24. What You Should Know About Human Design with Sam Pfotenhauer

Limitless Podcast —Episode 24— Human Design    

Ever wonder how you could tap into the fullness of life, or how you can optimize your unique energy in all areas of life? Today, Jamie Ratermann talks with Sam Pftenhauer about how Human Design can be a specific way to learn more about your personality, emotions, and energy centers.

Episode’s Highlights: 

  • Sam’s journey, how she transitioned from a lawyer to a Human Design coach 

  • How human design can help you understand how you exert energy and make decisions.

  • Human Design also identifies your dominant chakras to create your personal body graph.

  • Sam reads part of Jamie’s personal chart. 

  • The 5 different types of Human Design. 

About Sam Pfotenhauer

I am a coach, energy healer, and human design reader that works with spiritually-curious men and women to help them feel more empowered, aligned, and expressive.  I love to help folks get in their bodies, connect with their intuition, and expand their relationship with the earth.  I believe each person has everything they need to heal and expand within them, and I just help them tap into it.  In addition to my role as a coach and healer, I am also an environmental lawyer.  I live in Burlington, Vermont, with my partner and cat. 


Coaching with Sam: https://www.wildriver.live/coaching 

Human Design Readings: https://www.wildriver.live/human-design-readings

Looking to allow sales to be a little more effortless? Check out my new 5-week website conversion program, The Wealth Portal here: https://www.jamieratermann.com/the-wealth-portal

Thrive Mastermind: https://www.jamieratermann.com/thrive-mastermind

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Read transcript below

Jamie Ratermann  0:02  

Being limitless is knowing your success and growth are built on your radical belief in yourself. Limitless is honoring your purpose, your health and impact above all else. Limitless is about never playing small because the more alive you feel in your life, the more growth and success you attract. My name is Jamie Ratterman. And I'm a Holistic business coach, meaning I am just as invested in growing your health as I am and growing your wealth. With 11 plus years and Brandon social media marketing I help rebellious entrepreneurs, Master marketing and body leadership and say fuck it to the hustle. This show is here to encourage you to become more radically aware of your self imposed limits, to break free of your sheds and to expand your brand into a movement led by you. Hello lovelies, welcome to episode 20. For the limitless podcast. This episode is a true treat. I think you'll notice in the upcoming episodes and the recent episodes, I'm really wanting you to own who you are, and be able to enter into this crazy game of entrepreneurship in life the way in which you want to. So today we're going to talk about how that is portrayed through human design. So human design is something where you use your date of birth, your time of birth, and where you are in the world, where you were in the world when you were born to kind of figure out what how the universe gave you some really amazing traits. I know that sounds crazy. But what happens is, you realize that the things that have been preventing you from showing your true gifts, the shoulds the ways in which we try to make ourselves feel like we're not enough. We're always we're really hard on ourselves, usually comes down to the fact that we don't witness what makes us who we are. So today, you're gonna get to hear from Sam, who is an absolute expert has mastered the topic of, of human design, share about my own experience, and I let her read my chart, which was a very vulnerable experience. You'll love it. But also how you can do that for yourself. Let's get into it. Hello lovelies. Welcome to Episode 24 of the limitless podcast I am overjoyed to have our guests with us today. Today we have Sam joining us I'm gonna let her introduce herself, but she's going to get into to human design with us. A large portion of why I like to have someone like Sam on the podcast is self awareness is such a big key and when it comes to entrepreneurship, but even more, Sam is all about self compassion. And for all my perfectionist out there. We know that self compassion can be really friggin hard for us. So I cannot wait to be able to dive into everything she's about to share with us. So let's go ahead and jump right in SAM. Welcome to limitless podcast. Thanks so much.

Sam Pftenhauer  2:44  

Hi, Jamie. I'm so happy to be here. So and I'm so happy to be here with all of you who are listening. Thank you for joining us and I'm excited to be sharing this information with you. So my name is Sam Pfotenhauer, I have a business called Wild River. I also have a podcast Instagram by the same name. And I'm a coach I really support people and connecting with their bodies, some Allah somatic work connecting with Earth to help them feel much more empowered, emotionally attuned and expressive in their lives. And Human Design is a huge tool I use an app because it basically gives us a map to show us here's who you've always meant to be. This is what's inside of you. And when you see that map pretty much every reading I've done there's this point of recognition of I've always thought there was something wrong with me because of that thing or I've always felt that and but it's so different and so I wasn't sure should I change that thing like is it okay that I'm like this in Human Design says not only is it okay that you're like this, but these are your gifts this is what you're here to embody and express come back to that. And I just think it's this tool that helps us come back to the wisdom of our bodies and to the into love loving ourselves and loving other people. Oh my gosh,

Jamie Ratermann  4:01  

what an intro like what an intro I wrote right before we started the recording, I was like, tell me about why you do what you do. And she's like, I want people to help us self compassionate like wait till on record because I can see the path we can hear the passion and the way in which you talk about this, which I think is such a big deal. And I want to dive into all of the ways that we that you help people but first kind of talk to me about your business, you being an entrepreneur, you deciding that this particular type of modality is what you've decided to help people with. How did you get started?

Sam Pftenhauer  4:31  

I love this question. So I am in addition to being an entrepreneur, I'm also a lawyer. I'm an environmental lawyer. I do law stuff still part time, because I just I love it and I can't like there's a part of me that's like, it's legal stuff is a very different type of thinking. And so sometimes it can be hard to switch from energy healing into legal work, but it's just it is with me still. And so anyway, I was practicing in New York City in what's called Big glob, which is basically large law firms representing large corporations in really big matters. And I was knowing I wasn't really resonating with that work. I specifically remember I was walking, just come out of Grand Central and was listening to a podcast, it was probably the balance blonde or almost 30, or popular spirituality podcast. And I heard this woman named Jenna Zoe, who has really popularized the modality of human design talking about it. And I heard it and I was just like, Whoa, what is this, this was four years ago, started looking into it. At that point, there still wasn't very many resources, human design is still something there's been a lot more resources produced in the last few years, but relative to something like astrology, and I just actually want to pause and say what human design is, for people who don't know. So human design is a modality. It's based on your birth time. Sometimes colloquially, people will say it's like a blend of Myers Briggs and astrology. And and it is in the sense that it helps to uses your birth time, but it also helps to share like, what are What's your main role? What's the main way you interact with people? How's the way that you impact people? And how are people going to impact you? How are you most likely to sabotage yourself or where you're most likely developed insecurities that can kind of take you off track. And so it, we just plug in your birth information. That's all we need. And it produces this chart, like kind of like a map. And that map will tell us all this information. If you have never heard of human design, don't know any parts or human design, I invite you to pause here, Google human design chart, there's like a bunch that come up. And you can use any of the ones that come up, there's a bunch of free sites, and put in your birthday, your birth time. And your specific time is important here, and where you're born, and it'll come up and there'll be a ton of information but what I want you to focus on for this podcast episode is your energy type. And so that's going to be something like a manifesting generator, generator, manifester, projector or reflector pull that information but if this is interesting, come to Wild River, my Instagram you'll find more information or lots of places on Instagram.

Jamie Ratermann  7:15  

I love it. Yeah, covering all our bases. So you're so you're you were a lawyer? And then you decided that you heard the podcast and you decided that okay, I love this so much it was it? Does it help you kind of figure out more about yourself? Or what? What sparked it from going to like an interest or something that was interesting to you to like, be like, Okay, I want to help other people figure this out for themselves.

Sam Pftenhauer  7:36  

Yeah, so I at that point, I had already had just kind of started a spiritual awakening. I recently moved from New Orleans to New York City and I had kind of in New Orleans started realizing like, Whoa, there's this whole energy world, which I kind of was involved in a little bit growing up, but not really. And so it was in this kind of voracious cycle. A lot of people who have gotten into spirituality, I've experienced this, but you start like consuming so much information, heard about human design, couldn't find a lot of stuff about it. So I found out a little bit, watch some videos of being my Type A manifesting generator, and before one emotional manifesting generator, so I learned about all those different pieces. And it gave, what it did for me is it told me the fact that I'm not loving my job is not something wrong with me. I'm designed to be really enthusiastic and really engaged and have a lot of energy and what I do, and when I'm doing what I love, I become magnetic. And I was not feeling any of those things. And I thought because I wasn't feeling any of those things I just wasn't trying hard enough, or I just wasn't grateful enough for the opportunity I was in was really fantastic. And it just said, okay, it's okay that you don't want to be here. You don't have to be here forever. This might be a place right now. But there's nothing wrong with you for wanting to leave, which might sound obvious, but sometimes when you're in a job that you really wanted, and you just get there and then you hate it. It isn't obvious that it's okay to leave. So I just got that information, and then kind of just held on to it would love to tell people human design, but didn't know about anybody else's chart. So I people would pull up the chart. And if it wasn't exactly like mine, I'd be like, Well, I don't really know and I don't know. So, hold tight, then fast forward two years later, basically hit a breaking point and was like, I don't want to be here. I feel dead. And inside. This was August 2020. I had saved up a bunch of money to travel thinking I leave my job and travel realizing not going to India or Costa Rica anytime soon with a pandemic. So I'll use that money to basically take like a sabbatical like not work, less my job without really a plan knowing Okay, I want to get into environmental work, so it wasn't doing that. But besides that, and just going to take a few months to kind of heal from burnout, and then in that time decided to sign up for human design course. thinking this is so silly. I'm never going to tell someone Anybody I'm into human design because who would ever want to book a reading with me. And then all of a sudden I got so into it started doing readings for friends started, then that kind of referred to strangers. And now it's been over a year and a half have done so many readings, I teach a 14 week human design training course, which kicks off September 7, it's amazing. And, and, like, I just love the system. And so I when I got into it, I never thought I was going to share it. Just my enthusiasm took me there.

Jamie Ratermann  10:32  

I love that. That's what I love about this story is that I think there's a lot of stories out there about like intentional entrepreneur, ship, like like, like, oh, okay, I wanted to be an entrepreneur all of my life. And the way your story just like connects with mine is that like, I've kind of just fallen back into it as well, like, I don't like this, I want to try this. And I went, Oh, this worked out or, like I like even to my own my own switch into just coaching or even consulting outside of the corporate world was like I couldn't, I was burning myself out, didn't have enough time to even apply to other jobs. And I decided, and like, after about a couple of interviews was like, wait, I'm going right back into this like environment that I don't want to be in anymore. And I took on some consulting work. And it was it was one of those, like, I it was unintentional. But it's like a true joy of what it is now. So I love I love that you're like with what you're sharing is like, I just kept falling my interest, even though I didn't know where it was going. And for many people out there, they think like every reason or every choice they make has to have like a perfect reason. And I think what I what I love about what you're sharing is that like, Well, I mean, I ended up learning more about myself because of human design. And then I followed it. And then it kept going.

Sam Pftenhauer  11:45  

And Jamie, that actually is the wisdom of the manifesting generator and the generator. And Jamie is a manifesting generator. So we have this in common and manifesting generators and generators, which they're kind of like Sister types make up for the majority of the population, not because we're not special, because we meet the world needs. So many of us are so valuable, they need a lot of us. And we are meant to learn about ourselves by following what we love by having things magnetizing things to us and feeling into our bodies. Does this excite me? Does this bring me some sort of satisfaction? And if it does, wow, I never knew I was gonna love human design. I never knew I was gonna love tea ceremony or whatever it is entrepreneurship consulting, it's like it comes in, you feel it? And then you say, Okay, wow, turns out there's this aspect of myself, I never knew. And so we're not really we're so much of a lesson for a lot of generators and MGS, particularly entrepreneurs might be listening is let go of that three to five year plan. Not that you can't have visions or manifestations with things that you're calling in. But let go of what it might take you and how you might go. Because you might be very surprised. I love that.

Jamie Ratermann  12:59  

I love that. So I'm about to ask you the hardest question of the entire podcast. Can you give us a rundown of all the different types of human design and kind of how to perceive them? Because I know there's six,

Sam Pftenhauer  13:13  

there's five, five,

Jamie Ratermann  13:15  

there's five. So in the shortest way possible, because I want to encourage everyone to know their chart, figure out what that is. But like, but like if you could give us just a quick rundown because we have two MGS manifesting generators talking on this podcast. And we'll probably dive really heavily into it just because we know ourselves the best, right? But, but also to I, I never there's like reflectors and projectors. I've never and I don't get

Sam Pftenhauer  13:39  

them. So I want to hear all about it. So if you go ahead and tell me what I love about the five different types. I love it. I could talk about these all day. So there's five different types and the types don't really tell us about our personality because of course, there's more than five personality types like on the planet. Instead, the types tell us about their role and the main way you're here to kind of show up and interact with people and how you really go through what the world so I'll start with the manifester, the manifest errs are here to initiate they're here to impact and by initiate I mean they're here to get the ball rolling. I think of the manifester says loions like lighting a match to start fires not in the destructive sense as the sense of they're bringing something new into the world and they're uniquely able to do this to really basically ideas urges, inspiration will drop into into them out of nowhere sometimes and they'll be like, Okay, I want to do this, and they can go from that inspiration into making that a reality faster than any other type. I can't tell you how many manifest errs have initiated me in two changes. The woman amazing coach named Danny Diller that I worked with when I was living my job and still work with two years later is the manifester and she was one who first suggested Have you thought about leaving your job? As my friend who picked up my wedding dress and totally changed my idea, what I should think about for my wedding is a manifester. And they don't even know that they're necessarily doing it manifest errs are here to show us a new way of being but and they often do have the ability to make impact on a really big level. But manifest errs, don't sometimes I hear manifest errs, who feel like, well, I just am an ordinary person. And is that enough, and it's, of course, it's enough. Your goal is just to do what you love. And when you own that, and you take full ownership of wherever that's taking you, you end up impacting people without even realizing you. You're the natural leaders, although every type can be a leader. So then we have the generators, and manifesting generators and generators are two very similar types. And people actually put them together as one type, I like to talk about them separately. But they have a lot of core similarities, generators and manifesting generators are both here to create and build, we have this powerful engine inside of us, that allows us to have this long lasting durable energy to get up in the morning. And especially we're aligned and doing things that we love, and do stuff all day not necessarily work for money, I wouldn't encourage any mg or generator to like sit at the computer just for 12 or 14 hours a day. But to get up, maybe go on a walk, hang out with some friends, do a little creative project, do some work, you know, go cook dinner, and they can literally do all of those things where the other types are going to get much more tired and not have that sustained amount of energy. So generators are here to more have a more singular focus, though it's more common for generators to have things that they really dive into for long periods of time. They're great at providing lifeforce energy for the planet, and they have this natural enthusiasm and magnetism, other people will literally borrow their energy. And so when a man when a generator same with a manifesting generator is aligned, they will become this like beautiful battery that sparkly and everyone wants to be around and and, and push it and allows other people to feel energized in their presence. emojis and I call manifesting generators and G's for managers and generators, they make the world go round. The difference between a generator and a manifesting generator is a manifesting generator has all those same qualities as a generator, except they're not as singularly focused MGS have a lot of different interests. They're multi passionate, and they pivot quickly. Very common. An example of an MG is myself, obviously, but I'm a lawyer and an energy healer and a human design into coaching. And even if I kind of picked one or the other, let's say did law, I would probably shift a lot between different practice areas where I wouldn't ever just be one coach, I'm going to work with like 10 modalities. MGS are meant to have that and that many different passions pivot quickly, and that move very quickly. They're kind of a generator with a little bit of manifester energy, so they're able to make things happen quicker. But that energy can sometimes be a little bit chaotic and needs to be grounded. And then we have the projectors. And my suspicion is there's a lot of projectors listening to this, there tends to be a bigger, I run into a lot of projectors more than there are in the population. And I think that's because a lot of projectors are coming online to their power right now. And they need to hear the information of human design. projectors are here to see and guide. They're not here to be judged based on how much they do. This is the same for manifest errs. This is the same for reflectors, because manifest errs, reflectors and projectors. I know I'm saying a lot of information in here, but just stay with me don't have the same amount of battery, they have a it's like their gas tank smaller naturally or they have less gas in it. So they need to be more discerning with how they use it. Not that they can't get things done. Not that they don't necessarily have energy, but it's just going to be more inconsistent. So projectors, it's so important for you to be discerning about how you use your gifts. Projectors can appear and they have this penetrating order aura and they see. So clearly, they can see what somebody's going through. They can see into an organization, a system whatever's in front of them and see things that other people aren't seeing. Projectors however because they see so deeply need to be invited in to that because I don't know if you've ever had the experience or someone just starts giving you unsolicited advice. And you're like Get the eff away from me and then the other person can feel better and upset. That's kind of it can be a typical project. I've never experienced that

Jamie Ratermann  19:43  

before. And

Sam Pftenhauer  19:47  

projectors, it's just because you don't have this unlimited, you know, not unlimited, but this what like tons of energy. You need to be discerning about who you share your gifts with. And then lastly, there Are there reflectors and reflectors are very rare, the only 1% of population and for anybody who's pulled up their chart, you'll see these different shapes. In your chart, we call them centers, and some will be colored in and some will be white. And a reflector is all white. And they're all white, because they're picking up all the information around them to pick up everyone's energy, everybody's creative power, their fears and anxieties, their intuition, their sense of self, their thoughts, they are such sponges for everything around them. And so projectors also have this ability to see but it's more on a collective level, they can feel what isn't right in this environment, what isn't right in this community, and they're meant to be at the center of it. I love to think of projectors as like, working in a company with like, 100 people and then being the only one and feeling like, okay, there's some really, there's some, like, challenging or some distorted work culture around ambition here that we need to move out, or there's, maybe they're in a family unit, and there's like, there's a lot of grief that's unprocessed. So, reflectors have this ability to see and to reflect back what is going on with other people, because they have a lot of awareness and clarity within that, but they have the least amount of natural energy built within them, which means they're going to be really inconsistent. And they need a long time to decide. So reflectors, you often need a month 28 days to make any big decisions. So reflectors should never be rushed, they really need to be honored and given their space, and really need to prioritize environments that feel healthy for them. That was a lot. But I just want to tell you, if you're interested, I have hour and a half deep dives on each type on my podcast. So if you want to learn more, you can go there Wild River, totally, we'll make sure to include all of these links in the show notes. And even to the I think we usually

Jamie Ratermann  21:54  

try to discredit transcribe this podcast or like or highlight different things you just said, because there's so much good there. There's so many good things there. But I think what I took from it and let me let me know if like I digested this differently is that a manifester is like follow your weird ideas, like allow them to like share them big for a generator, it's absolutely cool if you decide to like go down a rabbit hole of something like that is what makes you that like when it comes to business, I'm sure I'm sure there could be a negative connotation to going into something but if you really want to build a skill, like not to feel like you should be doing other things, manifesting gents. Do whatever whatever you're feeling passionate about follow that energy and then for projectors, I guess between a reflector and a projector who would be the better people watcher i Sounds like a reflector could be a really great like, in general, like they like like to just watch people in their behavior, but maybe, or maybe a projector would be somebody that's like, here's how to fix what you want or like, how would you how if you just like putting them into natural behaviors throughout the world, like what how would you delineate between the two of them?

Sam Pftenhauer  23:03  

Okay, so how I would delineate is let's envision a projector and a reflector or at the park together at a park. People watching the projector is likely to zoom in on one person and they're going to zoom in and see like wow, I've been watching this mom and this is how she's engaging with a child and she has this much love and whatever and the the reflector is gonna see the whole park and he's gonna say wow, there's a lot of joy present this park or wow, you know, there's a lot of frustration here and or people are having a ton of fun or whatever it is. So they're more holistic community. projectors are more zoomed in almost sometimes tunnel vision of what's right in front of them.

Jamie Ratermann  23:45  

Oh my gosh, okay, I love this. I love this. So a big part of the reason why I like really like diving into this is that it right at the top from what you from what you shared is that I think there's a general limiting block around like, if you see success and others are you like this comparison or, like even what other people decide to do with their business. There's this general feeling of like, okay, there's something there must be something wrong with me. I can wholeheartedly admit that that has been a block for me from time to time where I'm like, oh, like clearly they can figure it out. There's something wrong with the way I do things like there was definitely that and I I love that you had shared a little bit about how like there was a bit of a spiritual awakening and I think to really get a sense of anyone who like when you hear the word spiritual awakening, you're like, oh, okay, religion, it's not religion. It's absolutely about like understanding like, what roles we play kind of in the universe, or like how we like how we are affected by others energies. And at least for me, this is the way in which I've perceived it. So for me like being understanding not only my astrological chart, but also my human design triad allowed me to go Oh, wow, there's nothing wrong with the fact that I like to have many irons in the fire or there's nothing wrong with the fact that like, I love a little bit of both. balance between like energy and strategy. Like they're like, that's just who I am. And I think a part of it is like being able to release the shame and guilt from it and then switch it to, oh, I'm, this is a superpower like this is who I am, the more I embrace the way in which I kind of walk in the world, the more one successful show I'm gonna be, but it's the other side of it is like resilient, happy, like finding joy, just because like you are walking your own path that's designed by you and for you. So I think that's a big part of why like, I love to bring these conversations in because it's a self awareness part. But it's really about releasing that. I don't need to act like a projector like that doesn't make me successful, my manifesting Gen is going to help me get to where I want to go. So like, whenever you're helping people figure out who they are, and what works for them. How do you help someone who feels like they should be something else? Or they should act some other way? Based off of? I mean, societal conditioning, hospital culture, all the things like, what what makes you uh, how do you help them? What kind of work through that?

Sam Pftenhauer  26:09  

Yeah, that's a great question. So the first thing is, you know, especially if we're looking at human design, the first thing is, is talking about and expressing their chart, what I see their gifts are, because there's so much more, you know, we have these energy types, but there's all this other stuff, like, you could pull hours and hours and hours of information, enough that somebody could experiment years really lifetimes with their charts. So first is bringing in what are the gifts and then seeing, okay, where's the friction? Where are the things that you say are my gifts? Because sometimes people say in readings, you're, you're describing a person I want to be, but I don't feel like I'm that person. Or, or they'll say, I didn't even know I was allowed to be like that. So then you kind of see what are the points here? If it say, I don't know how to be that person, or I don't know, if it's allowed, then you go into, okay, well, tell me the stories that you're that you've heard, maybe, let's say we're talking to a projector, and I'm telling them, You really are designed to not work all day to work in smaller, impactful pieces, you impact people by what you see not how much so maybe it's correct for you to really work and do a lot of output for just a few hours a day, and then use the other time to maybe you're learning or you're experimenting, you're creating your creative flow. It could all be contributing to how much you see, but you're not working, doing sessions or producing all day. And maybe that brings up a point of, well, does that make me lazy? Does that mean I'm not I'm, well, if I don't work all day, can I be worthy enough to make money, I want to make money. And there's only one way to do that. Those sorts of stories. And then for me, this is where I leave human design and get into the body because our bodies have the wisdom to help heal those stories. And this is also where I work with energy work, to help return to our body's wisdom of the way it wants to work. Human Design is a system that asks us to get into our bodies and make decisions out there. So can we tap in and hear that body wisdom, what it's asking from you and go from there.

Jamie Ratermann  28:15  

I love that. I love that though. And I think I mean it's really a part of I mean to being completely realized that we have things we have to release before we get before we can be fully ourselves and I recently had a nutritionist on the podcast talking about the same thing about about sleep prototypes and how everyone thinks they need to get up at 5am and do that and sometimes our biology does not just does not work with that same thing that goes with with your human design so I think there's like you sharing that as yeah there's one understanding what like who you are and what you're about but there's the other side of it that like and I love that you bring energy work into it is that you got to release what people told you you should be or what people tell told you is the only way to be I think recently I've been on a little bit of like a tangent of sorts of like the way one person does their business is not the way you should do your business like they like that it's really like the more you are who you are the more magnetic you can be and I I love to hear how like how you help people through that so I was sharing a little bit with you before we have we hopped on the podcast is that I see this play out a lot for entrepreneurs who are trying to build their business when it comes to content creation and offer development so you know for me I'm I'm somebody who loves to promote batching your content with a little bit of like when you're in the moment feel free to do that. Like how do you see something like creating content or promoting your business? How do you see that kind of play out with some of the with some of the different human designs?

Sam Pftenhauer  29:46  

Yeah, so I think we can maybe talk about each type just briefly, but one thing I just want to flag is because I got to look at Jamie's chart. I got to see that

Jamie Ratermann  29:57  

I'm wanting to be your as guinea pig. I'll let you guys into my A

Sam Pftenhauer  30:02  

dominant one, your top top gift, I'm just gonna double check that I have this Yeah, your top top gift is called the gate of the now and it's about communicating from your throat, whatever's inspiring you purely in that moment, whatever you're being really moved by without, without too much fear of, okay, well, I'm not going to agree with this in three days or three weeks, in three years, can I just speak now, knowing that when you allow yourself to do that you empower your own individuality and you empower other people's individuality. And so I want to encourage you not that that content isn't correct, but just making sure that you're allowing yourself to just capture whatever inspiration comes, because what tends to happen, not always, what tends to happen with people with this gift prominently is, it's like it hits them in the moment, and then it dissipates. And, and so just capturing it, maybe you hop on stories, maybe you have an easy template, where you can just throw something up, because people will feel it's like it contained something powerful in it. And that's so related to that one moment.

Jamie Ratermann  31:06  

This is the reason why, like, as soon as you said it, it's like, it's like, whatever, I have an idea. And I'm like, Okay, let me just I'll record it right away. And like, in like, sometimes I'll use it later, or I'll use it right away. But it's also to like, oh, I should go live about that. But I wait an hour. And then when I go live about it later, I'm like, so much better. It was so potent, like like just like smooth an hour ago, dang it, I should have done it right that in there.

Sam Pftenhauer  31:33  

That's totally how your energy functions. And there's these parts of your chart where you're gonna be really prone to picking up conditioning from other people's like thoughts and ideas. So maybe you have this inspiration, and then all of a sudden you see a conversation that people are going back and forth. And that and it can be like, Oh, I don't know, maybe that I don't think like this, or maybe I'm gonna soften this or all this nuance. Or maybe there's a part of you that gets kind of distracted by somebody else who's done it better. Those insecurities can come in and kind of dilute you in that and the potency of the present moment. And so it's something just to experiment with all human designs and experiment, but just something to think about

Jamie Ratermann  32:15  

good goods. No, it's this always seems to happen whenever I get my chart read for no matter what it is. I'm like, Why did people know me so well? Like, how does this all function together? Amazing. Okay, so tell me, tell me how that like content creation might be a little bit different for let's say, a

Sam Pftenhauer  32:34  

manifester? Sure, so a manifester, you are going to get inspiration, your energy is very dynamic, and it can come in these really strong bursts. And so I would encourage a manifester to not get too rigid to a specific calendar. And those bursts can change by day or by weeks I've heard some manifest errs be like for a week or two weeks I was so on. And then I had like a two week rest cycle and I was just kind of getting by and so whenever you feel that inspiration, giving yourself permission and maybe creating enough spaciousness in your schedule, so you're not so like okay, well there's no time I can fit in this content creation because I have all this stuff I'll just do it next week because next week the energy might not be there and the other important thing was manifest errs is often manifest errs have a core people pleasing wound or wound about taking up too much space. And so really being aware of that paying attention to where you're afraid that it might be controversial or just people might judge you or maybe you want to make content that's for everybody and no one is for everybody. But manifest errs get confronted with that lesson younger and that can create some pain. I think I'll pause there just so for time yeah, maybe let's

Jamie Ratermann  33:51  

go I love that though. I think i think i What, what I'm hearing though, is it's really important to notice is that like you have like every every human design has a little bit of a strategy to them, like like, okay, like we clearly know that this is the way you create best or you feel like you can do what you're doing and so let's create space like let's the strategy for you is to create space for I assume a generator would be a batching kind of person like they like they'll like would like rundown and like it like that maybe that's how they do it. So but like knowing that like the more you know yourself, the more like your time strategies changes a little bit like the like the way like the way in which you conduct your day it's gonna be a little bit different as well. So I love that I think that's fantastic.

Sam Pftenhauer  34:33  

I think that's so right. And that just when you said strategy that like pink, because strategy is a really significant word and human design and I don't think I've mentioned the what we call the human design strategy for manifest errs, but for manifester Is that clear their way to be able to really live out like make things happen and and actualize whatever is whatever that piece of inspiration idea comes in is they need to inform. So manifestos are you informing your art audience of your offerings. Are you hiding? Is there a part of you that just like, well, I'm you know, and I whispered at once in stories, or I put it you know, put it in my newsletter? Are you owning it? And are you informing your people, I can tell you I've been shut up frustrated by manifestos you have something awesome and didn't make sure me their client knew about it because I want to go to their retreat, or I want to, like be a beneficiary of their services. So let people know. And and, you know, claim it like inform yourself whatever you're excited about, but that informing goes for everything. So whatever you want to do whatever changes, are you telling people around you, a lot of manifest errs, want to avoid that, because they don't want things to get in their way. But actually, it's the best thing they can.

Jamie Ratermann  35:46  

I love that. I know a couple of people who are whispers in their stories, like I said it one time, like why not? So I think there's a part of that, that is good, that like really being able to know that, like, you might have this struggle to talk more, versus the next person, but you're going to be somebody that like can come up with ideas left and right, like really easily. Just make sure you follow that. So I love that. I feel like I should let you go further into my chart. So like we so we could talk about the different specifics, because something recently that came up was that so just the you know, once you get your chart, of course, you get that main type your manifesting generator, but then there's everything else. Like there's what kind of manifester you are? What kind of would you say emotional, or know what kind of intuition you have? What kind of and then I'm a three, five manifesting, Jen, and she says she's the one for so feel free to use me to tell us a little bit more about what else kind of shows and more, at least in my chart as an example, and then we and then so people kind of figure that out for themselves.

Sam Pftenhauer  36:50  

I love that. Okay, so you know, the feeling so

Jamie Ratermann  36:52  

vulnerable? Yeah, there we go. There we go.

Sam Pftenhauer  36:57  

Okay, so the, you know, the most important, two most important things are learning about your type. And the next is learning about what we call your authority and human design. Sometimes people will call it intuition, there's eight of them. And both Jamie and I are what's called Emotional authorities. And there's a ton to say about this. But at its core, I'd say we need to wait and sleep on things before we make decisions, we produce these really big, we feel our emotions in really big ways that can color or clarity. So patience is everything. And that can be really hard for us because we can get so excited about things, especially as MGS that we're like, we need to do this right now, like had this idea, I'm going to set up everything sleep on it, I say if it's going to cost me more than $100. Or it's going to require a more than like a two to three hour commitment. Sleep on it. If it's still there tomorrow, or whenever I feel clearer. Whenever I'm like, No, this is solid, then it's, it's for me. And if if it goes away, let's say it's a deal or something, then it wasn't for me, because I only want to engage when it feels good. So learning your specific ways of listening to your intuition is so important. But what I want to talk about Jamie with your chart are things that just it can be a little bit hard for people to who are new to human design to pick this up. This is where it's helpful for a reader. But as I think it would still be cool to show some of the types of information. So what I see in your chart is someone who's deeply individual. And by that I mean, you're here to not only be your own person, but to empower other people to be more of their own person, you're here distinctively, to be separate from the, from the tribe, from the community from the collective, and really challenge the status quo that is put forth by the collective by society by the tribe, to help people really connect with who they are and what they're meant to be. And the way that this is really going to shine through you is that you have this ability when you get excited about something to totally lose yourself and your interest and just produce these beautiful things and to put a lot of time and effort into things and and empower and excite people with that and and bring them energy from it. But the other really beautiful gift that you have is you have this ability to provoke people to feel the fullness of life. And for anybody curious, where am I getting this in the chart, I'm looking at her channels for this in her gates, and basically her unique gifts, the unique energy that she has, it's separate from her energy type. And she is here to you. We're here to provoke people into feeling all the big feelings of life to be available for the fullness of life. And in that to really come home to themselves to feel into the fullness of what would it look like if I just allowed myself to be available for all this? I didn't numb it if and by doing that you bring color to life. You create a little bit of safety in this even though you kind of create this big feeling and these big emotions. There's this sensory that has this coziness and this swamp in this in this connection of intimacy. So it's like, okay, I might empower you and challenge you. And that can even feel a little bit intense. But but you'll people will feel the warmth from their love from you, you have a lot of creativity and this ability to express yourself creatively and need to, like, express yourself creatively, yes, through your work, but also just for fun, like just for your purpose. And not only to do that, but to allow yourself to be seen and your creativity to allow people to see your creative gifts, which can be very vulnerable. But you're meant to champion your own work to champion your own self expression, and to put yourself out into the world to be viewed and to be absorbed and to be witnessed.

Jamie Ratermann  40:45  

There's mutual love, no. I feel like she's seducing me as well. Like, this is amazing. Yeah, I haven't found a single thing I disagree with. So keep going.

Sam Pftenhauer  41:00  

What's something that's really interesting about your chart, so whenever we look at the chart, there are these shapes. They're called centers. And they're like energy hubs similar to the chakra system. And the some energy hubs are white. And that means they really pick up other people's. And what's interesting about your chart is all of your white shapes are so open, meaning they're like the most open, you're picking up the most amount of information. And where I see this coming in, I think where I want to focus on is your head and Arjuna center. So where you take inspiration, you're somebody who can be inspired, everywhere, everywhere you go. And it's kind of feel like a playground, but it can get a little bit overwhelming. And you're meant to be very open minded, to be able to see all different viewpoints, even opposing viewpoints and see the value in them. And in doing that, you're great, you have this ability to assess like, Okay, this is the great thing about your idea. And this is where it kind of goes off the rails and this totally other person, this is a great thing about your idea. This is where it's kind of off. But you can at times either develop insecurity around your intelligence or feel like I just need to know more, if I had, if I knew more than I would be more confident or have more convictions, I'd be more certain about this path. But in reality, you're the whole you're because you're gifted to be so open minded, you're always going to see other ways to do things, other routes to do things. And so there has to come to this like point of acceptance of I know enough, this is enough. And I'm just going to go with what my gut feel in my body feel because it can be easy for you to get into the ProCon list or to go into what does everyone else think? And instead dropping in? Okay, where's my intuition telling me? And can I trust that that's enough, and that I'm, I'm enough as I am, I don't need to prove myself I don't need to show anybody else. When I'm feeling good about this. Oh, man.

Jamie Ratermann  42:53  

This is beautiful for the fact that like a lot of the things you're you're you're saying is like, oh, and I give like a personal experience, like releasing proving energy. I talked a lot about that with, like releasing the hustle. And I had a lot of proving energy and how that was something that I had to release a lot of and even to that the self trust. And bodywork is something that is huge for me is and I assume it's huge for everybody. And I think it can be applied to everybody. But like there's but even like, as you're sharing my chart going like, Oh, I'm so glad I found breathwork I'm so glad that I found all of these ways in which for me to handle the amount of things that I want to do, which is what I love about this. Can you tell us? So in particular, a big discussion was coming up. And I know that there's many listeners who love goal setting hate goal setting, all of the in between. And they recently came up in the mastermind that I participate in of like, Oh, check your check your human design chart if you're like specific or, or specific. What's the other I don't know what the other one is nonspecific. Yeah. So like the nonspecific so like, if it's if it's specific, like you love a good goal you love to go after, or that's the assumption, maybe I have the expert here, but we're nonspecific, you might like to just visualize it without putting numbers to it. But at least that's the way it's perceived. So tell me is that did I get it all wrong? Or is that how can you how would you interpret that

Sam Pftenhauer  44:14  

part of the chart? Okay, how I would interpret this part of the chart and I want to just preface by this is a part of human design that's actually rather controversial, because it's you know, people have different viewpoints of human design some people say, we should really stick to the tech stick to what was channeled because human design is a new system. It was channeled in the 80s by a man named Rod Carew, who Robert crack out, and he passed away a few or a few decades ago. And now people are like, Okay, well, can I use my own intuition with the system? Or how much can I and this whole idea of how do we manifest with human design is pretty controversial. So I'm just going to tell you my personal perspective. And my personal perspective is human design can be a tool to help you manifest the number One way to bring in things into your life is just feel into what is my energy type? And my authority tell me what is my body telling me and go from there. But we can also look at this other component. And this is where you look at what's called arrows. It's part of the PHS. system. So if you look at your chart on the top, on the right side, there's two arrows on the bottom one, some arrows will point left and several years will point right. And for people who point right, we call them or some people call them nonspecific manifest errs. And basically what that means anybody points, right? I wouldn't really say as goals, I would say, whenever you're manifesting, tap into how you want to feel, rather than getting attached to how I want this to look. So for instance, let's say I want to call let's say you want to call in more clients, how do you want to feel serving your clients? How do you want to feel calling and financial abundance? Not I want to call in 15k by X amount? How does that How would it feel to have an amount that felt really nurturing or supportive, and then tap into that feeling, where people whose arrow points left, the bottom right arrow points left would be specific. And that would be more zeroing in on what specific manifesting will look like? So that's more cutting out things out of journals, and are like out of magazines. And okay, I want this amount of number, I want this specific amount of clients that may be more supportive for you. The reason I honestly don't really share this information, partly because it's controversial. And partly because I think that manifestation can take us into the mind and out of our bodies at times, the number one thing I want people to feel into is, how does my, what is my body asking you right now? What am I craving? Maybe there's a there's a voice that says, oh, I need to make more money, but is your body saying I actually want more spaciousness in my life? And can I let that be the priority?

Jamie Ratermann  47:05  

Oh, my gosh, I love this. I love this. But I think there's just like, there's exactly what you're saying is like, what feels good? I think that i i honestly know that sometimes when I ask the question from clients, or anybody like okay, what's feeling right for you? They're like, there's there's a lot of like, what what are you trying to do? Like, you have a whole nervous system that helps you make decisions, not just up here. And I think that I love that about about what you're sharing and, but also to Tarn, we can't find out who likes to write goals? It's not it's not everyone's a little different. Everyone's a little bit different. Sam, real quick, just the separately here. Can you stay on for a few more for about five more minutes or so?

Sam Pftenhauer  47:46  

Yeah, I'm good. Okay, good.

Jamie Ratermann  47:48  

So two more, I have two more questions, because you're giving us so much of your time, which is so beautiful. Thank you. But so how do you see overall, just like having this awareness of your chart, like the way in which you help people because I know self compassion is a big piece here? Like how do you see how this just being able to know what type you are and what and ways in which like you kind of communicate with the world, how that can help with how hard we can be on ourselves?

Sam Pftenhauer  48:15  

Oh, my gosh, it's huge. Because if all of us, it's your whole life, you're thinking I need to be working harder, yet my body is always tired. There's something wrong with me. But in fact, you pull up your chart and say, Oh, I'm a projector. I'm a manifester mer reflector, I might have a lower gas tank. And there might be some grieving that comes with this. But then it might be an aha, not because I can't be as successful I just need to reorient. So that can be huge. This idea of reframing things that we thought is wrong with us as gifts. And the other thing that comes is maybe there's a quality that you've always known about yourself, that you're a really strong communicator, for instance, and you really have this confidence and strength in your voice. It can be easy for us to dismiss things that we're naturally really good at because it can feel like well, this is just come so easy for me, I should I need to work on the stuff that's so hard, or in fact even designed says the stuff that comes easy lean in, there's a gift there, there's a reason you're meant to be using that that doesn't need to feel hard for you to be successful. In fact, maybe it can feel amazing. So that is just so helpful. And then it gives a ton of really specific information. So more than you know, it's like sometimes it's easy to hit harder to go into one podcast episode but there's all of this specific stuff that's like, Okay, you are meant to be for instance, in community working on this sort of thing using these specific gifts. And then you can use these things to filter all the different channels of my life. Am I prioritizing community in my work in my you know, personal life in my in my hobbies? If not, is there something I can change to better support my So that sort

Jamie Ratermann  50:00  

of thing. Oh, I love this. I think what I took from that what you just shared was that we're, like, all really beautiful, and how unique we are. And not knowing or not appreciating the how unique each of each of us, like, see and perceive the world. We were going to run into what's gonna, like make us kind of feel tired. Also just feel blocked, stuck. Like, in general, if I ever feel stuck, it's usually me going like, what am I doing? That's not doesn't work for me. And I'm just doing it. Because somebody else does it or, or like, what's worked? What what in what way? Am I not appreciating or celebrating what I have? I think there's, like, if I ever get into any fear, I'm going like, Wait, hold on, what what am I fearing? Like, I live in New York City. I'm really hot. Like, like, being able to just witness what, like, how am I found someone humble? How amazing I fucking AM. And also like being able to reflect through when we have those emotional, those emotional things that pop up, or if somebody else telling us we should do something there, like all of those, like ways of just like, Okay, how do I come back to being present and owning who I am. And again, like I see, I see human design as a way for us to have kind of like a method, a method to come back to ourselves.

Sam Pftenhauer  51:15  

It's a tool, and it gives us something to experiment. It's like, I always want people to hold on to their agency, and not kind of surrender their agency to any modality, you have all the answers within you. But sometimes it can get really muddy in there. And it's like, I'm confused. And I've had a lot of information and having something that resonates that helps to clarify, you know, stay focused on this, stay focused on this, like this is what's important. Even if everyone else is doing it differently. This is how you're built has just been. It's been like a Northstar. For me.

Jamie Ratermann  51:48  

I love that. Yeah, sometimes waters can get murky, but coming back to you. I love it. I love that. So I always like to ask this question to all of my guests, because this is the limitless podcast. So what would you say being limitless means to you.

Sam Pftenhauer  52:05  

Right now I feel I want to I'm calling in the feeling of spaciousness, and just feeling purely so spacious in my life, where I can follow whatever is inspiring me that day. So if I, you know, really want to go so I live in Vermont, but I'm only here for two years, I have one more here, left year left, my fiance went back to school, which brought us here. And if I want to go spend time in some beautiful forest, I'm going to do that, you know, I have that space to do that, that feels really a was what abundance feels like to me, on a because we're talking to entrepreneurs, what I am calling in is I'm so excited by somatic trauma work, and I am limitless feels like maintaining a mentality that I'm here to learn. I'm here to develop expertise and mastery, and the ability to keep learning and then to keep working with clients that I can benefit and uniquely uniquely Connect, you know, uniquely paired to, to support them, and how much I get in that service. Like that's when people you know, people was talking about entrepreneurship can be a service, and what does it feel like to be in service, and it really is the most nourishing thing to be able to share your gifts with someone who's, you know, like, so receptive to them, and to be able to witness somebody and help them tap into their own power and know that, you know, it's then they're the ones that did it, but I got to guide them. And I got to support them in that. And so right now, I think feeling limitless is this idea of I can learn all the tools that I want to, to be able to serve in the way that feels most exciting. And when I've reached completion with that, then I can move on to the next thing and learn that thing. And just keep learning that it's okay, if I don't know something that doesn't mean I can't commit myself to whatever it is. That's exciting with because I think before I had this mentality of like, well, I don't know anything about that. So I guess I'm never gonna be able to do it. And it's like, we all start knowing nothing. And that's just where you start. I love that

Jamie Ratermann  54:19  

you're owning your manifesting generator of being a lifelong learner and allowing that to be super powerful for you. I love that. Thank you so much for sharing that. Sam. You've mentioned a couple of ways for us to be in touch with you but feel free to tell us a little bit about it. You said you had an upcoming programs I was a little bit about how any listeners that were intrigued by all that you share today how they can stay in touch with you.

Sam Pftenhauer  54:41  

So anybody who if you're like new to human design, you know first you can always check out my podcast wild river. I have an amazing COVID best friend and business partner Nadia who's a projector and we speak a lot about human design on there. So you can go there. You can book a reading with me. It's Such a powerful way to get into your chart. And if you're already a little into human design, or it's pulled you where you really want to learn more, me and Nadia have an incredible training program that begins in September. And we've run it once before it was just blew our minds and was a really amazing, intimate experience like 15 people, very, very intimate and very trauma informed and connected to like integration. So that's human design stuff. I'm also a coach and I am launching kind of a new iteration of my coaching called sunbeam. It's here to for people who haven't really connected with their bodies before who when they ask How am I feeling, there's a part of them like I don't know, and, and who maybe have a hard time articulating their needs and what feels like empowerment to them. I rely on energy work on kind of traditional coaching practices, somatic work to help you really drop into your own wisdom and your own intuitive Northstar within you. And I find that when you bring the body online, we can heal and clear and step into empowerment way faster than if we just encourage them. You can go to that my website for that.

Jamie Ratermann  56:17  

Amazing. We'll make sure to drop all those links into the show notes. It's very clear why I felt connected to you like yes, this is the perfect person to ask about human design because I agree with everything she just said. And I'm so excited to know that there's somebody else helping people with this. So that's amazing. Sam, thank you so much for spending time with us today. We'll talk soon.

Sam Pftenhauer  56:37  

Thank you so much for having me. I'm so grateful to have been here.


25. I’ve Spent 50k on Coaching, Here’s What I’ve Learned


23. Success Starts When You Find Your Purpose