23. Success Starts When You Find Your Purpose

Limitless Podcast —Episode 23— Finding Your Purpose    

Purpose can seem like an abstract concept to some. But having a purpose is having a way of living, and understanding what you can offer to the world. Today, Jamie Ratermann talks about why it matters to be an entrepreneur creating a purpose-driven business and how showing up as you truly are can help you align with what you feel like you were meant to do. 

Episode’s Highlights: 

  • Why you want to find your purpose. 

  • Determine your why. 

  • Why did you start your business in the first place?

  • How your passion and your purpose can align. 


Looking to allow sales to be a little more effortless? Check out my new 5-week website conversion program, The Wealth Portal here: https://www.jamieratermann.com/the-wealth-portal

Thrive Mastermind: https://www.jamieratermann.com/thrive-mastermind

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Read transcript below

Jamie Ratermann  0:03  

Being limitless is knowing your success and growth are built on your radical belief in yourself. Limitless is honoring your purpose, your health and impact above all else. Limitless is about never playing small because the more alive you feel in your life, the more growth and success you attract. My name is Jamie Ratterman. And I'm a Holistic business coach, meaning I am just as invested in growing your health as I am and growing your wealth. With 11 plus years and brand and social media marketing. I help rebellious entrepreneurs, Master marketing and body leadership and say fuck it to the hustle. This show is here to encourage you to become more radically aware of your limits, to break free of your shoulds and to expand your brand into a movement led by you.

Jamie Ratermann  0:50  

 Hello lovelies, welcome to episode 23 of the limitless podcast, we're gonna do something a little different. Today, we're gonna do a bit of a minisode. So I want to dive into that in just a moment. Because this week has been so fulfilling. I've launched a new program called the wealth portal all about how your website gets to be your best wingwoman when it comes to sales, messaging and really create an experience for your clients. I will be dropping that into the show notes because we start so soon, and I'm so pumped about it. But I really wanted to dive in specifically into something I talked about back in episode 20. That idea of peacocking your purpose. So this is where I want to encourage you even in this minisode to tell me what the heck your purpose is DM me share this episode. All of these things can help me encourage you to share more of your purpose with the rest of the world. So while we dive in today, take that screenshot tag me say hi, on the gram. All of those are ways in which I love to connect with my listener. So this is your invitation to say hi and tell me what you're about. 

Jamie Ratermann  1:59  

So, peacock, your purpose, you heard me I was on, I was on a full roll the other day when I was talking about how we don't just do what we do, right? We don't just I don't just help people with their social media, I don't just help people with their websites, I am here to help you make the biggest impact you can make in the world. That is why I love and that's a big deal. Whenever I can just see an energy shift when it comes to my clients. When we're talking about oh, I yeah, I mean, I take photos. So I guess you know, that's what I do. Versus I create memories I create experiences for for my clients. I like that is that the energy shift between this is what I do for money versus this is what why I get up every day. And yes, money gets to be that byproduct. So the reason why I'm so passionate about this particular topic, and believe me, if most of my clients know that Peacock, your purpose is something I will talk about over and over and over again for the fact that motivation is not something that you have all the time. Money is also not a great motivation either.

Jamie Ratermann  3:10  

So whenever we're thinking about the reasons why we get up each morning, why we can't wait to open our computers, why we can't wait to sell or launch the next thing. We want to be motivated by something other than money, right? So this is where if you are looking to have longevity, if you are looking to feel like you have a really strong energy behind your next launch your next product, or just in general saying hi on your business pages, saying hi on your websites, it is about really tapping into that impact that purpose you're making. So there's a lot of guidance right out there saying you should post five times a week or you should write this many blogs. Or if you don't reach 20 people in your next program. Or if you don't sell out 100 pieces of your product. That means that you're not good enough, or you're not doing well enough in comparison, there are all of these goals, right? These numbers that we have to hit to allow ourselves to feel that we are being, quote unquote, successful. And it's very comparable to somebody saying I've decided that I want to drop 10 pounds, let's say or I've decided that I want to make this certain amount of money, all of these. When we put this idea as like a goal line this goalpost about what it means if we are good enough if we reach this piece, right? That becomes such a negative, a negative catalyst for us because if we don't reach those things than we think we're not good, we don't reach those things. We don't think we're going to ever make that amount of money. If We don't post as much as we said we were going to, then it means that we clearly just don't get this, we're never going to, we're never going to have a big audience, blah, blah, blah, right? This is why whenever we attach goals, or these numbers above our overall purpose, that we feel less worthy of our dreams, we feel less worthy of the vision that we put out there. So this is a big reason why if right now somebody asks you, how's business? Or what do you do, and your response is a very clinical, I take photos, or I help clients with their Social Media, or I make candles, whatever the pursuit that you've tried to create, I want you to emphasize the fact that no matter what you are creating something, you are building something for yourself and for others. So the difference between I create candles or is is I, my products, candles, and I help people create a ritual for the for the way in which they finish their days and the way they start their mornings, it's like being able to attach it, you're going to find that you're always worthy, no matter if you have these big months, small months, you're going to keep moving along the path, instead of feeling like the numbers are going to overcome, you know, right. This is a big portion of why I like to talk about worthiness. And a lot of my programs were like making sure that you feel worthy of what you've chosen as a path as an entrepreneur. 

Jamie Ratermann  6:35  

So point one here, when it comes to peacocking, your purpose, we want to align with our purpose more often than we align with just like feeling motivated, to dig into the thing to do to get up and make it at work. How can you use your purpose to be that thing that makes you jump out of bed that makes you try to talk in your stories, like going like, okay, but if I if I talk in my stories, today, more people are going to know about my movement, more people are going to know about what drives me, that's going to always work better. Now, I say that based off of experience, but I also say that off brand science, because when it comes to a longevity concern, right, like being able to do something for a long period of time, it is about the thing that you are creating the vision for not, oh, I need I need this to work out immediately, you want to be able to like I am taking a step towards my vision each and every day. So you probably know that I'm into health if you haven't listened to any of the other episodes, right? But this episode is where I like to just attach the fact that a lot of building any habit, we can we can use a lot of the health science behind it. So many of you may have heard of Blue Zones. 

Jamie Ratermann  8:02  

But let me give you just a quick little rundown. So there are I believe eight zones around the world where people live past 100 or live close to pass 100 and are fully functional Blue Zones. And natural geography went ahead and did a study around what makes them fully functional, older human beings. And one of the main things aside from a good diet aside from activity, like the basics that you hear around nutrition and different aspects of it, is that they are driven by purpose. Japan has one of them, and they call it ek galley if I remember correctly. And the fact that they aren't driven by the in-between things, the money the like how they look or what it is like, what's their overall purpose? How can they always attach themselves to whatever their life's journey was supposed to be? So I love to use that as this example is that if you're in entrepreneurship for the long haul, if you're in, in general, this because you love what you do, and you can't, wait to continue to grow and go for it big time. Why wouldn't you want a purpose to be a part of it? It clearly shows that you can be a human, like a human for a fully functional human. If you just attach it to your house. Why wouldn't you want to attach it to your wealth? Why wouldn't you want to be able to say, that my overall purpose in being an entrepreneur or creating this business is to make an impact for others? So like I said, my biggest impact is that or my goal or my purpose within my business is to make a big impact and allow others to make a big impact because of how they can share their voices on social media on their website. It's really understanding that entrepreneurs have an advantageous position to be able to share their voice and to lead a movement. That is my purpose. That's that is I, I want you to make it impacts the world, I want you to feel alive by how you spend your 3040 hours a week. And in doing that, you create wealth, financial wealth, abundance, and your life in that way. So this is something that is an important part of this. For anyone who's like considering the switch from corporate to entrepreneurship, maybe you're not feeling like you have that purpose in your life. Whenever you sit there, and you spend your 40 hours, there are any entrepreneurs out there? And they're like, What the heck, why am I doing this? It's an opportunity to reflect on it. So knowing that I want you right now, not only in your messaging, not only when you sell, I want you to own this journey, I want you to own this process as much as you can. 

Jamie Ratermann  11:03  

Here's a way to reflect on it. So ask yourself a couple of questions. Why have you decided that this? Is this the path that you wanted to take? Not? And if any of the answers to that is because it's an easy way to make money? This is your sign to revisit that. So why is this the path that you've decided to take? When you've had some of your best experiences, the ones that are the big wins that you've loved the most? Right? What happened? I’ll use myself as an example, when I have a client who tells me that they have never felt this alive and happy in their life. And they feel that they're attracting humans that they can help the most. That's those days are like, this is why I'm here. This is why I'm doing this. So what is that for you? And then, how have you been talking about those big moments for you? How have you been talking about, what motivated you to do this business? How do you talk about those big moments in your business? When do you realize that you love what you do? Take a moment to think about,  what way can I share that more. There are two ends to that last question. The more I know what lights you up as a follower as a potential consumer, the more I'm going to connect with you period, that's just human behavior. We want to connect with your purpose. But the more you attach that to why you show up, the more you're going to do it. So this is me giving you those tools and to let you know you're all peacocks, you all have unique purposes. So this is the call, peacock your purpose. You will find that it is the best motivation and the best way to talk to your new clients.


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