talents. And our like, the products we want to create for people who want to have our help who want to be simply in our energy in relationship with us. Versus, and again, for anyone who's in a corporate job, I'm not, I'm not discounting this, but versus punching the time clock. Versus I'm I am going to put in my time and lead for money. This is why entrepreneurship can be so amazing. So for me, it's about empowering you through strategy and through energy, and how we can make sure you utilize both, both of those things. So this is what I'm for. So essentially, this is my episode to ground you as this decision maker and understands that like your worthiness of the success that you want is infinite. It's not it's not something you don't have now you already have it, you already already are able to attract and do those things. For me. The programs and coaching are about how we can an earth that how can we help you radiate your worthiness using social platforms using offers using business, your business to be able to do that? So I can't go into this without sharing what my experience has been with coaches. So when within the like I said within the last three years I spent $50,000 using coaches and being able to be in their communities to be able to build the business that I have right now. So what I've noticed is that there is a big difference and absolutely big difference between someone who considers themselves a mentor, someone who is a coach, and someone who's a teacher. And I can tell you that there are some coaches to disguise as mentors, and there's some teachers disguised as coaches. And it's an in general, really understanding that there's a big difference about how how these people can help you all of them have their role, but being able to identify what your needs are in this, so for me was the way in which I see a mentor, as it's somebody who's able to show you their path and wants to bring you along. So that might mean energetically, they're there to help you be able to stay inspired to be motivated to share some of those emotional turmoil that you might be working through, and that they're there to be that guide to where you need to go. So knowing that usually they might come from personal experience, or in general, being able to show how many people they've helped in that process. A coach, which is somebody is something that I lean to, I know that sometimes I can fall into the mentorship area. But coaching is really about somebody who has the skill, who has done the processes, who's not only built their own, but has built others and it can show results in that way. So for me when it comes to coaching and the reason even to I wanted to get a further certification, whenever I decided to make that switch from consultant to coaching was me knowing that the most potent questions I can ask of my clients is allowing them to really just like alchemize their own path, how can I as their own brand, and know that I want to not only give you the how, but also a lot instill some self trust and release some any insecurities of you taking on what that is. So a coach, it feels pretty easy to define in some ways is think about your best coaches, if you ever played sports, they are they're going to show you the path, they're going to show you how to do it, but then they're going to help you see yourself as the as a leader or as somebody who's a really important part of the team. That's how that works, right. But they are a big part of at least the way I see it as well as they're going to highlight how you have been able to take something and go further. So that is how I would see a coach. Now for me, teachers, in this sense,

Jamie Ratermann  17:19  

are people who want to show you how they do things, or they did things. So being able to say, like, Okay, this is how I do it, do it the way that I share with you. Now, there are people out there that have been able to skyrocket in their success that have been been able to show like that they can make tons of money really quickly all of the above. But in general, teachers can be really hard for what I would say when it comes to brand building, you can use them as examples of Wow, there's so much potential of what this person was able to do that. But sometimes being taught what somebody else does might unsettle how you feel about yourself, like unsettle how you want to do things. So for me, I don't want another teacher, I want somebody who sees me for who I am, but also focuses on focuses on bringing the best out of me. That's the kind of investments I want to make. Because in my experience, I've had a coach who was really a teacher, she more or less was was very cutting on the way I wanted to do things. She was also sharing with me how this is the only way to create your business. And that you can get a rise out of people by triggering them in this way. And this is how this is how you do it. Because this is how it worked for her. And I can definitely tell you that that container felt very unsupportive to me. It's, it felt very much like I was handing over my power to somebody else. And saying like, okay, clearly I'm not enough, because she's telling me that I've been doing it wrong all along. And she seems like she's successful. So that's what it is. And I can definitely tell you that like the number one thing from me just being put through that experience was like I'm not gonna do this again, like I'm, I'm out here. But again, I the point of this whole episode, that was a five figure investment that I left and was like, Oh, wow, like I can't, I can't be in this kind of container. Again, I want to be held to what I want to create. Now. So for courses programs, those are usually where you're building up a skill. So usually for my own course programs, it's about how to build brand marketing within your business, how to use certain platforms, in general how to create an experience within a brand. That's what I've that's what I provide, right. So the course programs that I've done in the past have been about building group courses and that was a big thing for me. It was a wonderful sign of how to do business. is a little bit differently because for me, before I joined my first real life coaching investment was, which was a group course, had a lot to do with me switching away from one on one and being able to help more people and groups in group courses, I had a membership at the time. But being able to do that now, was lovely about it, that my, my first group course had a bit of marketing in it, and how to market your business. And I was able to kind of find my own path in there. So what was great about it is that the coach for that program, was able to share like, hey, some of you may know more than me about certain topics, I want to give you permission to disagree and make this process your own. So for me, that was such a beautiful sign right at the beginning, that I was going to learn what I came for, while being supported in my own decision making. So that was a really big thing. And I think that's something to keep a note of whenever you're trying to decide who your next coach is. Now, like I said, with, with, with teachers, or the people I've worked with that are that were teachers, more of a teacher than a coach, I just felt triggered a lot of the time, I felt criticized for my approaches. In general, it was about how I wasn't doing the same thing as that coaches personal experience. And I didn't feel like I could create my own path in there. So there So knowing that, that course programs can be a little bit of both, I had a really great example of someone who gave me that skill and was encouraging me to make it my own and then had somebody else I was doing the exact flip side going like don't do anything other than the way in which I should do the way in which I tell you to do it. So in particular, in that program was somebody who was telling me how to do content creation. I've been doing that for 11 years. And she was trying to tell me that I have to sell on every post if I ever want to be successful. And I just did this like really? Okay, that's not exactly how algorithms work. But okay, you do go ahead and tell me but at the time, I was feeling like I was insecure, because I was like, Wait, clearly, I'm not as good as what I can be. Big things here are is that I lost my sense of intuition itself. So my goal, or what I would love to encourage you encouraged to kind of bring in whenever you're thinking about some of your big investments is how can you find a mixture of both when it comes to your leader. So within that, whenever I'm now making an investment I'm looking for, what kind of support Am I looking for, what kind of support is going to allow me to hit this next goal or desire that I have? So for me, there was a point right after that, that coach that I or that teacher slash coach that I had had that I was like, I don't feel as trusting of myself.

Jamie Ratermann  22:37  

So my next investments had a lot to do with therapy. And absolutely working with a more energy or spiritual driven coach. So So knowing that I was like, I only know the strategy, I figured it out, I don't need other strategy, I know what I'm talking about. But being able to work within how I wanted how I wanted to build my business and feel trusting of that. So giving you this experience, after spending 60k, I want you to find your power back, I want you to feel self empowered by your investment choices. And I hope I can give that to you from my own personal experience. So whenever you are thinking through how you want to make your next investment, here's some signs to consider. So five signs that you're being over coached, or maybe giving your power away. So this is where you join a program. And let's say you tend to start to use the same language as your coach or haven't been able to process the information to make it yours. So I want you to realize that you your secret sauce is your perspective, your perspective on life is unique. And that's what makes you powerful. So whenever you are being coached, you're the goal is that you are being influenced, but not puppeteered you're being influenced by the coach, because she's given you what it looks like at least insights are, are really working for you. But how do you make them your own? So knowing that that's a big part of this. So I would always encourage you to mirror what you've learned from your coaches being like, Okay, I take that I take this information, and this is how I would relay it to my clients or how to relate in my own content. So being able to know like, how do I view this particular topic differently than the next person within that to the second sign is Do you doubt yourself when you're trying to do something different when you're trying to, in general, just lead your own path? Because I think there's a big deal to be said when you join a coaching container. It's about you creating your business with the support of a coach versus mirroring exactly what the coach would do. That's, that's really important. So I'll use myself as an example here. One of my clients within the mastermind is getting started in her coaching program and she was talking about how she has been giving away coaching sessions from time to time and how it hasn't been working out as well to be able to support them in a longer term format so I I said, Well, you know what, let's bring it down to the 30 Minute Calls, you should be able to share what the experience will be like, give them some insights and be able to intrigue them to think about the program itself. And she was like, Okay, I guess I can do 30 minutes, maybe I'll try it. But I encouraged within that, because I'm, this is coming from my own experience. I was like, what, what did you decide to do there, it's like, I want 45 minutes. Now, again, I still stand with what I would recommend. But I was even more inspired by the fact that she's like, this is what's going to work for me. So one thing to know is that whenever you're choosing your own path, doesn't always mean that you're perfectly right, that is going to be correct. But I think the big thing here is that there's no right way other than the way you believe it's going to work for you. So whenever I give that guidance, and my clients decide to take a alternative path, or they take it and make it their own, I realized that I'm doing my job, well, I know that I'm doing my job well, because I'm seeing them become the leaders within their business. So really important thing it here is, there's not only one way to make money, especially on the internet, so be able to lean into how you're different and what's going to make the most sense for you. Within that.

Jamie Ratermann  26:11  

I want you to never feel like you need another program, or you need something because you're lacking in something for your business. This is where I want you to switch to desire or I want to switch to you investing in support and becoming the person you want to become or becoming the business you want to create. So need versus desire, you have all that you need already, it's already within you. So if someone's trying to prey on you, right, if someone tries to prey on, you don't have this one strategy, so you're screwed. Or it's not about strategies to your energy, you haven't figured it out yet, I want you to be able to take into the fact that I that you're not going to fall to the prey to that you're going to see it for what it is trying to go after those challenges that you might be feeling in your life. And actually, I'm becoming a person who just use the examples. Once to have a multi offer business, I want to have a person that feels really good about their website, I want to be a person that has a fridge full of food. And I want support and figuring out how to make that like that will that work for me. I'm somebody who wants to build. The things that are coming to mind right now are chefs and trainers and business coaches. So either way, another example would be I desire to know how to lift weights at the gym, and I don't, and I want to feel really confident about it. So a trainer makes sense, right? So knowing that it's not like I need somebody I am, all that I need. This is just going to be that dream level of support that I'm looking for. Within this example, right within these examples is really about coming back to understanding that you are the thing, you are the source, you are that person. So whenever you feel as if you have lost touch with your intuition, that's a good sign that you may be being over coached, or you're giving your power away. So coming back to self empowerment is really being able to say, what do I think is best for me in this moment? What is one thing that I need right now, instead of taking a look at what somebody else would say? So like, for example, you've heard me talk about batching. And posting and, like posting one when it's you've heard me talk about batching your content or creating content in the moment, you've heard me do both of those, right? What feels good to you what feels best to you in the moment, you're gonna know this based off of what's worked for you in the past, and your body remembers that. So instead of using Oh, Jamie says, This is how I should do it be like, Well, yeah, I heard this thing from Jamie. But I realized that this works really well for me, and I'm gonna try it for a while. That's the difference between being able to like, Okay, I know that, like Jamie says, it's great. But also, I know that I'm going to try this. This is also why the last couple of episodes, I've had Anna and I had Sam on the podcast for the fact that we all are going to conduct our our businesses differently biologically, based off of when we're born based off of what inspires us. And I want you to be able to see that I know that my manifesting generator is a really big strength in the way that I coach my business. I'm not going to feel bad about the way I want to approach it. So being able to know like what what really elevates you is going to help you in that realm. The last piece is and I think this whole podcast is about this right? is I want you to know that you are enough right now you are worthy enough right now. So know that anything you decide to invest in yourself is just a wonderful additional support. That whenever you join a program you join anything within the coaching industry. It is there to help you out elevat help you collapse time to help you radiate more of who you are. So for me, when it comes to the big difference between me going like, oh, this person will will help me be more enough. And the way in which I run my business, that's usually a sign that I realized I'm making a decision based off of fear, instead of faith in myself. So being able to simply think about how it's going to be a little bit different. So this all comes from any of these signs are going to help you realize do I trust? Do I trust this person? Do I know what this program or this thing is going to be about? And ultimately, do you like their approach? Do you like their energy and what they're going to do? So five signs, those five signs are a way to know like, maybe this isn't the right kind of coach or the outcome program for you or to allow you to be like, how do I want to bring myself into this container so that I get the most out of it. So when it comes to really thinking about your investments, the biggest questions I always like to ask here are what are your goals right now? Like, what is your top goal? What is your desire that you want to have?

Jamie Ratermann  31:08  

Is there a support system that you've, you can seek out that I'll help you get there faster? Or is there something small that you can do to make that change? So being able to think about, okay, let me be intentional about my, what my quarterly goals are, and how someone could help me get there. The next one is what is your dream level of support? So being able to know like, you know, how you conduct your day to day, what is your dream level? Where would you like it to be? And be able to say, I want somebody who can emotionally support me and strategically support me, I need someone who's energetically going to help me figure out why I feel so emotional, I'm gonna, I'm good about how good I feel right now. I actually want someone to show me just like the how to use ads, create video content, to create a multi offer business, ask yourself asking yourself that question is what allows you to like this is where I'm at right now. And my dream level support is going to be in this arena. So being able to look at at least those two important questions here that will allow you to think about if this next investment is the right one for you. But the biggest thing I want to say as I finish this out is that every single dollar of the 50k that I've spent on my business has been well spent, it's helped me to figure out how I want to be as a coach. Now, even though I've spent that money. And there's places that I wish I could have spent it a little differently. I did learn something from that process. And this is also where I get to share these things with you. So the coaching industry, just like any other industry is going to have people who are fantastic. And then the other end of the spectrum are people that are preying on people's insecurities or fears and from time to time, that's absolutely something that happens, no matter if you are going to buy shoes, if you're going to buy food, it doesn't matter what industry it is, there's always going to be a spectrum of what's positive and negative. For me, I want you to leave this episode going like I am the top decision maker for my business, the more I can trust myself or I can be reflective of what my needs are and what my desires are for the next level of my business, the better I'm going to spend my money, the better I'm going to invest in myself, and knowing that you are on a long path. So knowing that whenever we get to be better versions of ourselves, whenever we're becoming who we want to be doing it in community is always going to be better doing it with somebody who is invested in you just as much as you're invested in them is always going to make it better. So allow yourself to one feel supported but also also be able to know that you are a leader now we're just helping you share that more with the world. We're just helping you create that boundaries or whatever it might be, so that you can be the best version of yourself for me. Entrepreneurship slash the coaching industry is how I hope everybody in general could be in the world where we all share our gifts where we all in general don't feel alone where we all feel that we can be bigger and community but I want you to have these tools so that you know how you can make that next next best investment. All right, I got a little vulnerable on this one it feels really a little bit of a like edge of my voice be sharing that how much I've spent my business and all of the ways in which I've what I've learned from them but I hope you get a lot out of this. So I want to encourage you if you haven't yet shared with me what you love about the podcast, go ahead and DM me on on Instagram at Jamie Ratterman I would love to hear about what you take away from here. I'd love to hear what you want to hear more about. But this one was definitely a bit of a love note for all of you to know that there is a coach out there for you and it is is always going to be worth it but here's some science to really know that you are that source is going to make the best decisions have a wonderful day


26. How She Manifested 7K in 7 Days with Giulia Guerrieri


24. What You Should Know About Human Design with Sam Pfotenhauer