The Discovered Masterclass


Embrace Social Media SEO for More Visibility and Clients

Activate the Social Media SEO strategy for your brand and business

In this training, I cover:

  • Why SEO for social is taking off & creates easier growth

  • How to build a keyword cluster for your brand & content

  • Where and how to use SEO on social media

You will receive a SEO starter kit workbook and a 90-minute training after purchase!

Save Your Spot!

Embrace Social Media SEO for More Visibility and Clients

Activate the Social Media SEO strategy for your brand and business

In this training, I cover:

  • Why SEO for social is taking off & creates easier growth

  • How to build a keyword cluster for your brand & content

  • Where and how to use SEO on social media

You will receive a SEO starter kit workbook and a 90-minute training after purchase!

Embrace Social Media SEO for More Visibility and Clients

Activate the Social Media SEO strategy for your brand and business

In this training, I cover:

  • Why SEO for social is taking off & creates easier growth

  • How to build a keyword cluster for your brand & content

  • Where and how to use SEO on social media

You will receive a SEO starter kit workbook and a 90-minute training after purchase!