39. Failure Is The SECRET To Success

Limitless Podcast —Episode 39— Failure & Success       

What have you failed at lately? As 2022 comes to an end, we find ourselves tallying up all of our wins, but also all of our missteps. Yet, failures are simply lessons, the more lessons you've learned in your life, the more success you attract. Today, Jamie Ratermann reviews her own failures from this year and how she found resilience in them. 

Episode’s Highlights:

  • How we gain knowledge, expertise, and success through jumping all in 

  • Beginner’s Mindset: how can you come into trying something new with endless curiosity 

  • What Jamie failed at in 2022 and what she did about it

  • Why failures are simply lessons

  • Finding resilience


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Jamie Ratermann  0:02  

Being limitless is knowing your success and your growth are built on a radical belief in yourself. Limitless is honoring your purpose, your health and impact above all else. Limitless is never playing small because the more alive you feel in your life, the more growth and success you attract. Hi, my name is Jamie Ratterman. And I am a Holistic business coach, meaning I am just as invested in growing your health as I am and grow your wealth. With 11 plus years and brands social media marketing, I help rebellious entrepreneurs master marketing and body leadership and say fuck it to the hustle. This show is here to encourage you to become more radically aware of your self imposed limits to break free of your shoulds and to expand your brand into a movement led by you. Hello lovelies, welcome to episode 39 of the limitless podcast. I am so excited to chat with you. How was everyone's Thanksgiving? How's everyone's Black Friday, Cyber Monday, how did it all feel? I feel like we're fully in the holiday swing, which means if you have a major gift list yet it is something to start now for sure. But also, I think that this can also be at the time of year that we end up looking back on how we did for the year we could we're already starting to percolate on what we want for the following year, of course. But I really want you to take a look and think about something maybe a gift that you don't always think of and today's episode is exactly that. So today's episode, we're gonna be digging into a gift that is the best real data for growing your business to new heights to allow you to become that person who always wanted to be. And to simply approach each day with a little more limitless opportunity. That gift is failure. Now, if that me just saying that sent chills up your spine, I want you to keep listening to this episode failure really isn't the problem, per se. It's our fear of failure, like actually acknowledging how much we put meaning and just heaviness around the worry of failing can be such a big part of it. But I want to help you adjust and shift your mindset a little bit about why the more we fail the the better we become the more we can make big moves in our lives and our business, whatever it can feel like. But I'm going to ask you today to start to think about an any way that you failed this year. So that we can just take the weight off of that word off of what that can feel like. So if I'm asking you to lean into your failures, it's only fair for me to share one of mine. So I think you know, you all hear me talking about business, how to grow your business. One of my failures was my round three launch of marketing mastery. I clearly am obsessed with this program. I clearly love this offer. I talk about it all the time with even you now and knowing that there's something to be shared about this experience. But in in January of this year, I had the goal going like okay, this is my third round of this program. I know that I have been able to create clout amongst my community, I know that I could turn this launch Marketing Mastery into a $30,000 month for me, I had I had the opportunity to be able to build that up. Being able to hit these numbers that I had in mind did all the masterclasses. I posted up all of the posts that I needed. I did outreach I did every little bit. And by all means, before I talk about this as a failure, the people who did come into this program made me so happy. But I was at a deficit against my goal. My goal was 12 people in the room. And I came into that launch with four. Now. For me this failure is is me feeling like I could really control how a launch went. It was it was my last launch where I really let adrenaline push me. But it doesn't mean that I didn't have to really self correct myself. Whenever I had this at low energy around, starting the program, being able to go like this is only for people. And I have that a lot with clients, which is something that is important that I have experienced. But one one really big note that I want to get into this is that this launch was a failure to me. Not the people who signed up and said hell yes. Not to what it looks like from the exterior because I had anyone sign up coming in. I still had a wonderful cash month. But I had this moment where I was like am I doing enough? I had that moment where I was like maybe I'm not I I'm not as good as I think that I am. And failure really made me go like in my in the right place. So I know these are things that come But for each and every one of you, and I, I'll continue to share through this experience of why, sometimes at this at this moment, like even as I was sharing that failure going like I better now because of it, it's hard for me to see it that way. And that's exactly why I want you to see it that way as I see your failures as these gifts instead. So what I can tell you is because of that launch, and because of even other launches, and like paying attention to how I feel that I have now changed anything in my programs to make sure that the energy behind the launch is there, to really understand that. Really understand what you can control whenever you are selling. And to be able to give yourself the time and space to lean into why you have an offer all that is part of my own failure and how it now helps my clients have their best launches yet. So I think that's a big part to get into. So we'll talk about how I moved to that failure. And I want you to join me along with this. So I just shared a little bit of a part of myself here. But I'm going to help you see failure as a gift, as well as this really great different differentiator to success. Like even as I share what happened in that round. All of my, my following launch has happened a little differently, right. So I before I dive into why failure is a gift. Let's take a quick pause. So I just shared a part of me, I want you to take a moment to think about when you failed, what sticks out in your mind of what is considered a failure for you. It can be a small failure, maybe you burnt your eggs this morning. Or can be a bigger one, like no one, nobody bought a product of yours. Envision who you were then. So if this morning, you were you were a bit of a space case and you burnt your eggs. That's okay. But like think about what was going on then. And then think about who you are now. Keep these things in mind as I walk through why failure is such a gift. Because that because I want to talk I want to help you start to just remodel, how you might be feeling about it, and we can work through it specifically. So the Gift of Failure gives you first and foremost experience. So we learn through failure. We learned through activation, we learned through jumping headfirst into the goals into the things that we want to do in our businesses and our lives for that matter. So really understanding if you feel like you're at a standstill, that you are worried and sitting in uncertainty around what you want to do next. That fear of failure is only going to keep you there. So we gain knowledge, expertise, success through jumping all the way in. I've literally called myself kind of like a cannon ball type of person, I cannonball into everything I want to try. If I'm going to decide I want to do better video content. I'm going to cannonball into it if I just when I decided that I wanted to learn how to make scones, I made every damn kind of skill you could think of. And I literally had to hand it off to friends because I was like I was making biscuits and scones. I'm the kind of person that I want to jump fully in. Because I know that that's the way I'm going to figure figure things out. Because failure, really, in this sense is a practice of activating what you want. And coming into something with a beginner's mindset, knowing that the more that we fall them more we learn, it's so unrealistic to think that every time we're going, like we're going to know exactly how to be successful right off the bat. So experience here is me encouraging you to get off of the plateau and jumping fully in because you're going to be better off. But of course, you're going to be able to help your clients people around you better by doing by activating that side of you. So the beginner's mindset is a really important role here. So thinking about how can you come into anything when you're trying something brand new, with endless curiosity, and play? So the easiest one to do is when we're talking about this metaphor as thinking about when you learn how to ride a bike. You looked at that bike, you were really excited about it, you wanted to do it and you jumped on thing, right? You had the support that you needed, we played with how fast the pedals needed to move, you learned how the what it took to turn on the brakes. You also learned what you needed to do when you fell and you skinned your knee. You also learned that some other kids can draw can ride faster than you and you can learn from them. But being able to know that like when you wrote That bike, you weren't sitting there saying,

Jamie Ratermann  10:03  

Wow, I should have figured that out right away, wow, I can't believe I can't believe that I skinned my knee. This must mean that I'm not supposed to ride bikes ever again. And in my life, the beginner's mindset is really just approaching life the way you did when you were a kid, with curiosity, with excitement with trying to figure out how you can put your own spin on things. So if you imagine yourself this way, and understanding that the more you approach and under then learn from failure, of course, this is going to allow you just to be able to relate to and be able to share with more power. Imagine if everything was ever handed to you. This is exactly why we love rags to riches stories, when someone talks to us about how they learn something they like, oh, it's always been easy for me. versus someone who goes, Yeah, I had, I didn't, this didn't work. And this didn't work. And that didn't work, either. But this is why I know this works best for me. Or being able to just witness that every decision you've made in your life has led you to where you are now the bad decisions, the good decisions, the ones that made you go like I can't believe I did that. To the ones are like, Yeah, I felt well informed to do something to take that risk. Experience is absolutely one of the biggest gifts when it comes to failure. The next gift that failure provides us connection. So while it's important to always lean into sharing what you want for others, and how you can envision that we really do focus and connect with each other over difficulty. It's it's something about feeling really seen and heard when someone goes, Oh, I I feel that way too. Or Oh, me too. Like I've been there before. So most of us walk through this world, unfortunately, keeping things internal keeping things to ourselves. Thinking that it's just our problem flashback to me talking about my lunch, right like and going like this must be I'm just not doing enough as must be something about me. And being able to take a step back and really look around and realize that my clients were were going through the same thing that my accountability buddies were going through the same thing. And being able to really realize that the launch can feel like such a hard thing. So instead of keeping this stuff to myself, instead of deciding, like, oh, I can't, I'm the only one that has to hold this heavyweight. I can share that story instead. So the moment when someone starts to share this, that story that we can relate to a huge weight lifted off of our shoulders. And there's, for that matter, I really want to take a moment to think about how it feels when someone shares how they struggle with the same thing you do. Let's say what let's say like you're trying to learn to meditate, and everyone in the room is like, Oh, I love meditation, it's so amazing. I can do it all day. And then there's the one person that goes, I fucking suck at it, I can't even get started on it. How many other of those people that just say they loved it were like, yeah, actually know what it was hard for me to, they're ready to jump in and connect with you there. So failure can be a way to really connect with each other over what it really means to be human. What it really means to have really high ups and low downs and really realize that it's hard to change our behavior, but we can do it. But it's that wonderful connection piece that's I think is really important. So failure allows you to connect, and I encourage you encourages you to get vulnerable because again, we're all human, we connect through people's life stories and trust someone based on how much life they've experienced. And I can tell you life is ups and downs. So being able to really witness the more we can share those things, the more likely you're going to connect with your community, the more likely things are going to work out a little better for you. The next one is a big one. And I think I could spend an entire episode on this if I wanted to. But the other gift that that failure really can give to you is compassion. We all are in a state of not giving compassion to ourselves. So we like in general, I can talk about empathy, compassion for others, but our inner critic even to I feel like we all have an inner drill sergeant that just like loves to tear us apart. And it is it is absolutely like I've like taken it as an identity of myself when I'm coaching a client when they're sitting there tearing themselves apart and I'm going all right, let me give you a different voice because she's loud. Let me make sure that you know how frickin amazing you are. But this is what it is we make. failure means something about us, we decide that failure means that we're not enough, that failure means that someone else's better failure means that nobody likes us. So failure means that we, we just can't figure it out. But this is what grinds my gears. Once you can accept that failure is a part of life and that it benefits you. You're no longer gonna sit on the sidelines. This is the number one thing that prevents us from really diving in. Because we think that we have to kind of wear wear failure, our failures, like on our body like tattoos in some way, like, one time I fell off my bike the other time, I lost a whole bunch of money. The other time I like got broken up with like, we hold these failures as something that means something about us. And the only way to release that is really coming up with compassion, and you know, a little bit of realism here. Realistically, you are who you are because of those failures. Like if like just using breakup, as an example here. All of your past failed relationships, or if we wouldn't keep it to business, all of your past failed sales pitches, allows you to be the person you are now. And if you decided just to tear yourself apart, when you bungled something up, when you made a mistake, you would have stayed in that place, but you're now here. So being able to show yourself the same kind of compassion that you show for others towards yourself, especially when you you know, fall, fail, whatever you want to call it here, the better you're going to be. So one thing I want you to realize this is how you know that you may not be coming in into it with compassion, is identity statements. So if you say I'm just not a good tech person, or I'm just no good at launches, or I'm just no good at those type of video, or I always burn that. So you are making identity statements about who you are. When it's really, I've had some trouble with launching in the past, or I I have a little bit of a block around, pitching my business. So being able to really realize if you are just deciding that you're not good at something, you're not giving yourself compassion. So starting there. So this is where we just really wrap up the bullshit around what it what it means to fail. So let's say nobody signed up for your launch, you left a typo in your email subject line, you spilled coffee on your brand new shirt. If there's more than one time that I have literally ruined a white shirt. I can't keep a crisp white shirt, I can tell you that much. Or let's say your website just isn't working. Shit happens. Yeah, I have to course I want to say there's an episode around failure, shit happens. It's your responsibility. When it comes to these things happening to you to realize I'm human, I'm allowed to show myself care to bring myself back to feeling good. And that this means not a damn thing about me. So start thinking about your relationship with yourself whenever you fail, whenever something just doesn't work out, how do you pick yourself back up? And how do you talk to yourself in the process. This last gift that comes with failure is resilience. So I resilience is a core value within my business. It's something I love to talk about a lot but this is ultimately what creates a successful entrepreneur. It's somebody who

Jamie Ratermann  19:13  

not only accepts failure, but invites it surrenders to it sees that it's going to come and that they get to learn from it. So I want to encourage you to think about how like in your life is an upward climb so for everyone who's watching this on YouTube, you'll be able to see this a little bit better but the idea is that you when you ever you're climbing in life, you everyone does this like you know straight up all the way up and they think it's this exactly how we get to where we need to go. When in reality we have a peak we have we go we go down into the valley, we have a plateau we come back up we have all of these things, but the idea is that we don't have a flat surface like we want to be able to come down a little bit but but from there, maybe Let's make this other peak move move our way up to this next area. So if you find yourself in general, on a plateau often or sitting in valleys of failure, often, you may be falling victim to this lack of resilience. So we talked about this already in the previous three things that I said, failure is experience, failure as a way to connect. Failure is a way for compassion. If you aren't finding yourself doing any of those, you're likely going to just kind of sit just sit stuck. So failure is your invitation to find resilience to find grit, to dust yourself off, pick yourself back up and continue. So here's what happens when you build your life and accept and surrender failure within that failure can make you laugh. So one thing whenever tech things don't work. Now, I'm not perfect at this. But when like, for instance, when an IG live just absolutely isn't working for me, or links aren't working in an email, or just in general today, in particular, my Wi Fi went out for a while. I laugh, like, oh my gosh, I'm getting so frustrated by something that 20 years ago, we never worried about, like 20 years, like, trying to explain to someone who lived in the 1950s that you like, got so pissed that technology wasn't working for you. They'd be like, what, what's wrong with this person. But this is where like, if I like, every time, I'm going to feel frustrated, I'm going to just laugh, because that's only that's going to allow me to get back into it. So you can catch yourself when you're making it mean something about you. And you can instead focus on surrounding yourself with habits and environment. And even like a life that helps you get back up each day. So it's accepting that you're going to fail. It's also accepting that that failure is a springboard to your next success. So failures are simply lessons, the more lessons you've learned in your life, the more success you attract. I want to say it again, the more lessons you learned in life through failure, the more success you attract. So let's go back to that failure. You thought of at the beginning of this, let's say you burnt those eggs, right? As the example. What did you learn? Maybe the next time you keep your pan low, maybe the maybe you stay near them next time it's in be present in your kitchen. Or you had a failed launch, like I shared about mine. So what could you do better next time? Is it time for support, so you can show up more to sell with a little more confidence and to stop feeling like it has to be something you have to figure out. So for me that, just bringing that in is that my launch is a little longer. I make sure my content brings in leads, I make sure that I'm really frickin excited about an offer. And I also know that the more I can share that, yeah, I've had a failed launch before allows me to connect with others who may not have had a good launch as either. So thinking about how that failure has created who you are now. So I hope if you listen to today's episode, you look back on this year and see all that you did as an absolute gift, the highs, the lows, all of it is something you're going to, you're going to end up building on. So even if you didn't do what you said you would do in 2022. How can you even learn from that? How can you make sure that you're not on the sidelines anymore? And 2023 If there's anything I hope limitless teaches you is I hope that I encourage you to be a cannon ball in the life that you want. AKA you jump fully in to what you want that what you want to happen for yourself. Do these practices that I share, I hope I can help you make that happen. But really embracing failure and knowing that it's temporary is a big deal. celebrating success and being grateful for what got you there is also a big deal. So please screenshot this episode share what you've learned most from what I've shared today or for my courageous listeners share how you failed and see how well that can help you connect with others.


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