38. Finding Gratitude: A Life Full of Thankfulness with Rita Ellen Mirchandani

Limitless Podcast —Episode 38— Finding Gratitude   

There is power in gratitude. Something as simple as finding three things you are grateful for at the end of each day can completely change your mindset and perspective. In keeping up with Thanksgiving traditions, Jamie Ratermann chats with spiritual coach Rita Ellen Mirchan about what it actually means to be thankful. They also dig deep into ways you can handle yourself when you find it difficult to find that gratitude, especially during the holidays. 

Episode’s Highlights: 

  • Rita’s journey, how she became a spiritual coach. 

  • Allowing yourself to feel and how your intuition can guide you 

  • Feeling grateful even during uncomfortable situations 

  • Ways that can help you find peace throughout the day 

About Rita Ellen Mirchan

Rita is a Spiritual Coach & Akashic Record Reader that specializes in helping individuals connect to the core essence of who they are. She believes that the infinite is the only boundary for our businesses, our dreams, and our lives. 

Rita has a new offering for business owners to tap into the Akashic Records for their business, and learn tangible and energetic ways to grow their business! 


Check out Rita’s website: https://ritaellenmirchandani.com

Follow her on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ritaellenmirchandani/

Embrace Social Media SEO for More Visibility and Clients in 2023: https://www.jamieratermann.com/masterclass/discovered-masterclass-social-seo

Are you looking to build a thriving business built on a strong brand message, money-making offers, and a resilient, growth mindset? Join the Marketing Mastery waitlist: https://www.jamieratermann.com/marketing-mastery

Launch with certainty and excitement with this new free training! This mini-course includes 15 minutes of coaching, my 7-point launch planning guide, and a workbook to start planning your next launch: https://jamieratermann.com/how-to-launch-a-new-offer-social-media

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